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harriettvanders 01-13-2012 02:51 PM

I'm sorry. Must have been a pretty bad incident. I hope it was and not someone overreacting. But rip

reiseebup 01-13-2012 03:16 PM

Sorry for your loss, it's always hard to have to make that call.

Virosponna 09-01-2012 09:58 PM

Need some HELP for a friend. :(
A friend who lives in Bacliff, Tx 77518 is searching for a Vet to have his Bully put down. He had an incident 2 days ago, and has come to the decision that his boy (2.5years old) needs to be put down. http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/frown.png

Hes already having a hard time with this...

So he called a vets today to get a pricing on having it done... Guessing he briefed the Vet about what happened.. and he SAID that the vet told him... They would like to do an autopsy, or as he put it... "cut his head off and send it away for research." IDK, why any vets would ever say something to him like that, thats pretty fkin bogus. Said that he is now scared to tell the vets what happened cuz he 'doesnt want them to use it against the breed'. He just wants to do this peacefully as possible.

Anyways.. If anyone is near his location... or could help me out in anyway that would be great.

Eagevawax 09-01-2012 10:08 PM

They would LIKE to do an autopsy doesn't mean they are going to it's his right to refuse an autopsy and let his dog remain intact...They have a brain bank for humans in florida where people with mental illnesses can donate their brains but in the end its still their choice....Good luck finding a vet and remind him that no matter how much they pressure him it's HIS choice

rootoronpunty 09-01-2012 11:56 PM

Most humane society's will do it real cheap. Is there a Rabies problem? That's usually why they want the head...

Jerwittdergut 09-02-2012 12:21 AM


A friend who lives in Bacliff, Tx 77518 is searching for a Vet to have his Bully put down. He had an incident 2 days ago, and has come to the decision that his boy (2.5years old) needs to be put down. http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/frown.png

Hes already having a hard time with this...

So he called a vets today to get a pricing on having it done... Guessing he briefed the Vet about what happened.. and he SAID that the vet told him... They would like to do an autopsy, or as he put it... "cut his head off and send it away for research." IDK, why any vets would ever say something to him like that, thats pretty fkin bogus. Said that he is now scared to tell the vets what happened cuz he 'doesnt want them to use it against the breed'. He just wants to do this peacefully as possible.

Anyways.. If anyone is near his location... or could help me out in anyway that would be great.
Is he up to date on his rabies vaccine? If he bit someone and he's asking the vet to put him down, they may want to test for rabies.

aideriimibion 09-02-2012 12:24 AM

What was the "incident" ?

Virosponna 09-02-2012 12:35 AM

From what I've gathered (which was kinda difficult because he was all worked up, in everyway possible) was that 'Max' the dog, went after his roomates blue heeler. 'Dude' the owner got Max off the other dog, while his roomate got his dog inside. As Dude was holding Max back... He bit him. He was NOT bit DURING the scuffle. Dude has said that Max has lundged at him before..and he dismissed it.

Virosponna 09-02-2012 12:41 AM


Grapappytek 09-02-2012 01:35 AM

Like Lilliana said...they want to test for rabies. That's how they test for it in animals. They can only find proof in the brain matter. It's not an autopsy, per se. An autopsy is to discover the cause of death. If the dog was current on rabies vaccs, there is no need for this. If not current, in this case...there's probably still no reason to send the head off for testing. If he waited till the results came back to get a rabies shot for himself, it would be too late.

If there is any concern about potential rabies, your friend should get the shot, regardless of whether or not he chooses to go ahead with the "head test".

MeatteCen 09-02-2012 02:42 AM

Sounds like they are wanting to test the dog for rabies. That I know of, that's the only way to test a dead dog. He can quarantine the dog for 10 days before putting him down... I know when my sisters dog bit my daughter after it had been missing for 2 weeks, AC put it in quarantine for 10 days to make sure he didn't have rabies. Any chance your friend would go for the quarantine for 10 days?

Virosponna 09-02-2012 06:51 AM

Theres no concern for rabies from the owners stand point.

Dude never went to the hospital, so the bite was neveer reported.

He only CALLed 1 vet for a price (which they said was 400$ fucking dollars. i know my mom had one of old dogs pts and it wasnt no 400$. Whats the normal price?), then they got him upset with commenting to 'Cut his head off' just to be safe.. that he hasnt called any other vets.

He doesnt want to and I dotn want him to hafta go thru 'the other way' of putting his dog down... So, tis why I reached out to see if anyone in his area ish , knew round abouts pricing or a cheaper place.

Im just thankful that he called me. Cuz, his girl was tellin him, 'give him to someone else, maybe they can handle him better' and I let him know that IMO that wasnt the best thinig to do.

Dude said, he has had a few issues with Max before... and he thought if he got him fixed.. it might calm him.. well he got that done when he was 10months..and Max is now 2.5yrs old.

rootoronpunty 09-22-2012 09:01 AM

RIP Max. Glad he found a reasonable place to do it.

Virosponna 09-25-2012 09:01 AM

Thanks so much for your help guys. Dude
finally got it done yesterday. PAid 30$ at the local shelter. He said they were very nice and that Max was a good boy on his ride there.

VladFal 09-26-2012 09:01 AM

I'm wondering if the $400 price tag included the cost of sending for testing. I know here in WI if your animal's head needs to be sent for testing you are required to pay for it.

WournGona 09-27-2012 09:01 AM

... if it is the law, then the agency inventing the law should pay for it.. here in washington, if the head needs to be submitted and there is cause to do so (not because somebody wants to do it for some reason), the health department does it for free.

Elaltergephah 09-28-2012 09:01 AM

I'm sorry for his loss. RIP Max.

aaaaaaaabbbby 09-30-2012 09:01 AM

Call the local vets and check around. Quotes were ranging from $68 to $200 in NY where I am when we put Jasper down. We chose the cheapest one, which was also the nicest one. Then when we got there they were going over everything with us and told us it was only $32 if we took him with us. Also, even though the health laws say 10 days, the paper the vet had us sign said 15 days. They even said 10 days when I called and then the 15 was on their paperwork. Tell him to read the fine print and make sure he's prepared to sign his name to it.

I'm very sorry your friend has to go through this. I don't think there's a risk of rabies for the dog and thus his head shouldn't be sent away. If he showed issues with the roommate before and has showed other signs since 10 months....The dog would've been frothing at the mouth and keeled over on its own by now if it was rabid....Wait the 10 days, have him enjoy the time with him because it will be their last.

Grapappytek 10-01-2012 07:02 AM

You could call arounf yourself and save him the pain. $400 is absolutely rediculous. I wouldn't expect to pay more than an initial visit price pluse maybe $100 tops for the euthenasia itself.

I had a parvo pup put down (granted this was over a decade ago) but it was $86 total. Office visit, sedative, and then euthenasia.

WournGona 10-01-2012 07:16 AM

Legally, you have two options: Put the dog into quarantine for 10 days and then euthanize without having to worry about having him checked for rabies.. or do it before the 10 day quarantine.. at which point, legally, the head HAS to be submitted to rule out that the dog carried rabies at the time of the bite.
Sure, your friend can lie about it. The euthanasia form will ask him to sign a piece of paper which will say : by signing this, I swear that this dog has not bitten anyone within the last 10 days. He can sign it, and pretend that it didn't happen. Should this come up in court, he'd be in trouble.

It's the law. Sorry. It's not a vet wanting to be an arse, it's the vet following public health laws.

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