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Old 08-21-2007, 07:25 AM   #21

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They seem different sides of the same 'I'm right, you're wrong,' coin they both enjoy spending without understanding the irony of their actions.

I've never been fond of people 'Selling' their belief, whether they're at my door or standing in my way. As long as they respect my beliefs, I respect theirs.
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Old 08-22-2007, 01:25 AM   #22

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They seem different sides of the same 'I'm right, you're wrong,' coin they both enjoy spending without understanding the irony of their actions.

I've never been fond of people 'Selling' their belief, whether they're at my door or standing in my way. As long as they respect my beliefs, I respect theirs.
I agree. The evangelical act strikes me as being disrespectful and offensive.

The most contentious issues have to do with law and public policy.

Few non-Muslims would willingly submit to Sharia Law. Yet, many Muslims would say that Sharia Law is integral to the practice of their religion.

In the U.S. we have Christians with a political agenda.

Religions often act as a political force.

In the political arena we often use debates as a way to present competing ideas and provide information to voters.

Would it be a good idea to have religious debates (and include atheists) to help the undecided to make up their minds?
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Old 08-22-2007, 01:29 AM   #23

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I don't think so. The issue for me would be the matter of a given POV's agenda.
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Old 08-22-2007, 01:56 AM   #24

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I don't think so. The issue for me would be the matter of a given POV's agenda.
Everyone has an agenda.

What would be a better way for people who are undecided to get information about religions?
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Old 08-22-2007, 01:59 AM   #25

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Their own research?
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Old 08-22-2007, 04:06 AM   #26

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Their own research?
That's easier to do now with the internet. I thought I'd done a lot of research but still find things that are new to me. It's only recently that I heard about some of the lost gospels. For example, I never heard about the Gospel of Mary or the Gospel of Judas until very recently.

Something I wonder about is how many of the people that attend religious services could pass a multiple choice quiz on the theological positions of their faith.

I wonder the same thing about voters and political candidates.

Old 08-22-2007, 06:43 AM   #27

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Something I wonder about is how many of the people that attend religious services could pass a multiple choice quiz on the theological positions of their faith.
An excellent point! I've wondered the same thing...
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Old 08-22-2007, 02:55 PM   #28

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Something I wonder about is how many of the people that attend religious services could pass a multiple choice quiz on the theological positions of their faith.
I stopped wondering about that some time ago. I think that as long as what a person believes allows them to live a fuller, richer life, and treat others in a kinder, gentler way, then it is all good.

Peace & Love!
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:01 PM   #29

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I was once a person to whom nobody could talk to about a god, any god for any reason, i would shut you up or tune you out and quickly. Religion peddlers at my door found a rather rude person who quickly set them on their way.
I had been raised by church going Christians and left with more church going grandparents who made my life a living hell, where sexual abuse began just before age 3, where god sure seemed to be on their side for they had it all, money, admiration of the community and they smiled all the time, i didn't smile.

when I found God in my life at age 45 it wasn't the Christian version nor a biblical version at all, and now when I want to talk about God to the bible pushers they are the ones who get rude and I stay calm.

I have to hand it to the atheist who go up against the religious right and fight for their children not to be educated by the bible pushers or even by me
I personally think that many religions use books like the bible to have power over others and they use that power often to harm and find passages in their books to justify the abuse. Just like our government uses biblical passages and saying god is on "our" side when they are killing people.

It takes the checks and balances of the fanatic atheist to at least make a dent in the massive amounts of power held by the biblical believers. I personally have not known any atheist who were harmful or evil, as a matter of fact just the opposite most that i know are good people who are good because they want to be not because they think if they are not then they will loose paradise.
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Old 08-24-2007, 05:29 AM   #30

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Take a coin, and file away completely the 'heads' side. Then see if you can flip it over, or even hold it in your hand.

What Athiesm is: Just as absurd as the rest of us...
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Old 08-26-2007, 02:50 AM   #31

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That's easier to do now with the internet. I thought I'd done a lot of research but still find things that are new to me. It's only recently that I heard about some of the lost gospels. For example, I never heard about the Gospel of Mary or the Gospel of Judas until very recently.

Something I wonder about is how many of the people that attend religious services could pass a multiple choice quiz on the theological positions of their faith.

I wonder the same thing about voters and political candidates.
I've got two books of the Lost Books sitting on the bookshelf FT. They're interesting reads. One is by, and don't quote me on this, Bart Erhlman. (?) He put together a book about the Lost Books, and then a book containing the lost books themselves.

Oddly enough, these books have been revealed, authenticated, and anything else they needed to validate their authenticity, and I'm still unaware of The Church saying much about them. Especially since it's believed that they hold many texts in their own vaults, and have for decades, that authenticate them too.
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Old 08-26-2007, 02:51 AM   #32

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I was once a person to whom nobody could talk to about a god, any god for any reason, i would shut you up or tune you out and quickly. Religion peddlers at my door found a rather rude person who quickly set them on their way.
I had been raised by church going Christians and left with more church going grandparents who made my life a living hell, where sexual abuse began just before age 3, where god sure seemed to be on their side for they had it all, money, admiration of the community and they smiled all the time, i didn't smile.

when I found God in my life at age 45 it wasn't the Christian version nor a biblical version at all, and now when I want to talk about God to the bible pushers they are the ones who get rude and I stay calm.

I have to hand it to the atheist who go up against the religious right and fight for their children not to be educated by the bible pushers or even by me
I personally think that many religions use books like the bible to have power over others and they use that power often to harm and find passages in their books to justify the abuse. Just like our government uses biblical passages and saying god is on "our" side when they are killing people.

It takes the checks and balances of the fanatic atheist to at least make a dent in the massive amounts of power held by the biblical believers. I personally have not known any atheist who were harmful or evil, as a matter of fact just the opposite most that i know are good people who are good because they want to be not because they think if they are not then they will loose paradise.
I agree....there is no day without night, no right without wrong, Atheism needs to exist.
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Old 08-31-2007, 07:35 PM   #33

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I was once a person to whom nobody could talk to about a god, any god for any reason, i would shut you up or tune you out and quickly. Religion peddlers at my door found a rather rude person who quickly set them on their way.
I had been raised by church going Christians and left with more church going grandparents who made my life a living hell, where sexual abuse began just before age 3, where god sure seemed to be on their side for they had it all, money, admiration of the community and they smiled all the time, i didn't smile.

when I found God in my life at age 45 it wasn't the Christian version nor a biblical version at all, and now when I want to talk about God to the bible pushers they are the ones who get rude and I stay calm.

I have to hand it to the atheist who go up against the religious right and fight for their children not to be educated by the bible pushers or even by me
I personally think that many religions use books like the bible to have power over others and they use that power often to harm and find passages in their books to justify the abuse. Just like our government uses biblical passages and saying god is on "our" side when they are killing people.

It takes the checks and balances of the fanatic atheist to at least make a dent in the massive amounts of power held by the biblical believers. I personally have not known any atheist who were harmful or evil, as a matter of fact just the opposite most that i know are good people who are good because they want to be not because they think if they are not then they will loose paradise.
That was fabulously put, and I couldn't agree more!!
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Old 10-21-2007, 02:12 AM   #34

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Take a coin, and file away completely the 'heads' side. Then see if you can flip it over, or even hold it in your hand.

What Athiesm is: Just as absurd as the rest of us...
Not at all. Religions believe in the supernatural for which there is no scientific evidence, just myths and anecdotes. Atheism is the lack of belief in the supernatural. Atheists demand evidence rather than eternal reward stories.
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Old 10-21-2007, 02:27 AM   #35

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I've always been courious as to why some Atheists seem to feel the need to do anything and everything to convince others to their point of view.

If God dosen't exist, then why argue about it? I don't try to convince people that the Easter Bunny dosen't exist, or that Santa dosen't exist. Why would I? Why would i give a damn if you did?
First of all, it is nearly impossible to prove a negative especially about a term as slippery as god. However, if you go to the infidels.org website, you can read debates between believers and atheists where the propositions regarding the existence of the christian god as "revealed" in the Bible are debated. The believers don't usually fare very well.

Why do atheists bother to counter the tons of lies, myths, and outright religious crap infesting the internet? You have to ask this with creationists trying to put their brand of stupidity into our school curricula? With fundies rewriting U.S. history ? With fundies taking over the Republican party?

Indeed, if you did believe that Santa existed, I would simply internally shake my head and write the person off as misinfortmed or seriously delusional. Even if everyone in my apartment complex believed that Santa existed, I still wouldn't make it my mission to convince them otherwise. For some people, it is a question of the survival of the right to be skeptical of religion. Too long have atheists been condemned to hell by two-bit snake oil salesmen and their sheople. Some atheists are trying to raise the level of religious discussion from "Believe or burn". I see the rise of fundamentalism as a political force to be a huge step backwards towards the dark ages. Why should anyone allow this to happen without a comment?

I have heard of websites where people are encouraged to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and deny god on video. What's the point? I don't know what you mean by blaspheme the holy spirit. But putting on video people's nonbelief shows to others who depend on video as their primary source of information that there are questions to be answered by religionists. Again, with the millions that religions have with which to spew their stupidity and influence elections, why would you care what a few atheists do to counter it?

So, as funny as it may seem, IMHO, for some Atheists, their atheism is a proseltyzing religion dedicated to pushing fundementalist Atheism on other people. I have only seen people countering religious inanity.

Incidentally, how did I get that ying yang sign as "my sign"? I didn't choose it.
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Old 10-21-2007, 02:43 AM   #36

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You have to ask this with creationists trying to put their brand of stupidity into our school curricula?
Hi Maxx,

I will at least agree with you on this statement. The old "separation of church and state" clause. All public schools are state institutions funded with everyone's tax dollars. It is my opinion that the church has no place in our public schools. I would not want my child being taught something I totally disagree with while using my tax dollars to do it with.

Peace & Love!

PS I also believe that no church (religion) has a place in politics either.
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Old 10-21-2007, 02:58 AM   #37

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I stopped wondering about that some time ago. I think that as long as what a person believes allows them to live a fuller, richer life, and treat others in a kinder, gentler way, then it is all good.

Peace & Love!
The reason I think it matters if people understand what their church teaches is because we live in a democracy. People vote based on whatever level of knowledge and understanding they have.

Very important decisions that have a dramatic impact on the fate of our country are being made based on public opinions that are skewed by misinformation and ignorance.

According to a 2003 poll, nearly seven in 10 Americans believed it likely that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the Sept. 11 attacks. Completely untrue.

Serious issues are at stake. Lives are at stake. The future of our country is at stake.

The Christian Right voting block was a major factor in determining the outcome of the last 2 Presidential elections.

IMHO, we are now deep into a pile of smelly stuff due to some decisions that were made based on misinformation.

Ignorance and misinformation can be very dangerous.

Yes, there are teachings that promote peace and harmony, but only within the group. It's all that us against them stuff that causes so much trouble. I don't care if you believe in the Great Pumpkin, as long as you don't try to get it elected.
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Old 10-21-2007, 03:16 AM   #38

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Hi Fred,

Point well taken. I think my last post displays how I feel about church and state. I will still stand by my quoted statement though, in that what religion one hold to, or if a person holds to no religion, should have nothing to do with school and politics.

I do agree with you that misinformation is constantly being fed to us and unless one takes the time to be discerning one might very well believe the lies we are being told by various parts of our society.

I think that misinformation by our government started in earnest in the 1970's when we all were told that there was an oil crisis and most Americans believed our government. They were lying out of their butts for the sole purpose of allowing the oil companies to earn more money.

Well, actually, it even goes back to the Vietnam war. We were told the spread of communism was a threat to our way of life. Yeah, Iraq was a threat to our way of life too.

Our politicians will tell any lie necessary in order to do what they want to do.

And it is all the Atheist's fault. (Sorry Maxx, I had to keep this post in context with the thread subject.)

Peace & Love!

Old 10-21-2007, 03:30 AM   #39

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Point well taken. I think my last post displays how I feel about church and state. I will still stand by my quoted statement though, in that what religion one hold to, or if a person holds to no religion, should have nothing to do with school and politics.
Yeah, problem is, it does. Look at the movement to establish Sharia law in Muslim countries. Our Christian Right movement is less violent, but attempting something similar.

Your personal philosophical musings are your own business.

Religion is political.
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Old 10-21-2007, 04:07 AM   #40

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Religion is political.
Ha! Not in my world. What the rest of the world does will affect you only if you allow it. I will not allow it to affect mine.

Peace & Love!
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