DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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Raj_Copi_Jin 02-11-2011 11:52 AM

France over populated by between 5 and10%
French Newspaper Office Firebombed Over Muhammed Satire
The offices of a French newspaper were destroyed by a firebomb early Wednesday over its satirical invitation to the Islamic Prophet Muhammed.
The newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, is a satirical weekly. A firebomb, or “Molotov cocktail” was lobbed into the offices of the paper at about 1:00 a.m

Islam is the second most widely practiced religion in France, following Roman Catholicism, with the number of worshipers totally between five to ten percent of the population.

Paul Bunyan 02-11-2011 12:35 PM

Pish posh it's just free speech as practiced by Eurocrats. I say let's burn some more buildings down.

radikal 02-11-2011 08:35 PM

Muslims should be directed to take some anger-management seminars... more than several. They should, also, work on their lacking sense of humour. It's funny, every religion gets the schtick but Islam resorts to bloodletting, whenever someone does the same to them. Let's face it, France has been overpopulated for ages... some have suggested it should be turned into a massive parking lot for the Euro-brats.
France has had it, they are now under siege, as is the UK and others throughout forlorn Europe. Cheap labour has cost them dearly in the long run and it isn't over by a long shot.

softy54534 02-12-2011 06:53 AM

The enlightenment of multiculturalism and ethnic diversity. The cultural enrichment of our societies by the inclusion of peoples from all undeveloped nations. Oh, how our lives have been blessed by our far away neighbours becoming our next door neighbours.
Even in zoos they are smart enough to keep the lions from the antelope and the reptiles from the birds.

NeroASERCH 03-11-2011 08:22 AM


The enlightenment of multiculturalism and ethnic diversity. The cultural enrichment of our societies by the inclusion of peoples from all undeveloped nations. Oh, how our lives have been blessed by our far away neighbours becoming our next door neighbours.
Even in zoos they are smart enough to keep the lions from the antelope and the reptiles from the birds.
Good one! It appears the world needs more zoo keepers! Not to mention cages; well. that's for another time!

TorryJens 12-24-2011 05:50 AM

That 5-10% figure is overstating the threat. Most people of Muslim descent in France are not devout but merely nominally Muslim. I doubt more than 2% of those living in France are devout Muslims.

Drugmachine 12-24-2011 09:36 AM


That 5-10% figure is overstating the threat. Most people of Muslim descent in France are not devout but merely nominally Muslim. I doubt more than 2% of those living in France are devout Muslims.
Poulation of france = 65 million, 2%= 1.5 million. Out of the 1.5 million perhaps only 0.01% would be crazy enough to do something fanatically violent against other religeons. 150 crazies walking around free, is far more than makes me feel comfortable.

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