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  1. Scientists find sea sponges share human genes
  2. Helping Hearts, Spinal Cords And Tendons Heal Themselves
  3. New Type Of Human Stem Cell May Be More Easy To Manipulate
  4. Easing bone marrow transplants to widen their use
  5. Stem Cell Therapeutics Corp. Announces Publication of Phase IIa Stroke Data
  6. Miniature livers 'grown in lab'
  7. Stroke treated with Autologous Stem Cells
  8. Research: Nose tissues contain stem cells similar to those found in brain
  9. Plant stem cells could be fruitful source of low-cost cancer drug
  10. Too much SP2 protein turns stem cells into 'evil twin' cancer cells
  11. Stem Cell News ? October Newsletter
  12. Researchers discover how bone-marrow stem cells reverse heart failure
  13. McMaster researchers say not all stem cells the same
  14. querie Re Ask the Doctor ISCI
  15. UConn Scientists Generate Functional Nerve Cells from Adult Skin Cells
  16. Harvard Stem Cell Researchers Retract Paper in Nature, Citing Flawed Data
  17. Gene identified that prevents stem cells from turning cancerous
  18. Stem Cells: Promise And Profit
  19. $1 billion in tax credits for R and D
  20. Frog Genomes May Help Prevent Birth Defects
  21. Transdifferentiation ? Cells Go From Point A to Point B Without "Passing Go"
  22. Are ESC's becoming more and more insignificant?
  23. Article: Balancing Innovation With Profits/Diabetes research
  24. Scientists Discover Gene That Controls Stem Cells In Central Nervous System
  25. Researchers from Columbia University report on findings in stem cell research
  26. Neurons derived from transplanted neural stem cells restore disrupted neuronal circui
  27. Stem Cell Research: Science, Not Politics
  28. Researchers engineer adult stem cells that do not age
  29. Stem Cell News - September Newsletter
  30. Working towards regeneration of the enthesis
  31. Attitudes and regulations that hold back progress
  32. Will researchers go elsewhere if US stemcell money dries up?
  33. Study: Mesenchymal stem cells treat ovarian failure in rats
  34. Deluded X-Cell Patients
  35. Francis Collins speaks out about esc court ruling on federal funding
  36. Undifferentiated Ethics: Why Stem Cells from Adult Skin Are as Morally Fraught as ESC
  37. Skin Formation Study Suggests Strategies To Fight Skin Cancer
  38. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is ultimately a stem cell disease
  39. Will esc research become less controversial?
  40. Doctors in India use stem cells to prevent Kidney Transplant Rejection
  41. "... until we stand restored to the full health, vigor, and capacity of youth."
  42. In Breakthrough, Nerve Connections Are Regenerated After Spinal Cord Injury
  43. Interview with Francis Collins
  44. Researchers Convert Stem Cells into Cartilage
  45. More controversy on cord blood banking companies
  46. Fate Therapeutics receives stem cell patent aimed at neurological diseases
  47. Reprogrammed Adult Cells Found to Bring Along Genetic Defects of Donors
  48. For the first time, researchers identify and isolate adult mammary stem cells in mice
  49. Romanian scientists find new cells
  50. Turns out to be the same old story
  51. Human trials of stem cell therapies draw scrutiny
  52. Adult Stem Cells Cures HIV Disease
  53. Scientists find link in humans between nerve cell production, memory
  54. Donation To Further Research On Stem Cell Therapy For Corneal Scarring
  55. Advancement in Growing Stem Cells
  56. Here's a wild story - The title alone is intended to scare people
  57. birthday
  58. To the Birthday Girl
  59. Rsearchers rejoice - more money on the way
  60. Australian scientists in stem-cell first
  61. all-trans retinoic acid in inhaller
  62. Stem Cells Getting a Bad Rap: The Misuse of Causation Methodology
  63. Human Wharton?s Jelly Stem Cells Study
  64. Stem Cell Versatility Could Help Tissue Regeneration
  65. Stem Cell News ? August Newsletter
  66. Chronic health conditions common for some stem cell transplant survivors
  67. UC Cells turned into iPS stem cells
  68. Thymus Cells Transform Into Skin Cells in Swiss Laboratory
  69. Scientists make genetically modified rats
  70. South Dakota man dies after donating part of liver
  71. Understanding How Blood Stem Cells Are Maintained
  72. Stem Cell Multiplier - Small molecule spurs the proliferation of blood stem cells
  73. Reproductive scientists create mice from 2 fathers
  74. Sneaky marketing technique by Cytori
  75. Colorado researcher discovers mechanism for changing adult cells into stem-like cells
  76. Research and Grant Money
  77. Adult stem cell studies abound for heart, diabetes, MS; far ahead of embryonic resear
  78. Patent granted for HUCB cells and mannitol procedure
  79. Phys Ed: Your Brain on Exercise
  80. New Data Highlights Additional Benefits of Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  81. Differentiation Turn On
  82. NIH's mistake doubles researchers' costs for some hesc samples
  83. Tiny Circles of DNA key to easy way to transform adipose sc to pluripotent stem cells
  84. Too many regulations are stifling research - One scientist's opinion
  85. 5th Annual Summit to Feature New Stem Cell Therapies
  86. Snake oil being taught in high school - Just kidding, it's the real deal
  87. FDA OKs First Embryonic Stem Cell Research Trial on Humans, Despite Concerns
  88. For those interested in the R & D side of stem cells
  89. 60 minutes
  90. Adult stem cell research gets U.S. Army's approval
  91. Researchers pinpoint key stem cells for eating and sex
  92. Somebody forgot to tell 60 Minutes
  93. Key protein influences stem cell fate
  94. massage therapy
  95. It is estimated that 99% of umbilical cords are disposed of
  96. Stem Cell News ? July Newsletter
  97. Mysteries Of Stem Cells And Evolution Solved By Mexican Salamander
  98. New Way To Discover Drugs That Aid Regenerative Medicine
  99. Mouse stem cell study offers new insights into body fat distribution
  100. Tuberculosis May Use Bone Stem Cells to Evade Immune System
  101. Could stem cell therapy be obsolete some day?
  102. How Physical Environment Influences Stem Cell Development
  103. UCSD Researchers Suppress Embryonic Stem Cell Tumors
  104. Maybe this is why Irv is all worked up lately
  105. Immortal Stem Cells for Anti-Aging Therapies
  106. Regenerative Medicine Roadmap
  107. Common Steroid Medications Hold Promise For Tissue Repair
  108. Stem Cell News ? June Newsletter
  109. Researchers would rather work on humans, but.........
  110. Epigenetics will help diagnose and treat fetal diseases
  111. Lung and other organs on a chip
  112. Discovering the Wonders of Skin Cells
  113. Stem cells made without new genes
  114. Think !!!!!!!!!!!
  115. New Complication Of Stem Cell Therapy for Kidney Disease
  116. A five year timeline for tissue engineered livers
  117. Medistem Reports Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Success Using Adult Stem Cell Protocol
  118. Obstacles to stem cell therapy cleared
  119. New Injectable Bone Material Invented For Use In Stem Cell Delivery
  120. Stem Cell Researcher's Gather in SF
  121. Australian stem cell research on lung disease
  122. Trials for revolutionary stem cell surgery in UK ?within a year?
  123. Magnesium essential for stem cell proliferation
  124. U-M creates the state?s first human embryonic stem cell line
  125. No More Gray
  126. Monitoring engraftment
  127. Google bans ads
  128. Stem Cells Likely to Help Genetic Disorders First
  129. Rats, rats and more rats
  130. Would like to be a fly on the wall for this one
  131. Stem Cell News ? May Newsletter (with MS spotlight)
  132. Researchers create retina from human embryonic stem cells
  133. Edutainment from Dr. Payne
  134. New teeth in just 9 weeks
  135. Timing critical for clamping of umbilical cord at birth
  136. Discovery of stem cell illuminates human brain evolution, points to therapies
  137. Maryland awards $11.7M in stem cell grants
  138. Macrophage receptor gene variant influences COPD susceptibility
  139. 'Artificial life' breakthrough
  140. Using adipose stem cells for a face lift
  141. Upcoming Stem Cell Meetings
  142. New findings complicate use of stem cells
  143. Ethics Experts Call For Refocus Of Scientific Review To Ensure Integrity Of Research
  144. X Chromosome Inactivation Prevented By Low Oxygen Levels In Human Embryonic Stem Cel
  145. Regenexx pre publication data for knee osteoarthritis treatment
  146. EU agency prepares to assess first stem cell drug
  147. anyone with info, experience...
  148. Stem cell researchers warned: 'Be vigilant'
  149. UT Southwestern researchers find key step in body's ability to make red blood cells
  150. Scientists use pig embryo to create stem cells
  151. New Stem Cell Research Center approved in Oklahoma
  152. Video: Could Stem Cell Therapy Renew Your Body Cells?
  153. Theory of single stem cell for blood components challenged
  154. Stem cells of humans and mice differ more strongly than suspected
  155. New protein found to spur bone growth
  156. Your Inner Healers: Progress in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Made Interactive
  157. Study confirms location of stem cells near cartilage-rich regions in bones
  158. Worming their way into history
  159. Gene silencing may be responsible for induced pluripotent stem cells' limitations
  160. Better Late than Never.
  161. Another finding demonstrates the potential of stem cell therapy
  162. 60 Minutes says it ain't the real McCoy
  163. Scientists edge closer to printing human tissue
  164. Human stem cell survival keys discovered
  165. Breast stem cells retain a 'memory' of prior female hormone deprivation
  166. UTHealth scientists get grants for research on lung disease and blood disorders
  167. Researchers achieve major breakthrough in cell reprogramming
  168. New method for generating human stem cells is remarkably efficient
  169. Gene essential to stem cell health discovered
  170. just updated my stem cell trip blog...
  171. Gene related to aging plays role in stem cell differentiation
  172. Animal testing could be reduced by using stem cells instead
  173. Beyond Birth: A Child's Cells May Help or Harm the Mother Long after Delivery
  174. Science talk podcast
  175. Dr's in london, england???
  176. Psychotherapy may help lupus
  177. Blood vessel cells key to growing unlimited amounts of adult stem cells
  178. Technical Articles on Stem Cell Treatments
  179. Determining Ethnic Origin of Stem Cell Lines
  180. All fat is not bad
  181. Keeping Stem Cells Alive In Adult Brain Requires Insulin-Like Signal
  182. New ?Designer? Human Organs ? Stem Cells + Inkjet Printing?
  183. Study sheds light on how zebra fish regenerate injured heart
  184. Gene Holds Key to Embryonic Stem Cell Rejuvenation
  185. Duke University Scientists Identify New Growth Factor
  186. Treatment in El Salvador
  187. Deductible
  188. Stem Cells Used to Model Infant Birth Defect
  189. Duke receives $10 million gift for stem cell research
  190. This research sounds magical
  191. Influencing stem-cell development with geometry
  192. Cells in amniotic fluid become stem cells
  193. Successful Reversal of the Developmental Aging of Normal Human Cells
  194. CBS Katie Couric
  195. Stem Cell Function Characterized By Researchers
  196. Japanese researchers create intestine from stem cells
  197. Steady Improvement in First Generation Stem Cell Therapies
  198. Hearing loss just one topic at 3rd annual stem cell symposium
  199. How bone-marrow stem cells hold their 'breath'
  200. New Fat Cell Discovered
  201. Breakthrough in stem cell culturing
  202. So many details that must be addressed
  203. Optical Imaging in Stem Cell Research
  204. Looking for Australians who have travelled overseas
  205. Scripps Research team provides groundbreaking new understanding of stem cells
  206. can stemcells help adults with cerebral palsy?
  207. Embryonic Research Driven by Greed, not Science
  208. Anti-aging effect of transplantation of mouse fetus-derived mesenchymal stem cells
  209. Study sheds new light on how body repairs itself when organs become diseased
  210. Seeing Real Success with Adult Stem Cells
  211. Stem Cell Approvals May Move Faster Under U.S. Panel (Update1)
  212. Australian Stem Cell Centre
  213. News From Osiris Therapeutics
  214. Research!America is on the right track
  215. Lamb Stem Cells
  216. Regenerative Medicine Sounds Like Science Fiction
  217. Using A Molecular Toolkit To Transform Skin Cells Into Stem Cells
  218. Scientists worry new head of Europe Research Council could politicize funding process
  219. Stem Cell Guide article
  220. Techies involved in stem cell research
  221. Raynard Kington leaving NIH
  222. NIH Grants Given for Blood Disorder Treatment with Stem Cells
  223. Stem Cell Therapies: The current state of Affairs
  224. Researchers image where and how stem cells are born in zebrafish
  225. Scientists make discovery that may help regenerate damaged kidney tissues
  226. Stem Cells Cut and Repair Their Own DNA
  227. Newer stem cells flawed. Embyonic cells appear stronger.
  228. Scientists home in on chemicals needed to reprogram cells
  229. U.S. House Reapproves Funding for Ethical Cord Blood Stem Cells
  230. New Research Demonstrates Safety of Cord-blood-derived Stem Cell Treatments
  231. Researchers create iPS cells from blood cells
  232. Application of human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells in disease m
  233. U.S. prescription drug sales hit $300 billion in 2009
  234. Researchers discover new method to predict fate of stem cells.
  235. X Prize may offer millions for stem cell breakthrough
  236. Abuse in the peer review system?
  237. Fusing marrow cells to embryonic stem cells may lessen chance of rejection
  238. Good news for the mice
  239. Fat Tissue May Be a Source of Valuable Blood Stem Cells, Study Says
  240. Skin cells transformed directly to nerve in study
  241. Old School Beliefs
  242. UW_Madison gets $9 million grant to prepare stem cell studies in humans
  243. NIH awards $27 million contract for new biobank and stem cell lab
  244. New Approach Speeds Up Differentiation of Stem Cells
  245. Is enthusiasm waning for embryonic stem cell research?
  246. Rheumatoid Arthritis - Clinical Trial
  247. Good advice from Dr. Young for those traveling
  248. Embryonic Stem Cell Research: More Heat than Light
  249. Worms instead of rodents for a change used in this study
  250. Querie on Bone Marrow Stemcells