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Old 11-29-2009, 03:19 AM   #21

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Tomorrow-Sunday 29/11/2009- in Holy Land will take place the official ceremony for the canonization of new priestmartyr Philoymenos Chasapis, slaughtered by a zionist inside st.Photini's monastery.

Fr. Daniel is a really "lucky" man. He fulifiled his duty in earth successfully and now he celebrates with st Philoumenos in heaven.

What an honour for a priest to give his life for our Lord and Saviour!

Now, it's our duty is to help his family and comfort their pain.

Fr.Daniil's memory will be eternal !
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Old 12-01-2009, 02:27 AM   #22

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Tomorrow-Sunday 29/11/2009- in Holy Land will take place the official ceremony for the canonization of new priestmartyr Philoymenos Chasapis, slaughtered by a zionist inside st.Photini's monastery.

Fr. Daniel is a really "lucky" man. He fulifiled his duty in earth successfully and now he celebrates with st Philoumenos in heaven.

What an honour for a priest to give his life for our Lord and Saviour!

Now, it's our duty is to help his family and comfort their pain.

Fr.Daniil's memory will be eternal !
Do we know beyond a doubt that a Zionist murdered St. Philoumeno? His Holiness Kirill warned us against coming to hasty conclusions concerning Fr. Daniel's murderer.
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Old 12-01-2009, 05:48 AM   #23

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Fr Daniel was murdered less than two weeks ago; St. Philoumenos was murdered 30 years ago - I'm sure the identity of the latter's killers was established before the narrative of his martyrdom was confirmed and canonized this weekend.

Thank you to Misha for letting us know about this new saint, from his description I managed to find this:


Tbh, from the account given in the link, "Zionist" is probably an overly PC term for St. Philoumenos' murderers; given their motives it seems enough to simply call them Jewish zealots.
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:45 AM   #24

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Fr Daniel was murdered less than two weeks ago; St. Philoumenos was murdered 30 years ago - I'm sure the identity of the latter's killers was established before the narrative of his martyrdom was confirmed and canonized this weekend.

Thank you to Misha for letting us know about this new saint, from his description I managed to find this:


Tbh, from the account given in the link, "Zionist" is probably an overly PC term for St. Philoumenos' murderers; given their motives it seems enough to simply call them Jewish zealots.
I looked at the website you linked. I saw no evidence concerning the identity of the killers. Your language troubles me. Why do some of us Christians keep trying to find Jews to blame? The Jews didn't subjugate Eastern Church beginning in 638 AD. Thank God His Holiness Kirill is a man of Christ like temperament.
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Old 12-01-2009, 09:23 AM   #25

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I looked at the website you linked. I saw no evidence concerning the identity of the killers. Your language troubles me. Why do some of us Christians keep trying to find Jews to blame? The Jews didn't subjugate Eastern Church beginning in 638 AD. Thank God His Holiness Kirill is a man of Christ like temperament.
It does not give names or identities, but it is pretty obvious that it was the work of militant Jews regardless. That is only one article, you can go back to 1979 if you like, I bet there is more information available somewhere but it can be difficult to get to pre-Internet information sometimes. If it had been Moslems or some sort of organized crime, that would probably have been mentioned.
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Old 12-01-2009, 09:48 AM   #26

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A friend of mine told me today that in his church (Boston area) they celebrated the Liturgy today and venerated the relics (from the cut fingers) of Saint Philoumenos!!! Already in USA, his presence. May the righteous Martyr intercede for us all to God!

Dear Jonathan, you are right priests should pray for the soul of Father Daniil... However when *I* am asked to pray for him, I think 'Who am I to pray for him?! Father Daniil is interceding for us in front of God!' Don't these saintly, or martyred souls go straight to Heaven like eagle, or bullet without any barriers? I do not know exactly, but so I have heard. Maybe one of the Fathers here can tell us.
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:03 PM   #27

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Do we know beyond a doubt that a Zionist murdered St. Philoumeno?.
The murderer has been arrested some years ago. He is member of a zionist group.
Their aim was to force the orthodox monks to abandon st.Jacob's well.
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Old 12-01-2009, 07:35 PM   #28

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Please also pray for Fr Dionysy and his family, he was close friends with Fr Daniil and went to seminary school with each other and his wife is godmother to Fr Daniil's eldest daughter.
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Old 12-02-2009, 01:55 AM   #29

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The murderer has been arrested some years ago. He is member of a zionist group.
Their aim was to force the orthodox monks to abandon st.Jacob's well.
Perhaps a Jew did kill the priest, but perhaps not. As in the case of Father Daniel, so far no proof of the killer's identity has been revealed. With respect, I don't trust Jewish, Muslim or Christian news sources from the Middle East. Generational hate has clouded their minds. For example, the polemical reporting of Fr. Phelomenous's death has aspects of ancient Jewish ritual murder charges. That alone raised an alarm bell. My heart breaks for Palestinian and Israeli Christians. On one hand, they are second class citizens subjected in my view to a ruinous occupation in the lands Israel took by force in 1967. But on the other hand, considering the news from the rest of the Middle East, Israel is a country of religious tolerance.

Anyway, I will do further research into the Nablus murder, but thank God the church at Jacob's Well is almost completely restored. We would also do well to remember who destroyed that church in 1157.

As I said before, I praise God for His Holiness Kirill. The wise and godly Patriarch understands the unfortunate facts of Russian history namly the pogroms of the early Twentieth Century. Let us praise the memory and walk as Father Daniel and Father Phelomenous but not give into the passions of hating Muslims or Jews.
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:27 AM   #30

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Dear Nina,

Dear Jonathan, you are right priests should pray for the soul of Father Daniil... However when *I* am asked to pray for him, I think 'Who am I to pray for him?! Father Daniil is interceding for us in front of God!' Don't these saintly, or martyred souls go straight to Heaven like eagle, or bullet without any barriers? I do not know exactly, but so I have heard. Maybe one of the Fathers here can tell us. I know exactly what you mean about praying for Fr Daniil; in my prayer book I have the prayer (for Saturdays) that reads:

Remember the souls of Thy servants, O Lord,
For Thou art good,
And insofar as they sinned in this life, forgive them;
For no one is sinless but Thee,
Who can also give rest to the departed.

This can be modified for an individual, but it does feel strange to pray for such an obviously holy man. However, there is another one which might be better to pray:

With the Saints, give rest, O Christ,
To the soul of Thy servant, Fr Daniil,
Where there is no pain, no sorrow, no sighing,
But life everlasting.

I think this prayer isn't too presumptuous. There is another Saturday prayer for the martyrs:

The world offers to Thee, O Lord, as the Father of creation,
The God-bearing Martyrs as the first fruits of nature.
By their prayers through the Mother of God
Keep Thy Church in deep peace, O Most Merciful One.

I must admit I have already modified this prayer for my own personal use so that Fr Daniil is the "God-bearing Martyr".
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:34 AM   #31

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Perhaps a Jew did kill the priest, but perhaps not. As in the case of Father Daniel, so far no proof of the killer's identity has been revealed. With respect, I don't trust Jewish, Muslim or Christian news sources from the Middle East. Generational hate has clouded their minds. For example, the polemical reporting of Fr. Phelomenous's death has aspects of ancient Jewish ritual murder charges. That alone raised an alarm bell. My heart breaks for Palestinian and Israeli Christians. On one hand, they are second class citizens subjected in my view to a ruinous occupation in the lands Israel took by force in 1967. But on the other hand, considering the news from the rest of the Middle East, Israel is a country of religious tolerance.

Anyway, I will do further research into the Nablus murder, but thank God the church at Jacob's Well is almost completely restored. We would also do well to remember who destroyed that church in 1157.

As I said before, I praise God for His Holiness Kirill. The wise and godly Patriarch understands the unfortunate facts of Russian history namly the pogroms of the early Twentieth Century. Let us praise the memory and walk as Father Daniel and Father Phelomenous but not give into the passions of hating Muslims or Jews.
In charity, I think that we can report facts without giving way to hatred. And given your characterization of Israel's "ruinous occupation" and "subjugation" has a touch of (well, a great deal of) polemicism to it.

I don't think anyone is blaming "Jews" or "Muslims" for these crimes. Even if they did kill these holy men, and did so out of religious fervor, that doesn't mean we can't pray for their conversion of heart. But we can't stick our heads in the sand, either. We are called to love our enemies, not to pretend that they are not our enemies-- is not the unfathomable mercy of Christ revealed in precisely this?
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:40 PM   #32

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Fr Justin who lived with st Philoumenos and is his successor in st Jacob' s well, has spoken publicly about what happened . We can't deny the facts and the truth.
Fanatic Jews killed our Lord, st. Stephen the deacon, st Kosmas the Aetolian, st Philoumenos as fanatic Papists killed thousands in Jasenovac , as fanatic Muslims killed new martyr Eugene Rodionov.

Revenge and hatred is not our path but the facts can't change.
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:53 PM   #33

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Perhaps we might also look at the aggressiveness of some Muslims who, of their own free will, migrate to countries that are considered to be Christian and then proceed to try and force their beliefs and customs on the original population. The recent events in Switzerland attest to this.

In Australia an 11 year old schoolboy who was a Christian was chased and beaten by Muslim students for having the audacity to eat pork during the Muslim Ramadam.

Anyone who has read Kazantsakis knows of his experiences when he was a young boy. He witnessed the massacres by the Turks of the Christians trapped within the walls of Megalokastro, Crete. Most of the massacres took place during the Muslim Ramadam.

Europeans, in the past, travelled to many other countries in search of a better life. This is praiseworthy because only those who seek to better themselves take the trouble to do this while experience the pain of leaving their mother country. The big differerence is of course that the countries receiving these migrants requested them and only after undergoing strict medical tests were they permitted to embark on ships to their new country. These people, on the whole, were law abiding and fit in with the general population of the countries they migrated to.

Something different is happening today. Yes, to religious freedom, yes to migrants, but for God's sake, please respect the country you are migrating to and just as you want to be respected for your beliefs, respect the beliefs of others.

I am quite pessimistic about the future of Europe and countries like Australia that have a large percentage of Muslim migrants e.g. in France the population is 10% Muslim. Muslims have lots of children, sometimes up to 10, and this ensures that they do not need to work because they receive child endowment payments higher than an average working wage. It also means that they very quickly become a force to be reckoned with and start to cause trouble as they did in the Kosovo area of Yugoslavia.

I am not aware of Christians attacking Muslims - although I am sure that there might be isolated instances of this. What is worrying is the increasing attacks on Christians, on their homes, their businesses and their persons.

I'm rereading Mother Gavrilia's book The Ascetic of Love and it was with sadness that I read that. as she travelled through the Middle East by bus, at every stop she was graciously offered a chance to worship God in the small Muslim prayer rooms attached to all the bus stations at that time - early 1950's. What a change from the militant Islam that is now prevalent, and for which, in my opinion, the actions of some powerful countries are to blame.

I believe that the West is reaping the seeds it has sown and that this is only the beginning.

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Old 12-02-2009, 11:35 PM   #34

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I think that this particular thread has run its course. We are now getting into areas that are well beyond the scope of this particular forum unless we want to start new threads on persecution and how the Fathers handled it?
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Old 12-03-2009, 04:59 AM   #35

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You are right, I think, that there is little to add to this thread for now; but I hope it remains open so that it can be updated with more information regarding Fr Daniil and the identity of his murderer as and when it appears.
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Old 12-03-2009, 06:03 PM   #36

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Fr.Daniil has baptized over 80 muslims during the last 3 yrs.
Some muslims have expressed their dislike of fr.Daniil's public presence and apologetic work.
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Old 12-04-2009, 01:38 AM   #37

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I am quite pessimistic about the future of Europe and countries like Australia that have a large percentage of Muslim migrants e.g. in France the population is 10% Muslim. Muslims have lots of children, sometimes up to 10, and this ensures that they do not need to work because they receive child endowment payments higher than an average working wage. It also means that they very quickly become a force to be reckoned with and start to cause trouble as they did in the Kosovo area of Yugoslavia.
Thanks for the interesting (as always) post Effie. It is good to have people of charity who live in countries outside the U.S. offer different perspectives.

Yes, indeed, Islam (the idealogy) is something to be feared moreso, necessarily than the good Muslim individual. The good Muslim individual loves God and is peaceful like the good Christian.

On the other hand, the good Muslim's idealogy/religion (Islam) is a bit cultlike, so although they themselves, as individuals are very often lovely people, the 'submission' to their religion is often what is frightening-- and that includes having the large families which they have (despite living in terrible financial circumstances) in Europe. Islam is only tolerant of others when it is in control, and I (as well as others) believe that this is what the intention of the large families are.

This realization of the double threat to Europe from Islam on the one hand and secularism on the other, is the reason that there is increasing charitable cooperation between Orthodox and Catholic hierarchs from Russia to England, and this is a good thing.

I remember one official representative of Islam in England saying on CNN or some other such news station on television, (a day after the 9/11 attacks) that Islam does wish to restore the caliphate and also wishes to see its flag on the White House. We are living in very tense times (especially in Europe where the threat is far more palpable than it is in the U.S., where Muslims are a small minority) and most immigrants are Christians. However, the public needs to differentiate betwee the official idealogy of Islam and individuals who are simply Muslim or there will be unfortunate hate crimes. Such a crime was done to a visiting Greek Orthodox priest from Greece in Florida, there for a convention, when he asked a clean cut man for directions. The man mistook him for a Muslim and attacked him in the name of 'fighting a terrorist'.

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Old 12-04-2009, 04:37 AM   #38

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We have a new intercessor to God, to pray to for all Muslim people we know (family, or friends) so they may come to find the Light. I think Father Daniil will help them from there, like he helped them from here. And from Heaven, he has much more resources!
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Old 12-09-2009, 08:10 PM   #39

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Fr. Vitaly, a friend of Fr Daniil, has been beaten by unknown assailants outside St. Thomas's church in Moscow, suffering a broken femur.



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Old 12-15-2009, 10:54 PM   #40

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I have tried to search for some photos of fr Daniil, his 'matushka' or his family as well as his church people; unfortunately, as I do not know Russian, I have not found any relevant photos, not for me, poor thing
pls, if you have any to spare, eventually, with English notes...
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