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  1. Son of Hamas says the al Aqsa war was planned ahead of time
  2. Hamas style protest management
  3. Free Gaza's real aims in their own words
  4. Hamas burns down another UN summer camp
  5. From JCPA: The Myth of the Siege of Gaza
  6. The First UNRWA report from 1950
  7. The Next Lebanon War, by the author of "The Strong Horse"
  8. The Left has lost, which is why it has won
  9. Internet combat reaches all time highs
  10. More Flotillas coming
  11. Flotilla organizers have ties to Hezbollah
  12. The Greater Iran Project
  13. IHH vs the cockroaches
  14. More Flotillas planned
  15. Shin Bet Chief: Lifting Gaza siege would have dangerous results
  16. Israel proposes its own investigation commission
  17. Good ideas rarely win on their own
  18. Israel's Strategic Failure
  19. From the NYT, Daily Life in Gaza
  20. In Gaza; supply and demand of concrete tell a different story
  21. Neda one year after
  22. An older video on the perils of boycotting
  23. Laws of war don't apply to Jews
  24. Video excerpts of the Yom Kippur war
  25. If you read one article this month
  26. List of controlled and allowed materials
  27. A week before, Hamas criticized for home demolitions
  28. Iran stages massive military games again
  29. My irony meter just pegged in the red zone and exploded
  30. Fatah admits that the IDF is preventing them murdering Jews
  31. Lieberman: Impose sanctions on Iran or attack it
  32. Arabs torch Arab shops for dealing with Jews
  33. Hezbollah may have advanced missiles
  34. Hezbollah's maritime threat
  35. The Yom Kippur War; book recommendation
  36. INF hopes to launch air defense ships
  37. Gaza traitors: Palestinians who object
  38. Egyptian TV: "We Must Get Our Children Accustomed to Hating the Jews.”
  39. Gaza resorts and restaurants on the Web
  40. A Lebanese-Canadian perspective on the Lebanon war
  41. I'm confused by what they think a 'child' is.
  42. Gaza prices are IN-SAAAAANE!
  43. Another Gaza Flotilla is arriving
  44. Yaacov Lozowick on the division of Jerusalem
  45. Ben-Dror Yemini: Nakba Day and the Fraud
  46. Itamar Marcus: Killer Bunnies and other artifacts from hell
  47. IDF simulation on Iran; the day after, is not good news
  48. New Diesel Engines for Achzarit
  49. Hamas Bear tells little kids to be suicide martyrs
  50. Iran-Turkey-Brazil: the text of the agreement
  51. It's some beauty contest isn't it?
  52. Nabka Day in Jaffa
  53. Salafists who make Hamas seem tame
  54. Lozowick calls this slander, I call it something else.
  55. On Jerusalem Day, Palestinians say something retarded.
  56. A strange reality of ethnic cleansing
  57. Israel says N.Korea shipping WMDs to Syria
  58. Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah
  59. Can Jews and Arabs coexist — inside Israel?
  60. Wildfires all over Lebanon
  61. Abbas: I Will Cut Off My Nose To Spite My Face ...
  62. A perspective from Qanta Ahmed, MD
  63. Gaza prices are so low they're practically IN-SAAAAANE!
  64. The UN is angry with Israel for noticing that the UN willfully ignores 1701
  65. Influential Turkish imam critisizes Gaza flotilla
  66. NGO's doing their masters' bidding
  67. Main source of Goldstone material is Hamas
  68. Iran bans contact with all sorts of 'western' organizations
  69. Less violence begets less violence
  70. Jordanian Media 'Questions' The Existence of Jews
  71. Does Fayyad even want a state?
  72. Iran is now stopping non military shipping in Hormuz
  73. Palestinian Goat Rodeo
  74. Oil Drums of mass destruction
  75. Weekly summary of Gaza traffic
  76. Long-ish piece from Daled Amos on Palestinian migrations TO Israel
  77. Mashaal: No recognition, no negotiation, more kidnappings
  78. Michael Rubin: the case for regime change
  79. Israel Will 'Send Syria Back to the Stone Age' in Case Israel is Attacked
  80. 3 Generations of missiles on display
  81. Zionist Infidel Watermelons of Occupation
  82. A word from the Palestinian moderates
  83. US General Cartwright: Iran 3-5 years from nuclear missile
  84. RAND report on military lessons from Gaza and Lebanon
  85. We have gone too far...
  86. Illegal Temple Mount destruction
  87. El Baradei runs for office, hates Jews
  88. Article from 1968 is so relevent today
  89. Goldstone implementation committee head resigns
  90. Iran is cracking
  91. Some interesting polls from the Territories
  92. Stratfor: Hezbollah, radical but rational
  93. Montefiore census data goes online
  94. The Turkish Government as Global Arbiter of Ethnic Violence
  95. Hamas raids and shuts down several charities and NGO's
  96. Tally of Israeli aid to Gaza
  97. A trend I am noticing?
  98. Why are they opposed to Jewish holy sites?
  99. Depends on your definition of evil, I guess
  100. Israeli leftist activists bothering soldiers at checkpoints
  101. Iranian Nuclear Scientist defects to US
  102. Summary of the 1922 & 1948 Partition Plans and the 1949 Jihad
  103. Interesting legal spin on who is a refugee
  104. Street protests are worthless
  105. Iran and Argentina, joined at the hip
  106. Israel: the regional power that isn't
  107. WH ignores Iran's help to al Qaeda
  108. al Aqsa TV: Jews are bacteria to be exterminated
  109. Hamas - Human Shield Confession
  110. Palestinians riot to protest synagogue reopening
  111. UN Awards humanitarian award named after murdered man, to a supporter of his killers
  112. Algeria admits involvement in 67 and 73 wars
  113. NEW evidence Hamas used human shields
  114. Hezbollah moving to take over Lebanon
  115. 21 elephants in the room
  116. Who can help this man?
  117. New pregnant woman murder coalition promises to kill more Jews
  118. Lebanon and Israel forces clash near border ‎
  119. Kurds being executed, massive labor strikes
  120. Israeli unveils tank-defense system of the future
  121. Fayyad suggests 'historic Palestine'
  122. A reasonably good piece from the The Forward, of all places
  123. Spot the Difference: Azmi Bishara
  124. UN says there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza
  125. Wow's that's GOTTA sting
  126. Rachel Corrie's parents sue Israel
  127. When in doubt deny the Jews exist
  128. Have drones will travel
  129. Latest IAEA Iranian nuclear activities report summary
  130. Who do YOU Support? Poll
  131. Lifetime ban for being seen with an Israeli
  132. 3 'spies' sentenced to death - where is Amnesty International?
  133. Moron of the Week
  134. In Iran Baha'i are the new Jews
  135. Turkey's new strategic importance
  136. Israel spells out how it will tear apart Lebanon the next time
  137. Google Earth finds reinforced bunkers
  138. Book Recommendation
  139. UN Commissions memberships, it would be funny, almost
  140. Becoming Palestinian, it's a good career move
  141. The 2nd hummus war
  142. Ayatollah you once Ayatollah you twice
  143. Iran's secret nuclear agency
  144. Ethiopian airliner crashes in the sea near Beirut
  145. New evidence showing Deir Yassin was falsely reported.
  146. Journalists finally admit Hamas was firing from media bldgs
  147. Iranian Nuclear Physicist killed
  148. Italy's economic involvement in Iran
  149. 70% of Gazans have internet access
  150. AI & HRW: White Phosphorous is AOK when Hamas uses it
  151. The naked racism of the Palestinians' plan
  152. Hamas admits most Gaza casualities were soldiers
  153. Understanding your enemy
  154. Lebanon the movie
  155. How Serious Is Abbas About Peace?
  156. Robert Fisk says Hamas more moral than Israel
  157. Mudar Zahran: Demonizing Israel is bad for the Palestinians
  158. There's no Palestinian Hadassah
  159. Turkey Threatens to Send Its Navy to Gaza
  160. Goldstone removed from Hebrew University Board
  161. Well there there's 12 billion dollars flushed down the toilet
  162. A short video on Goldstone's right hand man
  163. Gaza tunnels for sale, CHEAP
  164. Hey Bibi - The time to attack is NOW!
  165. Livni: Probe will legitimize distorted war report
  166. Fatah honors mass murderer of 37 including 10 children
  167. Hopeful story for the New Year
  168. I wish everyone success in their endevors
  169. Sweden does what comes naturally
  170. Israeli/Arab Journalist places onus of continued negotiation on Abbas, NOT Netanyahu
  171. TODAY is the anniversary of the Gaza war
  172. May 17, 1939
  173. Even the NY Times Wakes Up
  174. Facts about Jerusalem
  175. Stealing oilwells and what it represents.
  176. Iran's loss of face in the Arab world
  177. Arabs surveyed think Iran is a bigger problem than Israel
  178. The Security Situation in Yesha from an insider
  179. Recent Arab Missile Purchases
  180. Iran's chief nuclear negotiator meets with terrorist groups
  181. Interesting Interview
  182. 60th Anniversary of the partition plan that expelled 900,000 Jews
  183. India votes against Iran at IAEA
  184. The Arab Mindset, Their Myths And Some Ideas How To Debunk Them ..
  185. Is Iran preparing for an Israeli attack?
  186. Mike Wallace interview with the Shah
  187. Palestinian teens in Lebanon dropping out
  188. Lest we be confused: racists are what they say they are
  189. Iran warns of Saudi 'Wahhabi Terrorism'
  190. Is there a Hallmark card for being hit with a truck full of irony?
  191. 60years ago they were offered Jerusalem and turned it down.
  192. Who is NIAC?
  193. Hamas 'charity' pays to kidnap Jews
  194. Abbas: "I want to keep my job, I just don't want any more elections"
  195. Iran's apartheid wall
  196. Why we call Nasrallah, "Hasouna."
  197. UN Watch Confronts Goldstone
  198. Innocent Baha'is on trial in Iran
  199. Iran's culture of death
  200. Thank for flying Air Iran. Please scream in an orderly fashion
  201. A different kind of hostage
  202. We are all Iranians now
  203. Kuwaiti Newspaper: 1,800 Jewish maids working in Kuwait
  204. Iran Bypassing West.
  205. Iran-Israel Talks?
  206. A white paper on the Gaza War
  207. How wonderful
  208. UK Commander Challenges Goldstone Report
  209. UN mission finds evidence of war crimes by both sides in Gaza conflict
  210. Dancing is a war crime
  211. Reports (again) that Khamenei is dead
  212. Lawfare comes back to bite them:
  213. Lebanon: intermarriage prohibited
  214. Internet Warfare squad
  215. Why I Believe The Israeli Side
  216. The BNP
  217. settlers ?????
  218. Why Iran wants to be attacked...
  219. Iran vows to switch on 'secret' nuclear facility
  220. Iranian military planes crash at parade
  221. Why is there still government hold up....
  222. the Gaza overcrowding myth
  223. Zbig: Attack Israel if they attack Iran
  224. 100 more roadblocks to be eliminated.
  225. NoTalking, Jews!
  226. Indo-Israeli plot against Pak-Iranian ties
  227. Islam, Enemy Of All Humanity
  228. B'Tselem backs Hamas statements of casualities
  229. Protests Continue In Iran
  230. Iran Threat Over
  231. The Jewish Refugees Revisited
  232. They will never have a better opportunity to screw things up
  233. Iran funding war in Yemen
  234. Iran Threatens To Ban Haj
  235. Siamak Mereh Sedq: Ultimate Jewish Dhimmi
  236. Abbas tells Palestinians in Lebanon: It's good for us that you suffer
  237. Arutz Sheva reports Khamenei is missing?
  238. Red Cross helping Arabs steal land
  239. EU citizens suing the EU for not protecting them in Israel
  240. Richard Goldstone rides in on his ass.
  241. Lebanon: Hariri election win
  242. Check your math
  243. Gaza Op was a failure
  244. The Great Deception: Muslim Genocides
  245. Looking for info on a specific aspect of the Palestinian debacle
  246. The PA says no to everything, everyone
  247. ‘Iron Dome’ Hits the Target
  248. Palestinians Don't want a state at all.
  249. "Palestinian Jews"
  250. Palestinian current economic conditions