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Old 10-28-2012, 08:12 PM   #1

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We have a dog door in the sliding door in our bedroom. We made sort of a partial wall, with plywood and insulation, put the dog door in that and can leave the slider 'open' w/o it actually being open. DH also built a little addition to the outside of the dog door, also insulated, to help keep the weather out during cold weather.
It has made life so much easier.
Frankie LOVES the door and comes and goes as she pleases. Nick & Rosie would rather be let out, then will come in thru the dog door.
There has been a couple times when Rosie & Frankie went tearing outside at 3am when they hear the neighbors dog, or a cat fight outside. I keep a board handy that I prop over the door to keep them inside.
Works great.
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:22 PM   #2

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Looks great you did a nice job putting the door in. Like Kit said I would block or lock it up when I went to bed for the night.
Are they both looking thru the fence at the kids in the next yard? That's really cute, they look like there saying kids come over here and play with us!
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:32 PM   #3

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Nice job. Would not dare try it around our country... we have little people sneak in at night through those pet-doors and rob you blind! They even have some kinda 'gas' (I think) that makes you and the dogs sleep through it all. Happens very often...
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:41 PM   #4

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Looks great you did a nice job putting the door in. Like Kit said I would block or lock it up when I went to bed for the night.
Are they both looking thru the fence at the kids in the next yard? That's really cute, they look like there saying kids come over here and play with us!
Thanks guys

And yep ... They're checking out the construction of the trampoline next door LOL.

Both Mason & Sugar are very people friendly and would love to be with the children NO doubt.

When the neighbor man first came around last week, he asked about Mason and I introduced Mason to him so he could see for himself how harmless and loving Mason is.

I thought about introducing Mason to the kids ... but want to wait until Mason & Sugar pay them NO mind WHAT SO EVER when they're outside ... otherwise, I'm afraid Mason & Sugar might come to expect attention from them and want to play with them EVERY TIME they're outside.
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:53 PM   #5

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I have a closure cover for the pet door.

Also, there is another glass door right there, that USED to be the backdoor (it has a deadbolt too), when the what is now laundry area was just a small back porch. ... and a baby gate that neither Mason or Sugar ever attempt to jump over.

The baby gate is only ever closed ... for this picture ... when I feed them in separate rooms ... and when someone is at the door and I need to keep the dogs back.

After looking at the picture below, I'm not sure why I still have my garbage hanging on hooks LMAO ... I had it well off the floor when Mason was a pup and now it's just habit I guess. He easily could, but never jumps up there and destroys it.

Oh, and a Boogieman break stick hanging handily into the top of the picture, just in case ...

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Old 10-28-2012, 09:33 PM   #6

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Mason & Sugar seem to be getting used to the children in their backyard and have settled down completely.
Mason is actually paying them no never mind and checking out his springpole rope WOooHOoo

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Old 10-28-2012, 09:42 PM   #7

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haha that is adorable...Mason said, I'll just occupy myself over here until one of those little people come close and then I'll get them to play with me. And Sugar is not leaving that fence till she gets some attention from those little new people!
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Old 10-28-2012, 11:24 PM   #8

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Cute Peanut loves the doggie door at our friends' house. They have 4 dogs and Peanut picked up on the door use really fast.
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Old 10-28-2012, 11:38 PM   #9

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I would be afraid to come in and find a raccoon in the house Good job installing the pet door!
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Old 10-28-2012, 11:44 PM   #10

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I would be afraid to come in and find a raccoon in the house Good job installing the pet door!

Had it happen once. Not fun. Haha almost gave me a heart attack. But if you close it up at night, you shouldn't have a problem.
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Old 10-29-2012, 02:04 AM   #11

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I've got one too. The house dogs like it a lot, especially the one that has to get up and "patrol" a couple times a night. He'll do his bed checks, account for every member of the family and then out the dog door to check out the back yard. Every once in a while he'll get ahold of some critter out there and you can hear the dogs in their kennels cheer him on. It's great at two in the morning but it's better than a dog food thief.
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Old 10-29-2012, 12:59 PM   #12

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I am green with envy. I want a dog door pretty bad, but I don't have a privacy fence and I'd feel uncomfortable letting the dogs go outside without supervision until I have one.

I was checking out screen doors and regular doors that have the dog door built in. I really like the idea of a screen door with a dog door already installed because I can still close and lock the main door at night and when I'm gone so security wouldn't be an issue. Plus I need to replace my screen door anyways from some damage over the last 4 years by the dogs when they were pups.

Hmm, now that no one is a pup and I won't be getting another pp for many years I might be able to start buying nicer things... What a thought! Nice stuff at my house after years of young kids and young dogs. Wow. I'm a bit dizzy with the idea.
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Old 10-29-2012, 01:54 PM   #13

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Good job on the pet door, Joe. That looks awesome!
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Old 10-29-2012, 03:28 PM   #14

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Thanks #1

I think it looks like crap LOL. But if I'd put the pet door in the middle ... I would have had to cut 3 panes of glass and there wouldn't have been any place to mount the top screws on either side that hold the pet door in place ... OR ... remove the bottom 3 glass panes entirely and fill in with plywood before mounting the pet door ... OR ... buy a whole new door. The thing is, I like the idea of the dogs being able to look outside through that bottom row of windows ... they do too LOL.

SOoooo ... I made do with what I had. It's highly functional and securely mounted. 'Bout all I can say about that HA !!!
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Old 10-29-2012, 09:17 PM   #15

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Oh haiiiii Vittles Vault, I haz you too...
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Old 10-29-2012, 09:33 PM   #16

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Looks great. I love your threads. Your two dogs remind me of my two.
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Old 10-29-2012, 10:33 PM   #17

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Default Shoot me then. I can take it
This would have been a bad BAD bad idea for my old boy Rowdy (R.I.P.), would not have bode well and I never would have done it, but Mason has "earned" it.

- Mason wants to be inside AND outside ... often at the same time ... all day and much of the night.
- Mason isn't an escape artist nor tries to dig out or chew his way through the fence around the "compound"
- I secured the evil lawn maintenance device Mason liked to try and destroy, with welded wire.
- For almost a year, I used an oak dowel with metal hooks and loops to hold open the back door so Mason could come and go as he pleased. But leaving the door open for hours at a time invited much fine dust inside as well as driving up the power bill.

SOoooo ... I gave Mason a pet door. He's used it now for a couple of weeks, took right to it and throughly enjoys it. He still barks at the door occasionally to come and go but mostly uses the pet door. I can always hear what's going on in the backyard, even if I can't see what's going on (yes, that does cautiously concern me).

After 6 years, Sugar is set in her ways. She still barks to be let in or out ... even if Mason has JUST gone through the pet door in front of her. I "showed" Sugar the pet door and she even went in and out while I was standing there with treats ... but otherwise, she wants nothing to do with it. So, often Mason is outside by himself as Sugar happily lounges around inside.

Since the backdoor is a glass door, I had a hella time figuring out how to install a pet door. While it doesn't look professional, it is installed to spec and functional. I did have to remove, cut and reinstall one pane of glass.

I wouldn't advise a pet door for anyone and when I had Rowdy the escape artist that "got into" Sugar a couple of times a year with little provocation or warning ... it would NEVER have worked. We'll just have to see how it goes with Mason & Sugar ... and the new neighbors that JUST moved in next door this weekend ... with 3 young children ... a trampoline and a basketball goal in their backyard (that is driving Mason nuts right now).

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