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Old 09-27-2012, 09:01 AM   #21

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cops should not carry mace, billy clubs, radios, fly police military helicopters (columbus has 6), radios, flak vest, or use there panic button....

just give these cops more guns......and take the civilians guns away, they whine too much.......

your dog charges cop, it dies and you are charged

cop dog charges you (lets just say for fun its the wrong house) and you kill the police dog, you will face murder-1

cop dog who kill human, according to ohio law, is exempt from the viscous dog status if it is a police dog

seriously,,,,,cops can make dumb mistakes post 9/11
Knillagrarp is offline

Old 09-28-2012, 09:01 AM   #22

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I would be shooting my dog myself if it charged at someone, if I am alone and feel I need the presents of my dog with me to answer the door the dog is leashed and on a tight hold on the leash when I open the door, I would never allow my dog to run out my door at anyone or anything
No doubt.. I also have been charged by someones dog while working outside in my own front yard an got bit by an unleashed huge chocolate lab . If I was armed I would of shot the dog. Nevertheless while it latched onto my arm I picked it up slammed it to the ground on its back, punched its guts/ribs a few times, an literally stomped the shit and piss out of it with my hiking boots. It barely managed to whimper off limping and contorted.

The owner came up running screaming, cussing, an threatening to sue me an call the police for what I just did to his dog.. I held up my left arm dripping with blood, where I had a 6in long 1/2-3/4in deep canine gash in it and I said, "you'll be next if you don't shut the fuck up." An I hope you do call the police.

He quickly changed his tune.. And I did not proceed to take legal action against him as my cousin is a emergency room surgeon and the stitches were free. But I sure would of rather shot the dog over the wound.. Dog bites heal a hell a lot slower than a cut with a knife blade of same size.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:01 AM   #23

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Yes,it was sarcasm.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:01 AM   #24

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i will get the officers name by public records request (Ohio's Sunshine Laws) and put it all over the internet......
Why? So this officer can be flamed by people who WEREN'T there? I'm not saying he was right in shooting that dog. But have YOU ever been on the bad end of a charging dog, heading teeth first into whatever part of your body they're aiming for? Because I have, and you better believe that 1.)It can be scary and 2.)It can be EXTREMELY painful.

It is one thing to have a dog defend you when there is an actual threat, it's another thing to be an ass hat and let your uncontrolled dog go charging at anyone who knocks on your door.

The dog COULD have been charging or the might NOT have been. But I know for a damn fact that most 'mommies' and 'daddies' don't want to think of their 'babies' as vicious or agressive. I've had a dog grab my leg, latch on and shake, all the while 'mommy' is telling them to 'be nice' and yelling at me what did -I- do to her 'baby' when all I did was try to walk past.
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:01 AM   #25

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Those fucking pigs! Even though the dispatch gave out the wrong address the cops should have known better that it was the wrong address and should have NEVER shot the dog who was charging them. I mean, who do they think they are? My tax money pays for them to get bit and attacked so the cop should have "manned up" and got bitten or worse. After all, to quote Teal, they are idiots with guns after all as we can armchair quarterback from across the nation and still know all the facts!!! I mean after all, shooting it was the wrong choice as obviously the right choice would have been to get bitten! We are dog lovers, right? Dogs come before humans in EVERY instance and whenever one is shot, it HAS to be the human's fault!!

---------- Post added at 08:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 AM ----------

Oh and what does 9/11 have to do with this?
Really !
Yes they had the wrong house. I get that but it was a mistake. May e the dog was charging maybe not. I do think he may have been a little quick to shoot. BUT when your a public safety officer of any kind you're health and life comes first. I sucks to hear. I hate that someone's pet died and that it was a pit type dog. Thats just one more "bad rep" situation.
But I'll tell you . I've walked up on scene to a house and went against protocol ( if PD isn't on scene first of a violent {shooting, stabbing , Dem. violence} scene you don't go in) I did. Call of child down possible child abuse. Well I get out of the truck and heading toward the house and out comes a Shepard mix ready to tear me apart. I just made it to the truck . Luckily my partner saw or first and made it back. That's one of the times I wish as a medic we were allowed to carry guns. I have before, but not allowed to.

If the dog was really charging, I'd rather shoot then have it latch onto me and hope my partner can help me. As public safety ( yes medics and firefighters are ) personnel MY life is the most important thing, followed by my partner and crew, then the victim(s). I put my life at risk every day for the people where live. I can't say they would be willing to de the same for me....
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Old 09-28-2012, 09:01 AM   #26

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After hearing about the police killing of Kelly Thomas stuff like this doesn't surprise me. Police are really starting to make a lot of stupid mistakes recently. I can understand if the dog jumped on you or bit you.. but the officer responded to the wrong house, and shot cause he felt threatened.. I would never shoot a dog just cause it runs at me. There are always better ways of handling it!
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #27

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I would be damned if my dog went charging out the door at ANYONE who knocked...I think the fault lies with both parties.
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #28

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Poor things...but like the others on here...you better be damn sure my dogs aren't charging ANYONE let alone someone with a gun. They would have either been put outside, crated or if only one was in the house atm, grabbed by the collar/leashed.
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #29

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Oh yea. Pretty bad.. You think that was bad? Check this shit out - Savannah Ga 2011 St. Patricks Day

Let me sum it up. White chick and black start fighting and arguing. White chick gets pulled into the car and is fighting to get out. Boyfriend goes ape shit.. Black cop responds and beats the guy three times with a baton in the knees and back.. girl comes to check on bf and is hit 4 times in the knees, pepper sprayed, then SLAMMED on the concrete.. Cop turns to black group in car and calmly says "calm down please". My friend was there as it was happening. Just one more example of cops abusing power and authority because no one will stand up to them.
Or people could accept that if they act like asshats and disturb the peace they may get the shit kicked out of them. Seriously. I am one to brawl if given half a chance, but at least I understand that along with the occasional urge to be a mega-bitch there could come a day when I will have my ass handed to me by the cops for behaving like that and I certainly wouldn't blame the cops for my own stupidity.

---------- Post added at 10:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 PM ----------

After hearing about the police killing of Kelly Thomas stuff like this doesn't surprise me. Police are really starting to make a lot of stupid mistakes recently. I can understand if the dog jumped on you or bit you.. but the officer responded to the wrong house, and shot cause he felt threatened.. I would never shoot a dog just cause it runs at me. There are always better ways of handling it!
Are you seriously telling me you would wait for a strange dog to bite you before acting in your own defense? To hell with that! Someones dog comes charging me and I am NOT waiting to see if it's really going to hurt me. Ever. Some dogs might drop at a taze or pepper spray/mace. Some dogs won't. I am not risking my health and safety to see which type is charging me. A strange dog charges me, I have a weapon, the dog dies. I'm sorry for the dog and I'm sorry for the owner but they should have kept their animal contained.
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Old 09-29-2012, 09:01 AM   #30

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Cops shoot dogs of every breed literally every day. It doesn't matter if it was the wrong house because at the time the cop didn't know that. It's sad but in that kind of situation it's shoot first, ask questions later. They should have put their dog away before they opened the door. MOST of the time I'm on the cop's side but there are many cases when the cop is just plain wrong. For example, the cop who shot a chi mix like four times (If he NEEDED to shoot it I think one bullet was enough) or the cops that were trying to shoot a loose pitbull and they literally sprayed bullets up and down the street hitting houses and cars (Was it that hard to hit ONE dog?).
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Old 09-30-2012, 09:01 AM   #31

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I would be shooting my dog myself if it charged at someone, if I am alone and feel I need the presents of my dog with me to answer the door the dog is leashed and on a tight hold on the leash when I open the door, I would never allow my dog to run out my door at anyone or anything
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Old 09-30-2012, 09:01 AM   #32

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Oh ya. Killing someone is never good. Especially since it took like 7 cops to do it. Super Cop up in that video though was held in protective custody for weeks due to death threats.
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Old 09-30-2012, 09:01 AM   #33

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Wrong house or not, they should of had the dog restrained before opening the door. The cop was doing his job, charged by an aggressive dog and injured in the process. As incoherent as that article is only the people who were there really know what happened.

"Amber said that the man was holding their dog by its collar."
"Amber said that the dog had to be put down."

Agree 100%.. It could of been a girl scout selling girl scout cookies an then what????
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #34

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I would be damned if my dog went charging out the door at ANYONE who knocked...

This. Don't give idiots with guns the chance to make the wrong choice.
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #35

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these guys just waiting to shoot their guns off at anything
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #36

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Who's right? Police say the dog charged, but there's this too: "Amber said that the man was holding their dog by its collar."

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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #37

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well you erased my post about the new world order.....at least let me repost the movie qoute from shooter pleae...

Come near the porch I didn't invite you, you'd have to shoot the dog. That's a slow draw you got there. Sure you want to do that? Shoot a dog in this county on a man's land, I'd bury you in the hill, and tell the sheriff a month or two later. He understands. Take your hand off your weapon. Slowly. So the gunnery sergeant doesn't have to bury you in the hill. I don't carry a gun. You know what that is? It's a Congressional Medal of Honour. They don't hand those out easy. Yours? Yeah. Your father had one, didn't he? What did you do? Something foolhardy. Kept some other boys alive. Will you give me five minutes? Yeah, your dog stays outside. Come on, boy. Get in there.
i will get the officers name by public records request (Ohio's Sunshine Laws) and put it all over the internet......

" I wish we had never invented it (internet.)" -- David Rockefeller
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #38

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So everybody keeps saying the dog "charged" at the officer. What is everybody's definition of "charge?" The dog was moving in a forward motion towards the officer or as in the statement "came down directly at him in an aggressive stance?" Because you know what, if somebody comes onto my property, the odds are pretty high my dog would be running towards them to check them out. I guess we'll never really know what happened because none of us saw it and are only getting second hand info. But I really do think mistakes can be made when reading a dog's "body language". One might see the dog as acting aggressive and somebody else may see it differently. Obviously the owner never should have let that dog out, they had the option at that point to keep their dog inside. Honestly though, there IS a difference between a girl scout selling cookies and law enforcement dressed in uniform.

I had an incident the other day where I had somebody squeeze through my locked gate and walked up my driveway, wearing some company uniform and a hard hat. My male dog was out and he can be wary of men. I am out doing some work on the property and I hear my dog barking. So now I see this person standing there, understandably she is a little afraid of him and my dog does not like this strange person who is dressed like a man. He wasn't running at her but he was barking and growling. I called him over to me and locked him up inside the house. I don't have a problem with his behavior, he is letting me know somebody is there who doesn't belong but for sure somebody else would think he is behaving "aggressively". However I don't live in the city and I feel if you are walking past my locked gate onto my property you might get what you get.

Check out this video and this aggressive dog:
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #39

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With all due respect Phillysmom, the only thing we need to know is there. The police knocked on the door, the people DID NOT contain the animal and it went outside. No matter what the stance was on the dog, it went towards the officer and was not properly contained.
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:01 AM   #40

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Yes, I understand that, if you read my post you will see I said "the owner never should have let the dog out". I was just pointing out that since we didn't see it for ourselves, we don't know if the dog was acting in an aggressive manner.
The dog merely needed to appear to be aggressive or even just look dangerous. If it's moving toward you quickly an unrestrained an has the ability to do serious physical harm to you. Your not going to take the extra 5 seconds to see if its going to bite you or lick you. At least I would not and guess what, I am not law enforcement but legally permitted and do carry a handgun daily now days. Some dogs don't bark or growl.. Just run towards you leap and bite.
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