DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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S.T.D. 01-15-2012 11:34 AM

Nasrallah responds to Ban: Hezbollah won't disarm
Like the NRA, Hezbollah's weapons will have to be taken from their cold dead fingers. So be it.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah shot back at UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Saturday, saying that Hezbollah will not give up its weapons and that the top UN official's concern over its armament "pleases" him.

During a visit to the Lebanese capital over the weekend, Ban said he was "deeply concerned about the military capacity of Hezbollah and ... the lack of progress in disarmament." Nasrallah responded a day later, "We want you (the UN), the US and Israel to be concerned." http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=253593

Lillie_Steins 01-16-2012 01:37 PM

Gosh, we agree Pleeplus!!!!

NeroASERCH 01-16-2012 05:36 PM

Fools like Nasrallah have a childish mentality which is encouraged by the UN.
When they start their violence towards Israel as they inevitably will, Israel will respond as it did in the last Lebanon war.
As Hezbolah corpses pile among ruins of once thriving communities, Nasrallah will be running to the UN waving his arms for them to stop the Jews.
Such is the way with these fanatics who can never see themselves as ever being in the wrong.

LottiFurmann 01-16-2012 06:10 PM


Fools like Nasrallah have a childish mentality which is encouraged by the UN.
When they start their violence towards Israel as they inevitably will, Israel will respond as it did in the last Lebanon war.
As Hezbolah corpses pile among ruins of once thriving communities, Nasrallah will be running to the UN waving his arms for them to stop the Jews.
Such is the way with these fanatics who can never see themselves as ever being in the wrong.
Yep, along with that, when he runs blathering to the UN, they will acquiesce. Then blame Israel for protecting its sovereignty... right to exist. The UN is a corrupt body of rogue state and terrorist sympathisers.

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