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Old 03-12-2012, 02:23 AM   #1

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Default Why do Catholic Churches in Philly have two weekly collections?
This practice really irks me. We're already the most taxed people in the USA and our own church wants to tax us twice on top of all that? When I attended church with family in the suburbs, the collection basket only came around once. But EVERY single Catholic church I've attended in the city from South Philly to the far Northeast has double collections.

The double collections started at St. Williams (where I grew up) about 20 years ago. Two moves since then, one thing hasn't changed. I'm being told to pay twice. In the past they would state the purpose for the second collection whether it was for church repairs, heating bills, or the charities appeal. Now they don't even say a word. They just come around twice and expect people to pay. I'm sick and tired of it.
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Old 03-12-2012, 02:42 AM   #2

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First of all, it's not a tax. Secondly, you can always choose not to pay or go if you disagree.

Third, and most important, this is simply not true. The majority of masses in my church are one collection. Today was just one, for instance. Next week the second is for charities in Central and Eastern Europe. Last week the second was for charities in Africa. I can't even remember the last one before that but I think it was for maintenance.

And when I grew up, two collections was the norm. It surprises me that there is only one, most of the time.
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Old 03-12-2012, 04:30 PM   #3

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collection is not a requirement. give what you can.
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Old 03-12-2012, 05:54 PM   #4

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Best tax argument I ever heard.....God only takes 10%.
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Old 03-12-2012, 07:49 PM   #5

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This practice really irks me. We're already the most taxed people in the USA and our own church wants to tax us twice on top of all that? When I attended church with family in the suburbs, the collection basket only came around once. But EVERY single Catholic church I've attended in the city from South Philly to the far Northeast has double collections.
How are Catholics taxed more than other citizens of the US?
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Old 03-12-2012, 10:45 PM   #6

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Here's an idea: stop giving money to organizations that shelter pedophiles. If you want to make a difference in the world, get away from the church and spend some time and/or money at your local animal shelter, food bank or senior center.
UitEz0Qo is offline

Old 03-12-2012, 10:54 PM   #7

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Here's an idea: stop giving money to organizations that shelter pedophiles. If you want to make a difference in the world, get away from the church and spend some time and/or money at your local animal shelter, food bank or senior center.
100%, I sort of combine a senior center and food bank.
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Old 03-12-2012, 11:13 PM   #8

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For us, the first donation was for candles, and the second the weekly donation.

In an Eastern Catholic Rite, several parish councils have addressed No Collection, suggesting a weekly donation of 1-hour's pay, and having 52 weekly and a few Holy Day envelopes, vs the 3" box.

The thought is that the collections are a disruption of the service.
Versus the tithing of 10% in other religions, 1-hour is only 2.5%, and then just a suggestion.
Why not comingle the weekly collection into one envelope?

As an usher, seeing parrishoners drop in 5-10 envelopes with a rubber band, I suggest they write one check and make our book-keeper's life easier.

Our church has two very heavy, donation boxes next to the entrance/exit doors. I'm sure those who don't loose pocket change, and that really is what they can afford, would rather not have the ushers nor their fellow parishoners know the extent of their donations.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:09 AM   #9

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If you want to make a difference in the world, get away from the church and spend some time and/or money at your local animal shelter, food bank or senior center.
There aren't enough animal shelters or senior centers in the world times ten that can match the charity work that the Catholic Church does.
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Old 03-13-2012, 04:57 AM   #10

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There aren't enough animal shelters or senior centers in the world times ten that can match the charity work that the Catholic Church does.
If there were a hundreds of millions of catholics religiously donating their money to private charities there most likely would be...and then some since part of that money wouldn't be skimmed to maintain golden cities, react to lawsuits and the like...
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Old 03-13-2012, 06:10 AM   #11

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Believe me you see the golden cities in a whole new light once you convert...its nice to be at home anywhere in the world
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Old 03-14-2012, 04:45 AM   #12

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Believe me you see the golden cities in a whole new light once you convert...its nice to be at home anywhere in the world
Haha, slow down buddy you're going all jim jones on me.
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Old 03-14-2012, 05:24 AM   #13

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collection is not a requirement. give what you can.
I'd like to disagree - if you do not put in your 'collection envelope' you can forget about your child attending school there as it's REQUIRED for school families.
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Old 03-19-2012, 11:29 PM   #14

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I'd like to disagree - if you do not put in your 'collection envelope' you can forget about your child attending school there as it's REQUIRED for school families.
It's only REQUIRED because your child is receiving discounted tuition under the assumption that you're financially support the church.

In my home parish, there are 2 collections; the 1st goes to the church.. the 2nd always goes to a charitable cause such as a mission or a family that got burnt out of their house..etc.

If you don't wish to put money into the collection basket, then don't.. You won't be judged for it. Although, the church that you count on for support when you're down has to keep lights on as well. The Catholic church isn't swimming in money like most believe it is.
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Old 03-19-2012, 11:34 PM   #15

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Usually when there are two collections at a church service (in just about any denomination), one is for the support of the church community, the second is usually for some sort of cause, mission, relief, retirement whatever. Nothing to do with taxes at all.
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Old 03-19-2012, 11:36 PM   #16
Indian Butt Magic

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I'd like to disagree - if you do not put in your 'collection envelope' you can forget about your child attending school there as it's REQUIRED for school families.
lots of people give monthly or yearly. you can't tell by an envelope
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Old 03-21-2012, 08:41 AM   #17

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First, you're not REQUIRED to PAY anything...it is a free will offering. You chose to attend, so you should give something. You get nothing in life for free. If you want them to stop existing, then be prepared to lose a lot of social services which they offer in the City and surrounding Counties that is oft unnoticed by the Media and the average person. CSS serves beyond the scope that any government run social service agency does, and they do it far better.

Second collections generally are Archdiocesean collections, as stated, either for various missions abroad or charitable works within the archdiocese. For the "in house" Archdiocesean collections, they started over 20 years ago, as the numbers of religious persons diminished and people had to be hired to do their work (social work, elder care of the religious, etc.)

Once monthly, your former home parish (and many others) has a collection for the Utilities, which helps offset the ever higher cost of keeping the place lit and heated/airconditioned througout the year. For St. Will's, to fill the oil tanks for the buildings which are heated (2 schools, kindergarten, convent, rectory, hall and JUST the Lower Church) can cost upwards of $15,000. Depending on how cold a winter, than can happen 2 to 3 times in just a few months. The Upper Church can cost $12-14,000 ALONE to heat in just one winter season, hence why we don't use it much any more.

Most parishes are being drained dry by operating schools, since they are required by diocesan rules to subsidize each catholic child's education by 18%....that comes from Sunday collections. So, if you have a child in school, yes you are required to contribute, or you will be handed a bill at some point in the year to pony up.

For a school like St. William, we have about 150 catholic kids in a school with 280 enrolled and the Parish subsized their reduced tuition last year by over $124,000.

So, if there are 150 Catholic kids in the school, and 1,200 coming to mass on Sundays lets subtract 75 of those attendees as actual school parents, that leaves $124,000 / 1,125 people ='s $110 that each person coming to Mass is contributing to your childs and their classmates education, giving you a $500-900 a year discount, even though they themselves have no kids in school. Talk about a tax?

Finally, read your Parishs' weekly bulletin. Most if not every parish, puts in the second collection notices a week or two in advance. It helps if people read things that are given to them. Causes less frustration in the end.
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Old 03-21-2012, 12:38 PM   #18

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[QUOTE=Moonraker;476032]As an usher, seeing parrishoners drop in 5-10 envelopes with a rubber band, I suggest they write one check and make our book-keeper's life easier.

I already do that. I bundle all the envelopes and right one check.
ChebuRAtoR is offline

Old 03-21-2012, 04:35 PM   #19

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At my parish, there are only two collections if the second collection is for a particular cause. This week it's for the Church in Africa.
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Old 04-06-2012, 08:39 PM   #20

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This is why they catholic church can go pound sand with their "charity:"

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