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Old 02-18-2011, 06:47 AM   #21

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I feel very certain that at the very least, Jake would be howling, "wohw-wohw-wohw"ing, but he wouldn't get close. If the stranger reached for him, he'd duck away and keep barking and howling. He's never been tested, but he's 12 years old so I figure I know his habits well enough to predict what he'd do. I don't know if he'd eventually lunge and bite out of frustration ("My barking isn't intimidating this danger! Must ratchet up my method"), or if he'd eventually tuck tail, curl up under a table, and keep howling. For sure, he'd definitely not give up and wander away.

Now if they were attacking me or someone else in the family (or heck, maybe some stranger we don't even know), he'd jump in. Probably wouldn't bite, but would throw his body between the two people and then start panting from stress and anxiety. He hates chaos and fighting.
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Old 02-18-2011, 07:00 AM   #22

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Is Jake your Aussie? My Aussie ,Ty,never barked and almost never made any kind of noise at all.Every once and a while though,he would just bust out a very loud and random "Woo woo wooo" noise.It was so weird ,kind of like the noise huskies make,but slightly different.I've never heard it from any other dog.
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Old 02-18-2011, 07:20 AM   #23

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Riley doesn't bark and she loves everyone.
Bogart Barks and is all tail wag
Peaches is a barker and a skitzo She would bite anyone.
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Old 02-18-2011, 07:41 AM   #24

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Jack would bark and growl and make a big show.... while hightailing it into a different room. Jack however, is a weak-nerved dog who doesn't accept change/strangers well. He warms up quickly, though. But he would def. cur out.

My GSD is still a puppy and she loves EVERYONE. However, she is confident and has "real" aggression in her (seen in our training). I do not doubt that, especially when she is mature, she would confront an intruder. The extent to which she would pursue I do not know. Hopefully her presence and threat display would dissuade a bad guy from trying to advance his assault.

VERY VERY FEW dogs (of most any breed) however, would be "game" in their apprehension/confrontation of an intruder in a violent situation. Most would flee and exercise their instinct of self-preservation.
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Old 02-18-2011, 07:58 AM   #25

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She will and has protected me a couple of times in the past couple of years and I don't ever see a different conclusion. She is not a complete total HA maniac but is very very cautious of strangers and seems to be deliberately smart with who looks like a potential threat in any situation. Just the other night I parked into the parking lot of a store and she is always in the passenger seat unless I bring company in my car. I had parked right next to a man sitting in his car who immensely looked bloody creepy as they come . Not only did he give the notion of being a creepy looking man but he insisted to stare right at me as if he were staring into my soul. As soon as I felt threatened inside zoey clicked and began growling and barking at him. It was quiet a profound moment it's as if she picked up my fear in an instant and reacted. This one encounter even scared myself a little, we were jogging at night and this older teenage boy decided to just dart right in front of us after he finished crossing the street and zoey lunged and I heard her let out a very scary sounding growl and a snap just as I barely took a good hold of her with both hands. So beware of dog I obviously have not been in an actual life and death situation with zoey present with a stranger, robber, burglar, etc but these are pretty confident reactions from what they were already.
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Old 02-18-2011, 01:48 PM   #26

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There's a very big difference between a dog putting on a threat display, and actually defending you "when the shit hits the fan."
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Old 02-18-2011, 02:17 PM   #27

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I sleep in my grandmothers washing room.
that's kinda weird.
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Old 02-18-2011, 03:00 PM   #28

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Originally Posted by SnowKoi2010 I sleep in my grandmothers washing room.
that's kinda weird. Harry Potter is REAL.
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Old 02-18-2011, 03:16 PM   #29

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well...when Goren was about 6 months old, my dad came over while I we were asleep, he was actually tethered to the steps leading up to the atic (solid steps not anything that fold up) and he growled at my dad, that is all, I don't think he would actually do anything but I wont leave him in a situation where he would actually be able to do anything. when people stop outside for no reason he will growl/bark at them, heck even the mailman if he stops to long infront of the house (he normally does not growl or bark at people)...I actually like him doing this, but yet again he is not a true APBT but a mutt maybe AST...Abby on the other hand...she rarely ever barks at all and she is more APBT (looking) than Goren (though I still think she looks like a 45 lbs Am. Bully) but either way I would say that Goren would give off warnings but if the person changed to being friendly and such (as in play bow/ high pitched voice) Goren would probably play, Abby I do not know but I assume she would just go lick the person to death.

As far as defending me...if its another dog and I let him, he will hands down, I discourage this and put myself between them... a person I actually think Goren would not hesitate in biting if he knew for real that something was not right and I was in danger...that has never happened so I am not sure but just by how he acts, it is a constant battle to be over him in the pecking order, he is a true leader (which is great because Abby is a true follower) I just hope that day never comes.
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Old 02-18-2011, 03:47 PM   #30

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Harry Potter is REAL.

i love harry potter

---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------

gottie is not a true apbt so his not the human loving mush; instead he absolutely loves all dogs! and is aloof with humans (but sometimes he just loves on them or doesnt like them). he also is greets people coming over with barks and growling; we have them meet gottie outside so his not so bitter about it and his slowly improving.
there has been instances where in the middle of the night i take gottie out and someone running up to us and he gets defensive like barking an growling and lunging at the person but he was on a leash. And there has been another time when this guy was walking past my mom and i and the dogs (he was huge, and had a duffle bag from working out and what not) but the guy jumped into his apartment building balcony and made a loud noise gottie reacted toward the guy right away while gigi looked back like "whats going on?" and went back to sniffing. so gottie would most likely react given the situation

gigi is a people loving mush! she loves anyone and everyone! she doesnt even bark at the door... on the other hand shes always barking at other dogs hahah so they compliment eachother very well
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Old 02-18-2011, 03:50 PM   #31

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Odie(apbt) would probably back up maxi(Texas Heeler). Maxi is more cautious about that than Odie. When my hubby and I wrestle if I say OW!!! Maxi has tried to go after my hubby before. Never broke skin but you can tell he's distressed when we wrestle. Now Odie will protect my daughter if they are out back. He won't leave her outside alone. Typical Apbt he loves her even though he's up my butt most everyday I'm home.
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Old 02-18-2011, 04:53 PM   #32

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I'd like to say my dogs would defend me but since that has never come up its all purely speculation.
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Old 02-18-2011, 05:31 PM   #33

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Its doubtful to me that my dog will do much to protect property, but family members are a different story. I don't think this is something that can be predicted with any dog as they tend to sense what is playing and they definitely know when their owners are in real fear. I am pretty certain if you assault me or a member of my family. My dog is going to be a problem for you, how much of a problem depends on just how well armed you are. Anybody who wants to volunteer to test the theory with me is welcome as I would love to find out, although I would seriously question your sanity. Maybe with a protective suit but then again it would be playing and I would not be afraid which I think the dog can sense also.

I did once have an altercation with a drunken neighbor that almost escalated into a fight. To this day every time my dog sees that guy he acts very protective and seems to want to go after him.
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Old 02-18-2011, 08:58 PM   #34

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Funny story I got one female pit that lives inside ...I came home from work one day and thier was a puppet laying in the road had the strings and the handle still attatched...so i went and picked it up and said hmmmm I can have a little fun with this and test my pit at the same time...well i got by the back door eased it open had the puppet right there where it would be looking right at her.as soon as she saw it it sounded like a freight train running through the house and howling at the same time ..yep she ran ..pissed all over the floor to ..came in she was hiding behind a chair...sooo much for her being a gaurd dog...but when i take her somewhere she will back anybody down that tries to get near my truck,,I dont know what the difference is.
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Old 02-18-2011, 10:53 PM   #35

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"I came home from work one day and thier was a puppet laying in the road had the strings and the handle still attatched...so i went and picked it up"

Dude,I have to say,that is creepy as fuck! You should not have touched it much less brought it into your house.It was most certainly evil.You should have repeatedly ran over it,backed up and ran over it some more until it was dead!
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:24 PM   #36

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"I came home from work one day and thier was a puppet laying in the road had the strings and the handle still attatched...so i went and picked it up"

Dude,I have to say,that is creepy as fuck! You should not have touched it much less brought it into your house.It was most certainly evil.You should have repeatedly ran over it,backed up and ran over it some more until it was dead!
Chloe chill out man ...I said a puppet not a puppy! You know a puppet on a string! come on now!
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:26 PM   #37

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Chloe chill out man ...I said a puppet not a puppy! You know a puppet on a string! come on now!
I know what you said.You don't find random creepy looking dolls laying in the road just a bit unnerving? Your dog was right to be scared.
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:27 PM   #38

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puppets are evil. not as evil as clowns, but evil all the same
take a look at my avatar. thats one evil sob
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:28 PM   #39

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An evil puppet? LMAO yeah if i believed in VoDoo or witchcraft ...I see where your gooing now >>I thought u may have thought i meant a puppy lol!But no not scared of puppets chloe!They cant hurt you!Just like the dead cant! Live mofo's u got to worry about.
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Old 02-18-2011, 11:29 PM   #40

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