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  1. Embassy Deja Vu
  2. Jordanian op ed sets record for antisemitism
  3. Egypt: the Muslim Brotherhood came in 1st, the Salafists 2nd
  4. Arab Spring: Tunisia Extends State of Emergency
  5. November in the Maghreb and Mizrahi
  6. To the Arabs, the greatest crime was Balfour
  7. Today is the 70th anniversary of Hitler meeting the Mufti
  8. Muslim Brotherhood platform, in English
  9. 27 Nov 1947: Arabs make no mention of Palestine prefer 'Greater Syria'
  10. "Moderate" Moroccan Islamists views of Israel
  11. Gazans say they have it better than the UN thinks they do
  12. Attacking women journalists, part 2 or 3
  13. Egypt headed for a catastrophe
  14. Transcript proves that Durban III is a charade
  15. ‘Palestinian Authority Symbolizes New Anti-Semitism’
  16. ZOA: Palestinian Authority ‘Vicious Terrorist Culture’
  17. PA media: "We don't incite, also it's the Jews' fault"
  18. Egypt rioting: it's the Jews fault
  19. Germany sells airliner to sanctioned Iranian carrier
  20. Russian Warships in Syria
  21. The 4 Frontrunners for PA PM
  22. KCIA (RoK) finds North Korean involvement in Iran's nuclear program
  23. The Destruction of Jewish History
  24. First Gaza Tunnel was built in 1994
  25. Iran training 'Palestinians' in use of anti-tank missiles
  26. Role of tv hosts in modern day politics
  27. The Narrative of Perpetual Palestinian Victimhood
  28. Hamas's War On Israel & The Mufti's War On The Palestinian Jews (videos)
  29. Arab Spring Egypt: Jews use women to harm Muslim society
  30. Arab Spring: Tunisia's next leader is full on Islamist
  31. Hamas: No exports to the Jews or we burn you.
  32. The Human Shield story doesn't interest me
  33. Many anti-Jewish 'apartheid' laws predated 1948
  34. Would the collapse of the PA be a bad thing?
  35. Egypt: the riots are from (wink wink) a "Foreign Hand"
  36. From Ally to Nemesis: a report by Harold Brackman (SWC)
  37. Jordan, always the ugly girl late to the party
  38. Muslim persecution of Christians summarized
  39. Saudi Arabia: You can't drink oil
  40. Heading toward Islamism
  41. Gaza telephone and cell blackout - magical Jews blamed
  42. Two more high end restaurants in Gaza
  43. Report: Syrian Rebels Getting Weapons from Lebanon
  44. Other Nakbas
  45. Future Egyptian Prez: Hamas isn't terrorist
  46. Gaza-EU agreement on Rafah border crossing ist Kaput!
  47. Too bad he wasn't an American White Girl
  48. 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows
  49. Syrians fleeing to Lebanon turned away by the police
  50. Gaza rejects ceasefire
  51. Arab league wants no fly zone over Gaza
  52. Wikileaks confirms Syrian nuclear site
  53. Turkey leads the world in jailing journalists
  54. Hasbara efficacy
  55. The New Egypt is Here!
  56. Saudi Op Ed: There was never an Israeli conspiracy
  57. Oh dear the Guardian's pointed heads will explode over this
  58. Western press enamored of violent theocratic extremists
  59. Qatar special forces were major player in Libya
  60. Here we go again
  61. Nayef, probable heir to Saudi throne, is an enigma
  62. Hevron Warns Freed Terrorist Not to Return
  63. Syria Mining Border With Lebanon
  64. It's not a party till 20 innocent people get shot
  65. Syrian Army Deserters Turn Guns on Army; 7 Killed
  66. Moderate Nazi Racist Liar. But a moderate.
  67. Poll Shows "Arab Spring" is nonsense
  68. Be very very cautious Israeli Jews
  69. Libya: Sharia will be the law
  70. Hamas Deputy Speaker: Exterminate the Jews, offspring of apes and pigs, etc
  71. Fanatics and maniacs expected to win Tunisian elections
  72. Israel to offer Turkey aid following quake
  73. Arabs celebrate with arson - of course
  74. Slide Show: Defending Israel Against Claims of Excessive Force
  75. A look back at Gadaffi, the Caligula of our age
  76. Turkey and Iran join forces to occupy Iraq to exterminate the Kurds
  77. Egyptian Facebook user jailed for 3 years for anti-Islamic opinions
  78. Turkey invades and occupies Iraq! Send a Flotilla! Blame the Jews!!!
  79. Maurice Roumani’s The Jews of Libya (book review)
  80. Bounty Hunters Wanted
  81. 5 minutes of Pat Condell
  82. To Repeat what the PLO says: "settlements on 1.1% of the land"
  83. The Saturday people are gone, now it's the Sunday people's turn
  84. Refugees and ethnic cleansing of Jews
  85. Top Dutch MP slams Turkey's 'belligerence' against Israel
  86. The Money Hole
  87. Syria strafing people with helicopter gunships now.
  88. Semi confirmed: Libyan rockets find their way to Gaza
  89. Daraa Syria worse than Gaza ever was
  90. Anti government riots in.....Tunisia?
  91. Gadaffi recruits thousands of Palestinians to fight
  92. Cease fire yes but peace no.
  93. Yes? No? how do you feel?
  94. Book Review: "The Transforming Fire"
  95. Coptic pogrom continues, news is silent
  96. Videos about Hamas
  97. Control the language and you control the war
  98. Turns out the PLO admits Jews own the land.
  99. Building castles in the air.
  100. 1948: Arabs reject Israel, threaten economic warfare against the US
  101. Daniel Pipes: summary of Turkish rouge behavior
  102. Erdogan at the UN: No Arabs to be found
  103. Turkey introduces indigenous warship
  104. Terrorists Go on Hunger Strike
  105. Christians Fleeing Egypt, NGO Reports
  106. Quartet refuses to call Israel a Jewish state
  107. Turkish loyal opposition is loyal, and useless
  108. Turkey sniffing around for gas and oil
  109. Hamas, no such thing as a free press
  110. Egyptian Army fills Gaza smuggling tunnels with raw sewage
  111. The first step toward Holocaust denial
  112. Turkey Blockades Syria
  113. Abbas demands a bribe to even speak
  114. Sharing roads with the enemy.
  115. Hamas Dismisses Abbas Speech
  116. The UN's role in Arab Rejectionism
  117. IRIN reports more than 5,000 Killed in Syria so far
  118. PLO uses mother of 4 convicted mass murderers to open their bid for statehood
  119. 'Nonviolent' rock throwing mob injures baby
  120. All of the PLO's historic anti-Israel documents are on their UN website
  121. Arabs and the ICC
  122. Debunking the Palestine Lie
  123. Turkish FM walks out on Danny Ayalon
  124. Turkey threatens? their own gas exploration
  125. Bomb blast in Ankara
  126. Hamas wants UN bid to include all Palestinian territory
  127. Palestinians’ U.N. recognition bid met with apathy on Facebook
  128. Egyptian millionaire bankrolled embassy riot
  129. Turkey to freeze EU ties if Cyprus gets EU presidency
  130. Factoid: nuclear programme is 30 years old but has yet to produce a single kilowatt
  131. Erdogan Accuses Israel of Leaking PPK Tapes
  132. Russia sends subs to keep an eye on Turkey
  133. Egyptian economy ready to fall apart
  134. PA "ethnic cleansing" Ambassador: NO Refugees will be Palestinian citizens
  135. I thought this about Turkey's credity crunch was interesting
  136. Davutoglu's foreign policy is a shambles
  137. Turkey: enigmatic statements about fighting Israel in international waters
  138. UN bid for unilateral "Palestinian" statehood-the many debates
  139. Turkey: We wipe out the Kurds, but no Jews no News.
  140. Turkey 'We are the new Ottomans"
  141. Turkey considering visas for Israelis
  142. Iran: Jews started WW 1 & 2
  143. Iran: Jewish Doctors control the world
  144. Are you a Jew living in Judea and Samaria? Criminal!!!!
  145. A history of Egyptian hatred and hostility toward Israel
  146. Azeri uprising, western media deaf dumb and blind
  147. Libya's anti aircraft missiles wind up with al Qaeda.
  148. UNRWA 'right of return' brainwash camp
  149. Egypt could lose a billion dollars and 70,000 jobs
  150. Turkish avionics update to IFF designates Israeli planes as 'foe'
  151. Erdogan says he wil attack any Israeli ship in open waters
  152. Even Ha'artez thinks war is coming, a replay of 1973
  153. IAEA report on Iran nuclear weapon efforts
  154. Egypt: 'No Jews Allowed' at Holy Site
  155. The next Chernobyl
  156. Boycott Hamas lulavs
  157. Tourism boycott of Turkey is working
  158. Media in the Arab world
  159. From YNet: IRGC praises nuclear testing and suggest one may occur soon
  160. Egypt: 6 killed in clashes between Muslims and Christian
  161. Saeb Erekat: Jews can never be Palestinians
  162. Question for "two-state solution" proponents
  163. Gaza rockets injure non Israelis
  164. EU funding of Hamas and how they stay in power
  165. Hugo Chavez: The Libyan war was faked, it didn't happen, Gadaffi is in control
  166. More blithering idiocy from Ha'aretz on Turkey and Israel
  167. Libya: ok, now what?
  168. An Arab voice I can understand, a man I could deal with
  169. The real story on water resources IMPORTANT
  170. Abbas supports indicted war criminal Bashir
  171. Lockerbie bomber may finally be dying this time
  172. An interesting albeit complex view of the problems facing Turkey vis a vis Israel
  173. What time is it in Lunatic City?
  174. Abbas: we will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state
  175. Ahmadinejad: Zionist regime 'hotbed for germs'
  176. Muslim Brotherhood to regulate foreign tourists
  177. Pakistani woman is the ultimate liberal
  178. Iran in the lead up to Durban III - our aim is to destroy Israel
  179. Turkish President Urges Hamas to Recognize Israel
  180. Interview with Syrian army top defector
  181. Now that Libya has fallen
  182. Hamas shakes tiny fist at Google Earth shoots self in face
  183. Something interesting from Glen Beck's rally
  184. Be careful what you wish for, hippies
  185. The Arab Spring's foreign policy
  186. Hamas fires rocket, injures an Egyptian woman.
  187. Libya; these yound people are so cute before inevitably execute them all
  188. AI doesn't recognize a conflict
  189. Mavi Mamara update
  190. YouTube is not sharia compliant but it's trying to be
  191. Oh Judge Goldstone where are you now?
  192. The Egyptian Spring. Come for the anarchy stay for the psychotic hate
  193. One man one vote one time: PA cancels elections again
  194. Xanax for Arabs
  195. Draft Libyan constitution based on......
  196. Arab Spring to PLO: "Buddy we got problem of our own!"
  197. Reuters: Iran cuts funding to Hamas
  198. Russia's $8 billion dollar hole
  199. Turkey Talks Tough; Killing Kurds has gone to their heads
  200. Lebanon I mean Hezbollah prevents UN condemnation of Sinai attacks
  201. Palestinian right of return?
  202. Abbas: we'll go to war if you (the other Arab states) do
  203. They don't want a state they want RIGHTS
  204. Abbas: the world's biggest slave owner
  205. I love the smell of Arab Spring
  206. These are the idiots coming the NYC for Durban 3
  207. Arabs are newcomers to Yesha, relatively speaking
  208. It's all in a name
  209. Salafis defend Mubarak
  210. To live in a "Palestinian" state or not?
  211. The revolution eats its own
  212. One can only hope Syria degenerates into a Turkey-Iranian war
  213. UNRWA discovers Syria, because their Arabs are there
  214. Hariri report directly implicates Iran
  215. The Destruction of the Arab World's Jewry
  216. Gaza's latest luxury hotel
  217. Hezbollah: Islam has only one enemy, The Jews
  218. UNRWA suspends "work" in Jenin
  219. Abbas Wants US-led NATO Force for PA State
  220. Israel to buy Turkish good will
  221. To: Palestinian
  222. Erdogan to give Hamas $300 million
  223. Photoessay of how nice Gaza can be
  224. A government with trainer wheels
  225. "Jewish Authority" Will Stay in Land Given Away by the State
  226. Israel to ‘punish’ Turkey
  227. Turkey wants to escalate to direct naval confrontation with Israel
  228. If the blockade is legal so is confiscating Turkish ships
  229. Ya'alon: Turkey consorts with terrorists
  230. Turkey even corrupts sports
  231. Turkey and natural gas
  232. The Revolution WAS televised. And now it's over
  233. Recent and current extremist statements from Hamas
  234. Infographics of Hamas cease fire violations
  235. Hezbollah needs to hold a bakesale
  236. Hezbollah accused of executing Syrians who refuse to murder other Syrians
  237. PLO notes Pesach with an honor for the Pesach massacre
  238. Mavi Marmara Returns
  239. Israel Never Looked So Good
  240. IDF says enlisting hackers
  241. (What if)The problem is people?
  242. PLO distinguishes Western Wall from Wailing Wall
  243. Nabil Shaath: We'll Never Accept "Two-States for Two Peoples" Solution
  244. Highest-ranking Turkish soldiers resign (Mass Resign of Generals)
  245. UN: don't talk about women's opression in Islamic countries.
  246. Syrian stats: 1,634 dead, 12,617 in jail, 2,918 missing
  247. 1983 Iranian government mass murder of Bhai women
  248. Video on the Arab mistreatment of Arabs
  249. A high level framework for the criminal world in which Hezbollah operates
  250. Iran accidentally admits they're developing nuclear weapons