DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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ttiokjbnhjjillp 12-09-2011 10:41 AM


Conspiracy theorists seem to have a problem with Occam's Razor. When they can't find their keys, they first start thinking about dimensional transference rather than "Oops, I misplaced them."

Official versions being what they are, there will always be some things that are covered up or lied about outright, or that they got wrong. As time goes on, we learn new things, so it's not like the story of 9/11 has finished being told.

However, the important parts we have overwhelming proof for: four planes were hijacked by Al Qaeda militants, three were crashed into buildings, one crashed in Pennsylvania after a passenger revolt, and the Twin Towers collapsed because the fireproofing got blown out by the violence of the crash and the girders supporting the floors directly above the impact zone gave way once they became too soft from being heated by 2000 degree fires.
You hqve been brain washed by the Jews http://www.uspoliticsonline.net/images/smilies/lol.gif

Fhgzmftq 12-09-2011 10:46 AM


You are saying that a man many believe was the dumbest president in the history of the United States was smart enough to have arranged a conspiracy ...
It is pretty ridiculous isn't it?

To me the easiest way to see all the conspiracy claims that involve the administration and anyone but mad Islamist's are bogus is that the U.S. "found" no WMD's of note in Iraq. That the conspirators that were capable and willing to murder thousands of their fellow citizens were unwilling or unable to fabricate enough WMD evidence in Iraq to allow them to dominate dialog and political power in the U.S. and beyond is simple evidence of no grand competent diabolic conspiracies involving the U.S. administration of the time as such findings would have been a slam dunk to silence opposition and consolidate power.

Rqvtwlfk 12-09-2011 10:47 AM

One that I have to address though is building engineers saying the towers shouldn't have fallen the way they did. In theory, they could be right. In practice, they have no idea, because no buildings that big have ever fallen in an unplanned way before. You can model how it SHOULD happen all you want, but when it actually DOES happen and it doesn't look exactly like your computer simulation, that doesn't mean the official explanation is wrong.

SingleMan 12-09-2011 10:58 AM

This subject has been beaten to death here at USPO, with several "conspiracy" and "truther" threads being started over the last 10 years. There is no need to start another discussion on this. Thread closed.

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