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Old 06-30-2010, 09:25 PM   #1

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Default R U a Chinese in Australia? Ang Moh want to kill you for fun!
Nabei avoid stupid Oz lah

Somemore no death penalty!


Australian jailed for 'thrill' killing of Chinese

SYDNEY — A man who murdered a Chinese woman in Australia was Wednesday given a life sentence for the brutal attack which the judge described as a premeditated, "thrill" killing of a complete stranger.

Stavros Papadopoulos, 22, pleaded guilty to murdering 26-year-old University of Tasmania accounting student Zhang "Tina" Yu in his Hobart apartment in June 2009, reports said.

His accomplice, 22-year-old Daniel Jo Williams, was sentenced to 10 years in jail on a charge of manslaughter.

Tasmania's Supreme Court heard that the men met Yu at a takeaway pizza shop in the early hours of the morning and had driven her to Papadopoulos's apartment, The Mercury newspaper in Hobart said.

Over the next three hours, she was subjected to such terrible violence and sexual abuse by Papadopoulos that she pleaded to be killed quickly, it said.

After being repeatedly punched, thrown against walls and dragged around by her hair, Papadopoulos suddenly smashed a large concrete brick onto Yu's head before undressing her, placing her in a bathtub and drowning her.

Williams, who had spent most of this time smoking cannabis, then helped his friend choke Yu in the bath before they placed her body in the boot of their car and dumped it in a river.

In sentencing, Justice David Porter said "little, if anything" had been put forward to explain Papadopoulos' depraved behaviour.

"This was a brutal and terrible killing of a complete stranger," he said.

"It was done with forethought and for the sake or thrill of doing it."

The court heard that earlier on the night of the murder, Papadopoulos had told Williams he wanted to "kill and rape a bitch".

Papadopoulos will have to serve at least 25 years before he is eligible for parole
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Old 06-30-2010, 09:36 PM   #2

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Fark you Ozzie! Hope you all Die!


Yu murder judge's comments

Warning: Graphic content " />


June 30, 2010 03:57pm

JUSTICE David Porters comments at the sentencing of Zhang "Tina" Yu's killers. Warning: Graphic content




The prisoners appear for sentence in relation to the killing on 25 June 2009, of Zhang Yu, a young Chinese female studying accountancy at the University of Tasmania.

Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to murder; Williams was found not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter by a jury after a trial.

I will set out the essential facts asserted by the Crown at the joint sentencing hearing following Williams' trial, about which there is now little relevant dispute.

Initially, Papadopoulos disputed the Crown assertions as to the nature of the killing, but at a hearing shortly after, indicated that these matters were no longer in issue.

I will also include some brief references to Williams' evidence at his trial as it relates to his conduct.

First, I would note that the victim was referred to as Ms Yu and I will continue to use that expression, although I acknowledge that Yu is, of course, her given name.

Ms Yu was known locally as Tina.

She was a gregarious person who would regularly go to local nightclubs.

On the evening of 24 June, a Wednesday, she went to such a venue and in the early hours of the Thursday, having told a friend that she was a little drunk, said she wanted to go home.

The friend drove her towards her house in Sandy Bay.

On the way she said she wanted to be dropped at a pizza café.

CCTV footage shows her at about 2.20am chatting happily to several persons in the café, including one male person named Josh who was an employee.

This person is also known to the prisoner Williams.

The two prisoners pulled up outside the pizza café in Williams' car at the same time Ms Yu was there.

Josh went outside to speak to them and Ms Yu followed a little later.

It appears likely that she was introduced to the prisoners.

Josh went back inside and Ms Yu went in shortly after to ask if he wanted to come out drinking.

He declined.

She told him she was leaving with Danny and Stavros.

She was seen getting into the car at approximately 2.30am.

The three persons went to Papadopoulos' unit in New Town, with some alcohol being purchased on the way.

Once there they sat in the lounge room and Ms Yu had a drink of alcohol.

Probably at around 3am she said that she wanted to go home, but Williams said he would not drive her.

There was then a discussion between her and Williams about calling Josh.

It was at about that time that the violence towards Ms Yu which ultimately led to her death commenced.

Papadopoulos had left the lounge room a short time before the discussion about Ms Yu going home.

He returned through a sliding door which led to the balcony, carrying a Besser block, and stood behind Ms Yu.

He brought that block down with considerable force on Ms Yu's forehead, causing a deep cut which bled.

Ms Yu stood and Papadopoulos commenced punching her.

He dragged her through the unit by the hair, throwing her against the walls.

He dragged her into a bedroom.

At one stage he slammed her up against the wall in the lounge room and put his hand between her legs.

The Crown case is that Ms Yu was the subject of sexual advances and assault by Papadopoulos during this time.

As I will later discuss, Papadopoulos remained at the bedroom end of the unit with Ms Yu.

Williams, whilst mostly staying at the other end of the unit in the lounge room, went to where Papadopoulos was on several occasions at his request, and it would seem on two occasions, went to that end of the unit in order to go to the toilet, but where he could see what was occurring.

The Crown asserts that Williams joined in the violence at a point where Papadopoulos had Ms Yu in his bedroom and was trying to strangle her with a sheet around her neck.

There is evidence in the form of a statement by Williams to police that just before this Ms Yu had told Papadopoulos to "just kill her". A power cord was then obtained, wrapped around her neck, the Crown asserting that Papadopoulos pulled on one end and Williams the other until it broke.

Both men then carried an apparently unconscious Ms Yu to the bathroom where a bath was run and she was undressed and held under, face down, by Papadopoulos until she was dead. Williams then touched the body on the vulva, whilst Papadopoulos stood by.

The body was tied with clothesline rope, wrapped in a sheet and then in a rug from the kitchen.

Her belongings were put in a wheelie bin which was collected the next morning.

Williams commenced cleaning the unit of the blood spilt.

The body, wrapped in the sheet and rug, was taken out of the unit by both prisoners to Williams' car which had been brought to the front of the unit by him for that purpose.

Williams drove to the Tyenna river near Westerway looking for a place to dump the body.

They drove down a track to the river's edge where they unwrapped the body and rolled it into the water, and then partially covered it with sticks.
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Old 06-30-2010, 09:37 PM   #3

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Nabei avoid stupid Oz lah

Somemore no death penalty!


Australian jailed for 'thrill' killing of Chinese

SYDNEY — A man who murdered a Chinese woman in Australia was Wednesday given a life sentence for the brutal attack which the judge described as a premeditated, "thrill" killing of a complete stranger.

Papadopoulos will have to serve at least 25 years before he is eligible for parole
Oei! You drive too much taxi and not following news. This is old news oredi.

I think the Chinese girl make a mistake of knowing this Greek fellow. Another Greek tragedy!
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Old 06-30-2010, 10:39 PM   #4

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Oei! You drive too much taxi and not following news. This is old news oredi.

I think the Chinese girl make a mistake of knowing this Greek fellow. Another Greek tragedy!
June 30th news considered old mah?

Today news old news isit?

Damm stuipid ang moh idiot kill Chinese "for fun" Siam Siam Oz.


In the few days which followed, both prisoners made two statutory declarations to police about their contact with Ms Yu and what had occurred that evening.

On each occasion the stories were essentially the same, and were to the effect that they had dropped Ms Yu off near a hotel at the corner of Bathurst and Harrington Streets.

Papadopoulos did however admit to friends that he had killed the girl who was missing.

He gave one person to understand that he was proud of what he had done when describing how he had hit her over the head with a brick.

He detailed that he had rammed her head into the table a few times, dragged her up the hallway to the bathroom, put her in the bath, then took her out and wrapped her in blankets.
He described how the body had been dumped in a remote area past New Norfolk.

Papadopoulos' unit was searched by police late on 29 June and both men were taken to police headquarters for interview.

Williams admitted the basic events which I have detailed.

These admissions were confirmed in a video recorded interview which was suspended in order that Williams could show police where the body had been dumped.

He accompanied police to the scene and the body was located.

In Williams' interviews with police, he revealed that Papadopoulos had on the night before meeting Ms Yu, said that he wanted to "kill a bitch" or "kill and rape a bitch".

Williams gave evidence to the same effect at his trial.

Papadopoulos does not now dispute saying these things and I am satisfied that they were said.

In his interview with police, Papadopoulos claimed that he was being sexually harassed by Ms Yu, that she said things to him like "kill me, kill me", after which he claimed to have blanked out, and that the next thing he remembered was coming home in the car with Williams, but he did not know from where.

The claim of being pressured for sex was repeated in a later interview, and he gave inconsistent statements about whether attempts had been made to strangle Ms Yu.

He said she got in the bath of her own free will, but admitted holding her face down in the water for less than a minute.
He concluded this interview by saying he was provoked and harassed by Ms Yu asking to have sex with him.

He expressed contempt for Ms Yu in offensive ways.

Forensic examination was not able to establish whether sexual assault had occurred.

Swabs and smears were negative, but since the body had been in the water for several days, an absence of sperm could have been due to water exposure.

Both prisoners were re-interviewed specifically in relation to sexual assault.

Papadopoulos repeated his claim that Ms Yu made sexual advances to him and suggested that she had in effect been responsible for her own death.

Those assertions by Papadopoulos are not now maintained by him.

The Crown says that as to Papadopoulos, this was a planned "thrill" murder, again an assertion not now contradicted.

The case against Williams is that he encouraged Papadopoulos in his violence by watching when required or requested by Papadopoulos, thus providing the audience to his depravity.

Williams actively participated in the killing of Ms Yu when he tied the cord around her neck and pulled it until it broke, and when he assisted to undress her and carry her to the bathroom.

It is specifically asserted that he was present at the time Ms Yu was being held down in the water and was present at the time she ceased making noises, having been summoned to the area several times by Papadopoulos, knowing that his presence was of some encouragement to him.

This encapsulation was not disputed.

I am not satisfied that Williams was privy to any plan or preconceived notion of causing harm to any person which Papadopoulos may have harboured.

I accept that when Papadopoulos said the things he said earlier in the evening, Williams did not pay too much attention to them.

He told police he thought he was repeating psychopathic rap music as he often did.

Although he told police that he was uncomfortable because Papadopoulos was going on a little more than usual, the material satisfies me that when Papadopoulos struck Ms Yu with the Besser block, it came as a complete surprise to Williams. I include Williams' own evidence in this material. In his evidence at the trial Williams admitted that after Papadopoulos had struck Ms Yu and taken her to the bedroom area of the unit, he did nothing but continue to heavily smoke cannabis.

He admitted the following:

• hearing a commotion from the other end of the unit;

• later going to the toilet where he saw Ms Yu at the bathroom door with blood all over her and Papadopoulos telling her to get in the shower to wash up, and then seeing Papadopoulos take her to the bedroom and punch her;

• later going to the bedroom at Papadopoulos' request, at which point the incident with the power cord took place, and removing her underpants and helping Papadopoulos put her on a sheet and drag her to the bathroom; and

• later going back again, once when called by Papadopoulos, and once when going to the toilet, Papadopoulos on each occasion having Ms Yu in the bath.

• This was first face up with no water in the bath, and then being held face down in the water.
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Old 06-30-2010, 11:44 PM   #5

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June 30th news considered old mah?

Today news old news isit?

Damm stuipid ang moh idiot kill Chinese "for fun" Siam Siam Oz.


Papadopoulos did however admit to friends that he had killed the girl who was missing.

He gave one person to understand that he was proud of what he had done when describing how he had hit her over the head with a brick.

He detailed that he had rammed her head into the table a few times, dragged her up the hallway to the bathroom, put her in the bath, then took her out and wrapped her in blankets.
He described how the body had been dumped in a remote area past New Norfolk.

In Williams' interviews with police, he revealed that Papadopoulos had on the night before meeting Ms Yu, said that he wanted to "kill a bitch" or "kill and rape a bitch".

In his interview with police, Papadopoulos claimed that he was being sexually harassed by Ms Yu, that she said things to him like "kill me, kill me", after which he claimed to have blanked out, and that the next thing he remembered was coming home in the car with Williams, but he did not know from where.

The claim of being pressured for sex was repeated in a later interview, and he gave inconsistent statements about whether attempts had been made to strangle Ms Yu.

He said she got in the bath of her own free will, but admitted holding her face down in the water for less than a minute.
He concluded this interview by saying he was provoked and harassed by Ms Yu asking to have sex with him.

He expressed contempt for Ms Yu in offensive ways.

It is specifically asserted that he was present at the time Ms Yu was being held down in the water and was present at the time she ceased making noises, having been summoned to the area several times by Papadopoulos, knowing that his presence was of some encouragement to him.

Is this for real? Reading this makes my skin crawl. yikes.
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Old 07-01-2010, 12:10 AM   #6

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yeah well, china is letting madmen(han chinese) walk the streets, killing school children(also han chinese) for fun. what's race gotta do with it? would u trust a real developed country to lock up their wackos, or would you trust something like china or MY?
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Old 07-01-2010, 01:29 AM   #7

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So if you chinese then killing you is "a thrill"

Better walk around with bodyguard there

Why is there no deterrent for killing foreigners in Australia?

Only 25 years jail only?
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Old 07-01-2010, 06:14 AM   #8

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So if you chinese then killing you is "a thrill"

Better walk around with bodyguard there

Why is there no deterrent for killing foreigners in Australia?

Only 25 years jail only?
The only solution is to encourage "non-compliant sinkies" to Australia..
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:01 AM   #9

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So if you chinese then killing you is "a thrill"

Better walk around with bodyguard there

Why is there no deterrent for killing foreigners in Australia?

Only 25 years jail only?
This is someone's daughter you people. No one wants to comment but I would like to see what you people there in Australia will do if this poor girl who had to plead for her life to be ended quickly was one of your own.

I feel sick.

When this most disgusting of human beings gets out of prison he will be 47-48 years old and be back on the streets. And in the meantime the only consolation I can see is you pathetic x-singaporeans in Australia are the ones who have to pay for his dole so he can get drunk every night on cheap cask wine all at your expense.

So enjoy your taxes and child murderers. I think I be happy and thankful my family is no longer there and safe in Singapore.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:02 AM   #10

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Interesting you mention this news today. Was watching Highway petrol and then Walsh street killing yesterday on 7. Also finish watching Underbelly as well. Yes, the criminals here would have shot-guns, hold riots, ram other cars on the streets. You no balls don't come here. If you obey the law too much, don't come here.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:18 AM   #11

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Interesting you mention this news today. Was watching Highway petrol and then Walsh street killing yesterday on 7. Also finish watching Underbelly as well. Yes, the criminals here would have shot-guns, hold riots, ram other cars on the streets. You no balls don't come here. If you obey the law too much, don't come here.
Balls? Here's balls. Own up to how bad the racism is in Australia. Some rich PRC girl who's parents can afford to send her to school there is now minus thier own child. If you had kids you would understand. I wont be surprised to some some vigalante justice here. Oh wait a minute that kind of happened in Melbourne last year and look at what happend.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:22 AM   #12

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June 30th news considered old mah?
The killing was one year ago. Tina's picture had been circulating then because one of my mates claimed to a paid 1 hr session with her.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:35 AM   #13

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The killing was one year ago. Tina's picture had been circulating then because one of my mates claimed to a paid 1 hr session with her.
But the sentancing was June 29th 2010. If anyone ever wants to kill someone just for laughs just tell them to go to Australia cause all you will get is 25 years. No big deal.

In Singapore, the gallows. In the US, lethal injection.

What a joke.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:36 AM   #14

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Balls? Here's balls. Own up to how bad the racism is in Australia. Some rich PRC girl who's parents can afford to send her to school there is now minus thier own child. If you had kids you would understand. I wont be surprised to some some vigalante justice here. Oh wait a minute that kind of happened in Melbourne last year and look at what happend.
Yah loh, that is why I take care of my Szechuan and Ah neh mei mei at home. Buy them grocery, put in fridge, and they cook dinner for me every night. I also bring them out dinner every Thursday. You treat these rich PRC girls well and they would treat you nice as well. Their parents would also show some appreciation also mah. You also highlights the danger here and they would be even more grateful.
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Old 07-01-2010, 10:36 AM   #15

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aiya who cares. She deserved to be killed since she behaved as a slut.
I still play regular tennis with my Aussie mate(white) and he's a wonderful person befriend with.
I think i make more genuine friendships with the whites than Asians here.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:23 AM   #16

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Is Australia getting more violent in her crimes?

One big continent, those ang moh cannot share with other races??
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:24 AM   #17

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aiya who cares. She deserved to be killed since she behaved as a slut.
Tell that to her parents.
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Old 07-01-2010, 11:57 AM   #18

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Is Australia getting more violent in her crimes?

One big continent, those ang moh cannot share with other races??
is SG getting more violent in the crimes? Murder rates have definitely went up!
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Old 07-01-2010, 02:52 PM   #19

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But the sentancing was June 29th 2010. If anyone ever wants to kill someone just for laughs just tell them to go to Australia cause all you will get is 25 years. No big deal.

In Singapore, the gallows. In the US, lethal injection.

What a joke.
How about New York?
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Old 07-01-2010, 02:55 PM   #20

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is SG getting more violent in the crimes? Murder rates have definitely went up!
In Singapore, the fear factor is worse than death. And that govt plays bankruptcy for thrill. Mental torture is worse than death itself.
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