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08-06-2009, 10:09 PM | #1 |
The men who seek help from evangelical counselor Warren Throckmorton often are deeply distressed. They have prayed, read Scripture, even married, but they haven't been able to shake sexual attractions to other men -- impulses they believe to be immoral. Dr. Throckmorton is a psychology professor at a Christian college in Pennsylvania and past president of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. He specializes in working with clients conflicted about their sexual identity. Photos View Slideshow Tim Harrison for The Wall Street JournalAPA See photos of Dr. Throckmorton at work in Grove City, Penn. More photos and interactive graphics The first thing he tells them is this: Your attractions aren't a sign of mental illness or a punishment for insufficient faith. He tells them that he cannot turn them straight. But he also tells them they don't have to be gay. For many years, Dr. Throckmorton felt he was breaking a professional taboo by telling his clients they could construct satisfying lives by, in effect, shunting their sexuality to the side, even if that meant living celibately. That ran against the trend in counseling toward "gay affirming" therapy -- encouraging clients to embrace their sexuality. But in a striking departure, the American Psychological Association said Wednesday that it is ethical -- and can be beneficial -- for counselors to help some clients reject gay or lesbian attractions. The APA is the largest association of psychologists world-wide, with 150,000 members. The association plans to promote the new approach to sexuality with YouTube videos, speeches to schools and churches, and presentations to Christian counselors. According to new APA guidelines, the therapist must make clear that homosexuality doesn't signal a mental or emotional disorder. The counselor must advise clients that gay men and women can lead happy and healthy lives, and emphasize that there is no evidence therapy can change sexual orientation. But if the client still believes that affirming his same-sex attractions would be sinful or destructive to his faith, psychologists can help him construct an identity that rejects the power of those attractions, the APA says. That might require living celibately, learning to deflect sexual impulses or framing a life of struggle as an opportunity to grow closer to God. "We're not trying to encourage people to become 'ex-gay,'" said Judith Glassgold, who chaired the APA's task force on the issue. "But we have to acknowledge that, for some people, religious identity is such an important part of their lives, it may transcend everything else." The APA has long endorsed the right of clients to determine their own identities. But it also warned that "lesbians and gay men who feel they must conceal their sexual orientation report more frequent mental health concerns." The new approach allowing therapists to help clients transcend their sexual orientation was developed by an APA task force of six academics and counselors, some active in gay-rights causes, and endorsed by the group's governing body. Their original mandate was to respond to the growing visibility of sexual orientation "change therapists" who claim it is possible to alter arousal patterns. The task force reviewed scientific literature on change therapy and found no evidence it worked. But the task force also gained an appreciation for the pain some men and women feel in trying to reconcile their sexual attractions with their faith. There are gay-affirming churches. But the task force acknowledged that for those from conservative faiths, affirming a gay identity could feel very much like renouncing their religious identity. "They're faced with a terrible dilemma," Dr. Glassgold said. The profession has to offer alternatives, she says, "so they don't pursue these ineffective therapies" promising change. It isn't a step to be taken lightly, added Jack Drescher, a psychiatrist and member of the APA task force. "We try to find a balance between what the patient says he wants, what we think is best for the patient, and what is reasonable and feasible," Dr. Drescher said. The APA report mentions as one possible framework the approach taken by Dr. Throckmorton, who teaches at Grove City College and has a Ph.D. in community counseling. He starts by helping clients prioritize their values. Then he shows them stock video of a brain responding to sexual stimuli. When the clients see how quickly the brain lights up, they often feel relieved, he said, because they realize that their attractions are deeply rooted. Dr. Throckmorton says at that point, some clients choose to accept a gay identity. Others, however, say they prefer to live in accordance with their faith. In therapy that can last years, Dr. Throckmorton says he tries to help these clients accept that their attractions will not go away -- but need not define them. Many clients, he said, learn to override sexual impulses, reminding themselves that what looks like an oasis will only "take me farther away from what I really want to be," as he puts it. Other sexual identity counselors take a far different approach, teaching that homosexuality stems from an emotional deficit -- often caused by bad parenting or childhood abuse -- that can be repaired through therapy. After reviewing 50 years of literature, the APA found no evidence that this type of "reparative therapy" is effective. The studies that claim to show success tend to be small and deeply flawed, the APA said. For instance, some rely on the therapist who has treated a patient to subjectively evaluate how well the therapy worked. The belief that homosexuality is a "lifestyle choice" has faded significantly. But there is little consensus about how sexual orientation develops; the APA suggests it is a complex blend of genetic, hormonal and social influences. Some gay-rights activists are skeptical of the APA's new stance, saying they fear for the mental health of men and women who seek to suppress their sexual identity. "It's incredibly misguided," said Wayne Besen, who runs a group called Truth Wins Out, which fights conversion therapy. He says trying to fight their same-sex attractions can cause immense suffering. "People have their lives destroyed," Mr. Besen said. Dr. Glassgold, of the APA, said there has been little research about the long-term effects of rejecting a gay identity, but there is "no clear evidence of harm" and "some people seem to be content with that path." Alan Chambers, author of a new memoir called "Leaving Homosexuality," counts himself among the contented. Mr. Chambers, who runs the ministry Exodus International, which teaches people "freedom from homosexuality through Jesus Christ," says he still struggles at times with same-sex temptation. But he finds strength and grace in resisting those impulses. When critics say he is in denial, he agrees. But it is healthy self-denial, he says, which he likens to a recovering alcoholic resisting a drink. "There are a lot of us out there," Mr. Chambers said, "who simply want to live in congruence with our faith." Write to Stephanie Simon at I must say that on one level I'm glad that some are trying to avoid turning gay people straight, like Donnie McClurkin but I don't think the above is the best approach either. Celibacy doesn't work for everyone and at the end of the day you should embrace who you are. Even though I don't believe in the Christian god or Jesus being the Son of God, I would think that if a superior being who makes no mistakes also made homosexual people, than maybe that's the way they're supposed to be. It's always seemed to me that man uses religion as a platform to spread his own ignorance and bigotry and tries to play it off as the "word of god". Sort of like the bible. Just my opinion. |
08-08-2009, 06:19 PM | #2 |
08-08-2009, 06:38 PM | #3 |
Why would a perfect God make something unnatrual? What would the purpose be in creating homosexuals when life is based on procreation. Seems like a very well thought out and logical solution that G-d came up with. Too bad the government is interfering with G-d's plan ;-) |
08-08-2009, 07:21 PM | #4 |
Kin Selection.
To get back on topic, that's a decent article, but it's a bit slanted. Nothing it says is wrong, but it places such a large emphasis on "denial therapy" that you'd think that was what the APA's report was all about, when in fact that was a minor sidenote in the report. The APA isn't promoting that sort of therapy, it's just saying that it wouldn't violate the professional ethics code for psychologists to do it, if clients want it and give their informed consent. The main point of the report was to show that therapy to "make gays straight" doesn't work. |
08-08-2009, 08:47 PM | #5 |
08-20-2009, 05:28 AM | #7 |
This American Psychological Association study is the biggest sham six people have pulled on a 150,000 member organization. And they would now like us to believe too!!! Before you join the cult, read on.
This is a rather amazing piece of organizational maneuvering. A vote of 125-4 committed the 150,000 members. The other 149,871 members can’t be that gullible or naive to what happened here, can they? Whether or not you believe people with same sex attraction can change is not the whole picture of what went on. Since I am writing and you are reading, indulge me. I am not into the God or inborn theories – although recognize that it is easier for gay activists to have the mass of humanity believe that this is not changeable – if you believe (or can be convinced) that homosexuality is inborn. Think about homosexuality and identical twins (not paternal – identical twins – one fertilized egg that splits). If homosexuality were inborn, genetic and immutable than if one identical twin was gay – the other would surely (ALWAYS) be gay. Right? Not true. Google identical twins and homosexuality and you will find studies (probably done on our tax dollars) and no study will get that number over 50%. If they are identical twins, same DNA, same gender, same genetics, it has to be 100%. So, it is not like race or gender. So “Not New”, a perfect God did not make something unnatural. If then it is not inborn, not immutable, and not genetic – what is/are the causes and why can’t sexual orientation be changed? Well, that is not a direction this APA committee wanted to promote and a quick look at the “select six committee members” should shed a spotlight on the report’s findings which are viewed as a “comprehensive report based on two years of research.” It shouldn’t have taken so long. It took me about an hour to figure out which way this committee would spin. Google the committee members’ names and one doesn’t have to be a genius to see the report is an extension of the committee members’ life work and existence (read between the lines). They’re either members of the “community” or gay agenda activists – some (actually most) with anti reparative therapy publications and comments – and that was prior to their “anointment” (oophs appointment) to this esteemed research committee. In terms of looking at studies from the other side, "Unfortunately, much of the research in the area of sexual orientation change contains serious design flaws," task force chair Dr. Judith M. Glassgold said. Judith didn’t seem to notice the design flaws in the committee’s composition. A savvy Google search junkie can even find names of APA members who were rejected from participation on the committee. Some of these people, like Spitzer and Yarhouse had very recent studies, but the committee chose to praise the work of the Hooker study done in 1957. Now really, are we expected to believe that this profession has not advanced in 50 years? Here’s another OMG moment, got a guess on how many studies on sexual orientation change contained these design flaws that Goldberg and crew rejected – twenty – thirty – fifty??? -- try over five hundred. Yup, really. Are you getting the picture – this result really isn’t about “research”. The APA report stated, "No solid evidence exists that such change is likely". REALLY??? What does that mean for or about those who are Straight OUT - Joe Dallas, Greg Quinlan, Janelle Hallman, Donnie McClurkin (mentioned before on this thread), Julie Cypher, Bob Davies, Erin Eldridge, Alma Kramer, Kristen Johnson, Chad Thompson, and the hundreds of others? Are they not solid or are they not evidence? I bet Giuseppe Povia is going to be surprised that his gender affirming therapy is not real, according to the APA. I wonder if the award he won at the 2006 "Festival di San Remo" is real? His award winning song was entitled, "Luca Era Gay" (Luca was once gay) – Google that – it is a story the “committee” and their friends do not want well known. The APA report would like to believe there is a dominance of religious based treatment. The APA would like US to believe these ex gays are a group of white guys who attribute their change to God. I am not going to get into God's work, but Alma, Janelle, Erin, Julie and Kristin are not guy names -- Janelle and Donnie are not white and Povia’s counseling was not religious based. This report and the committee are seriously flawed – it is about agenda not about science or truth. If the APA was serious, they should have appointed a committee of some level of balance and credibility to REALLY look at the subject and studies that have been done over the years. The credibility of this report is beyond questionable – isn’t having six gay or gay agenda activists discount change therapy like me inviting 5 guys over to watch the Eagles and then during half time, we can talk about how we all successfully avoided ovarian cancer!!! If you want a different view of homosexuality, Google same sex attraction instead of gay or homosexual and then think about homosexuals you know – who do they hang with – what do you know about their youth – how do they talk about their parents and which parent do they talk about more. Same sex attraction is real and Rain7128, it is not free will. This is a good intro – Homosexuality101 – homosexuality is not about sex – it is about forming and maintaining HEALTHY relationships with same sex peers and parents. If you find someone that wants out of the lifestyle, do not tell them change is not possible. If you are the same sex, be a real friend, a mentor to the person. Be informed – be there for them -- help them find someone who knows what they are doing in this area – which should be like finding a needle in the American Psychological Association haystack. And don’t worry – The American Psychiatric Association will be the next target, because this is not about research, science or truth. Check out that one member closely. Give us all a break!! It's August and hot -- and this snow from the APA isn't cool. |
08-25-2009, 08:41 PM | #9 |
08-25-2009, 08:48 PM | #10 |
So if you think that sex between males is Ok
chances are your Gay. Because Hetrosexual women do not like it. All of us Hetrosexual Men think it's stupid. Females have what you men need. As long as they don't take your money like my ex-wife did. But it isn't that my wife took my money it was the GAY Family Court and that GAY Judge that gave her my money. As I've said many times. American Society as a whole FEELS SORRY FOR WOMEN. Baltimore Bob |
08-25-2009, 08:51 PM | #11 |
Sometimes I wish the APA would revisit some of the fundamental tenets of psychoanalysis. Already in 1935, Freud, in his rather poignant "Letter to an American Mother," stated that there was really no way to "cure" homosexuality, nor did he feel that such attempts were advisable:
Sigmund Freud: Letter to a Mother of a Homosexual Dear Mrs. X I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual. I am most impressed by the fact that you do not mention this term yourself in your information about him. May I question you, why do you avoid it? Homosexuality is assuredly no advantage, but it is nothing to be ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness; we consider it to be a variation of the sexual function produced by certain arrest of sexual development. Many highly respectable individuals of ancient and modern times have been homosexuals, several of the greatest among them (Plato, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.). It is a great injustice to persecute homosexuality as a crime, and cruelty too. If you do not believe me, read the books of Havelock Ellis. By asking me if I a help, you mean, I suppose, if I can abolish homosexuality and make normal heterosexuality take its place. The answer is, in a general way, we cannot promise to achieve it. In a certain number of cases we succeed in developing the blighted germs of heterosexual tendencies which are present in every homosexual, in the majority of cases it is no more possible. It is a question of the quality and the age of the individual. The result of the treatment cannot be predicted. What analysis can do for your son runs in a different line. If he is unhappy, neurotic, torn by conflicts, inhibited in his social life, analysis may bring him harmony, peace of mind, full efficiency, whether he remains a homosexual or gets changed. If you make up your mind that he should have analysis with me (I don't expect you will!!) he has to come over to Vienna. I have no intention of leaving here. However, don't neglect to give me your answer. Sincerely yours with kind wishes, Freud P.S. I did not find it difficult to read your handwriting. Hope you will not find my writing and my English a harder task. |
08-25-2009, 08:59 PM | #12 |
So if you think that sex between males is Ok |
08-25-2009, 09:49 PM | #13 |
08-25-2009, 10:08 PM | #14 |
08-25-2009, 10:10 PM | #15 |
Quote: Your posts are becoming more incomprehensible day to day. |
08-25-2009, 10:17 PM | #16 |
08-25-2009, 10:18 PM | #17 |
08-25-2009, 10:39 PM | #18 |
Quote: No one feels sorry for me, Bob, that's silly.
(and when I do this this Quote is only from this Thread) You women don't know how lucky your are because you just don't see it. Did you have to go to Vietnam ? Does it take a Penis to hold a rifle ? Does it take a Penis to be able to fight ? Was Vietnam a Righteous cause - NO Do Women get paid Alimony - YES Is there a justifiable reason for Alimony - NO It's After Divorce Prostitution payment. When a woman is involved in a Domestic Violence Issue and the police are called over almost 100% of the time they arrest the Person with the Penis. Explain that ? I've already seen this happen ? Most women (about 75%) do not see that happen. Are women more protected by society vs the owner of a Penis ? - YES Do Women Help us Vets - NO Do Women know how to say thanks to Vets - NO Do Women know how to ask for money - YES Do Women have more sex then us guys - NO Do Women get Paid for Sex - YES Do Women know how to complain - YES Do Women get a better Deal in Life vs us Men - YES But in all if I come back a Million times Please God not ever as a Woman. I'm hoping that this Man vs Woman thing turns around in my favor and Society Stops feeling Sorry for the Woman. It's all about Right vs Wrong and the Word FAIR because I live and breathe the word FAIR. Baltimore Bob |
08-25-2009, 10:45 PM | #20 |
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