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HedgeYourBets 09-16-2008 07:44 PM

Sharia in the UK, beginning of the end?

...............What this means in practice was evident from a recent inheritance dispute in the Midlands, when the Nuneaton shari’a court divided the estate of a Muslim father between three daughters and two sons. The “judges” gave the sons twice as much as the daughters—perfectly in accordance with sharia, of course, but contrary to any regular British court, which would have given the daughters equal shares. In six cases of domestic violence quoted by Siddiqi, the “judges” ordered the husbands to take “anger management” classes and “mentoring from community elders” (such as imams and shari’a judges). In each case, the battered women subsequently withdrew the complaints and the police stopped their investigations. It should be noted that under normal British law those six cases could have been prosecuted as criminal, rather than “family” cases....

LottiFurmann 09-18-2008 01:01 AM

You do know that the Druze have their own religious courts in Israel, right? Because they do.

Ifroham4 09-19-2008 08:04 PM

How many? Probably none in Israel. They're certainly big on honor killings though. It's quite an issue.

NeroASERCH 09-19-2008 08:40 PM

Just one... from lebanon. And we released him after he murdered a whole family.

LottiFurmann 09-19-2008 10:08 PM


Mediocrates, Sharia is not just religious law. It's law that's legally binding over an entire nation or the law of the land. It permits no other system of law or rule and rules over Muslims and non-Muslims alike. A non-Muslim who steals can be punished according to how theft should be punished under Sharia.
Uh huh. And you have an example of that happening in the UK? Or are you just blowing smoke? Has a non-Muslim been sentenced under Sharia law for anything in the UK? Has a thief lost a hand in the UK after being sentenced by Sharia law? I thought so.

doctorzlo 09-21-2008 05:30 PM

It would appear the these courts have ruled on matters of a criminal nature. There would be more public debate on this if the U.K. economy wasn't is a crisis.

brraverishhh 09-21-2008 11:41 PM

Welcome back Scattergood.

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