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Old 09-07-2012, 05:59 AM   #21

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Mmhmm, him and Pink's Torque are my 2 favorite bullies! I would love a pup from Mako, but they are outrageously expensive. Those first 2 dogs you posted are both really pretty dogs! I like the looks of stout lean dogs.
Oops, I didn't see this earlier. Thanks.
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Old 09-07-2012, 06:01 AM   #22

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My homeboy petey
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Old 09-07-2012, 06:10 AM   #23

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Why do people keep acting like American Bullies that look more like APBTs are "the better bullies". It drives me nuts, it's not what the breed is. Most of those "overdone" dogs are correct to the standards and are ideal for the breed. Kamali is an excellent example of the breed.

and I have a BYB dog, people calling his parent's owners BYB's accurate. BYBs are bad, they're polluting this world with more dogs than necessary and plenty of "Loving and smart" dogs in shelters all over the world. It doesn't make a dog well bred, a dog that has a well kept lineage of dogs proven to do what they're bred for, whether that be show, work, hunting, etc, and are health tested are well bred. (with the exception of health testing in some situations).

My dog is amazing to me, he's versatile, physically able to work in many different areas, that doesn't make BYB okay. That means I got lucky with my dog. Let's stop painting it pretty because our dogs being painted in a "negative light" offends us. Even though it's truthful, and it's only negative if you make is such.

/rant off. I'm going to bed, my brain is spent.
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Old 09-07-2012, 06:32 AM   #24

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Why do people keep acting like American Bullies that look more like APBTs are "the better bullies". It drives me nuts, it's not what the breed is.
Yes it actually is, per the ABKC standard for the "Classic" class.

"Classic Bully to give the appearance of bullier, old style American Pit Bull Terriers and/or American Stafffordshire Terrier, which made up the origin of the American Bully."

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Old 09-07-2012, 06:53 AM   #25

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I googled him!! This is one of my favorite Bullies. Teals Zealand! My other is Torque!
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Old 09-23-2012, 09:01 AM   #26

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I while back I stumbled across a kennel that had some awesome looking BTs but I cannot find those dogs anymore and don't remember the names.
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:01 AM   #27

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LOL Me too but he;s there! Look Teal he's so famous now that he's on Google!!! OMG

If you type in my name (Jairi Rai) and Zealand... then it is ALLLL pictures of my dogs haha that is so weird to see! O.o Damn straight, Zealand deserves to be famous! ... /ego
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:01 AM   #28

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This is a classic example of how misinformation about the breed spreads. Spouting off stats when you have absolutely no data to validate the claim. Then somebody comes along and reads this crap and accepts it as fact and is off to somewhere else to parrot what they read. smh Ridiculous. People should THINK a little before posting such silliness. Oh and there is no such breed as a "pit".
Thats why i said "or something". I never said it was a fact. I was proving a point that back yard breeders add to an already existing problem. I dont think anybody here took what I was saying as fact. I also realize pit is not a breed, I dont feel like typing out American Pit Bull Terrier every time I refer to the breed. I am not an idiot. Thank you.

---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 AM ----------

Since I dont know exact figures, and nobody wants to listen to my silliness Ill post some information thats a little more accurate to illustrate the damage done by BYBs.. this is from thebullybreedblog.com (I dont know how accurate this is but here ya go)

Ever wonder how many Pit Bulls are euthanized every year in America? We know the PitBull population number is high but how high is it? How many Pit Bulls are in shelters across America at any given moment? The numbers are unbelievable:

  • At any given time, between American Staffordshire Terriers, Pit Bull Terriers and “Terrier Mixes”, and despite the many reasons to own a Pit Bull, there are nearly 35,000 PitBulls available for adoption in shelters across America. That doesn’t even consider the backyard and professional Pit Bull breeders.

So how many Pit Bulls are euthanized every year? How many Pit Bulls get put down every day?
  • Well in Los Angeles alone there are 200 Pit Bulls killed every single day. Every day. That is 1,400 Pit Bulls killed each week and 72,800 Pit Bulls euthanized every year in Los Angeles alone!
If 1 city, Los Angeles is only 1.24% of America’s population, then lets assume LA has a HUGE Pit Bull population and just use 1/10 of 1%…If we multiply that number of Pit Bulls they euthanize every year in regards to their U.S. population percentage, then roughly 728,000 Pit Bulls are euthanized every single year. Almost a million! And that assumes a grossly LOW number.
We need to put a sharp curve on Pit Bull breeding, slow the rate of growth and do our best to contain these numbers by sheltering and adopting out this great breed of dog.
By extremely conservative estimates we can conclude that at least 1,000,000 Pit Bulls are euthanized every year and probably much more than that. There are 35,000 Pit Bulls available for adoption right now. Join the Pit Bull Crusade and lets make a difference.

---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------

If you type in my name (Jairi Rai) and Zealand... then it is ALLLL pictures of my dogs haha that is so weird to see! O.o Damn straight, Zealand deserves to be famous! ... /ego
Zealand IS famous! hahaha, we are all his loving and adoring fans!
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Old 09-25-2012, 09:01 AM   #29

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Do you have a problem with back yard breeders? It sounds like your calling this dog worthless! Well let me in form you! I met this dog as soon as i seen him i liked him, He was sweet and loving and not over done like most bullys i have seen! He produced my pup his name is Brantly hes smart and loving and well bred! The man that owns this dog is not out for money! In my eyes some of the greatest dogs of all time was back yard bred! Back in the dog days people didnt have credit cards to buy pups off the internet like most people do today! If you are thinking this dog is a joke and this man is out for money you can think again! Ill let you look at what this man has produced!

If you ask me i think Brantly looks pretty good! Hes not over done like most bullys hes just your average well bred classic American bully!
Actually, I stated what I see to be a truth considering the facts given. Never once did I say or imply the dog was worthless, just that I know he is owned by a not so great breeder. Does it make the dog bad? No, I actually LIKE the dog. Go get butt hurt over it, guess what I STILL don't give a shit.

SECONDLY where the HELL did I say anything about your dog? I had no clue what dog sired your male, nor do I really care. So happy Brantly isn't overdone like most bullies are. Whoopdedoo give the guy a medal, he's still a f***ing BYB. I had my days where I was one as well, it takes one to know one buddy.
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Old 09-27-2012, 09:01 AM   #30

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Let me start off by saying i agree with you some what! But you calling my dog out like that and basically saying hes a no good back yard bred piece of shit is unnecessary! And im pretty sure brantly would meet the classic american bully standards! You got alot of styles of bullys! Not just one as your applying! You got your classic bullys, XL and so on! Brantly is a classic bully basically a beffed up version of the APBT. And yes some back yard breeders are bad but not all of them! Like i said, back in the day you didnt buy your dogs off the internet! You bred them in your back yard and fought them, Some of the best dogs in APBT history were back yard bred i do believe, The old dog men were better breeders then the ones today! Yes theirs alot of dogs in the shelter but can i cant help that, So dont bitch at me! If you know what your doing and your dogs are going to loving homes breed them i dont find nothing wrong with that! What you said above is half idiot! Im not gonna lie! Im not saying my dog is better then any other dog and not trying to throw my dog out their like its an APBT, but thats what a classic bully is supposed to look like! Most back yard breeders are out their for the money, Im gonna agree with you! But dont be putting a mans dog down because he got it from a backyard breeder!
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Old 09-27-2012, 09:01 AM   #31

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Sam comes up if you google "hinks bull terrier" lol because of the posts Ive made stating how she looks like one and Alex, dont get offended. Nobody is saying your dog (or any BYB dog for that matter) is crap. The BREEDER is crap because jesus.. People need to stop breeding so many damn pit bulls! Thats why like 75% (or something)of pits get PTS every year. Nothing wrong with the actual dogs, its not their fault! Shit my dogs a BYB mutt and I think shes the bees knees
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Old 09-27-2012, 09:01 AM   #32

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I dont support breeding but this is a cute picture from google

Samthepitbull those are some scary statistics! Exactly why we should leave breeding to the professionals.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:01 AM   #33

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I never directly referred to a dog as a "Back yard bred piece of shit".... The only dog I directly referred to as a BYB dog was my own. Nor did I ever imply that a backyard bred dog is a "piece of shit", not in the slightest, the exact opposite actually.

And I didn't imply there's one type of bully just one...
People see a Standard, Pocket, Extreme, XL, etc and don't think it's a proper bully. Said that right above your post.

And that was sort of a stupid vent post of an overall, I was stupid to write it in the manner that I did. But still.

All BYBs are detrimental, not all have bad intentions, but that's the whole point of the term "BYB".
"Back in the day" we didn't have such horrid overpopulation and the likes, I'm sure there was some in some areas, but as an overall, not so much. Also, back in the day, dogs were mainly on the farms serving an actual purpose, so a good number of the dogs were well bred. Such as Borders being used for herding, Livestock guardians, hunting hounds, etc.

You took it wrong I just hate it when people try to make cruddy breeders look pretty because it may offend them in some way. It's stupid to assume someone calling your dog a BYB bred dog, like my own, a "piece of shit". That's just putting words into someone's mouth that wasn't there to begin with.

I'd chill and reread to take it in better. I find things always come off better when I read them after I chill.
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #34

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I googled him!! This is one of my favorite Bullies. Teals Zealand! My other is Torque!

Bullies? lol. But thanks!

That made me want to Google him... I got a few pictures of him, and a BUNCH of ducks
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #35

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I never directly referred to a dog as a "Back yard bred piece of shit".... The only dog I directly referred to as a BYB dog was my own. Nor did I ever imply that a backyard bred dog is a "piece of shit", not in the slightest, the exact opposite actually.

And I didn't imply there's one type of bully just one...

Said that right above your post.

And that was sort of a stupid vent post of an overall, I was stupid to write it in the manner that I did. But still.

All BYBs are detrimental, not all have bad intentions, but that's the whole point of the term "BYB".
"Back in the day" we didn't have such horrid overpopulation and the likes, I'm sure there was some in some areas, but as an overall, not so much. Also, back in the day, dogs were mainly on the farms serving an actual purpose, so a good number of the dogs were well bred. Such as Borders being used for herding, Livestock guardians, hunting hounds, etc.

You took it wrong I just hate it when people try to make cruddy breeders look pretty because it may offend them in some way. It's stupid to assume someone calling your dog a BYB bred dog, like my own, a "piece of shit". That's just putting words into someone's mouth that wasn't there to begin with.

I'd chill and reread to take it in better. I find things always come off better when I read them after I chill.
I took it like you were saying my dog was no good cuzz he came from a byb! I think you need to get checked for ''BPD''! Cause something is bad wrong here, I just didnt like the way you said somethings! Im done here you done went and pissed alex off and every single person on this forum knows not to piss alex off! and dont think im letting you off the hook because i posted that wink face!
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #36

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Sam comes up if you google "hinks bull terrier" lol because of the posts Ive made stating how she looks like one and Alex, dont get offended. Nobody is saying your dog (or any BYB dog for that matter) is crap. The BREEDER is crap because jesus.. People need to stop breeding so many damn pit bulls! Thats why like 75% (or something)of pits get PTS every year. Nothing wrong with the actual dogs, its not their fault! Shit my dogs a BYB mutt and I think shes the bees knees
This is a classic example of how misinformation about the breed spreads. Spouting off stats when you have absolutely no data to validate the claim. Then somebody comes along and reads this crap and accepts it as fact and is off to somewhere else to parrot what they read. smh Ridiculous. People should THINK a little before posting such silliness. Oh and there is no such breed as a "pit".
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #37

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---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #38

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I was referring to it as a sweeping generality. People see a Standard, Pocket, Extreme, XL, etc and don't think it's a proper bully. I do love Classics, Opha is one of my all time favorites.

Sorry for not being specific, I shouldn't post when my sugars are off XD I've been posting weird things on other forums.

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

Thank you for the unbiased reply though. I meant more like, people wanting them to look like gamebred ADBA dogs. Versus Amstaffs and such. I'm just derping all over the place tonight.
Oh, it's all good.

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 AM ----------

And thanks LP!
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Old 10-02-2012, 09:01 AM   #39

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Yes it actually is, per the ABKC standard for the "Classic" class.

"Classic Bully to give the appearance of bullier, old style American Pit Bull Terriers and/or American Stafffordshire Terrier, which made up the origin of the American Bully."

I was referring to it as a sweeping generality. People see a Standard, Pocket, Extreme, XL, etc and don't think it's a proper bully. I do love Classics, Opha is one of my all time favorites.

Sorry for not being specific, I shouldn't post when my sugars are off XD I've been posting weird things on other forums.

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

Thank you for the unbiased reply though. I meant more like, people wanting them to look like gamebred ADBA dogs. Versus Amstaffs and such. I'm just derping all over the place tonight.
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Old 10-02-2012, 09:01 AM   #40

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Bullies? lol. But thanks!

That made me want to Google him... I got a few pictures of him, and a BUNCH of ducks
LOL Me too but he;s there! Look Teal he's so famous now that he's on Google!!! OMG
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