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Old 09-09-2012, 11:47 PM   #1

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Default You've gotta be f$#@ing kidding... Rant.
I live with idiots.

One of the main reason we moved into a house with gated in property was so that Sam could never escape like she used to at the old house. Well NOT ONCE has she slipped past me when I go through the gate and yet my husband, BIL and their friends are apparently incapable of watching for her when they open the gate. TODAY ALONE they let her out THREE times!! Seriously!? Luckily she always goes to the neighbors to say hello to their dog but one of these days shes gunna bolt into the street. When I get mad at them and tell them to be fucking careful theyre like "its no big deal, she fine dude." Yeah she's fine... THIS TIME. rant rant rant!!! IDIOTS!!

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
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Old 09-10-2012, 04:07 AM   #2

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Im glad she is ok....I dont unerstand why people can be so careless sometimes. And when it happens more then once in a day drives me crazy.
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Old 09-10-2012, 04:08 AM   #3

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Put a lock on the gate only you have a key to. Either they'll get sick of asking you to open and close it for them and develop some common sense or you'll be aggravated by the inconvenience, but sure your dog doesn't get loose.

I believe in tough love, lol. "You can't be responsible with a gate? Fine, then I'll treat you like a bunch of kids, install a lock, wear a key around my neck, and you'll have to ask me to let you in and out."
Appeselve is offline

Old 09-10-2012, 04:10 AM   #4

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Yeah well ... I was already worried about you leaving Sam behind when you head north
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Old 09-10-2012, 04:11 AM   #5

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I believe in tough love, lol. "You can't be responsible with a gate? Fine, then I'll treat you like a bunch of kids, install a lock, wear a key around my neck, and you'll have to ask me to let you in and out."
Diortarkivoff is offline

Old 09-10-2012, 05:38 AM   #6

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Crate her when you are not home and tether her to you when you are.
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Old 09-10-2012, 06:46 AM   #7

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Put a lock on the gate only you have a key to. Either they'll get sick of asking you to open and close it for them and develop some common sense or you'll be aggravated by the inconvenience, but sure your dog doesn't get loose.

I believe in tough love, lol. "You can't be responsible with a gate? Fine, then I'll treat you like a bunch of kids, install a lock, wear a key around my neck, and you'll have to ask me to let you in and out."
Exactly what I would do. When it comes to my dog I'll be a dick to anyone who shows carelessness.
Sakkola is offline

Old 09-21-2012, 08:35 AM   #8

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Start charging them for everytime they let Sam out. Tell them it's in case the dog gets hurt one of these days because of them. Lol
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Old 09-21-2012, 08:54 AM   #9

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They can't be trusted with the things YOU love ?!?!?! They don't respect you or Sam.
Like I said, my husbands really good about it. But no, my BIL and their friends have made it blatantly obvious on many occasions that theu dont respect me or Sam. That isn't new news to me.

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:05 AM   #10

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I didn't read why you cannot take Sam with you...?
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:47 AM   #11

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Call to see if the vaccines are accepted for the flight. Also, has Sam been around cats? if she could care less about cats, maybe you can talk your mom into bringing her along?
I am also concerned that she will not be with you
addisonnicogel is offline

Old 09-21-2012, 10:06 AM   #12

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I live with idiots.

One of the main reason we moved into a house with gated in property was so that Sam could never escape like she used to at the old house. Well NOT ONCE has she slipped past me when I go through the gate and yet my husband, BIL and their friends are apparently incapable of watching for her when they open the gate. TODAY ALONE they let her out THREE times!! Seriously!? Luckily she always goes to the neighbors to say hello to their dog but one of these days shes gunna bolt into the street. When I get mad at them and tell them to be fucking careful theyre like "its no big deal, she fine dude." Yeah she's fine... THIS TIME. rant rant rant!!! IDIOTS!!

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
things only need to be said once let them know you are not playing fine them take something away they like or act like your borrowing some money and never pay them for beings stupid.. or just take them to the back and whoop that ass.... hold the money as ransom it ever happens again thats you excuse not to pay trust me they will learn... rember you can be careless to and accidentally brake their tv if they fuck up again...
Dyerryjex is offline

Old 09-21-2012, 03:13 PM   #13

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May I ask what type of lock are you using?
We use these with an auto close arm on the doors.
Lockwood 100 Nightlatch - Rimlocks - architectural door furniture,Locks,Padlocks,Mortice,Electromechanical ,Lever,Knob,Keys,Security,Deadlock,Deadlatch,Close r,Padlock,Bolt,Lockset,Exit Device,Master Keying,Locksmith,Residential,Commercial,Plates,Pul l,Handle,Hardware

This way the door always latches and locks. From the inside it's easy to open without a key. From outside one requires a key.
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Old 09-21-2012, 03:25 PM   #14

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Its just a normal padlock kind of deal. It can only be opened with a key, no matter if youre inside or out.

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
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Old 09-21-2012, 04:22 PM   #15

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Call to see if the vaccines are accepted for the flight. Also, has Sam been around cats? if she could care less about cats, maybe you can talk your mom into bringing her along?
I am also concerned that she will not be with you
Sam has not been around cats, but its not just the cats. My mom is already taking in me AND my baby so she really doesnt want Sam too. Dont worry guys, It will only be maybe 3 or 4 months before my hubby moves.. he should be closer to me by the time the baby comes so Ill be able to visit her every weekend until I get an apartment and hubby takes great care of her. Ill miss her like CRAZY but it wont be for too awful long!!

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
masteryxisman is offline

Old 09-21-2012, 04:28 PM   #16

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your BIL needs an ass whooping idk how and why you guys put up with him
We only put up with him because we litterally cant afford to live without him. Down here you really just cant live without multiple people in a house. Income doesnt equal enough to pay for a place. But thats why Im leaving and Im gunna send my DH money to move out to the border on his own with Sam.

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
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Old 09-21-2012, 08:09 PM   #17

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Or better, Sam doesn't go out without a lash?
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Old 09-21-2012, 08:22 PM   #18

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Do they respect your husband who loves you?
I agree with a lock on the gate in general, not just for your husbands bil and friends but any person like a mailman could open the gate and leave it swinging in the wind. Let thus one pass and find some excuse to lock the gate based on someone other than them leaving the gate open. Or put the respect issue onto your husband, if they don't respect you and your dog they are not respecting him as well.

Lol, you could always tell him it's time to move again to a more secure and safe location. Or just put a lock on the gate.
Best of luck.
We DO have a lock for the gate at least but all 3 of us have a key for it. Its not MY house so I cant just change the lock. But Im gunna start keeping Sam in my room at all times unless shes with me or my husband ONLY. And Ill have a talk with my hubby about making sure we continue this pattern after I leave as well.

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
Mboxmaja is offline

Old 09-21-2012, 08:29 PM   #19

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things only need to be said once let them know you are not playing fine them take something away they like or act like your borrowing some money and never pay them for beings stupid.. or just take them to the back and whoop that ass.... hold the money as ransom it ever happens again thats you excuse not to pay trust me they will learn... rember you can be careless to and accidentally brake their tv if they fuck up again...
Yeah.. No. Lol, like I said before my BIL is a violent idiot. If I did something like that he would flip out and either attack me or my husband. Not worth it. Thats part of the reason Im leaving to the USA, and encouraging my husband to find a place without his brother. Unfortunately here in MX its impossible to afford a place without living with family/room mates.

Once Im stable and working in the US ill send.my hubby money so he can find a place for just him and Sam without any idiots.

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
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Old 09-21-2012, 10:15 PM   #20

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My husband is pretty much 100% good at watching out for her, its really the guests who arent expecting her to fly past them and bolt out the gate.. Its still annoying though. And yes, these are the people I have to leave Sam with I really have no option though. At least my husband takes great care of her, but the idiots who come through the house are another story. I cant lock the gate because trust me.. A HUGE battle would ensue and my BIL is a violent idiot. I think Ill just have a good talk with DH about the seriousness of the issue. They seem to think that because she always runs to the neighbors house that she wont ever run into the street... Ignorance.

**Tapatalkin' on my tab!**
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