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#1 |
It has its pros and cons just like everything in life, just knowing what i do and seeing what ive..seen..theres better options for cheaper or similar pricing. Just my 2 cents though. Its not completely useless, its good for your basic training. My first day on the job at Petco, the manager told me "If you don't know the answer to a customer's question, make something up. We can't have our customers thinking we don't know." Second day there, a lady comes in with her 7 year old son. both of them crying. She's holding a stick thin leopard gecko that is litterally going through it's death throes. She wanted to know if I could save it. I had to tell her I'm sorry, but it's dying right now. There's nothing anyone could do. Then I asked her if it had been eating. "No." "What were you offering." *sobbing* "Oh, we tried EVERYthing, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries...he wouldn't eat ANYthing." *shocked silence* "Who told you what to feed this guy?" "The girl who worked here before you". She had sold a leopard gecko to this customer, and advised her to feed it a variety of fruits and vegetables. Leopard geckos eat bugs. Strictly. I didn't last long at either job because I was constantly correcting the other employees when they were trying to sell animals and equipment to people. About their training though...I wouldn't trust them either, for anything other than very basic obedience. They all go through the same training course (Animal Behavioral College, I believe) and depending on their individual drive, intelligence, and knack, they can come out of it very capable of teaching a basic obedience class. But as with all things, the attitude of the individual trainer makes the difference. I wouldn't walk up to one out of the blue and ask for behavioral advice or anything, lol, unless that individual has proven themselves a cut above the norm, I said depends on that person's attitude about learning and how serious they are about it. Sounds like the one in your store is just a slacker. lol I guess what I'm trying to say is that just because a trainer is working in one of these stores doesn't automatically make them a crappy trainer, but it does pretty much garuntee your trainer will be brand new at it. They don't hire trained trainers...they hire regular folks and get them trained. Many are just gonna think of this as another random job, and not take it too seriously. Others are using it as a first step into a career as a professional dog trainer. Niether are gonna know that much or have any experience to speak of, but the one that's serious about it is likely to put more effort into learning all that they can to improve their own skills. |
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#3 |
So, we're having our training class and came outside the classroom to practice in the back of the store. This guy in the crate aisle calls to the instructor (who has her own dog with her) to ask a question. The guy has what looked like a cane corso on a choke chain with no leash (just his finger through the ring on the end). When the instructor and her sheltie approached the dog starts barking his head off and trying to go after her dog. I took Pooh down one of the aisles and stayed there till that guy cleared out of the back of the store. What the heck? It's bad enough bringing a DA dog in Petsmart. But with no leash? They should have stopped him at the door!
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#4 |
I work at PetSmart (can't stand it) and that is life. Cashiers aren't always paying attention, depending on the time they are either swamped with customers, stocking treats, cleaning, etc. That also goes for everyone else that is working.
Though the dog should have been escorted out or given a leash. |
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#6 |
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#7 |
Yikes!! What a moron!! What if that dog had gotten loose? And attacked another animal or a person? Could Petsmart also be at blame, since they didn't enforce the leash policy?
So thankful our local Petsmart isn't that way. There's rarely any dogs in the one we go to, which is kind of weird. The fish dept is always slammed, but only a handful of times have I ever encountered another dog in there. Oh well, more treats and lovin for Peyton! ![]() |
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#8 |
I work at PetSmart (can't stand it) and that is life. Cashiers aren't always paying attention, depending on the time they are either swamped with customers, stocking treats, cleaning, etc. That also goes for everyone else that is working. As to the dog that was in your Petsmart, it happens often. Fortunately the store i work at currently is decent about making sure all dogs are leashed but still depending on who works depends on what gets in forced. To a degree training your dog at Petsmart is helpful and useful, i for one, wouldnt train either of my pups there and neither would my girlfriend (her dogs too and she works there as well lol) and thats saying alot since associates get a free class. ![]() We are doing well at training both of ours but if we ever did need training wed seek other alternatives. I can go into more details but i didnt want to write a book on a reply. ---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ---------- Yikes!! What a moron!! What if that dog had gotten loose? And attacked another animal or a person? Could Petsmart also be at blame, since they didn't enforce the leash policy? |
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#9 |
IYes, if a dog bit your dog and the dog wasnt on leash, in short, you can blame petsmart. Of course it depends on the situation as to whether youd really have a case but yeah. Again, we can't be every where and see everything. Sorry I am not God. |
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#10 |
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#11 |
Or... you can just blame the owner of the dog seeing as it's not PetSmart's problem that there are morons who come into the store. |
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#12 |
I agree. I think the quality of the training isn't the greatest. However, we have learned some valuable commands -- being newbies at this. And it does give us a somewhat controlled environment to socialize in. I probably will find some other training option after this class. I don't like being in the store and trying to train while people are shopping. That's a pain.
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#13 |
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#14 |
Or... you can just blame the owner of the dog seeing as it's not PetSmart's problem that there are morons who come into the store. This annoys me just like people who want to blame us when the floor is slippery and they slip, when there is a sign that says WET FLOOR! ---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ---------- I agree. I think the quality of the training isn't the greatest. However, we have learned some valuable commands -- being newbies at this. And it does give us a somewhat controlled environment to socialize in. I probably will find some other training option after this class. I don't like being in the store and trying to train while people are shopping. That's a pain. |
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#15 |
Yup, government has a lot money too.... how about we sue them for everything possible? |
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#16 |
Definitely the owner has issues, why is it that people are always taking their pets to public places with out a leash. Leash laws or not its for everyone s safety, not just yours or the dog but everyone. Who cares how well trained your pet is or you think it may be. In certain places and circumstances (hiking, on trails or what ever) its understandable. But even then be courteous and leash your dog when in the vicinity of others.
I don't know how many times I have had customers get an attitude with me for telling them their pet has to be on a leash. While handing them one as they walk into our hospital. "Well I have been coming here since ..." then you should know better. Then Then they want to blame any and everyone but them selves and sue people when something happens. Blame the breed, the employee, the store, the customer walking by that didn't stop to help as well as the one that did. Some people,.....I just don't get it. They gotta make everything harder than it really is. |
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#17 |
Well that's special...
I stopped going to Petsmart after they were repeatedly very rude to me and their "trainer" purposefully disrupted my dog's obedience drills (the unruly dogs that go there are a great distraction for proofing!) and fed her treats she is allergic to after I asked politely that she not do either. So now I buy cat litter at WinCo and just stick to the little ritzy boutique for dog/cat supplies, besides its the only place that has Acana anyway. And I like their DIY dog wash and the nail trims are super cheap. They always send us home with a bunch of free Stella & Chewey's patties. ![]() ---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ---------- Oh and I guess what I saw the other day?! A bully mix pup tied out on a flexi lead! How much of a train wreck is that going to be?!? |
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#18 |
How about the person who sued Winnebago because she turned on "auto pilot", then got up and went in the back to make a sandwich, and then crashed her RV? Sadly, she won too.
People do sue for all kinds of crazy reasons, but- PetSmart could be legally responsible and liable if his dog were to get lose and bite somebody because they do have signs that plainly state "Leashed Pets Only". Whether or not the store is busy isn't going to be an excuse that will hold up in court, especially if considerable or server physical damage was suffered. The training instructor should have said something to him about his dog being off leashed. If he refused to compile, they should've went and got the store manager to handle it. |
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#19 |
Well that's special... ![]() |
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#20 |
Petsmart rules clearly posted: "All leashed animals welcome."
LEASHED being the keyword there. If I was an employee, I'd have asked the guy to get a leash on his dog (buy one if he had to do so.) There was a Petsmart near us that had the slip leashes you see at some Vets' offices for people to use temporarily while they were BUYING their dog a collar/leash from the store. |
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