- Potted Plants
- Rubbish - a small breakthrough
- paint
- Urbanisation 4-2-B Avda De Polonia
- Buying a car
- Launderette
- Window Roller Shutters - repairs
- locks on grills
- problem
- Gym
- Completely Pointless But.......!
- Pool leak. Puerto Marino.
- Luxenburgo
- Airport parking
- diving school
- Padron Everyone?
- EU's Ashton condemns 'hateful' Iran remarks on Israel
- EU drops Modiin from 'eligible imports' list
- Euro 2012
- French diplomat says that Jerusalem will be the capital of 'Palestine'
- Eat me last
- EU: Hizbullah Not a Terror Organization
- BBC lists Israel's capital as J'lem after complaint
- EU mulling ban on settlement products
- Europe is ...... ?
- 'We're all Muslims, we're all Jews'
- Slavery makes you free. Censorship will liberate you
- Denmark to label West Bank settlement products
- Manchester leads the UK in antisemitic incidents
- Francois Hollande to challenge Sarkozy in next year French presidential election
- Abu Qatada deportation in confusion after appeal lodged
- "Whatever it is, I'm against it!"
- ]Scottish independence: Saturday referendum may prohibit Jewish vote
- FM: Ashton's Toulouse-Gaza comparison inappropriate
- Analysis: Will the government's web 'snoop' plans work? (U.K.)
- Guardian whitewashes Afghanistan's treatment of the Jews
- UK: Anti-Israel politician quits
- Reuters: The Falklands are disputed and occupied terrirtory
- BBC: Jews control the American government
- NATO confirms radar data of missiles from Iran will not be shared with Israel
- Shoah Revisionism
- Germans rise up against antizionist mayor
- Psychotic rant from UK 'expert'
- BBC Weather wipes Jerusalem off the map of Israrel
- French court acquits Israeli doctor in intifada case
- Bin Laden’s ‘right-hand man in Europe’ freed from British jail
- Hamas says it's holding talks with 5 EU countries
- Beeb admits they treat Muslim stories better
- Faurisson, in Italian newspaper calls Holocaust the greatest lie
- Is European Union discriminating?
- Polish tourism calendar depicts Jews as vermin
- Stop Zoomorphing the "Settlers"
- Guardian uses Yom Ha Shoah to attack the protection of Jewish children
- German government-funded EVZ Ends Support for Nakba NGO
- Bite a Jew, go free
- Guardian ignores mass murder so it can attack Jews
- Is there nothing the Guardian can't support?
- The Guardian Loves Assad
- Finding connotations
- Dutch Christian Racist Tropes
- Europe's Universities Are Slowly Being Made Judenrein
- Irish Muslims consider the legality of marital rape
- Not an open air prison
- EU demands control over internal Israeli matters
- French banker says UK should be downgraded first
- Why al Guardian was awarded "Dishonest Reporter of the Year"
- Germany dubbed 'master of Europe' in euro crisis
- Sarko the Angry Fool - he sounds almost Turkish at this point
- Finland: Sell bombs to Saudi Arabia but not the Jews
- Noway: Brevik is a secret Jew Crusader
- Islamic calls to murder Irshad Manji in Belgium
- Fiamma Nirenstein: your heads are in the sand
- Netherlands to debate banning shechita
- Netherlands to review its UNRWA contibution
- The Economist goes on a rant
- EU: We hate America!.....for not protecting us.
- Guardian ME Editor downplays/ignores Arab persecution of minorities
- al Guardian drops the mask, is officially antisemitic
- Going Native
- Make no mistake, the EU is working toward the destruction of Israel
- The Parable of the Boy who Didn’t Cry Wolf
- Yachad (Europe's J-Street) tells Sephardim to get lost
- al Guardian: Akko is occupied.
- Israel UK ambassador speaks out against UK press bias
- Like Hungary's JOBBIK party, Greece's LAOS
- There's ALWAYS money for a new Holocaust
- Related to the Israeli bill limiting foreign government intervention
- Belgians kiss the Saudi's feet, declare lifelong fealty
- Ramadan all over Europe
- Ireland is bad at arithmetic
- MP Andrew Slaughter calls for murder of Jews
- German govt program funding for the Shoah redirected to anti Israeli activities
- Guardian mistranslates Abbas, lionizes terrorists
- More mosques than churches in France
- End of a dictator
- Amnesty International Censors Critics
- OWS London; «Ἀνερρίφθω κύβος»
- Wikileaks: Norway’s Anti-Semitism
- Fleeing Malmo, a short video
- European Intellectuals Go Insane With Hatred
- BBC evenhandedness: blame the victims
- UK FM's office refuses to call school bus attack is a war crime
- Chile vs. Spain... 3rd World vs. 1st World
- Israeli Speaker Attacked in Ireland
- NGOs hold mini Durban in Vienna
- Robert Rubin: If you're not an antisemite no cocktail parties for you.
- Vanessa Redgrave and Gadaffi
- George Galloway: More of the same this time with more crazy
- Ken Livingston might be the craziest most evil person in England
- CoE, not to be outdone, "It's the Jews who are murdering Libyans."
- Britain's Methodist Church
- al Beeb's favorite Arab journalist - Abdel Bari Atwan 3 short videos
- How the Guardian Covers Up Antisemitism
- Spain: Israel is a Jewish nation
- British TUC (Trade Union Council) considering targeting Israel
- BBC regular on Gadaffi's payroll
- UK amends law to protect Israeli officials from prosecution
- UN: England is worse for human rights than Zimbabwe.
- Reflections on the New Nazis of England
- EU diplomats claim threats over UDI
- Norway's Jews increasing dismal prospects
- UK: the military's big shink
- A look back at political antisemitism in Germany 1919-32
- Award winning Norwegian book by psychiatrist demonizes Israel
- UK's PSC (Palestinian Solidarity Council) - the crudest antisemitic hate speech
- Amnesty International Golden Parachutes
- French Jews embrace far right anti-Islam candidate
- All smiles as a federal Europe creeps ever closer
- “You’re a Filthy Tory Jew”
- Nick Cohen is quite nearly a Jew
- Scotland: Boycott Jews, welcome official Syrians TODAY!
- Lockerbie bomber is still alive, family begs England for cancer drugs
- al Beeb can't utter the word 'terrorist'
- UK arms dealers getting rich selling to Arabs while calling for Israel boycott
- Hezbollah is a Zionist organization? I bet you didn't know that
- Lush cosmetics in UK and Canada: demonizes Jews
- Islamic Autnomous Regions coming to the UK
- Leah Kiernan: rioter, thug
- Carol Swords oft noted 'activist' assaults old Jewish man.
- Roger Cohen to UK Jews: Shut up and take your slavery
- Antisemitic marches in London. Some highlights
- The future of Europe is its past
- Antisemic UK newspapers being antisemitic
- UK antisemitic protests this weekend
- Anti Israeli protests TODAY re: Jews defending themselves.
- EU picks the 10th Yahrzeit of the Sbarro mass murder to scold the Jews
- The Quartet is 'concerned' about Ariel
- Psychotic Norway being psychotic
- NGO reaction to Syrian atrocities. Pay attention to the details
- David Cameron's Man Slams Israel's "Land Grab" Wall
- UK denies entry of refugee Jews from Yemen who ALREADY have relatives in the UK
- UK PM: Moral Relativism Cannot Cut It Anymore
- Norway's Dead Jew Obsession
- Belgian taxes go to persecute Israelis
- After decades, al Beeb has finally called someone a terrorist. A Jew of course
- EU chief Ashton: Either I'm an idiot or a racist tool. Your pick
- Chavs do what Hitler couldn't
- Academic study showing systematic bias by Reuters
- UK PSC (Palestinian Solidarity Campaign) antisemitic videos
- Austria: From “Jews to Palestine” to “Jews out of Palestine”
- Planning Minister from Jersey Freddie Cohen gets antisemitic death threats
- BDS and "Inminds"
- EU's Ashton: Achtung! No Jews in Gilo!
- EU Ambassador to Israel: Goldstone Report Still Stands
- UK keeps the refugee myth alive
- Daphe Anson's Chronicle of Norwegian Jew Hatred
- Lush Cosmetics: We hate Jews, love Saudi Arabia
- Sarkozy finally says "Jewish State"
- Gadaffi, let's kiss and make up
- France Ends Ban on Arms Trade with Israel
- Has England given up? (from Melanie Phillips)
- Is a discounted submarine a German bribe?
- Stories from the last Jews of Malmo
- Girl beaten, judge lets her attackers go BECAUSE they're Muslim
- Guardian uses 'blood and soil' imagery to promote Jewish annihilation
- News of the World to close
- Unionist MP offers to assist Afghan rulers
- Do you believe in equality?
- Spain: the most antisemitic (EU) country
- Ron Prosor excoriates the Guardian
- 2010 CST report on antisemitism
- The Guardian's obsession with Israel
- Chief Rabbi: Equality laws leading to new Mayflower exodus
- David Lev: British antisemitism predates the Muslims
- Storm over MP Ian Davidson's SNP 'neo-facist' remark
- Scapegoating Greece's Jews
- "Throw the Jew down the well"; not just an expression
- Dutch court acquits anti-Islam lawmaker
- Oh snap! Jewish refugees attend UK refugee week to the outrage of Palestinians!
- Norway and Jew hatred, it's almost embarrassing at this point
- Nazi war criminal exposed in UK
- Viscount Lord Vice Admiral Nelson here: You make me sick you coward bastard wankers.
- In case you were wondering about the chattering classes
- Scottish councilor, BDS leader supports mass murder of Jews
- Dutch moderate Muslim advocate: sharia is good and so was killing van Gogh
- Netherlands wants to ban kosher meat
- The Globe and Mail, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hamas, LLC
- Galloway finally says it explicitly: He wants Israel to be destroyed
- Belgium's new PM: Of course he's a raving Israel hater
- The ugliness of official media antisemitism in England today
- EUBDStards hurt Arab farmers, a resounding 'so what'
- Mad Mel lays out Cameron
- Norway trying to ban the Bris
- New name of a new blog..
- Robin Shephard makes an interesting point about the 'Arab Spring'
- The Globe & Mail's paranoid conspiracy theories
- The New Statesman's paranoid conspiracy theories
- al Guardian's peace index; shocker, Israel comes out at the bottom.
- Aftenposten headline: "Rich Jews Threaten Obama"
- What every BDStard needs
- Belgium's antisemitism is out in the open
- Naqba day in London: Exterminate the Jews by Allahs hand.
- BBC views Israel's existence as a legitimate 'grievance'
- UK Methodists: Scrap the Holocaust, write hymns to Osama
- Famous antisemitic cartoonist now in fear of Muslims
- Muslim rapes in Norway. Norway blames Israel
- Lauren Booth comes to Israellycool and confirms the worst about her
- Richard Goldstone isn't done with us yet
- Sweden invites convicted terrorist hijacker on taxpayer funded speaking tour
- EU 6 million Euro grant to help Arabs settle in Jerusalem
- 10 months later Britain still hasn't changed its universal jurisdiction law
- UK true to form denies Goldstone's own retraction!
- UK:Regaining Consciousness?
- Swedish Union Invites PFLP Terrorist to Speak
- Howard Jacobson vs 'The Promise'
- MEMO, UK branch publishes raving antisemitic blood libel
- Norway's Jews soon to be no more
- UK not done yet releasing murderers
- William Hague’s nasty Chatham House speech on Israel.
- 3,000 "honor attacks' in Britain. BBC never utters "Islam"
- Turkish people, look like ?
- Norway's official and political antisemitism and support of antisemitic genocide
- French Foreign Minister fires employe for opposing PLO UDI
- Nivea claims it was an accident
- Free Speech in Denmark Died
- The trolls of Norway and antisemitism
- Egypt? No! Falastinina!
- Lord Carlile: UK a safe haven for terrorists
- Melanie Phillips sum it all up
- Censorship in Hungary
- 2 employees @ UK embassy in Israel arrested for being terrorists
- Norwegian far left coalition partner calls for world to bomb Israel
- The Most Islamic Community in Europe
- British Subject killed in Terrorist attack
- UK MoD: Citizen's complaint form for low flying aircraft (except one!)
- Oriana Fallaci on antisemitism
- This is how England dies
- Palestine festival organisers call police to remove peaceful pro-Israel protest.
- Spain will have to boycott itself now
- Italian law to ban veil wins early approval Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/