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9mm_fan 08-08-2008 10:09 PM

islam: apostasy and non-moslems
God he's our most popular Muslim scholar? Jeez.
Im almost embarassed to have the same religion as him.


I watched the second one and Muslims deserve the same treatment back. We are fools to even let them come here.
Oh yeah, because every Muslim has issues with the West.

Drugmachine 09-08-2008 04:03 PM


How do you plan to decipher which Muslims should and shouldn't have that 'treatment'?
Why should the civilized world do that? Why should the civilized world bear the brunt of islam and its fascism? islam can kill indiscriminately and the victims are supposed to adhere to the marquis of queensberry rules. screw that!!

THe moslem preachers rhetoric makes no distinctions. all non-moslems are infidels, fit to be raped, looted and killed in the name of islam. why dont you go argue with him. Since he is the CAUSE. The effect is what Steven proposed. Yet, you so-called "moderates" will do nothing of that sort. You do not have the guts to face your own or rather (in my opinion) have no intent of facing them down and actually agree with them. All you and your ilk therefore try to do is to stave off the only course of action that is left to the civilized world. That is your job, and hence the taqqiya.

softy54534 09-08-2008 05:36 PM


No one can do that. That is why all Muslim immigration must and will be put to and end. It has already started in Europe.
What has started in Europe?

Big A 09-08-2008 06:21 PM


............and we do outnumber the extremists. Its just .............
when CAIR organized a press conference at.......
No you dont outnumber extremists. The prrof is obvious to see. And when you cite CAIR, you are destroying your own argument. No moslem organization is as corrupt, evil (or dare i say, islamic) as CAIR, a number of their members have been proven to have ties to islamic (terrorist) organizations. your attempts are as futile as andak. and you are no moderate.

MannoFr 09-08-2008 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by Laila
........ but you also have a duty to listen to what we are saying as does the Media.

Not anymore we don't. We are sick of empty talk and if you out number the "extremists" then why are the getting voted into office, like in Turkey, or the Muslim Brotherhood who has about 25% of the seats in Egypt?

I want to see Muslims organizing rallies calling for no more Muslims only gym or pools times, or telling other Muslims to accept us and stop whining that everything about us offends them and we have to change our lives for them. ShimonG is right, you citing CAIR shows your true colors. Do you think we are still fooled by CAIR? That was all bull..............because CAIR is connected to Hamas. All lies, as usual.


Your doctor....is wasting his time. As the Muslim community shows its true colors.


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