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BoboStin 05-25-2011 04:53 PM

Obama's "Racism" towards the Irish
This is what we call hypocrisy if there is no outcry for the apology from Obama for mocking another’s accent as there was when Limbaugh mocked Asian accent. Just saying.

Auzuigcx 05-25-2011 06:34 PM

Well I would ask whether there was an intent to give offense or not but it seems (to some on the MTF) that this is irrelevant.

raspirator 05-25-2011 06:39 PM

I'd go on about how "Irish" is not technically a race but this is consistent with a whole lot of the "racist" accusations I have seen in these forums. I do love the irony!

alexosnasos2 05-25-2011 06:42 PM

I love how all of a sudden he's Irish, and going to visit family in Ireland [mind you, he's known about said family since 2008] IMO This is just a front to gain the 'Irish american' votes.

leadmoffer 05-25-2011 06:43 PM

Its not even a good accent.

prehighaltitudesjj 05-25-2011 06:45 PM

Well Obama is only 'half-racist' because he's half-white - you know..the part he denies exists!

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Encannavalf 05-25-2011 08:25 PM

I can't see the video that's posted but I do agree with those saying it's not racist because Irish isn't a race. (Technically we're all one race, the human race). Anyway, Limbaugh I think was trying to be offensive. Until I see this, I think it might be Obama's attemp at humor that ultimately always fails (unless Daily Show writers write his jokes like for the White House Correspondents' Dinner).

Plus the Irish seem to be in love with him so I don't think they would care. If he was mocking white people, then call him racist but if he's intentionally mocking the Irish that's just being ignorant. But then couldn't you consider all comedians who use stereotypical accents and behaviors to impersonate different groups ignorant as well? Just a thought.

welihiedginly 05-25-2011 08:34 PM


I can't see the video that's posted but I do agree with those saying it's not racist because Irish isn't a race. (Technically we're all one race, the human race). Anyway, Limbaugh I think was trying to be offensive. Until I see this, I think it might be Obama's attemp at humor that ultimately always fails (unless Daily Show writers write his jokes like for the White House Correspondents' Dinner).

Plus the Irish seem to be in love with him so I don't think they would care. If he was mocking white people, then call him racist but if he's intentionally mocking the Irish that's just being ignorant. But then couldn't you consider all comedians who use stereotypical accents and behaviors to impersonate different groups ignorant as well? Just a thought.
I think your missing what was implied here, we've been getting spammed by all of these "racist" comments by a lot of different threads here about things that were not really racist. Seeing what I usually see coming from WJ this is more catered towards the hypocracy of the "left" as he sees it rather than a statement that this is actually racist behavior.

Sydaycymn 05-25-2011 08:41 PM

Didn't someone say "Immitation is the highest form of praise?"

bZEUWO4F 05-25-2011 08:46 PM


Didn't someone say "Immitation is the highest form of praise?"
I tend to think of it as something else entirely in this great age of sarcasm we live in.

LSDDSL 05-25-2011 08:46 PM

Also, its no wonder the President's, or any President that I can remember, humor falls flat. When you're a public figure of such immense importance you constantly have to watch what you say lest it be miss interpreted and taken as an offense. Some of the best humor is at someone's expense, heaven forbid its at the voters' expense.

Kghyutgykim 05-25-2011 08:49 PM


Also, its no wonder the President's, or any President that I can remember, humor falls flat. When you're a public figure of such immense importance you constantly have to watch what you say lest it be miss interpreted and taken as an offense. Some of the best humor is at someone's expense, heaven forbid its at the voters' expense.
I know what you mean, I remember saying to myself, boy President Bush doesn't always come off so well when he gives a speech, but I'd really like to sit back with that guy someday and have a beer just to see what a casual conversation would be like! Things have definitely changed from the Reagan era at least, maybe even Clinton, those two were notoriously good at the humor aspect of things.

Erwtbimp 05-25-2011 08:58 PM


I know what you mean, I remember saying to myself, boy President Bush doesn't always come off so well when he gives a speech, but I'd really like to sit back with that guy someday and have a beer just to see what a casual conversation would be like! Things have definitely changed from the Reagan era at least, maybe even Clinton, those two were notoriously good at the humor aspect of things.
I saw Bush the other day nearly get "clocked" with a baseball. It looked like he asked the catcher if he was all right, that kind of endeared me to him, in that he came off as human. I'd like to think that in privet he's like the characture portrayed in the second Harold and Kumar movie, maybe a bit genuinly stupid but actually good hearted and laid back, the far right wing religious nut being just an act for his voters, which I really wouldn't begrudge him.

tofRobbroolve 05-25-2011 10:00 PM


I saw Bush the other day nearly get "clocked" with a baseball. It looked like he asked the catcher if he was all right, that kind of endeared me to him, in that he came off as human. I'd like to think that in privet he's like the characture portrayed in the second Harold and Kumar movie, maybe a bit genuinly stupid but actually good hearted and laid back, the far right wing religious nut being just an act for his voters, which I really wouldn't begrudge him.
I always like to try to separate the politics from the person regarding how I see them. People so often bring the politics into play when judging a person's overall intentions. It's so interesting to see how quickly a person will flock to the defense towards personal attacks against someone whose politics agree with them just to jump on the bandwagon of personal attacks against one that doesn't, and almost without exception. (The death of UBL and the political back-and-forth rings freshly familiar here.)

Nafheense 05-26-2011 05:27 AM

OMG this was totally in sarcasm. Just stupid how one person can do an impression and be slammed while another can try and fail so miserably and not a word is said. I also knew they aren't a "race" by themselves, that is why "racism" is in quotations.

illerlytoindy 05-26-2011 02:33 PM

Here is a blog post that I read. It gives a decent comparison to the people that cry racism on every single thing they can skew.

The boy who cried ‘RACISM!’Meredith Jessup
We all know the story of the boy who cried wolf, where multiple false warnings led people to ignore a real threat when it finally presented itself. Looking at some of the ridiculous stories of “racism” out there today, I can’t help but wonder how people who so frequently use the race card will feel when legitimate issues of race are similarly ignored.

Take for instance this ad campaign from Dove which some claim is unconsciously racist:


Gawker read this ad to mean Dove body wash is “Strong Enough to Turn a Black Woman White.” I just don’t see it. The ad shows a before and after pic and the concept of race didn’t even enter my mind until a bunch of dimwit bloggers brought it up.

::Gasp!:: Am I subconsciously racist?

For the rest of the blog. If conservatives "stick to the guns a religion", then liberals stick to racisim and lying.

floadaVonfoli 05-26-2011 03:08 PM

Why The Man always gotta be keeping the Irish down? It makes me so mad I wanna get drunk and punch someone at a funeral.

Wezfyowk 05-26-2011 03:17 PM


Why The Man always gotta be keeping the Irish down? It makes me so mad I wanna get drunk and punch someone at a funeral.
I was actually waiting for your response.

TOPERink 05-26-2011 03:25 PM

Yet another racial interview. What are liberals going to do if Hermain Cain becomes the GOP nominee?


Asianunta 05-26-2011 06:40 PM


Here is a blog post that I read. It gives a decent comparison to the people that cry racism on every single thing they can skew.

If conservatives "stick to the guns a religion", then liberals stick to racisim and lying.
That is kind of funny though...how they have the black girl on the left with "before"...then to the olive complexion girl...and finally the white girl under "after"

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