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#1 |
Today was the second time in 3 years that I was yelled at for my dog peeing on the sidewalk in front of someone's house. I live in the city where there is about 2 concrete slabs of sidewalk in front of the stoop of someone's house. This morning Freida peed on the sidewalk about 6 inches from the curb in front of a house down the street from mine. The guy banged on the window, I thought he was pointing at the chihauha sized poop someone else had left. I had my doogie bag in my hand and kinda shrugged. I came out later to head to work and he had hosed down his sidewalk! So maybe it was the pee he was mad about?
Has anyone else experienced this? What is a responsible owner to do or are these people crazy? I try to be a responsible neighbor, I always clean up and throw away the dog poop and keep Freida off people's stoops and flower beds. I could carry Pee B Gone with me I guess... |
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#3 |
Who cares if your dog pee's on the side walk, if its a bigger city and there is no grass where else is she supposed to go? I get that it might stink but if the dog has to go then it has to go..
Do you have a yard? I would empty her out before you walk her like that so it wont happen on the side walk, if not, then dude can shove it lol Bear has completely embarrassed me a few times during our runs, I will empty him out and about the 5lap it almost never fails he will damn near yank me down with how hard he brakes and takes a big shit right in the road, like middle of our complex's little roads that go around lol The first few times I never had a bag and just stood there like, well wtf am I supposed to do now? Now I carry TWO bags so in case he dumps mid run I can get it out of the road ![]() Oh my friend thought it was funny Bear does that, well he dog would never do it.. mid walk a few days ago when we were out and BAM at the same damn time they both start shitting in the road! LOL walked the shit out of those dogs I tell you what! |
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#4 |
I can see both sides here. The man probably isn't a dog person and has probably had numerous occasions where other dog owners didn't clean up after their pets. Usually in a town/city the sidewalk in front of a building/residence is to be maintained by the occupant and is a reflection of that home/business. As much as I would love to tell people like this to just deal with it, sometimes we as dog owners (especially bully breed owners) have to be extra accommodating to non-dog peoples feelings and expectations. Urine is a waste product and can carry diseases. When I volunteered in our local shelter urine was washed away with a diluted bleach solution. If you really want to understand why go talk to him, if it upsets him offer a reasonable solution (carry a diluted bleach solution to sanitize). He may not change his view of all dog owners but it just might change his view of you and your dog.
---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ---------- Living in a town/city with little green for dogs to do their business makes it harder sometimes but it also makes avoiding disease a little easier as the sidewalk doesn't hold them long. |
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#5 |
You are right, because where I live, the sidewalk is the responsibility of the property owner, the sidewalk has to be repaired and shoveled, etc by the property owner... at the same time, It is "public" in that the public uses it. and dog pee might be one of the least gross things on the streets of philly..
I'm going to avoid his house ![]() |
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#6 |
goodness i couldn't imagine. Peanut knows he can not pee or walk on people's yards or trees because that is people's house but the sidwalk and parkway are fair game. I allow him to use those to go to the bathroom but always clean up after he poops but really pee i am not going to pick up. I let him use the sidewalk and parkway grass or trees because that is city property here. i have a male dog since he has a never ending bladder i couldn't empty him out before. though only one time someone has ever yelled was when we were out running and Peanut dropped poop he had never pooped on a run so i didn't have a bag but we went back after our run to pick up the poop.
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#7 |
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#9 |
I own dogs and hate when other dogs pee in front of my house, I never make a deal out of one peeing in front of my house but I do bleach the area down and hose it off. I do not want anyone stepping in it and tracking it in my house and there are kids that ride their bikes and big wheels on the walk in front of my house also. Carrying a spray bottle is not such a bad idea.....
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#12 |
On busy streets you can't help it, slower traffic (one way street) I usually walk the dogs in the street and 9 out of 10 times they go in the street and at the same time being in the street I avoid people with dogs on 10-20ft leads that just let there dogs run right up to my dogs. All said and done if you clean up after your dogs and don't let them go in there front yard pee on concrete should be the least of people's concerns.
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#14 |
Dog poop I can understand being irate about if the owner isn't cleaning it up, but pee? C'mon! In the larger cities HUMAN pee is common on sidewalks and in alleys. I had some dude in my neighborhood try to bitch me out, because as we were crossing the street, Ethel ambled around a bit and stepped on his grass a couple of times. Apparently my evil dog was ruining the integrity of his lawn, unlike the 3 cars that were parked on it. I had another guy who lived next door to my old house come yelling from out his door when Lucy squatted to pee at the edge of his driveway/ a little on the grass. He yelled that I'd better clean that up. I asked if he wanted to give me a towel, and he went inside. If you have sidewalk you care so much about, then hose the shit down every day. And quit your job while you're at it, so you can stay up 24/7 and yell at all the people who spit gum/tobacco/phlegm/spit, break bottles, toss cigarette butts and wrappers etc. etc. Face it, sidewalks are meant for on foot traffic, and are bound to get dirty. As for front yards, fence it. I still get the dumb neighbor kids throwing trash into my yard, but there's no strange dog piss or shit. |
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#15 |
That's just insane. Birds poop, dogs pee, stuff happens. It's a sidewalk. Amy pees in people's yards too. It happens. that all said my neighbors are pretty quiet but we have a dirty public park attached to our neighborhood that ruins our sidewalks i don't actually live in the ghetto just the outskirts. |
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#16 |
yep and in my neighborhood there is spit, blood (on a regular basis) and graffiti, condoms. a little dog pee is definately not the worst thing you could possibly step on here. I just dont GET it, grass- yes, but sidewalks? Now I'm paranoid about someone yelling at me again, There really is no walking in the streets, I guess we could do it up and down the side streets. |
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#17 |
yep and in my neighborhood there is spit, blood (on a regular basis) and graffiti, condoms. a little dog pee is definately not the worst thing you could possibly step on here. We have found used needles, broken liquor bottles, used condoms, X rated graffiti on the schoolyard equipment, all kinds of chip and candy wrappers, soda and water bottles, clothing... I'd be happy if all I had to worry about was dog pee. Seriously. It got so bad the janitor and his maintenance staff have to come to work early during the warm seasons and clean the playground before the kids start coming to school to keep them safe. Thankfully, since my front door top window has no screen and my dogs like to look out the window a LOT, I never find any crap near my house. The hoodrats are too afraid of my dogs and cross the street a couple houses down. I ain't about to tell them my dogs are ridiculously friendly. They can keep crossing over, rofl. |
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#18 |
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#19 |
I live in a nice neighborhood, but we're a few blocks from the main road and across the main road is the last of the ghetto apartments in my area. I thought by buying back int he neighborhood I wouldn't have to deal with any crap. WRONG! When the apartments took down their basketball hoops and playground equipment the "kids" (usually the older teens) started coming to the playground at the end of my block. As these "kids" get older, they start coming at night to play ball, get drunk/high and try to hook up. ![]() all my neighbors are really nice and we stop to talk to most everyone but the gross park has some aweful people that cut thru the neighborhood and leave all kinds of nasty things. the other day there was even a small baggie with some sort of white thing inside it that finally got picked up by the streesweeper today. Peanut will NOT walk in that park we have tried taking him a few different times and he PULLS to get out of it and he always walks on a heel otherwise. |
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#20 |
Do they not realize that raccoons, squirrels, rats etc piss and crap all over their lawns and house never even mind the side walk.
Here the end of someone's lawn is considered city property and the side walks are also city property. I guess I'd be that bitch owner who told the guy to shove it cause it's not his property. |
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