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#1 |
At Monday evening's meeting, the committee passed rules to change the application process. Applicants were to now address the crowd and field questions, something Hamze did not expect. "I was blasted with 15 minutes worth of insults. They [crowd members] yelled 'You're a terrorist! You're an Al Qaeda supporter! No way a Muslim is going to join BREC!'" Read more here:
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#2 |
I'm doing some renovation work at my local church, and its absolutely amazing how Islamophobia has saturated every level of Conservative and Christian thought. I mean, we're talking normal smart people with successful careers and productive lives... who have not just ignorant but totally DERANGED beliefs about other religions, Islam in particular.
There was one guy I work with who told me (completely serious) that Islam will be "the biggest religion in America by 2030". LOL, WHAT? Muslims are less than 1% of Americans. Even if the birth rate and immigration rate of all other groups dropped to 0, Muslims still wouldn't come anywhere close to being the biggest religion in such a short time. |
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#3 |
I'm doing some renovation work at my local church, and its absolutely amazing how Islamophobia has saturated every level of Conservative and Christian thought. I mean, we're talking normal smart people with successful careers and productive lives... who have not just ignorant but totally DERANGED beliefs about other religions, Islam in particular. |
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#4 |
While I don't doubt that there is a lot of Islamaphobia in America...not sure that is the case here.
In reading the link...sounds more like this guy had an agenda to take down Rep. Allen West. He only registered as a Republican a month prior and had demonstrated somewhat of an agenda there. The article may not be the whole story...but it's the only one presented and certainly doesn't support the notion that he was denied simply because he was a Muslim. |
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#5 |
While I don't doubt that there is a lot of Islamaphobia in America...not sure that is the case here. |
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#9 |
Not sure how this is "another" take, it appears to be the same one. I wonder how a newly registered Democrat who worked for an organization actively opposing an elected Democrat would fare in attempting to gain membership to a local Democrat organization. For what it is worth it does sound like the BREC rigged the vote but it is equally apparent that Mr. Hamze may very well have had an agenda of his own in seeking this position. On another note............ So, Republicans in general don't know what CAIR is? Only non-Republicans do? Interesting......not hyberole at all. |
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#10 |
Ok, it is another story on the subject. For what it is worth it does sound like the BREC rigged the vote but it is equally apparent that Mr. Hamze may very well have had an agenda of his own in seeking this position. That's great. Let's scream terrorist at him and accuse him of having links with Hamas. So, Republicans in general don't know what CAIR is? Only non-Republicans do? Interesting......not hyberole at all. That was sarcasm. But seriously, these morons actually think CAIR has "terrorist connections"? And you don't think THAT is hyperbole? |
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#11 |
Except he says he's been a Republican for ten years, he simply registered IN THAT STATE recently. Now granted, its all who's story you're willing to believe - but regardless there's no need to scream "Terrorist" at him. That shows these Republicans aren't citizens, but brainwashed little Glenn Beck clones. Actually CAIR has been named as unindicted co-conspirator in a financial support case involving Hamas...... No I am not saying they ARE terrorists but they have been less than careful about who they gave their money to and who they raised money for. They have been described by FBI agents in testimony as a terrorist front organization. While there is a huge amount of 'Islamophobia' in the US (and the world for that matter), it is not COMPLETELY unfounded and quite frankly Islamic groups are just going to have to understand that. I believe CAIR has at least outwardly started down that road in that they quickly issued a statement supporting the killing of Bin Laden. They haven't always been as quick to condemn Jihadist violence and sometime silent on it altogether. BTW: You were silent on the apparent agenda at work with Hamze seeking this membership. |
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#12 |
Well, CAIR was found to have terrorist ties by the Justice Department.
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#13 |
I'm doing some renovation work at my local church, and its absolutely amazing how Islamophobia has saturated every level of Conservative and Christian thought. I mean, we're talking normal smart people with successful careers and productive lives... who have not just ignorant but totally DERANGED beliefs about other religions, Islam in particular. |
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#14 |
Yes some in the crowd were morons and some weren't........the article even quotes one. Heck, if I was a Muslim I'd try to join a Republican group too, and secretly record all the hateful nonsense they said to me. I'm half minded to dress up as one and see what would happen... but frankly, being a Muslim in America is just a tad too dangerous for my liking. Now granted, its all who's story you're willing to believe... |
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#15 |
To be honest, I think the Muslim himself is a moron - seriously? The guy needs his head examined... unless of course he did indeed have ulterior motives. Unindicted co-conspirator. What the fuck ever. And the head of the TSA said military members are possible extremists plotting the overthrow of the government. General McArthur believed veterans protesting for their promised pensions were Communist revolutionaries. Are you referring to the April 2009 DHS report on right wing extremism? If so this is very, very funny indeed. That report (which I agree with btw) was issued by the DHS under Janet Napolitano and was trounced by the American Legion and the far-right… you…..funny bedfellows. BTW: You surely aren’t saying that there haven’t been extremists in the military are you? Silly baseless accusations by these agencies mean NOTHING to me. LOL, because the FBI has such an awesome track record when it comes to treatment of Muslims... or ANY minority group for that matter. I'm not surprised by Muslims wanting to come to the United States and blow us up. I'm surprised that MORE of them aren't doing it. We kill thousands of them every year, yet only a handful actually try to retaliate? That is strange to me. Did any Christian churches apologize after the Oklahoma city bombing? Did the Christians apologize after they were caught trying to legalize abortion clinic bombings in North Dakota? Did any christian ministers apologize after Christian terrorists slaughtered 600 civilians in Lebanon? Do American Christians trip over each other in a rush to apologize for war crimes by Christian terrorists in Uguanda? Or Christian terrorists' frequent use of child soldiers? You are really getting desperate now. Lebanon, Uganda…..really ?!?! The bottom line is that CAIR used to be slow and sometimes circumspect in their condemnation of jihadist terror attacks. They seem to have finally figured out that doesn’t help their argument that “we are just Americans like you”. Seeing as all (well now I believe most) Americans condemn terrorist actions against our people. I don't feel the need to apologize for every extremist in the world that agrees with me on something. I'll bet this would be easier if you would actually read my posts before responding to them: |
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#16 |
Aside from the rhetoric what is your message besides that Republicans = bad? Oh ok……good retort. I have never been an unindicted co-conspirator. If I were I hope everyone would just say “what the fuck ever”. You're a murdering child rapist, but I have absolutely ZERO evidence for it, so instead I'm going to slander you on the 6:00 news. That's how the FBI works. They throw up a BS list of over THREE HUNDRED Muslim organizations that are supposedly terrorists, and you actually believe them? I think you're smarter than that, you just choose to support it for some ungodly reason. I don't know why. Really, you are going to cite the Bonus Army march of 1932 !?!?!? Why not?!!?X?!?*! Jesus Christ (please don’t assume the use of that religious epitaph identifies me as a far-right Christian nut job. It was just an expression of amazement) Are you referring to the April 2009 DHS report on right wing extremism? If so this is very, very funny indeed. That report (which I agree with btw) was issued by the DHS under Janet Napolitano and was trounced by the American Legion and the far-right… you…..funny bedfellows. BTW: You surely aren’t saying that there haven’t been extremists in the military are you? So that's what we get for serving this country - getting treated like terrorists by the pieces of shit that pass for TSA agents when we get home? Pleeeeeeeeeease. I agree but it seems to me that if these accusations were silly and baseless CAIR would have been successful in their attempt to get a court to remove their name from the list. Easier said than done. Hell, that scientist the FBI falsely accused of orchestrating the anthrax letters took years to get his name cleared. Actually they do. It isn’t perfect but I don’t expect perfect…….do you? Funny thing is - Conservatives freaked out when CAIR told American Muslims not to cooperate with the FBI. I'm not Muslim or Arabic, and I wouldn't cooperate either. Talk to my lawyer. I'm not helping the witch hunt, even if I'm not the target. I find that to be one of the most revealing things you have ever said. What, am I not "Patriotic" enough for you? Blindly support the American government no matter what atrocities they commit? Not sure what Christian church you are referring to. McVeigh was a member of a right-wing militia. Militias almost disappeared after April 1995. You are really getting desperate now. Lebanon, Uganda…..really ?!?! You're like a robot. At some point in every thread you go into your invariably bring up "desperate". Explain how this is "desperate"? Because I expect Christians to follow the same standards they hold Islam too? The bottom line is that CAIR used to be slow and sometimes circumspect in their condemnation of jihadist terror attacks. They seem to have finally figured out that doesn’t help their argument that “we are just Americans like you”. Seeing as all (well now I believe most) Americans condemn terrorist actions against our people. Frankly, I don't give a shit. Muslims are the victims, Americans are in the wrong. What does that even mean? Why should CAIR apologize for what some extremists did? I didn’t see your response as an answer but ok. I really couldn't care less what you think - if you honestly believe soldiers should be treated like terrorists and Muslims can be slandered with no basis of evidence. |
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#17 |
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#18 |
This whole business raises an eyebrow. The behavior exhibited here plays right into what CAIR is and what it is designed to combat. It brings one to wonder if maybe those yelling comments such as "terrorist" might have been plants to help gain the organization publicity, if so, it succeeded remarkably. There is a definite possibility that everything is on the level. Honestly I find that to be an even worse scenario because it gives a remarkable amount of credence to what JB has been saying here, which I unfortunately don't find to be unrealistic.
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#19 |
I sincerely wish I could live in your universe. I really do. In fact I suppose to some degree I once did. I rarely see things as black and white as that anymore. Most of us change as we grow up. Interesting the brush you quickly paint people with though...... I would love to hear your actual responses, however. So do you actually believe that it is perfectly A-Okay for the FBI to publicly slander whoever they please without the bother of judicial process? |
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#20 |
Speaking of "desperation"... looks like you're having some now. I was actually very serious with my last post and meant every word. |
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