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- Thuốc v* cách chữa bệnh căn bệnh thoát vị đĩa đệm
- 'Beautiful Mind' mathematician John Nash, wife killed in car crash
- 84 Percent of NYC Fast Food Workers Report Wage Theft in a New Survey Read more: http://www.thenation.com/blog/174375/84-nyc-fast-food-workers-report-wage-theft-new-survey#ixzz2TWPl1q00
- After election, pressure grows on Obama in Asia-Pacific trade talks - Chicago Tribune
- Our thanks to those in the political game - St. Louis American
- In US fight over gay marriage, both sides gearing up for more battles - Reuters India
- Reconsider tax exemptions for political religious - Minneapolis Star Tribune
- Shifting account of CIA's Libya talking points fuels Rice controversy - Chicago Tribune
- Ask USA TODAY: Longest amount of time to call congressional races? - USA TODAY
- Rice meets with Republicans, fails to win them over - Chicago Tribune
- Rep. Connie Mack pushes bill benefiting big donor - USA TODAY
- Obama: 'Susan Rice is extraordinary' - USA TODAY
- The Osama bin Laden Myth
- Large blocks voting for one candidate
- Will the president take the oath on the Koran?
- The real reason for Greece's problems?
- Keep your eye on this Bush
- Romney Was Not the Problem
- The Story of Your Enslavement
- Mitt Romney getting his fill of life after politics
- Which rich Republican is ok with a tax hike?
- What events have threatened freedom?
- Why is the USA not droning assad to save the children of syria?
- How many of you have kids or grandkids in the military . . .
- Memo From Nancy Pelosi Re: Democratic Caucus
- Wouldn't This be a HOOT!
- Why The Obama Victory is the Best Result For Resistance
- To Those Who Say People Voted for Obama Because they Want Freebies...
- Al Mohler talks about the election on NPR
- Isaiah 9:10 - The Harbinger - God's Judgment on America?
- Isaiah 9:10 - The Harbinger - God's Judgment on America?
- The spread between the popular vote and the Electoral College tally -
- January 1, 2013 - Obamacare/Medicare
- Obama re-election protest escalates at Univ. of Mississippi; racial slurs, 2 arrests
- We do we demonize people who don't agree with us?
- To the "Romney's Going to Win and Win Big" People
- A few of my random thoughts tonight
- Who Would Have Thunk
- CIA Timeline of Benghazi Murders
- Final Prediction
- Sensitive documents found amid the wreckage of the U.S. consulate
- A Projected Romney Loss???
- Uncle Joe's Not Proud?
- How Far Obama Has Fallen
- Republicans' Nov. 6th Winning Streak
- Where is This Member?
- Let no good deed go unpunished
- I want to know if this is true before I pass it along to friends as true....
- Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate
- The President should be impeached
- Christie praising Obama
- wanting the job
- Obama Did Not Deny Benghazi Requests for Help
- Advantage Obama in the hunt for 270
- Vice President One Heart Beat from Being POTUS...
- If He Wins...When Will He Admit He Was Born in Kenya?
- You all don't believe in polls, but . . .
- Vote American, Vote Christian
- Colin Powell's Former COS says "My Party is Full of Racists"
- Undecided Voters Explained
- Petraeus speaks on Benghazi
- Book critical of Biden largely ignored
- CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say
- As Food Stamp Recipients are on the Rise, the $1 Million Dinner!!
- Romney's New Stump Speech
- This makes me want to PUKE!!!
- Texas attitude towards UN
- Women turning toward Romney
- If President Obama is re-elected
- Birther Proof - President's Kenyan Birth on Video
- What a difference.......
- Tax Policy Center says Romney CAN'T Keep Tax Reform Promises
- Obama's Declaration of Martial Law
- Today on the alex jones show
- Keyes To The Republic
- How did christians become warmongers?
- Drug cartel, terrorists, and banks
- Army Told Preppers Are Terrorists
- Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son?
- Honest Opinions Of Obama Supporters On His Policies.
- NATO Using Al Qaeda Rat Lines to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists
- Franklin Graham Romney Hypocrisy Mirrors that of a lot of Christians(SMH)
- The Scottish independence campaign is losing ever more ground
- Colin Powell endorses Obama for second term
- Controversial political sign at Leakey church doesn't bother locals - San Antonio Exp
- In Amerika there will never be a real debate
- TRUMP Reveal
- Obama Plans for 10 More Years of Extrajudicial Killing by Drone
- Would Romney Win Legitimize the White Horse Prophecy/ and Truthfulness of Mormonism
- Bow to Nobody
- Richard Mourdock On Abortion: Pregnancy From Rape Is 'Something God Intended'
- 'Obama, Romney - same police state': Third party debate up close (FULL VIDEO) - RT
- The October Surprise
- Debate question
- Trump: I have something very, very big concerning....
- Romney's words get big play in ad for Utah candidate - USA TODAY
- Early Voting
- Vote
- Democrats criticize Republican for leaking sensitive Libya papers - Chicago Tribune
- Presidential candidates call truce for 1 night in heated contest - Tribune-Review
- Film "2016 Obama's America"
- A fierce ground war for votes - Tucson Citizen
- How important?
- 2013 for an Iranian nuke test.
- US funding for UNRWA helps pay for this
- Election 2012: FYI: Debate Schedule
- US delays Iran sanctions 6 months
- 35% drop in Israeli migration to US
- It is up to us to clean up politics - Cincinnati.com
- Cash Low, Romney Striving to Find New Large Donors - New York Times
- We will give political alternative to people: Arvind Kejriwal - Orissadiary.com
- Prophet film puts spotlight on US Copts - WGME
- US honours Suu Kyi, ends sanctions on Myanmar leaders - gulfnews.com
- US govt gives MEMRI $200,000 to study antisemitism
- Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon, dies
- At least 10 people shot outside Empire State Building
- Phyllis Diller, outlandish comedian, dies at 95
- Will Obama Declare Martial Law before Election? There are credible leaks....
- Gore Vidal Dead at 86
- Like it or not, Newt is correct, the US pays Arab terrorists
- Gang Violence Smolders On Hot Chicago Streets
- IDF magnet for US olim
- Colorado Massacre
- Sylvia Woods, Soul-Food Restaurateur, Is Dead at 86
- BIG storm....
- Pollard camp: Clinton comments slap in Israel's face
- Romney to Break Fast of Temple Mount Mourning with Netanyahu
- DEBT CLOCK & Billion Dollars - What is it?
- Ernest Borgnine, Oscar-Winning Actor, Dies at 95
- Obama: Use of chemical weapons by Assad would be 'red line'
- Andy Griffith Dead
- Congressional Candidate Charles Barron Slammed
- Election 2012: New ad being run by Catholic Church
- Ray Bradbury Dies at 91
- Host of Family Feud Richard Dawson Dies at 79
- Just lie, the antisemites will believe anything
- To Repeat: Walt & Mearcheimer made up facts out of whole cloth
- Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was eating face off victim Read
- US Senate Redefines 'Palestinian Refugee'
- Robin Gibb - Bee Gees, Deat at 62
- Maurice Sendak, Author of Splendid Nightmares, Dies at 83
- Jews Shift Toward GOP, Survey Claims
- Levon Helm, Drummer in the Band, Dies at 71
- US mulls prosecution of Schalit deal prisoners
- 'American Bandstand' Host Dick Clark Dies at 82
- Israeli ambassador to New York Times: Netanyahu does not interfere in U.S. elections
- California Bans Kosher for Passover Coca-Cola
- What is team zero's responsibility in the murder of our ambassador ?
- Veteran newsman Mike Wallace dead at 93
- Mac Flashback Infections
- Video Blasts Obama's Commitment to Israel
- Obama says US support for Israel bipartisan
- Justices Approve Strip-Searches for Any Offense
- USD$ 55 million to UNRWA
- Earl Scruggs, Bluegrass Pioneer, Dies at 88
- The Killing of Trayvon Martin
- US to UNHRC: Stop anti-Israel bias
- Dharun Ravi found guilty in Rutgers webcam spying trial
- AIPAC Not Just for Jews Anymore
- Israel to delay strike on Iran until after US elections?
- Sept 2012: Obama's Relationship with Israel Reaches New Crisis
- Methodists reject motion to divest from Israel
- 62% of US Jewish voters want Obama reelected
- Obama: I'm Not Bluffing About Iran
- NYT's Tom Friedman drops all pretense
- Republican Congressional Candidate Says 'Holocaust Never Happened'
- Monkees Singer Davy Jones Dies in Florida at 66
- "Our Friend" Zbigniew Brzezinski
- This is how Nuremberg comes to America
- NJ Arab Leader Aref Assaf Accuses Jews Of Being "Israel-Firsters" In Coming Election
- Eric Holder: no matter what the law says, Jewish lives are cheap
- Obama wants to give money to UNESCO after all
- F-35 continues its long fall into failure
- Muslim Brotherhood kicks Obama in the head
- US Marines photographed with SS flag
- RIP Whitney Houston
- Obama's "Flexibility"
- Sy Hersh; inveterate liar and nincompoop
- US State Dept sends a representative to PLO Doha conference
- Hillary Clinton: recognizing the Armenian genocide would violate free speech
- A Jewish leftist points out the antisemitic tropes in the Jewish left.
- Predicting the Presidential Election: 2012
- Americans prohibited from leaving (kidnapped) by the Egyptian government
- Why American Jews are somewhat suspicious of Obama
- 20 Companies And Trade Groups That Spent Monster Amounts Of Money On Lobbying
- Jimmy Carter: the Jews are ethnically cleansing Christians (like they always do)
- Interesting note on the RQ-170 crashed in Iran
- US quashes military drills with IDF but engages Egypt for same
- More visas from Saudi Arabia than ANY OTHER COUNTRY
- Is sopa silly?
- Transit Check pre-tax has NOT been extended....
- Occupy the Dream: The Mathematics of Racism
- Saudi F-15s are where they are not supposed to be
- Pentagon determines Ft Hood massacre is not terrorism
- Obama tells Iran, through Turkey to go ahead and build nukes
- Top 5 Reasons to support Romney
- Bishop orders priests to read anti-Obama letter at Sunday sermons
- Pro-Life Means Anti-Drone
- Scary Poem
- Weird Uncle Joe
- Bloomberg Endorses Obama
- Abortion: The many deceptive faces of Mitt Romney
- Important voting information
- New ads encourage women to break up with Obama
- Mike Huckabee Warns Christians Voting Obama Will Go To Hell
- Gov Romney and FEMA
- A possible reason to support Gov Romney
- NEWS FROM THE FUTURE: President Obama Addresses the Nation
- N.H.S. Death Panels ?
- Antisemitism as a liberal value
- Report of the quid pro quo for the Egyptian hostages
- WaPo spreads Arab hate speech
- Turkish bank financing Iranian oil says no US pressure to stop
- A chronicle of antisemitism in the Occupy movement
- 'I wouldn't send US troops to fight Nazis'
- Joe Klein, Time Magazine and the next Shoah
- Another kidnapped American in Egypt. Israel not involved US says screw you.
- Kim Jong-il Dies
- Kerry calls for US funding to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood
- What's an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander doing at the White House
- Thomas Freidman goes full paranoid neonazi
- A made up people
- 911 and the UN: Richard Falk is a troofer
- Obama hosts forum on terrorism...specifically does not include Israel
- US gives Netanyahu ultimatum on resuming talks
- Obama and Rashid Khalidi
- Clinton: We don't know who the MB or Hamas are.
- Obama's Questionable Birth Certificate
- Cost of war, inflation adjusted
- ISM Exposed
- Occupy Miami: Nuke Israel, Jews back to the ovens
- 9 of top 10 US foreign aid recipients voted against condemnation of Iran
- David Frum: has the GOP lost its mind?
- George Friedman on the arc of Iranian power in the absence of America