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-   -   No papers with dog from breeder, is that sketchy and does he look like a mix?? (http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/pets-forum/209983-no-papers-dog-breeder-sketchy-does-he-look-like-mix.html)

bestonlinepharmasy2 06-29-2012 02:35 AM

I was thinking mastiff as well.

23InetrySypekek 06-29-2012 02:45 AM

If I was evaluating breeders I would definitely be paying attention to grammar and their general proficiency with the English language. However, I would make an exception for my immigrant brethren. I know it's sad, but true. Spelling and grammar mean a lot to me. I hate it when I reply to a thread, then notice I made a mistake. It drives me up the walls.
I believe that if you are truly breeding dogs to better the breed, then you would at least use spell check.

On a side note, I was impressed with the video. They wrote “Zeus' brother”, or something of the sorts. That was the only thing that impressed me.

artofeyyy 06-29-2012 06:14 AM

Do you happen to know his parents' registered names? Or any of the dogs in their background? I could see if there's any of the old mastiffy lines in there.

bubbachew14 06-29-2012 05:43 PM

I'll see if I can find out, and that'd be awesome if you could... thanks

KkJvrG4d 06-29-2012 07:02 PM

Sounds like a typical am bully pup.

That is one cute pup though.

I'll take him if you don't want him..... http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/wink.png

VyacheslaV 06-29-2012 08:11 PM

Yeah sounds like you got screwed. In MOST competitions and sorts you need to have your dogs papered. Not one of the lines that you mentioned are apbt lines. They are all American Bully. Never buy a dog that you are told has papers without the papers every byb pulls this bs. If you want a real true APBT go to southerninfernokennels.com they are very well known and have won many championships in pulling, agility, and also hog hunt. They specialize in OFRNR lines. The guys name is Dave. In my opinion you should not own a game dog if you are not going to work the dog IMO. As for the pitterstaffish comment they are not bred to look bad and huge a good breeder of a pitterstaff breeds for prey drive and looks. I have a friend of mine that breeds them in Arkansas and they are about 40-48 lbs and are used as catch dogs. So to say that the line is bred to look bad and big is not true. Maybe some bad breeders do that but its not what is intended for the line.

bubbachew14 06-29-2012 09:31 PM

haha in no way am I saying that I don't love my little guy or am I upset with what I got. I didn't "get screwed" imo because I just wanted a loyal pet that was mine to take care of and raise. So far he's got great temperament and follows me everywhere and doesn't hurt that ladies loveee him when I take him for walks. I just wanted to hear what some people thought about it and also I'm not going to have him in any competitions I would like to have him training though but just for exercise/fun. I was really just looking to see what people who were more knowledgeable on the subject than me thought he would grow up to look like... I'm personally hopeing the one on the right, but I'm still gonna love the little (maybe huge) guy no matter what he ends up.http://www.pitbull-chat.com/attachme...998177&thumb=1http://www.pitbull-chat.com/attachme...998177&thumb=1. Also I think in about 2 or 3 years I will be getting a purebread depending on my living arrangements as I'm looking for a place now but thanks in advance for all the info on where/how to get a true APBT.

VyacheslaV 06-29-2012 09:46 PM


haha in no way am I saying that I don't love my little guy or am I upset with what I got. I didn't "get screwed" imo because I just wanted a loyal pet that was mine to take care of and raise. So far he's got great temperament and follows me everywhere and doesn't hurt that ladies loveee him when I take him for walks. I just wanted to hear what some people thought about it and also I'm not going to have him in any competitions I would like to have him training though but just for exercise/fun. I was really just looking to see what people who were more knowledgeable on the subject than me thought he would grow up to look like... I'm personally hopeing the one on the right, but I'm still gonna love the little (maybe huge) guy no matter what he ends up.http://www.pitbull-chat.com/attachme...998177&thumb=1http://www.pitbull-chat.com/attachme...998177&thumb=1. Also I think in about 2 or 3 years I will be getting a purebread depending on my living arrangements as I'm looking for a place now but thanks in advance for all the info on where/how to get a true APBT.
By no means was i trying to offend you at all he is very good looking. But it sounded like you were under the impression you had a apbt from what the breeder told you and thats not the case. On the other hand who cares its your dog, and as long as you love it who cares what anyone says.

TeksPaisimi 06-29-2012 10:07 PM

IMO, if the guy you got your pup from has ribboned dogs and such, i wouldnt be suprised if his male accedentally got his freinds dog pregnant and thats why all he tells you is "this is daddy dog" and "no papers"

VyacheslaV 06-30-2012 02:17 PM


IMO, if the guy you got your pup from has ribboned dogs and such, i wouldnt be suprised if his male accedentally got his freinds dog pregnant and thats why all he tells you is "this is daddy dog" and "no papers"
Right but who knows what the mother is. It could be a Corsa for all the buyers know. If it is a champion dog its too bad that they are mixing it with dogs that dont have papers. A lot of byb say their dogs are this and that but in reality they dont even know what kind of dog they have because they dont have a ped on them. They claim they have what they say. http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/nono.gif

VyacheslaV 06-30-2012 03:08 PM


23InetrySypekek 06-30-2012 03:20 PM


IMO, if the guy you got your pup from has ribboned dogs and such, i wouldnt be suprised if his male accedentally got his freinds dog pregnant and thats why all he tells you is "this is daddy dog" and "no papers"
I'm not sure if this is true with dogs, but I do know you can buy horse show ribbons. Whatever you want, and they can say whatever you want too. I would take a good reputation over some guy with ribbons any day.

23InetrySypekek 06-30-2012 03:24 PM


Yeah sounds like you got screwed. In MOST competitions and sorts you need to have your dogs papered. Not one of the lines that you mentioned are apbt lines. They are all American Bully. Never buy a dog that you are told has papers without the papers every byb pulls this bs. If you want a real true APBT go to southerninfernokennels.com they are very well known and have won many championships in pulling, agility, and also hog hunt. They specialize in OFRNR lines. The guys name is Dave. In my opinion you should not own a game dog if you are not going to work the dog IMO. As for the pitterstaffish comment they are not bred to look bad and huge a good breeder of a pitterstaff breeds for prey drive and looks. I have a friend of mine that breeds them in Arkansas and they are about 40-48 lbs and are used as catch dogs. So to say that the line is bred to look bad and big is not true. Maybe some bad breeders do that but its not what is intended for the line.
Any chance you know of any good breeders in the North East?

VyacheslaV 06-30-2012 03:56 PM


Any chance you know of any good breeders in the North East?
Not really most of the true game bred dogs come from the south to be honest i know breeders in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Georgia where the dogs can be used as hog dogs. In the norther states all you really will find is bullies. At least where im from. I didnt get my dogs from up here I bought them down south. Im sure if you did enough research you could find some. Just be careful who you buy your dog from and dont rush. But that litter I was talking about for southerninfernokennels they do ship and have GREAT dogs crazy GREAT dogs id recommend them over anyone.

Carol 06-30-2012 04:01 PM

I don't' know what you are talking about. There are a good bit of Am Bully Breeders down south too. At least in my area.

VyacheslaV 06-30-2012 04:24 PM

we are not talking about am bully we are talking about apbt game bred HUGE dif

Carol 06-30-2012 04:36 PM

There isn't any true game bred apbts really anymore. They maybe from a game bloodline; but they aren't game bred. I think a better term for this would be a working bloodline. I get scared of people who start asking for gamebred apbts.

And I was responding to you saying someone is more likely to get a pure bred apbt down south because there are less am bullies. Which isn't true.

55Beaphable 06-30-2012 04:48 PM

Theres Am Bull Kennels ALL over the states, as well as APBT kennels. They're both widespread.

VyacheslaV 06-30-2012 04:58 PM


There isn't any true game bred apbts really anymore. They maybe from a game bloodline; but they aren't game bred. I think a better term for this would be a working bloodline. I get scared of people who start asking for gamebred apbts.

And I was responding to you saying someone is more likely to get a pure bred apbt down south because there are less am bullies. Which isn't true.
I never said there were less am bullies i said there were more game bred dogs down south i never said no bullies and game is not a line game is the willingness to work and not quit thats what i mean when i say game bred and there are game bred dogs, now game dogs is different those are know as fighting dogs

VyacheslaV 06-30-2012 04:58 PM


Theres Am Bull Kennels ALL over the states, as well as APBT kennels. They're both widespread.
true but the true apbt is more common down south where there is hogs where there is a purpose for them.

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