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#1 |
im walking my dog today and as always its a walk with what i call boobytraps. dogs that people just let loose and i have to end up worrying of my dog biting one of there dogs. because of that i always make sure to carry a break stick(a plastic tent stake is what i use actually)... well, two of the houses on my route has their dogs on wireless electric devices. one of the houses has a coon hound that hounds off every time it sees my dogs(really irritating by the way) and the other has a lab that is equally irritating. to make a long story short i new it was only a matter of time before one of these dogs pushed through the boundaries of the fence line. today it was the black lab that broke through. i yelled out to the owners but they were no were near. my dog being as DA as he is i made sure to hold him back before he grabs hold of the lab. i ended up giving a real good kick to the labs head to swat it away. that didnt work. the leash i walk my dog on is a 15ft lead, so i grabbed hold of the leash gave a lil slack on it and wacked the lab. after all this the neighbors had to nerve to yell at me for doing what i did. to make another story short i ended up flipping the bird to them and kept it moving.. DONT GET ELECTRIC FENCES ESPECIALLY FOR A APBT/BULLY/STAFF ANYTHING THOSE THINGS ARE GARBAGE. Especially since a damn lab pushed through it, now its a waiting game to see when the coon hound will push through his.
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#3 |
im walking my dog today and as always its a walk with what i call boobytraps. dogs that people just let loose and i have to end up worrying of my dog biting one of there dogs. because of that i always make sure to carry a break stick(a plastic tent stake is what i use actually)... well, two of the houses on my route has their dogs on wireless electric devices. one of the houses has a coon hound that hounds off every time it sees my dogs(really irritating by the way) and the other has a lab that is equally irritating. to make a long story short i new it was only a matter of time before one of these dogs pushed through the boundaries of the fence line. today it was the black lab that broke through. i yelled out to the owners but they were no were near. my dog being as DA as he is i made sure to hold him back before he grabs hold of the lab. i ended up giving a real good kick to the labs head to swat it away. that didnt work. the leash i walk my dog on is a 15ft lead, so i grabbed hold of the leash gave a lil slack on it and wacked the lab. after all this the neighbors had to nerve to yell at me for doing what i did. to make another story short i ended up flipping the bird to them and kept it moving.. DONT GET ELECTRIC FENCES ESPECIALLY FOR A APBT/BULLY/STAFF ANYTHING THOSE THINGS ARE GARBAGE. Especially since a damn lab pushed through it, now its a waiting game to see when the coon hound will push through his. ---------- Post added at 07:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ---------- Correction.... Bear spray.. It's much much hotter... ![]() |
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#4 |
jmsheana im not to found of calling the police lol. i am however going to go knock on the door maybe tomorrow and explain to them that i did them a favor by kicking there dog lol. out of spite also i made it a point to walk by there house one more time before i finished up lol.
Rasta bear spray.... that sounds super strong lol that may get me in trouble i think lol. im just going to let them know that if an accident is to occur that my dog is on a leash and it will not be my fault. thats basically what i will say. i'll let them know not to be offended by me flipping the bird and its a good luck sign lol. |
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#6 |
I live in the country. 3 houses spread out over 47 acres. We share a common driveway that is 1/2 mile long. The renters across the drive have a lab mix and a rotty mix. They let them run loose. We have two bullies, and the female is reactive, but not truly DA. We ended up putting a fence up around our "backyard" that is cleared. We have asked the neighbors several times to keep their dogs up, and finally I just told them, mine are leashed, and yours aren't, if a fight is to break out, they are liable for all damages. The fence makes our life just easier, but alas, I have grown lazier and throw ball and such instead of long walks with my "kids".
Now the one that is the problem is the neighbor down by the main road. He has two rotties. The female is a sweety, but the male isn't and he is HUGE. He also is rather aggressive and they are "contained" with an invisible fence. I carry a gun often, because I can't defend myself nor my dogs if/when he breaks through. We have woken a few times to have him wondering our property, and a shot in his general direction has sent him home. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you. |
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#9 |
When I was a kid my aunt had one put in for her dogs and my grandma's chi hoo a hoo a and that lil bastard would sit on the ground above the electric fence with the collar on. They don't do anything, the only way they "work" is if you "train" the dog to it, which is done by walking the dog around the area repeatedly and letting them get a little shock every now and then. Useless garbage is all it is.
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#10 |
if I said it once I have said it a thousand times....cattle prod...anyhow you did great in the heat of the moment, I am lucky I have only had this happen to me one time and I kept Goren from biting the fat lab (they still let it out off leash...stupid people) anyhow I have been lucky that most dogs don't actually come within striking distance since I can't pick Goren up all the way and I don't have any reach when I am lifting him to control his head (no fun at all) if I ended up having more issues with the guy I have issues with I would invets in a cattle prod, they are legal and have a nice range
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#11 |
i find it utterly rediculess how many people get there panties in a twist at people being attacked or having there dogs attacked and kicking/hitting the offending strange dog.
you did the right thing kicking at the dog,persoanlly if a dog came up to me and Cesar and tried attacking i would have been beating the hell out of it to make it get away if a single kick did nothing. the way i figure it a dog getting a beating from you is a better lesson learned then from say a car driving past? at least getting kicked/smacked by a person isnt going to serious damages. i would never trust a wireless fence for any dog not even a tiny chihuahua. |
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#13 |
Yep, I hate the invisible fences cause they work just as well as no fence. All of my dogs would be gone before the shock even registered.
I had the same response a couple of weeks ago while I was out with Boxie (4 mo great dane puppy). Some guy's dog came after him and when I used my foot to push the dog away by hooking him under the neck and shoving the owner was all "Don't kick my dog, he was just trying to mount yours"..well, screw you Mr Owner, by your dog's body language and actions he wanted to do more than mount the pup (which I wasn't going to allow anyhow)and IF I had kicked him you would have known it. Took all I had to not get in his face and just walk away because it wasn't worth arguing with him. I second the cattle prod idea. Safe for you and your dog and a definite deterrent to other dogs (just be careful about using it on a small dog - might be too much for them!) |
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#14 |
Any dog with good pain tolerance is going to figure out it can get through an electric fence. Bullies and labs seem to be most notorious for this. My neighbor's husky used to get when he wanted to go after something, then he'd come back and circle his yard. Haha. No, electric fences are a not a good idea.
By the way, pepper spray is great for warding off most dogs. And for most of the ones it doesn't deter, a good kick to the face or groin will do it. My favorite method personally for dogs I can pick up, which I learned during my time at the shelter, is to pretty much pounce on the dog, hold its mouth closed and pick it up. I had to do this once to keep an orange gsd-looking thing from taking a couple chunks outta my face. It was about the size of a husky. But you should see the look on an owner's face when you show up on their front porch with their aggressive dog wriggling and snarling in your arms. |
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#16 |
We had to stop walking down one street because every time we passed by this one house the family's boxer and beagle would both charge through the electric fence and run after us and bother our dog. One day the owner was out there and was completely shocked that the fence didn't keep his dogs in and apologized profusely. I mean the dogs never actually caused a fight with my dog, they were overall friendly but I feel you can never be too careful and it just wasn't worth it to keep walking down that street. Unfortunately though this was a neighborhood where the HOA only permitted electric fences so I guess they were SOL when it came to other fencing options.
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#17 |
I agree. I hate them for really three reasons.
1. It scares the crap out of me when I'm walking with my dog and I see a dog charging up and there's no leash, no owner and I can't see a fence. 2. It doesn't work!! Like you said...if a lab can get out what's it going to do for a dog with higher pain tolerance? If a dog wants something bad enough a little shock ain't gonna stop it. 3. again somebody said it...It doesn't help you as the owner. I feel like having a fence is a protection for those living inside it since it prevents others from getting in. Now if an intruder decides to walk over that fence...he won't be shocked since he doesn't have the collar on. If you had an actual fence (mine's about 5-6ft) he'll have to take some time to climb over that dang thing. |
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