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gvataler 05-29-2010 03:34 AM

Does anybody know what a bullhuahua is? My boyfriend saw one the other day and thought it was the coolest thing ever. I dont know..I assume a mix of some type of bull dog and chiwahwah?

Prererularl 05-29-2010 03:42 AM

I looked it up. Seems to be a French Bulldog/Chihuahua cross. Another designer breed...

It is cute though!

DianaDrk 05-29-2010 03:42 AM

Maybe you mean Bully Kutta?

gvataler 05-29-2010 03:44 AM

my boyfriend is thinking about getting one, so I guess I am digging for any information on this cross breed.

rasiasertew 05-29-2010 03:48 AM

I don't want to sound harsh but I don't think I would condone someone that I know contributing to the "designer mutt" population. If they wanted a mutt I'd tell them to go to the shelter. JMO Personally they are ugly as sin http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/wink.png

gooseCile 05-29-2010 03:54 AM

Adoptable French Bulldog: Tippy: Petfinder
Adoptable French Bulldog: Mouse: Petfinder
Adoptable Chihuahua: Berea or Breezie: Petfinder
And this guy because he's awesome:
Adoptable Chinese Crested Dog: Corky: Petfinder

rasiasertew 05-29-2010 03:57 AM

Corky is so freaking ugly!!! I WANT him! http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

bawayTeen 05-29-2010 04:38 AM

Id so take Corky! I actually find the Chinese Crested (the hairless ones) very cute and would love to own one one day (lot of people think Im crazy haha) Corky doesnt quite look like the Crested Im used to seeing.. they are thinner faced than him but hes hairless! I LOVE IT!

rasiasertew 05-29-2010 04:40 AM


Id so take Corky! I actually find the Chinese Crested (the hairless ones) very cute and would love to own one one day (lot of people think Im crazy haha) Corky doesnt quite look like the Crested Im used to seeing.. they are thinner faced than him but hes hairless! I LOVE IT!
He's a French Bulldog and Chinese Crested cross http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif that's why his face is so round.

bawayTeen 05-29-2010 04:44 AM


He's a French Bulldog and Chinese Crested cross http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif that's why his face is so round.
Oh that explains that wow, blonde moment there, my bad, I can totally tell that to, I just was obviously stuck on the Crested part and not what else hahahaha . I think hes quite adorable though hehe!

Prererularl 05-29-2010 04:46 AM

Corky is frickin gorgeous in my eyes lol! But it is the so ugly he is cute but his markings are actually very pretty if you ask me!

gvataler 05-29-2010 04:50 AM


I don't want to sound harsh but I don't think I would condone someone that I know contributing to the "designer mutt" population. If they wanted a mutt I'd tell them to go to the shelter. JMO Personally they are ugly as sin http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/wink.png
Oh I know, and totally agree...BUT..I got my dog regardless of what breed he wanted so I cant tell him no. I will not be paying for it though, his dog his money and this is not a for sure thing just a conversation that popped up a couple times. So I dont see a half pint chiwabull thingy in my future any time soon but then again its all on him, I am just bracing myself.

bawayTeen 05-29-2010 04:53 AM

So out of curiosity I went and googled a bullhuahua... hahahahaha Im cracking up over here over a picture I saw... its like a Chi on steroids!!! Its like an Arnold Swartzenegger (sp, and hes my govener too) in a dog! I love it! Muscle bound Chi's!


rasiasertew 05-29-2010 04:55 AM

Don't tell him a straight out "No" but try to explain to him that he can find a designer mutt for probably less than half the price at the shelter http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/wink.png Oh, and that it would make a great chew toy for Diesel http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif just kidding

Elisabetxxx 05-29-2010 05:00 AM

http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif What a cutie pie!

gvataler 05-29-2010 05:02 AM


Don't tell him a straight out "No" but try to explain to him that he can find a designer mutt for probably less than half the price at the shelter http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/wink.png Oh, and that it would make a great chew toy for Diesel http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif just kidding
To be honest I think they are kinda cool looking but can find nothing on health or temperament, and I am not fond of the idea of shelling out cash for a designer mutt but like I said I got my dog so I have nothing to say about him getting his (whatever it may be)..he isnt a dog guy so 90% sure there wont be one running around. Ha ha if it does happen I guess we are naming it Turbo...so then we will have Turbo Diesel http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif.

Imihooniump 05-29-2010 05:10 AM

isnt a bullhuahua or a bully kutta the same thing as an argintine dogo?? now that thing is a beast. i think people should be scared of those and not bull dogs. i seen a video of this think attacking a puma, and needless to say the puma had nothing against it.

rasiasertew 05-29-2010 05:14 AM

The bullhuahua is a French Bulldog and Chihuahua cross. Not sure about the bully kutta...

bawayTeen 05-29-2010 05:19 AM

Bullykuttas as HUGE monster dogs (dont know much about them but I saw the pics posted on a thred on here)... bullhuahuas are small 'ankle biters' lol (dont know anything about them either... other than they look like Chi's on steroids lolol but prety cute)

Immonnaornach 05-29-2010 06:33 AM


So out of curiosity I went and googled a bullhuahua... hahahahaha Im cracking up over here over a picture I saw... its like a Chi on steroids!!! Its like an Arnold Swartzenegger (sp, and hes my govener too) in a dog! I love it! Muscle bound Chi's!

Wow that dog looks EXACTLY like my sister in law's dog but she's a Piteranian(pit bull/pomeranian). http://www.pitbull-chat.com/images/smilies/lol.gif

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