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《虐死1歲兒》夫妻載屍 3天繞台半圈 自由時報自由時報 – 2012年1月23日 下午12:29 相關內容 《虐死1歲兒》夫妻載屍 3天繞台半圈放大照片 ![]() 《虐死1歲兒》夫妻載屍 3天繞台半圈 〔自由時報記者蔡彰盛/竹北報導〕「自己是個失敗的父親,要一命抵一命!」新竹縣一名滿週歲不久的男嬰,疑 似遭爸媽虐待致死後,不知所措的父母親,竟將屍體放進車裡,帶著三歲女兒隨行,三天來開車伴屍繞行半個台灣 ,還一度打算帶全家人跳日月潭自殺,所幸友人收到這名父親簡訊,極力勸說他才打消死意,昨凌晨投案,避免悲 劇更難以收拾。 男嬰的阿公昨天難過地說,「他當修車工的兒子自制力不足,平日就有打小孩習慣,講了很多次,兒子就是不聽! 」如今釀成悲劇,真是無語問蒼天。 警方調查,卅九歲洪男與香港籍張姓妻子,經網路交友認識,育有一名三歲女兒,九十九年九月又生 了一個兒子。 十八日晚間洪男回到家很累想睡覺,看到兒子一直哭鬧,打了他的臉,又以手摀住嘴巴約五分鐘,等兒子沒再出聲 音,他才睡著。 十九日一早洪男出門上班,妻子約十點打電話給他,說兒子已經沒了氣息,他趕緊回家,發覺事態嚴重,卻不知如 何處理,便以毛巾包起兒子放在後座,夫妻倆帶著女兒,開著車漫無目的朝新北市金山開去,原本想帶女兒一起跳 海,遇到遊客而作罷。 夫妻倆後來將車開到台中市豐原一處汽車賓館想燒炭,但濃煙引發偵測器,二度尋死不成,最後開車到南投日月潭 欲投潭自盡,又遇到釣客,三度自殺未能如願。 夫妻倆帶著女兒失聯後,親友到處打電話找他們,洪男才回簡訊「自己不小心弄死小孩」、「沒去找醫生,心裡很 害怕」、「自己是個失敗的父親,要一命抵一命」等。 友人甘秀珠收到簡訊後,不停勸說不要走極端,夫妻倆才打消死意,昨凌晨向竹北警分局豐田派出所投案,警方打 開後座,發現男嬰已變黑。 檢警昨天早上相驗遺體,發現男嬰臉部、眼睛、嘴唇有多處受虐傷痕,洪某坦承會打兒子的臉和眼睛,張女則坦承 ,曾拿過剪刀柄刺兒子額頭,洪某並聲稱,可能是他睡覺翻身時不慎,才將兒子壓死或窒息,但檢警不排除遭虐殺 致死,全案依傷害致死罪嫌偵辦。 親友苦口婆心 阻止悲劇擴大 〔自由時報記者蔡彰盛/竹北報導〕要不是友人及時勸說,這場悲劇更加無法收拾! 檢警昨天在殯儀館相驗時,洪某的父親難掩內心傷痛,他說,十九日兒子媳婦帶著兩個孫子匆忙開車外出,後來就 不見下落,原以為媳婦要回香港過年,後來發現兩人的手機都不通,驚覺事情大條,急忙到處找人。 洪某父親的友人吳春媛說,她眼中的洪某很內向,除了上網外,幾乎沒有其他嗜好,遭遇事情,卻不 會處理。 洪某二十一日發簡訊給吳春媛,告知:「我不小心把孩子弄死。」還說:「我想一命賠一命!」吳春媛與另名友人 甘秀珠,深怕洪某真的做出傻事,兩名大姊不斷透過手機與他溝通,並動之以情,所幸最後關頭洪某有聽進去,恢 復理智急踩煞車,讓悲劇設下停損點。 ※提醒您:自殺不能解決問題,勇敢求救並非弱者,生命一定可以找到出路。透過守門123步驟-1問2應3轉介,你我都可以成為自殺防治守門人。※安心專線:0800-788-995(0800-請幫幫-救救我)※張老師專線:1980 "1-year-old child dead child," the couple set out dead three days around the half-circle Liberty Times Herald - January 23, 2012 12:29 PM Related Content "1-year-old child dead child," the couple set out dead three days around the half-circle larger photo "1-year-old child dead child," the couple set out dead three days around the half-circle [Liberty Times correspondent Tsai Chang-Sheng / Jubei reports], "he is a failure of the father, arrived to a life a life!" Hsinchu County, near a year old baby boy, my parents suspected of being tortured to death, the loss of parents , trying to shift the body into the car, with a year-old daughter, accompanied by three days to drive with a half dead bypass Taiwan, but also was intended to bring the whole family dancing Sun Moon Lake committed suicide, but fortunately his friends received the name of the father newsletters, strongly was intended to persuade him to give up dead, surrendered yesterday morning, to avoid the tragedy even more difficult to clean up. The baby's grandfather yesterday, sad to say, "He's the son of self-control when the lack of repair work, children normally have a habit of playing, say many times, my son would not listen!" Today tragedies, great anguish. Police investigation, thirty-year-old male with Hong Kong Hong Ji Zhang wife, the network friends know, and they have a year-old daughter, 90 September 2009 gave birth to a son. Evening of November 18 Hung men came home tired to sleep, to see his son has been crying, hit his face on, he hand over his mouth for about five minutes, and so did his son and then a voice, he was asleep. 19 Hung men go to work early in the morning, about ten o'clock his wife called him, said his son did not have the breath, he rushed home and found the situation was serious, but I do not know how to deal with, then wrapped in a towel on the back seat of his son, couple with a daughter, drove aimlessly toward the new Taipei to Jinshan Open, had wanted to jump into the sea along with her daughter, experienced tourists dropped. The couple then drove the car to a car Fengyuan, Taichung hotels like charcoal, but caused smoke detector, not a second to commit suicide, and finally drive to Sun Moon Lake Lake want to vote himself, but also encountered fishermen, three suicide unable to do so. The couple lost contact with her daughter after friends and relatives to call around to find them, and men came back to Hong newsletter, "they do not accidentally kill a child," "did not see a doctor, was very afraid," "he is a failure of the father, to a to fate a life "and so on. After receipt of SMS friends Ganxiu Zhu, ever persuade Do not go overboard, the couple was intended to dispel the death, yesterday morning the police station to surrender Toyota Hsinchu Police Bureau, the police opened the back seat and found the baby was black. Police and prosecutors with experience in the remains of yesterday morning, found the baby face, eyes, lips with multiple abuse injuries, will play the son of Mr. Hong admitted that the face and eyes, Zhang women were admitted, he took the scissors to stab his son handle his forehead, Hong and a claim that may be accidentally turning his sleep, it will be crushed or suffocated his son, but prosecutors and police do not rule out being slaughtered to death, the case of death by injury fiduciary duty investigation. Expansion of well-meaning friends and relatives to stop the tragedy [Liberty Times correspondent Tsai Chang-Sheng / Jubei reported] either to persuade his friends in time, this tragedy can not pick up even more! Police and prosecutors with experience in the funeral home yesterday when Mr. Hong's father conceal his inner pain, he said, 19 the son of a wife with her two grandchildren rush to drive out, then drop not seen, thought his wife to return to Hong Kong Chinese New Year, and later They found mobile phones do not pass, shocked to find something big of a hurry to find that person. Ingrid Chunyuan Wu said that father's friend Mr. Hong, Mr. Hong was within her eyes, in addition to Internet access, almost no other hobbies, experience things, but does not handle. Mr. Hong, 21 a text message to Ingrid Chunyuan Wu, told: "I accidentally killed the child." Said: "I want to lose a life a life!" Another name Ingrid Chunyuan Wu and friends Ganxiu Zhu, fearing Mr. Hong is really make a stupid, two elder sister constantly communicate with him via cell phone, and emotionally moving, but fortunately Mr. Hong has refused to listen to the last moment, senses emergency brake, so that tragedy set stop-loss point. ※ remind you: Suicide not solve the problem, help is not weak courage, life will be able to find a way out. Step through the gatekeepers 123 3 -1 Q 2 should be referred to, you and I can be a suicide prevention gatekeeper. ※ peace of mind :0800 -788-995 (0800 - Please help - help me) ※ Teacher Chang Line: 1980 |
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