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Old 05-02-2011, 09:18 AM   #1

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Default I really need your guyses help?!?!?! Please!!!
Hi fellow pitbull parents. My name is Krystal and I found this forum b/c I need your help. I have a beautiful boy named Buddy. He is turning 7 years old this July 29th... hopefully. I've had him since he was only 4 and a half weeks old. I've literally raised him like he was a baby and he definitely acts like it. He's spoiled rotten and soooo loved you couldn't even imagine!
So today I need your guyses help and advice b/c my baby has been taken away from me. The situation is this...
I live back to back w/ an apartment complex that has lots of kids. Well the kids have grown to love buddy too. Know him by name and unfortunately love to play w him. They kick in my fence and let him out all the time. He's been picked up by the cops and pound a couple of times b/c the parents call and freak out about him being a pit, even though the kids explained he was nice. So one of the times the parents called and said he was "attacking the kids" when they told me he was just playing with them so I got a $900 ticket for him being a vicous animal... which he is FARRRR FROM! I've talked to the manager, called the cops, done everything I could to do so I had to result to keeping him locked up in the house. The only time I let him out is to go pee real quick and then right back inside. Well obviously he doesn't like it much so yesterday when I let him out he took off out of one of the holes the kids made... and went to the school to "play w the kids" animal control picked him up and called me to come get him. When I was there at first they just told me I owed $150 to get him out b/c of holding fees/re-licensing and all that... so I was writing the check and she said.... oh wait a minute. He's marked as a vicous animal and a reocurring incodent so I would have to appeal it and that I couldn't do that till monday. And even then it could take over a week to appeal and I would have to pay for every day that he's in there... and in the end it's going to cost me over $2,000!!!! I don't know what to do?!?!? I don't know what the laws are, what my rights are or how to get him back with out breaking the law. I want to bring my baby home and I'll do anything to do that I just need to know how. Does anyone know how I can get him home??? Any help or advice would be sooo beyond greatly appreciated!
I don't understand why they would rather keep my dog locked up rather then home with his loving family when they have soooo many more animals without homes to worry about? Please help me!?
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Old 05-02-2011, 09:31 AM   #2

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Get a lawyer. If you get it back buy a padlock and set up a chain spot. Go talk to the parents of the kids and tell them the situation. It is really your fault leaving him in an area where he canm get out easily so you just have to hope that your lawyer is good and someone shows you mercy.
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Old 05-02-2011, 09:35 AM   #3

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I've tried talking to the parents but it was difficult b/c they were yelling at me in russian and the kids were trying to translate so it didn't work out. The cop was unable to talk to them either. I know it is my fault and that's why I need to fix it. But they shouldn't be able to keep him from me just b/c they got out?
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Old 05-02-2011, 02:45 PM   #4

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I've tried talking to the parents but it was difficult b/c they were yelling at me in russian and the kids were trying to translate so it didn't work out. The cop was unable to talk to them either. I know it is my fault and that's why I need to fix it. But they shouldn't be able to keep him from me just b/c they got out?
if he was marked as dangerous, yes, they can euth your dog that day if they want to, depending on the law.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:04 PM   #5

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Keep him inside. Most of us would advise this no matter where you live. Outdoor pit bulls are at risk of exactly what has happened to you, as well as theft for breeding or dog fighting, and teasing and torture by kids.

You are actually lucky the kids like your dog. Usually in situations like this kids taunt the dog and end up getting bit.

Obviously, it's a bad idea to let the dog out on her own.

Why in the world you would let her out without a leash when you KNEW there was a hole in the fence, and then apparently did not go after her, and allowed AC to pick her up ESPECIALLY after being fined and charged previosuly is totaly beyond my capacity to understand.

It is a very simple thing to avoid. BE RESPONSIBLE. Keep her on a leash, in your house, or stay with her when she's out. That's what good dog owners do.

We don't leave our dogs unnatended in yards we KNOW they will get out of to wander the city with random neighborhood kids, over and over, AFTER getting introuble for it on multiple occasions...or at all for that matter.

It's irresponsible folks like you that can't take even see that THEY are the ones CAUSING the issue that gives out breed a bad name.
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:57 PM   #6

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First of all.... I didn't realize the word him meant her now.... Second of all... we fixed the fence... third of all... I let him out to pee for 2 seconds like I have been doing for 2 months with no incidences with no problem while I was getting my daughter some juice before school. 4th... when I realized he was gone I put my daughter in the car and we went looking for him until it was time for school. So if you want to call people irresponsible who have a dog that can take the torment from the kids and still play with them nicely, grow up w my daughter and be nothing but a best friend to her, and have a loved dog who was not bread for fighting or breeding or anything else pit bulls are bread for... then go ahead. but that's what I call narrow minded... oh but thanks for the advice on trying to get him out....
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Old 06-03-2011, 03:48 AM   #7

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Found out what the laws are in your area... and if you get him back, make sure you don't let him out without him being on a leash or tie out. I hope everything goes ok, I can't imagine what I would do if my dogs were seized.
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Old 06-03-2011, 03:57 AM   #8

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What Jim said about the padlock and chain spot. Obviously your dog can get out of the fence very easily, and you know that, so you can no trust the fence alone. You are dealing with a situation where you are actually the one at fault (all technicality, not trying to burn you). As far as getting your dog back, I unfortunately can not help there.
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:11 AM   #9

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As pit bull owners we are held to a higher standard of responsibility. We don't have the luxury of letting little fluffy run around unsupervised and get picked up by AC and all we have to do is go pick up and pay a small fine and it's over. These are "killing machines" in people's minds and we cannot allow this to happen. The first time may have been an accident but any time after that is just plain irresponsible. If your dog were not a pit bull then you probably wouldn't have much of an issue. But he is a pit bull and you were careless. It wouldn't be surprising if they euthanized your dog because it happens all the time.

You need to find out what the laws are where you live. I hope the dog can be saved and that you learn to be be more responsible. Good luck.
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:00 PM   #10

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Well I must say you are totally responsible for what is happening to your dog. You have referred to him as your beautiful baby, said you raised him like a baby and spoiled him rotten. This sentence is very telling "I've literally raised him like he was a baby and he definitely acts like it. He's spoiled rotten and soooo loved you couldn't even imagine"

Now the truth is he is a pitbull and of course a dog. You have been irresponsible because you have not accepted the real duties of ownership. Anyone can have one accident but at some point you have to get the message. Allowing your "baby" to play with children unsupervised, roam freely or escape is not acceptable and unfortunately your dog will pay the price for your neglect as an owner. I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but it is the truth. You should own a YORKIE. On second thought, letting a yorkie do what you allow you pitbull to do is also completely unacceptable and would probably result in it's death by traffic or another dog probably owned by someone like you.
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:09 PM   #11

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What everyone else said
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:23 PM   #12

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They kick in my fence and let him out all the time. He's been picked up by the cops and pound a couple of times b/c the parents call and freak out about him being a pit, even though the kids explained he was nice.
This right here should have been enough to make you never let him out with out a leash or chain. I'd be dammed if I'd let some snotty kids kick in my fence to play with my dogs...If they wanted to play with my dogs they would need to go through me first not just destroy my property and let my dogs run loose.

You need to look at your laws and see what they say...I know here if a "Dangerous" dog gets caught a second time they are Put down no questions asked.

If you are lucky enough to get him back I would suggest a nice chain spot for him with a chain kids can't remove. You letting them even get in your yard once with out telling them off was irresponsible!
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Old 07-02-2011, 06:44 PM   #13

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Do what you can do and get your dog back if you can.If you're lucky(and you'll be lucky if you get him back) either chain him up or keep him inside.If not you'll eventually lose your dog.Good luck getting him back.
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Old 07-02-2011, 07:00 PM   #14

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I'd only let him out on a leash if it were me. I wouldn't chance leaving him out on a chain with kids showing little regard for your property. What if they come on your property and the dog gives them a scratch? Surely he won't get another chance. Unfortunately, these dogs aren't "just dogs" to people anymore. Sad but true...we have to step up and take every precaution possible.

Best wishes for his return.
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Old 07-02-2011, 07:06 PM   #15

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If you can't keep your dog properly contained, you shouldn't own one. In my opinion there's no excuse for letting your dog get loose, especially multiple times. Is he fixed?
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Old 07-02-2011, 07:15 PM   #16
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Old 07-02-2011, 07:27 PM   #17

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As pit bull owners we are held to a higher standard of responsibility. We don't have the luxury of letting little fluffy run around unsupervised and get picked up by AC and all we have to do is go pick up and pay a small fine and it's over. These are "killing machines" in people's minds and we cannot allow this to happen. The first time may have been an accident but any time after that is just plain irresponsible. If your dog were not a pit bull then you probably wouldn't have much of an issue. But he is a pit bull and you were careless. It wouldn't be surprising if they euthanized your dog because it happens all the time.

You need to find out what the laws are where you live. I hope the dog can be saved and that you learn to be be more responsible. Good luck.
Buddy's Moma -- read this again. You HAVE to understand it doesn't matter one bit that your dog is so wonderful with the kids. To the public and the law in most places, Pit Bulls are "dangerous" just for running loose. We do not get the same breaks that people with other dogs do.

You are very lucky that there is actually a way to get your dog back. You WILL have to pay, but you can get him back. PLEASE do that or have him put down. Shelters are miserable, tortuous places for dogs and yours, being deemed dangerous, is probably in isolation and never gets out of his cage. PLEASE don't let him rot there for months and months. Do something for him NOW!

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Old 07-02-2011, 07:33 PM   #18

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First of all.... I didn't realize the word him meant her now.... Second of all... we fixed the fence... third of all... I let him out to pee for 2 seconds like I have been doing for 2 months with no incidences with no problem while I was getting my daughter some juice before school. 4th... when I realized he was gone I put my daughter in the car and we went looking for him until it was time for school. So if you want to call people irresponsible who have a dog that can take the torment from the kids and still play with them nicely, grow up w my daughter and be nothing but a best friend to her, and have a loved dog who was not bread for fighting or breeding or anything else pit bulls are bread for... then go ahead. but that's what I call narrow minded... oh but thanks for the advice on trying to get him out....
Wow, First- " I didn't realize the word him meant her now" what the hell does that even mean?
Second - If you fixed the fence how did the dog get through a hole in it. Fixing the fence after the escape is commonly referred to as closing the barn after the horse is gone.
Third - just because you have been playing Russian Roulette for a while without getting your brains blown out doesn't mean it wasn't going to be a problem eventually. Of course that assumes you have brains to blow out.
Fourth - You looked for him for a while until school? Like what an hour? This is really funny because how wonderful you think your dog is and how great he plays with children, the fact that you know kids are tormenting your dog, and letting him out is only a testament to how great pit bulls are because he still likes the kids, but it clearly demonstrates how negligent you have been. The fact you state your pitbull was not bred for fighting clearly underscores how little you know about your own dog. If he is a pitbull, he was bred from fighting dogs and fighting is in his blood. Calling posters narrow minded is sort of funny but frankly I would rather be narrow minded then absent minded or not have a mind as it appears by the way you have been managing your job as a dog owner let alone a pitbull owner.
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Old 07-02-2011, 07:39 PM   #19

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Hi fellow pitbull parents. My name is Krystal and I found this forum b/c I need your help. I have a beautiful boy named Buddy. He is turning 7 years old this July 29th... hopefully. I've had him since he was only 4 and a half weeks old. I've literally raised him like he was a baby and he definitely acts like it. He's spoiled rotten and soooo loved you couldn't even imagine!
So today I need your guyses help and advice b/c my baby has been taken away from me. The situation is this...
I live back to back w/ an apartment complex that has lots of kids. Well the kids have grown to love buddy too. Know him by name and unfortunately love to play w him. They kick in my fence and let him out all the time. He's been picked up by the cops and pound a couple of times b/c the parents call and freak out about him being a pit, even though the kids explained he was nice. So one of the times the parents called and said he was "attacking the kids" when they told me he was just playing with them so I got a $900 ticket for him being a vicous animal... which he is FARRRR FROM! I've talked to the manager, called the cops, done everything I could to do so I had to result to keeping him locked up in the house. The only time I let him out is to go pee real quick and then right back inside. Well obviously he doesn't like it much so yesterday when I let him out he took off out of one of the holes the kids made... and went to the school to "play w the kids" animal control picked him up and called me to come get him. When I was there at first they just told me I owed $150 to get him out b/c of holding fees/re-licensing and all that... so I was writing the check and she said.... oh wait a minute. He's marked as a vicous animal and a reocurring incodent so I would have to appeal it and that I couldn't do that till monday. And even then it could take over a week to appeal and I would have to pay for every day that he's in there... and in the end it's going to cost me over $2,000!!!! I don't know what to do?!?!? I don't know what the laws are, what my rights are or how to get him back with out breaking the law. I want to bring my baby home and I'll do anything to do that I just need to know how. Does anyone know how I can get him home??? Any help or advice would be sooo beyond greatly appreciated!
I don't understand why they would rather keep my dog locked up rather then home with his loving family when they have soooo many more animals without homes to worry about? Please help me!?
You don't need to own a dog. Get a cat.
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Old 07-02-2011, 07:56 PM   #20

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I have three pits and they are never outside alone. They love people and other dogs but are never out alone. They are always on a leash with me. Where do you live that they are giving you another, tho expensive, chance for your dog? You have kids, a dog and a busy life but, you have to make sure your dog is always in control, yours.
You seem to love your dog. Good luck and I hope you are able to get him back. Make changes and do the right thing for him and you.
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