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Old 07-01-2012, 11:44 PM   #21

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Try reading the original post again. These are other dogs we encounter on walks. I'm not seeking them out. I'm taking my dog out; I'm talking about people that don't control their own dogs and let them run at mine.
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:45 PM   #22

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yeah, thanks. But I'll keep walking my dog. You're welcome to disagree with my decision.

Thanks for those of you who posted helpful advice on being very direct with other owners.
Rose I have told you the truth!if you dont like it thats too dam bad..But i suggest you stick around and learn and study some more,,thier are a ton of threads on this already ..try the search function at the top..Not being unfriendly but the truth is the truth,,these dogs dont need socializing with other dogs!
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:49 PM   #23

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Rose I have told you the truth!if you dont like it thats too dam bad..But i suggest you stick around and learn and study some more,,thier are a ton of threads on this already ..try the search function at the top..Not being unfriendly but the truth is the truth,,these dogs dont need socializing with other dogs!
Where are you reading that I am trying to socialize her with other dogs? Did you even read the original post?
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:52 PM   #24

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Try reading the original post again. These are other dogs we encounter on walks. I'm not seeking them out. I'm taking my dog out; I'm talking about people that don't control their own dogs and let them run at mine.
I did read that and I understand that..You cant control what the public does with thier dogs! So your putting your dog in a bad situation anyway you slice it.

---------- Post added at 06:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

I don't have a yard. I walk my dog. There are other dogs in the world. I suppose I could lock her in a 900 sqft condo for the rest of her life though so she never sees another dog.
this is where i read that rose..where you said lock her up where she could never see another dog..
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:54 PM   #25

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I dont think she is walking the dog to make doggie friends. She is walking for excresize. She wants to know how to deal with idiots that approach her unfriendly dog. Try your best to turn around and walk the other way. If they continue tell them to go away.
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:56 PM   #26

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---------- Post added at 05:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ----------

I dont think she is walking the dog to make doggie friends. She is walking for excresize. She wants to know how to deal with idiots that approach her unfriendly dog. Try your best to turn around and walk the other way. If they continue tell them to go away.
Thank you - I'll give that a try. I was hoping people would get the hint when I pull her close to me but they seem to not.
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:57 PM   #27

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I was clearly responding to your comment I should exercise her at home to avoid situations where she might encounter another dog.

My question was not whether I should walk my dog or not. I am walking my dog. I was asking for practical advice for dealing with other dog owners.
You cant deal with other dog owners when you own a APBT ,,they dont know and will not ever understand..So you just continue on walking your dog and do your thing..I wish you luck,,Do you own a break stick?
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Old 07-01-2012, 11:57 PM   #28

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I tell people that if they plan on keeping their dog safe and alive, they WILL keep their dog at a safe distance. My dog will not hesitate to attack another. If people don't listen, that's their prerogative but I make sure that I tell them repeatedly (in increasingly urgent tones) that their dog's safety is at risk if they continue approaching. I also make sure to be walking the opposite direction. I'm always ALWAYS actively scanning my area for neighbors with contained or loose dogs as it's no one's responsibility but my own to make sure others stay away.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:08 AM   #29

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Tyson is very friendly toward other dogs but likes to paw/play lunge at them...that makes me nervous so I keep him away from other dogs unless I bring him around my friends and their pets. I don't trust other people's dogs because who knows their story? Regardless, people who are rude enough to not bring their dogs to their side when another person is walking WITHOUT asking permission first if they can greet your dog are DUMB. That's just a disaster waiting to happen REGARDLESS of the breed. Doesn't matter at all. Tyson LOVES dogs but being 6 months old he is very all over the place at times. I always make him stay right beside me when other people walk by with a dog, I've had boxers, shephards, you name it come barrelling at us before, but thankfully, most people have their dogs right by their side and keep walking or at least ask if their dog can play with mine. I don't mind USUALLY but I'm trying to teach Tys he can't have his way 24/7. I like to take him to my brothers so he can play with their Great Dane and German Short Hair, I just would rather know a bit about the dog before I let some stranger come put their dog all up in my dog's face.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:14 AM   #30

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Rose I have told you the truth!if you dont like it thats too dam bad..But i suggest you stick around and learn and study some more,,thier are a ton of threads on this already ..try the search function at the top..Not being unfriendly but the truth is the truth,,these dogs dont need socializing with other dogs!
Shes not even trying to socialize so this is pointless. read her first post properly and youll know shes walking her dog like any other person does. cali is extreamly dog agressive and i still walk her and so do many other poeple.
when someone aproaches cali with an other dog i dont really have a problem telling them to back off because if the dog is to close she barks and growls at it. every one gave you good advice
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:17 AM   #31

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thank you guys - this has been helpful.

At some point I WOULD love to be able to safely introduce her to certain other dogs, but not for a long, long time. She's too unpredictable and erratic now. I'm just working so hard on teaching her to ignore other dogs right now and divert her attention when she feels anxious, and one stupid dog running at us sets us back in training. I'll be much firmer with how I tell other people to back off.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:22 AM   #32

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Bamanan- Without starting an argument with you because I think for the most part you give pretty solid advice... I walk my dog aggressive dog on public streets. There's nothing wrong with it but it comes down to you choosing whether you want to save face with neighbors or tell them to back off. I have no problem being rude to someone that just doesn't seem to get it.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:30 AM   #33

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I hate telling people they are doing the wrong things with their dogs or telling them they are putting them at risk..But the first time you have to pull a APBT off nother dog or break him off another dog a little light will flash in your head and say I better not do this again..Its not a good situation APBT's are not nippers like most dogs are..APBT literally tries to rip the skin and flesh off another dog.Its not a pretty sight especially if you are not prepared for it..You can say well i have had bad ass German Shepards,Rotti's,Dolbi's all you want..But if you never saw a APBT in action your first experience will be a enlightment to say the least..Thats why i am trying to stress keep your dogs out of bad situations,,avoid them as much as possible.AND CARRY A DAM BREAK STICK !

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:22 PM ----------

Shes not even trying to socialize so this is pointless. read her first post properly and youll know shes walking her dog like any other person does. cali is extreamly dog agressive and i still walk her and so do many other poeple.
when someone aproaches cali with an other dog i dont really have a problem telling them to back off because if the dog is to close she barks and growls at it. every one gave you good advice
And I suggest you read post 31
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:33 AM   #34

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thank you guys - this has been helpful.

At some point I WOULD love to be able to safely introduce her to certain other dogs, but not for a long, long time. She's too unpredictable and erratic now. I'm just working so hard on teaching her to ignore other dogs right now and divert her attention when she feels anxious, and one stupid dog running at us sets us back in training. I'll be much firmer with how I tell other people to back off.
If she's dog aggressive, why would you want to introduce her to other dogs? That's an accident waiting to happen. Just work on teaching her to ignore other dogs and let it be that. She doesn't need doggie friends, especially being as she's already showing signs of DA.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:37 AM   #35

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My dog is not aggressive. She is anxious and reactive toward certain dogs, but it's more of a fear-based reactivity. She can walk by some dogs just fine and not even flinch. She lives with two cats she's terrified of. If we're sitting outside and a dog comes by, she'll jump into my lap shaking in fear. She apparently played fine with other dogs (confirmed with both the shelter and her foster home) in her past but was attacked by a beagle in her foster home and has been nervous since then.

Yes, at some point it would be nice to be able to introduce her to my friends' dogs. But if we can't, we can't. That's not my goal in walking her. I like walking my dog. She likes being walked. We both look forward to it. She's fine 95% of the time. 5% of the time she gets nervous/anxious and tenses up, and I don't want to make a small problem worse by letting her into a bad situation.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:40 AM   #36

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My dog is not aggressive. She is anxious and reactive toward certain dogs, but it's more of a fear-based reactivity. She can walk by some dogs just fine and not even flinch. She lives with two cats she's terrified of. If we're sitting outside and a dog comes by, she'll jump into my lap shaking in fear.

Yes, at some point it would be nice to be able to introduce her to my friends' dogs. But if we can't, we can't. That's not my goal in walking her. I like walking my dog. She likes being walked. We both look forward to it. She's fine 95% of the time. 5% of the time she gets nervous/anxious and tenses up, and I don't want to make a small problem worse by letting her into a bad situation.
I can respect that. Just continue working on what you're doing with her. Tell people to back off, even if you end up looking like the crazy lady with a dog. If it helps, you can purchase a "dog in training" vest, which lets MOST people know the dog is not approachable because she's working/learning. My uncle used to put one on all of his dogs that he took out for training in the park to keep people from bothering them.
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Old 07-02-2012, 12:43 AM   #37

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I can respect that. Just continue working on what you're doing with her. Tell people to back off, even if you end up looking like the crazy lady with a dog. If it helps, you can purchase a "dog in training" vest, which lets MOST people know the dog is not approachable because she's working/learning. My uncle used to put one on all of his dogs that he took out for training in the park to keep people from bothering them.
Ooooooh that sounds like a really good idea. That's what I'm trying to get across to people - that I'm working with her and trying to control the situation and I don't want to set her back further. I think she can actually improve to be less anxious - but any incident will hurt that effort. I'll look into those vests - thanks!
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Old 07-02-2012, 01:13 AM   #38

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Other people with their dogs are always a problem. I tell them to Keep their dog away, mine does not like other dogs, period. I am not nice about it. If it is a small dog I have no problem punting it away from my dog.

I was in the park a couple of weeks ago and there are signs posted everywhere that YOU MUST KEEP YOUR DOG ON LEASH! Of course the first thing I see is a small dog off leash. I swear sometimes people need to be smacked upside their heads.
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Old 08-01-2012, 09:21 PM   #39

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We had a nice long walk today and only one idiot trying to insist his schnauzer meet Amy. I moved away from him THREE times until it became clear that he was definitely leading the dog over to us. I finally said "Please keep your dog bag. We don't do leash introductions because she can be unpredictable." He seemed really offended and huffed off. For some reason people around here (Northern Virginia) seem obsessed with having their dogs meet other dogs, so I'm the jerk. Oh well.

The good news is she completely ignored the schnauzer and about 14 other dogs we passed today. She did pull toward one lab but I gave her a quick leash correction and settled her down. I think we're making a lot of progress.
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Old 08-01-2012, 10:22 PM   #40

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I turn and go the other way or cross the street. Or on the greenbelt I pull over and have them lay down and put myself between them and the ill behaved on leash dog. Apparently I'm evil for having well behaved dogs (who are very reactive given the choice and stupid friendly to other dogs) and pulling over and having them on an attentive obedience command seems to get me a lot of dirty looks. People are flippin' weird.
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