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Old 08-06-2008, 10:33 PM   #1

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Default The Roger Ain't Dead Yet Thread.
SO, some of you have pissed me off enough (which is actually what I needed, so there) (so, thanks, actually- and I mean that) (still- remind me to do the same when Nadal has bad times and his inevitable slide, folks- which I WON'T do, 'cause of the likes of Ti- but, again, others will, so enjoy when your time comes) to start this alternate thread. Granted, only Foxy, GVGirl, Suliso and me may post here.....

BUT- I also offer up alternate theories here. We won't know for some time what effects if any Rog's bout with mono may have had. Look- his slide could be irrevocable, sure. Still- many champs have had a bum year or two (or three)- and come back to win Slam titles. Except on clay, Rog has shown a level of tennis not seen by any other player. He ain't in his 30's yet, folks. Write ANY champ off at your own peril. AND- even The Great Pete had plenty of moments around the end of his career where you'd SWEAR (at least, I swore....) he was over- and still pulled off late Wimbledon and US Open victories. I can only hope that as Pete did to me- some of you all get to have similar Rog nightmares. Picture this: 2008 is over, and Rog is still No. 1, Rafa No. 2.....or, Rog comes back to No. 1 in 2009.....
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:04 PM   #2

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Other will post here too, Nels. Let us rant too:
RF needs a French Open title less than RG needs him to win there. Just look at the list of great ones never to have won there, and it is impressive to say the least. And it is not only Americans, pardon me. Names like Becker, Edberg, Newcombe and now Federer are missing. Yet, the illustrious names of Gaudio, Costa, Ferrero, Muster, Moya, Gomez, Chang and many more (all fine players, I agree, but a different level) pepper the victory list at RG like bird droppings on an otherwise perfect snowy scene.
RG must be worried about this. I think that the last number one seed to win there was Jim Courier in 1993. The last RG champion to be number one at year's end was Guga (2000). In the same way that Wimbledon slowed down the courts to avoid serves from being the only requisite to win there (which, BTW, it wasn't), RG must do something to allow for attacking players to have a say in the results at the French.
I admit I do not see Roger winning it. With the fresh memory of Rafa's performance, right now I have no clue who will beat Nadal there, ever.
But Roger dead? In 2002, Rusedski said, after losing to Pete at the USO, that if he kept playing that way, Pete would not go one more round. I agreed. Pete didn't, and he didn't. And he won his final USO.
I learned to eat crow that day. And I will not write Roger dead until he retires, on his own terms.
Pete's record is there, still achievable. The second best clay court player in the world THREE YEARS IN THE RUN knows it. That's enough motivation.
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Old 08-06-2008, 11:54 PM   #3

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Other will post here too, Nels. Let us rant too:
RF needs a French Open title less than RG needs him to win there. Just look at the list of great ones never to have won there, and it is impressive to say the least. And it is not only Americans, pardon me. Names like Becker, Edberg, Newcombe and now Federer are missing. Yet, the illustrious names of Gaudio, Costa, Ferrero, Muster, Moya, Gomez, Chang and many more (all fine players, I agree, but a different level) pepper the victory list at RG like bird droppings on an otherwise perfect snowy scene.
RG must be worried about this. I think that the last number one seed to win there was Jim Courier in 1993. The last RG champion to be number one at year's end was Guga (2000). In the same way that Wimbledon slowed down the courts to avoid serves from being the only requisite to win there (which, BTW, it wasn't), RG must do something to allow for attacking players to have a say in the results at the French.
I admit I do not see Roger winning it. With the fresh memory of Rafa's performance, right now I have no clue who will beat Nadal there, ever.
But Roger dead? In 2002, Rusedski said, after losing to Pete at the USO, that if he kept playing that way, Pete would not go one more round. I agreed. Pete didn't, and he didn't. And he won his final USO.
I learned to eat crow that day. And I will not write Roger dead until he retires, on his own terms.
Pete's record is there, still achievable. The second best clay court player in the world THREE YEARS IN THE RUN knows it. That's enough motivation.
It was to make the surface firmer and longer lasting as a result of the newer shoe techonology that would tear up the courts, not to help out baseline players. RG should not speed up the clay to help attacking players anyway. Roger needs to adapt to the surface and figure out a gameplan and EXECUTE. The surface only plays a part in the matchup, but it all comes down to the players in the end.
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Old 08-10-2008, 01:54 AM   #4

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Nelslus wishes to announce that just knowing how much so many of you TAT-ites are now suffering so deeply with Roger's win just makes nelslus feel all tingly inside.

What's even better is knowing that, with his good health returning, Rog'll be back to No. 1 next year, winning tons of Slams and tournaments, just to remove any suspense once again. We of the Roger Club also plan to go back now to being just as smug and self-important as Our Great Leader.

'Cause 2009 promises to be The Bestest Rogerest Year Ever! YAY!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-10-2008, 02:17 AM   #5

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Nelslus wishes to announce that just knowing how much so many of you TAT-ites are now suffering so deeply with Roger's win just makes nelslus feel all tingly inside.

What's even better is knowing that, with his good health returning, Rog'll be back to No. 1 next year, winning tons of Slams and tournaments, just to remove any suspense once again. We of the Roger Club also plan to go back now to being just as smug and self-important as Our Great Leader.

'Cause 2009 promises to be The Bestest Rogerest Year Ever! YAY!!!!!!!!!
Let the gloating begin!!!
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Old 08-10-2008, 02:33 AM   #6

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I'll gloat apprehensively because.....as much as I believed that Roger would win thie US Open.....I remain apprehensive because.....

There are slumps and.....there are slumps. And....a player of Roger's talent does NOT slump for the WHOLE YEAR unless there is something making him slump and don't tell me it's his confidence. I don't buy that one wit. I believe, like dryrunguy that...something was bothering Federer. And so....I remain ....apprehensive.

But....I will be rooting for Fed to return to dominance next year....just because it will piss Novak off and....make tennis that much more exciting!
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Old 08-10-2008, 02:38 AM   #7

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I'll gloat apprehensively because.....as much as I believed that Roger would win thie US Open.....I remain apprehensive because.....

There are slumps and.....there are slumps. And....a player of Roger's talent does NOT slump for the WHOLE YEAR unless there is something making him slump and don't tell me it's his confidence. I don't buy that one wit. I believe, like dryrunguy that...something was bothering Federer. And so....I remain ....apprehensive.

But....I will be rooting for Fed to return to dominance next year....just because it will piss Novak off and....make tennis that much more exciting!
Yeah, I also don't believe Roger is completely back yet. There are still inconsistencies and some patterns of play that repeatedly draw errors out of him. But main thing is confidence with his forehand and that seems to be back
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Old 08-10-2008, 02:46 AM   #8

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Yeah, I also don't believe Roger is completely back yet. There are still inconsistencies and some patterns of play that repeatedly draw errors out of him. But main thing is confidence with his forehand and that seems to be back
I did enjoy that forehand!

And let me tell you....I did laugh with joy when Fed fell down on the court when he won the championship! It was GREAT to see Fed fall again!
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Old 08-10-2008, 03:33 AM   #9

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I loved Roger's recent aggression. He has really emphasized coming to the net a lot and that will put pressure on the relentless baseliners.

I'm finding the tactics employed by the top players right now to be a really compelling part of the game.

Murray played back off the baseline and really hurt Nadal's serve advantage. Great strategy.

Fed simply won at the net over Murray. You can't play baseline all day, Andy.

When Blake beat Federer in Beijing, I felt he really picked on the backhand. Roger has a good backhand but when James hit the deep forehands to Roger's backhand side, he came to the net and simply didn't believe Fed's backhand could pass him. He was right.

Right now, specific strategy is a big factor. This is very exciting.

The exception to this is Nadal on clay. I believe that currently no one can beat him on clay regardless of strategy. He can even have an off day and still has enough to beat anyone. It's how I used to feel about Roger on grass.

Of course, Roger ain't dead but he can't win on his bad days anymore. Later in his career, Pete focused on the Grand Slams and didn't need to be #1. Roger will win more slams and as much as I'd love to be wrong, he may never be #1 again. I can live with that if he wins 15 slams.
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Old 08-10-2008, 05:47 AM   #10

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Murray played back off the baseline and really hurt Nadal's serve advantage. Great strategy.

Fed simply won at the net over Murray. You can't play baseline all day, Andy.
I'm surprised Murray stuck with his return of serve strategy of standing 10 feet beyond the baseline. I don't think that will work for him in the long run. I'll be interested to see how long he sticks with it.
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:00 PM   #11

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Roger likes to talk about winning tournaments and competing against history. His troubles of lately are well documented in the ROGER IS WASHED thread. But now, with his gold medal in Doubles at the Olympics, should he give it a try at another team competition?
He has never even come close to winning a Davis Cup. Now with Wawrinka a top ten player, maybe he should give it a go. They just proved, after all, that they are not too shabby in doubles.
Even Pete has two Davis Cups. It would be nice for Roger to get one (to keep par with Pete and his elusive RG).
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:14 PM   #12

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I just read his interview script from yesterday on the asap website. He said he is planing to play the first round in DC if Switzerland makes it back to the World Group. So it looks like he is getting more serious with his hopes to win the Davis Cup one day
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:31 PM   #13

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I just read his interview script from yesterday on the asap website. He said he is planing to play the first round in DC if Switzerland makes it back to the World Group. So it looks like he is getting more serious with his hopes to win the Davis Cup one day
If Roger going to add DC to his playing schedule, my first advice to him is do not play those exhibitions after the YEC in Shanghai even though he is going to get $$$$ well.
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:36 PM   #14

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Even Pete has two Davis Cups. It would be nice for Roger to get one (to keep par with Pete and his elusive RG).
In all fairness, Davis Cup is a TEAM event. During Pete's reign, there were other strong American players that he can depend on winning in those events. Federer does not have those types of peers on his team.
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:38 PM   #15

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I still believe that Federer's main reason for his slump is between his ears. He has lost confidence in his ability to compete. He has always had a fragile ego and you compound those two and you've got major problems for him.

I haven't been watching much tennis lately, but the highlights seem to indicate to me a lack of confidence on his part. Just my 2 cents.
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Old 08-17-2008, 09:25 PM   #16

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I still believe that Federer's main reason for his slump is between his ears. He has lost confidence in his ability to compete. He has always had a fragile ego and you compound those two and you've got major problems for him.

I haven't been watching much tennis lately, but the highlights seem to indicate to me a lack of confidence on his part. Just my 2 cents.
He says it's lack of practice. It's hard to tell where subpar preparation stops and the confidence issue begins - they're basically intertwined. Both are residual effects of mono. My sister, who's been a nurse for 20-some years, keeps saying that his fans and the media simply don't realize what mono does to a person. At the elite level, I believe that if your fitness slips just a hair, it makes a big difference. Then you get confidence issues, and loss of aura... it's a brutal slippery slope, especially if your game is as finely calibrated as Federer's. I don't think he'll ever get back to the 2005-06 level... but Rafa and Djokovic probably can't sustain their current levels all year, every year, so Federer will still be in the mix.
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Old 08-17-2008, 11:55 PM   #17

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In all fairness, Davis Cup is a TEAM event. During Pete's reign, there were other strong American players that he can depend on winning in those events. Federer does not have those types of peers on his team.
That is my point, Olderfan. He now has Wawrinka becoming a stronger player. He doesn't have 5 other Swiss there to help them, but it is no longer a one man attempt if he goes the Davis Cup way.
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Old 08-18-2008, 01:43 AM   #18

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Can I start an Andy isn't dead thread?
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Old 08-18-2008, 02:17 AM   #19

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Roger is not dead, but he's not going to be dominant anymore. Nadal and Djokovic are playing superb and the years are reaching Fed! Hes getting older, and this is not going to stop, so help me God, so the great streak of titles is over, now he will have a great victory now and then. And the #1 ranking just will return to him few weeks of the years by now. I just see him breaking the slam record in late 2010 or early 2011, but, we'll have to see. Wish he could prove me wrong and return to be the Mighty Fed!
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Old 08-18-2008, 02:34 AM   #20

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Just a few random thoughts:

First, I don't see how Switzerland can get into the World Group without Federer. As he gets older, it's likely his priorities will shift a bit. Doing more Davis Cup work would make perfect sense.

Second, I have no evidence to back it up except one article that was posted the other day, but I think there's is something medically wrong with Federer. Maybe it's the after-effects of the mono, but I think it's something else... Something that doesn't prevent him from competing, but something that is taking a physical and mental toll on him. Either that, or there are some personal issues going on. But he'll probably not say anything about it, because that's just not his style.

Third, if I'm wrong about #2, then I think he'll rebound eventually. If the U.S. Open doesn't go well for him, then I'd like to see him take the rest of the year off and get whatever issues that are going on sorted out so he can come out like a bandit in 2009.
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