HedgeYourBets |
04-27-2007 08:35 PM |
Let's try this on for size. If Saddam Hussein wasn't responsible for 9/11, then why spend a couple of years insinuating his name into every discussion of Al Qaida and Terrorism? It was a lie, a big lie and its use as a propaganda tool along with the second lie about WMDs enabled Bush and company to fashion a case for a costly war that had nothing to do with fighting terrorism,
Even though we have mostly disagreed, nevertheless, from our encounters on this forum, I have formed the opinion that you are basically a decent person. When I say that I don't want to have Muslims vilified and demonized I have people like you in mind. So, I just cannot fathom why on earth so many of you guys are so up in arms about what happened to Saddam and his regime. You are saying he wasn't part of Al Quaida? He didn't support terrorism? He didn't have WMD's? It was all a big lie? Well, I don't think you are entirely right! He may or may not have fostered Al Quaida, let's just say there is no indisputable proof for it, so for the sake of argument, let's just say that he didn't. He did however support terrorism, that is indisputable and yes, he did have WMDs! Were they all recovered by the time of the invasion? Maybe, then again, maybe they are well hidden either somewhere in Iraq or in Syria but really, it's irrelevant because it's an indisputable fact that he did have them in the past and he did use them in the past on the Kurds and the Iranians! So, did the invasion of Iraq occurred as a result of a big lie? Again maybe and perhaps probably but that's not even the point .... the point is that it should have happened many years before! Indeed, Saddam should have been toppled right after Gulf war 1! Why? Because he and his regime represented all that is evil in this world! He and his regime were responsible for the deaths of over one million Muslims! He oppressed and killed his own people, he invaded neighbouring countries, he fostered terrorism in the region, I would have thought that all good Muslims and Arabs would have rejoiced about his downfall. Certainly, they should! You guys should have been cheering along with the rest of us.... Aren't we always saying that the fight shouldn't be a clash of civilizations? It shouldn't be between Christians/Jews (this time around) against the Muslims? Aren't we saying that it should be us? Christian, Jew and Muslim against all the extremists? Against all the fanatics? And by all accounts, Saddam and his regime was all that can be described as evil!!!!