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Paul Bunyan 06-15-2008 05:42 AM


Their choice to take our money to help kill other Muslims who threaten their "rice bowl" (hummus bowl?) does not mean they aren't just a different variety of enemy that tolerates our presence in return for billions of dollars and armed protection. Even friendship between individuals does not alter the inherent cultural clash. Individuals don't matter.
Individuals wouldn't matter to a genocidal bigot on your level. Why should you distinguish between hummus and rice or between innocent Muslims who are giving their lives to fight terrorism and Al Qaida?

tgs 06-16-2008 09:42 PM


Funny, how they did not do a damn thing to fight Al Qaeda until they were attacked. Funny how there are still Al Qaeda camps there.
If there are Al Qaida camps there, it's not because they did nothing. But then, you should know this, know that there is a full scale war going on in the mountains of Pakistan.

The War[18][19][20] in North-West Pakistan is an armed conflict between the Pakistani Army and Islamist militants made up by local tribesmen, the Taliban and foreign extremists. It began in 2004 when tensions rooted in the Pakistani Army's search for al-Qaeda members in Pakistan's mountainous Waziristan area (in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas) escalated into armed resistance by local tribesmen.

Clashes erupted between the Pakistani troops and al-Qaeda's and other militants joined by local rebels and pro-Taliban forces. The Pakistani actions were seen as a part of the War on Terrorism, and had connections to the war and Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan.[21][22]

After a truce in September 2006, clashes escalated again in 2007, with local tribesmen ousting militant Uzbeks and attacking the Pakistani security forces again in July 2007.

3,228 militants killed[10][11][12][13][14][15]
(488 foreign fighters [16])

1,000 killed
(Pakistani[5] and US[6] claim)

Other estimates:
1,625 soldiers and policemen killed,
35 tribesmen killed[7],
2,259 soldiers wounded[8],
610 soldiers and policemen missing or captured[9]


In other words, between 1000 and 1700 people gave their lives while assisting to kill over 3200 militants in Al Qaida territory. How is it you feel free to toss around the lie that nothing was done???

There is no way to separate them and the Muslim community has brought this upon themselves. Oh, I know maybe we can ask them to form 2 separate lines. Ones that support terrorism and ones that do not. Fortunately it's easy to separate you from someone who knows a damn thing.

Big A 06-20-2008 02:22 PM

The above casualty figures does not differentiate between the deaths in anti-pasthun operations and the deaths in anti-taliban operations.

There are many wars being fought in the Pakistan right now. In the North West Frontier Province(NWFP) the local tribals want independence from the punjabi domination and therefore their attacks are against the punjabi officers and soldiers of pakistan army.

Right after the Lal Masjid massacres, the majority of the girl students killed there were from the NWFP, an SSG (special security group) commando of ethnic pasthun descent blew himself in regimental mess at Tarbela killing several officers to avenge the deaths of the pasthun girls killed at the hands of the punjabi soldiers.

The SSG commando was neither an talibani or an al-qaeda type. The deaths that occurred here was not due to the War on Terror but an insurgency that is continuing in pakistan. This was part of the pasthun or pathan independence movement which wants independence from paksitan.

Another war is against the paki taliban who have already formed an emirate of wazirstan with so-called "peace deals" being signed between this group and the pakistani authorities.

I even doubt if pakistan wants to fight the Taliban. How can one explain the meek surrender of 200 well armed pakistani military soldiers to 20 lightly armed talibanis. Until taliban remains an threat the american aid keeps pouring in. Once it is neutralised pakistan will be another forgotten islamic ghetto.

brraverishhh 06-20-2008 02:43 PM


Pakistan, unlike Iraq, will not be neutralised unless it becomes clear that they have an unstoppable intent to push the nuclear button.
http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.gif http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.gif http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.gif
Some people dont really understand economics and politics. Pakistan has been reduced to an bankrupt state.Their leaders go on routine begging missions to collect alms for their country. Read on

Pakistan's economy

We don't ever go to war with countries that actually have WMDs, or don't you read history? Why haven't we invaded Cuba again?
So you mean Cuba has WMDs. LOL. Is this the history that you learnt in the madrassa.http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.gif


Why don't we take out China?
Why do you want China to be "taken out"? Let me guess. Since they are oppressing your muslims brothers in Xinjiang and banned "extremist literatures" from mosques.http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...es/biggrin.gif


Iran knows this, and it doesn't matter how openly or secretly they struggle to get the bomb.That bomb is their only hope of survival.
So no chance of the great allah being the saviour of iran but an piece of uranium is the only hope of survival of an Islamic republic. LOL. I'm loving it.

Lt_Apple 12-07-2008 06:11 AM

Pakistan Angry as Strike by U.S. Kills 11 Soldiers

Sadly, these things happen during war. Better communication can prevent this kind of thing. It is important for the Pakistanis to not be so secretive about what they are doing and what ops they are running, otherwise this kind of thing happens.
What were the circumstances behind this air-strike? I heard that it was the Afghan Army who called for air-support. Was the target possibly chosen by the Afghan Army? Afghanistan and Pakistan aren't exactly best of friends.

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