- Son of Hamas says the al Aqsa war was planned ahead of time
- Hamas style protest management
- Free Gaza's real aims in their own words
- Hamas burns down another UN summer camp
- From JCPA: The Myth of the Siege of Gaza
- The First UNRWA report from 1950
- The Next Lebanon War, by the author of "The Strong Horse"
- The Left has lost, which is why it has won
- Internet combat reaches all time highs
- More Flotillas coming
- Flotilla organizers have ties to Hezbollah
- The Greater Iran Project
- IHH vs the cockroaches
- More Flotillas planned
- Shin Bet Chief: Lifting Gaza siege would have dangerous results
- Israel proposes its own investigation commission
- Good ideas rarely win on their own
- Israel's Strategic Failure
- From the NYT, Daily Life in Gaza
- In Gaza; supply and demand of concrete tell a different story
- Neda one year after
- An older video on the perils of boycotting
- Laws of war don't apply to Jews
- Video excerpts of the Yom Kippur war
- If you read one article this month
- List of controlled and allowed materials
- A week before, Hamas criticized for home demolitions
- Iran stages massive military games again
- My irony meter just pegged in the red zone and exploded
- Fatah admits that the IDF is preventing them murdering Jews
- Lieberman: Impose sanctions on Iran or attack it
- Arabs torch Arab shops for dealing with Jews
- Hezbollah may have advanced missiles
- Hezbollah's maritime threat
- The Yom Kippur War; book recommendation
- INF hopes to launch air defense ships
- Gaza traitors: Palestinians who object
- Egyptian TV: "We Must Get Our Children Accustomed to Hating the Jews.â€
- Gaza resorts and restaurants on the Web
- A Lebanese-Canadian perspective on the Lebanon war
- I'm confused by what they think a 'child' is.
- Gaza prices are IN-SAAAAANE!
- Another Gaza Flotilla is arriving
- Yaacov Lozowick on the division of Jerusalem
- Ben-Dror Yemini: Nakba Day and the Fraud
- Itamar Marcus: Killer Bunnies and other artifacts from hell
- IDF simulation on Iran; the day after, is not good news
- New Diesel Engines for Achzarit
- Hamas Bear tells little kids to be suicide martyrs
- Iran-Turkey-Brazil: the text of the agreement
- It's some beauty contest isn't it?
- Nabka Day in Jaffa
- Salafists who make Hamas seem tame
- Lozowick calls this slander, I call it something else.
- On Jerusalem Day, Palestinians say something retarded.
- A strange reality of ethnic cleansing
- Israel says N.Korea shipping WMDs to Syria
- Woah Woah Woah Woah Woah
- Can Jews and Arabs coexist — inside Israel?
- Wildfires all over Lebanon
- Abbas: I Will Cut Off My Nose To Spite My Face ...
- A perspective from Qanta Ahmed, MD
- Gaza prices are so low they're practically IN-SAAAAANE!
- The UN is angry with Israel for noticing that the UN willfully ignores 1701
- Influential Turkish imam critisizes Gaza flotilla
- NGO's doing their masters' bidding
- Main source of Goldstone material is Hamas
- Iran bans contact with all sorts of 'western' organizations
- Less violence begets less violence
- Jordanian Media 'Questions' The Existence of Jews
- Does Fayyad even want a state?
- Iran is now stopping non military shipping in Hormuz
- Palestinian Goat Rodeo
- Oil Drums of mass destruction
- Weekly summary of Gaza traffic
- Long-ish piece from Daled Amos on Palestinian migrations TO Israel
- Mashaal: No recognition, no negotiation, more kidnappings
- Michael Rubin: the case for regime change
- Israel Will 'Send Syria Back to the Stone Age' in Case Israel is Attacked
- 3 Generations of missiles on display
- Zionist Infidel Watermelons of Occupation
- A word from the Palestinian moderates
- US General Cartwright: Iran 3-5 years from nuclear missile
- RAND report on military lessons from Gaza and Lebanon
- We have gone too far...
- Illegal Temple Mount destruction
- El Baradei runs for office, hates Jews
- Article from 1968 is so relevent today
- Goldstone implementation committee head resigns
- Iran is cracking
- Some interesting polls from the Territories
- Stratfor: Hezbollah, radical but rational
- Montefiore census data goes online
- The Turkish Government as Global Arbiter of Ethnic Violence
- Hamas raids and shuts down several charities and NGO's
- Tally of Israeli aid to Gaza
- A trend I am noticing?
- Why are they opposed to Jewish holy sites?
- Depends on your definition of evil, I guess
- Israeli leftist activists bothering soldiers at checkpoints
- Iranian Nuclear Scientist defects to US
- Summary of the 1922 & 1948 Partition Plans and the 1949 Jihad
- Interesting legal spin on who is a refugee
- Street protests are worthless
- Iran and Argentina, joined at the hip
- Israel: the regional power that isn't
- WH ignores Iran's help to al Qaeda
- al Aqsa TV: Jews are bacteria to be exterminated
- Hamas - Human Shield Confession
- Palestinians riot to protest synagogue reopening
- UN Awards humanitarian award named after murdered man, to a supporter of his killers
- Algeria admits involvement in 67 and 73 wars
- NEW evidence Hamas used human shields
- Hezbollah moving to take over Lebanon
- 21 elephants in the room
- Who can help this man?
- New pregnant woman murder coalition promises to kill more Jews
- Lebanon and Israel forces clash near border
- Kurds being executed, massive labor strikes
- Israeli unveils tank-defense system of the future
- Fayyad suggests 'historic Palestine'
- A reasonably good piece from the The Forward, of all places
- Spot the Difference: Azmi Bishara
- UN says there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza
- Wow's that's GOTTA sting
- Rachel Corrie's parents sue Israel
- When in doubt deny the Jews exist
- Have drones will travel
- Latest IAEA Iranian nuclear activities report summary
- Who do YOU Support? Poll
- Lifetime ban for being seen with an Israeli
- 3 'spies' sentenced to death - where is Amnesty International?
- Moron of the Week
- In Iran Baha'i are the new Jews
- Turkey's new strategic importance
- Israel spells out how it will tear apart Lebanon the next time
- Google Earth finds reinforced bunkers
- Book Recommendation
- UN Commissions memberships, it would be funny, almost
- Becoming Palestinian, it's a good career move
- The 2nd hummus war
- Ayatollah you once Ayatollah you twice
- Iran's secret nuclear agency
- Ethiopian airliner crashes in the sea near Beirut
- New evidence showing Deir Yassin was falsely reported.
- Journalists finally admit Hamas was firing from media bldgs
- Iranian Nuclear Physicist killed
- Italy's economic involvement in Iran
- 70% of Gazans have internet access
- AI & HRW: White Phosphorous is AOK when Hamas uses it
- The naked racism of the Palestinians' plan
- Hamas admits most Gaza casualities were soldiers
- Understanding your enemy
- Lebanon the movie
- How Serious Is Abbas About Peace?
- Robert Fisk says Hamas more moral than Israel
- Mudar Zahran: Demonizing Israel is bad for the Palestinians
- There's no Palestinian Hadassah
- Turkey Threatens to Send Its Navy to Gaza
- Goldstone removed from Hebrew University Board
- Well there there's 12 billion dollars flushed down the toilet
- A short video on Goldstone's right hand man
- Gaza tunnels for sale, CHEAP
- Hey Bibi - The time to attack is NOW!
- Livni: Probe will legitimize distorted war report
- Fatah honors mass murderer of 37 including 10 children
- Hopeful story for the New Year
- I wish everyone success in their endevors
- Sweden does what comes naturally
- Israeli/Arab Journalist places onus of continued negotiation on Abbas, NOT Netanyahu
- TODAY is the anniversary of the Gaza war
- May 17, 1939
- Even the NY Times Wakes Up
- Facts about Jerusalem
- Stealing oilwells and what it represents.
- Iran's loss of face in the Arab world
- Arabs surveyed think Iran is a bigger problem than Israel
- The Security Situation in Yesha from an insider
- Recent Arab Missile Purchases
- Iran's chief nuclear negotiator meets with terrorist groups
- Interesting Interview
- 60th Anniversary of the partition plan that expelled 900,000 Jews
- India votes against Iran at IAEA
- The Arab Mindset, Their Myths And Some Ideas How To Debunk Them ..
- Is Iran preparing for an Israeli attack?
- Mike Wallace interview with the Shah
- Palestinian teens in Lebanon dropping out
- Lest we be confused: racists are what they say they are
- Iran warns of Saudi 'Wahhabi Terrorism'
- Is there a Hallmark card for being hit with a truck full of irony?
- 60years ago they were offered Jerusalem and turned it down.
- Who is NIAC?
- Hamas 'charity' pays to kidnap Jews
- Abbas: "I want to keep my job, I just don't want any more elections"
- Iran's apartheid wall
- Why we call Nasrallah, "Hasouna."
- UN Watch Confronts Goldstone
- Innocent Baha'is on trial in Iran
- Iran's culture of death
- Thank for flying Air Iran. Please scream in an orderly fashion
- A different kind of hostage
- We are all Iranians now
- Kuwaiti Newspaper: 1,800 Jewish maids working in Kuwait
- Iran Bypassing West.
- Iran-Israel Talks?
- A white paper on the Gaza War
- How wonderful
- UK Commander Challenges Goldstone Report
- UN mission finds evidence of war crimes by both sides in Gaza conflict
- Dancing is a war crime
- Reports (again) that Khamenei is dead
- Lawfare comes back to bite them:
- Lebanon: intermarriage prohibited
- Internet Warfare squad
- Why I Believe The Israeli Side
- The BNP
- settlers ?????
- Why Iran wants to be attacked...
- Iran vows to switch on 'secret' nuclear facility
- Iranian military planes crash at parade
- Why is there still government hold up....
- the Gaza overcrowding myth
- Zbig: Attack Israel if they attack Iran
- 100 more roadblocks to be eliminated.
- NoTalking, Jews!
- Indo-Israeli plot against Pak-Iranian ties
- Islam, Enemy Of All Humanity
- B'Tselem backs Hamas statements of casualities
- Protests Continue In Iran
- Iran Threat Over
- The Jewish Refugees Revisited
- They will never have a better opportunity to screw things up
- Iran funding war in Yemen
- Iran Threatens To Ban Haj
- Siamak Mereh Sedq: Ultimate Jewish Dhimmi
- Abbas tells Palestinians in Lebanon: It's good for us that you suffer
- Arutz Sheva reports Khamenei is missing?
- Red Cross helping Arabs steal land
- EU citizens suing the EU for not protecting them in Israel
- Richard Goldstone rides in on his ass.
- Lebanon: Hariri election win
- Check your math
- Gaza Op was a failure
- The Great Deception: Muslim Genocides
- Looking for info on a specific aspect of the Palestinian debacle
- The PA says no to everything, everyone
- ‘Iron Dome’ Hits the Target
- Palestinians Don't want a state at all.
- "Palestinian Jews"
- Palestinian current economic conditions