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Old 01-04-2010, 10:01 PM   #1

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Default Slovakia & Slovenia to Merge
Slovakia & Slovenia to Merge
Written by Marek Macuga

The presidents of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia have signed a far-reaching agreement to united the two republics. President Gasparovic of Slovakia said, “It was confusing everyone in Europe and the world, our flags have the same colors in the same order and the Coats of Arms of each nation have three mountains on them. We are both EU members, our languages are similar, and when president Turk and I sat down we just do not have enough difference between us not to become one nation.”

The new nation will be called the United Slavic Republic, the flag will have the same color pattern of descending White, Blue, Red and the coat of arms of each nation. While the two countries will not share a board President Turk stated that it won’t matter. Modern nations aren’t physical boarders anymore, it’s the economic boarders that are important. Since the countries between us are EU we don’t see a problem.” “Besides”, the president continued, “most people think we are the same country anyway, and by ending the confusion both peoples will benefit.”

Slovensko Slovinsko Jednota
Napísal Marek Macuga

Prezidentov Slovenské republiky a Slovinskej republiky podpísali ďalekosiahly súhlas Spojených oboma republikami. Prezident Gašparovič na Slovensko povedal: "Bolo to mätúce, všetci v Európe a vo svete, naše vlajky majú rovnakej farby v rovnakom poradí a erby každého národa majú tri hory na ne. Obaja sme členmi EÚ, naše jazyky sú podobné, a keď prezident Turek a ja som sa posadil sme jednoducho nemajú dosť rozdiel medzi nami nie je, aby sa stal jeden národ. "

Nový národ sa bude nazývať Spojené slovanskej republiky, budú vlajky majú rovnakú farbu vzor zostupne bielej, modrej, červenej a znak každého národa. Zatiaľ čo tieto dve krajiny nebudú zdieľať palube prezident Turek uviedol, že to nebude záležitosť. Moderné národy nie sú fyzické stravníkov už je to ekonomické stravníkov, ktoré sú dôležité. Vzhľadom k tomu, krajín, medzi nami, sú EÚ nevidíme problém. "" Okrem toho ", prezident pokračoval," väčšina ľudí si myslí, sme rovnaké krajine tak ako tak, a tým končí zmätok oba národy budú mať prospech. "
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:10 PM   #2

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Slovakia & Slovenia to Merge
Written by Marek Macuga

The presidents of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia have signed a far-reaching agreement to united the two republics. President Gasparovic of Slovakia said, “It was confusing everyone in Europe and the world, our flags have the same colors in the same order and the Coats of Arms of each nation have three mountains on them. We are both EU members, our languages are similar, and when president Turk and I sat down we just do not have enough difference between us not to become one nation.”

The new nation will be called the United Slavic Republic, the flag will have the same color pattern of descending White, Blue, Red and the coat of arms of each nation. While the two countries will not share a board President Turk stated that it won’t matter. Modern nations aren’t physical boarders anymore, it’s the economic boarders that are important. Since the countries between us are EU we don’t see a problem.” “Besides”, the president continued, “most people think we are the same country anyway, and by ending the confusion both peoples will benefit.”

Slovensko Slovinsko Jednota
Napísal Marek Macuga

Prezidentov Slovenské republiky a Slovinskej republiky podpísali ďalekosiahly súhlas Spojených oboma republikami. Prezident Gašparovič na Slovensko povedal: "Bolo to mätúce, všetci v Európe a vo svete, naše vlajky majú rovnakej farby v rovnakom poradí a erby každého národa majú tri hory na ne. Obaja sme členmi EÚ, naše jazyky sú podobné, a keď prezident Turek a ja som sa posadil sme jednoducho nemajú dosť rozdiel medzi nami nie je, aby sa stal jeden národ. "

Nový národ sa bude nazývať Spojené slovanskej republiky, budú vlajky majú rovnakú farbu vzor zostupne bielej, modrej, červenej a znak každého národa. Zatiaľ čo tieto dve krajiny nebudú zdieľať palube prezident Turek uviedol, že to nebude záležitosť. Moderné národy nie sú fyzické stravníkov už je to ekonomické stravníkov, ktoré sú dôležité. Vzhľadom k tomu, krajín, medzi nami, sú EÚ nevidíme problém. "" Okrem toho ", prezident pokračoval," väčšina ľudí si myslí, sme rovnaké krajine tak ako tak, a tým končí zmätok oba národy budú mať prospech. "
April Fools.
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Old 02-04-2010, 03:41 PM   #3

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Slovakia & Slovenia to Merge
Written by Marek Macuga

The presidents of the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia have signed a far-reaching agreement to united the two republics. President Gasparovic of Slovakia said, “It was confusing everyone in Europe and the world, our flags have the same colors in the same order and the Coats of Arms of each nation have three mountains on them. We are both EU members, our languages are similar, and when president Turk and I sat down we just do not have enough difference between us not to become one nation.”

The new nation will be called the United Slavic Republic, the flag will have the same color pattern of descending White, Blue, Red and the coat of arms of each nation. While the two countries will not share a board President Turk stated that it won’t matter. Modern nations aren’t physical boarders anymore, it’s the economic boarders that are important. Since the countries between us are EU we don’t see a problem.” “Besides”, the president continued, “most people think we are the same country anyway, and by ending the confusion both peoples will benefit.”

Slovensko Slovinsko Jednota
Napísal Marek Macuga

Prezidentov Slovenské republiky a Slovinskej republiky podpísali ďalekosiahly súhlas Spojených oboma republikami. Prezident Gašparovič na Slovensko povedal: "Bolo to mätúce, všetci v Európe a vo svete, naše vlajky majú rovnakej farby v rovnakom poradí a erby každého národa majú tri hory na ne. Obaja sme členmi EÚ, naše jazyky sú podobné, a keď prezident Turek a ja som sa posadil sme jednoducho nemajú dosť rozdiel medzi nami nie je, aby sa stal jeden národ. "

Nový národ sa bude nazývať Spojené slovanskej republiky, budú vlajky majú rovnakú farbu vzor zostupne bielej, modrej, červenej a znak každého národa. Zatiaľ čo tieto dve krajiny nebudú zdieľať palube prezident Turek uviedol, že to nebude záležitosť. Moderné národy nie sú fyzické stravníkov už je to ekonomické stravníkov, ktoré sú dôležité. Vzhľadom k tomu, krajín, medzi nami, sú EÚ nevidíme problém. "" Okrem toho ", prezident pokračoval," väčšina ľudí si myslí, sme rovnaké krajine tak ako tak, a tým končí zmätok oba národy budú mať prospech. "
I've highlighted where the author really makes a strong point. Fyzicke Stravnikov indeed! Well said.

Old 02-04-2010, 03:42 PM   #4

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Dammit. Actually it is a good point. I didn't mean it like that.

Old 02-04-2010, 05:04 PM   #5

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They should have included Slavonia. Slovakia, Slovenia and Slavonia are all cabbage-intensive regions in Eastern Europe. A lot of people visit one of the three, but say "I've been there!" whenever one of the other two is mentioned.
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Old 02-04-2010, 08:49 PM   #6

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I wish they would. On a trip to Europe, I tore out the chapters of the guidebook for countries I actually intended to visit so as to lighten my suitcase, but it was after a few pints of Czech beer so I was careless about it. When I got off the train in Ljubljana (capital of Slovenia), and reached into my luggage to read up on where I might find a hotel, what currency they used, which room was for men and which for women, and what there was to do, I realized that I had stupidly packed the pages for Slovakia. I had fun winging it as I discovered a very pleasant city, a refreshing break from war-torn Bosnia and Croatia.
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Old 02-04-2010, 09:19 PM   #7

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They should have included Slavonia. Slovakia, Slovenia and Slavonia are all cabbage-intensive regions in Eastern Europe. A lot of people visit one of the three, but say "I've been there!" whenever one of the other two is mentioned.
Then let's include Ireland in this grand cabbage eating alliance. The Celts are Slavs too.
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Old 02-05-2010, 12:40 AM   #8

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Then let's include Ireland in this grand cabbage eating alliance. The Celts are Slavs too.
Well, now you have to bring in Germany and Sweden. I was at least willing to draw the line somewhere.
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Old 02-05-2010, 12:43 AM   #9

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Celts are SLAVS?! Really?!
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Old 02-05-2010, 12:59 AM   #10

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Celts are SLAVS?! Really?!
Mr. Varga is enormously proud of his Slavic roots. He believes Slovaks invented the automobile, discovered America and were the first to walk on the moon.*

*"Bratislava, Tranquility Base here. The Holubky has landed."
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Old 02-05-2010, 05:38 AM   #11

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April Fools.
Thank god this is a joke. I just paid over $100 for nice desk globe and would be pissed if it was suddenly outdated.
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:06 PM   #12

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Mr. Varga is enormously proud of his Slavic roots. He believes Slovaks invented the automobile, discovered America and were the first to walk on the moon.*

*"Bratislava, Tranquility Base here. The Holubky has landed."
Invented the Automobile? No, they just made one of the best, the Tatra 87, (Checkout Jay Leno's Garage) which was copied by F. Porsche.

Discover America? Big deal, everybody did that.

First to walk on the moon? No, Apollo 12, Eugene Cernan, his family came from Jakubany, same as mine.

The Holubky has landed...
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:15 PM   #13

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Celts are SLAVS?! Really?!
Look it up. I had read previously, somewhere, that the Celts split off from the Slavs. The Celts certainly were in the same part europe at one time. Maybe they were distinctly different people but there are certain similarities in language.
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:45 AM   #14

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Fun with Slavs...

Go into any bar in Eastern Europe and ask (in the local tongue) "Has anybody seen Olaf/Olav?"

Half the men in the bar will raise their hand.
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Old 03-05-2010, 02:30 AM   #15

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Fun with Slavs...

Go into any bar in Eastern Europe and ask (in the local tongue) "Has anybody seen Olaf/Olav?"

Half the men in the bar will raise their hand.
You'll find more in a bar in Minnesota. Olaf is a Scandinavian name.
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Old 03-05-2010, 02:37 AM   #16

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I've been to Czech & Slovakia Republics several times and never met an Olaf/Olav.

However, in Slovakia they do like to drink a beer called... Kelt.
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Old 03-05-2010, 02:51 AM   #17

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You'll find more in a bar in Minnesota. Olaf is a Scandinavian name.
Ok what about Olga? ;-)
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:57 AM   #18

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Ok what about Olga? ;-)
If the Olgas were indistinguishable from the Olafs, I'd choose another bar.
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Old 04-04-2010, 09:12 PM   #19

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Ok what about Olga? ;-)
I think I met an Olga once in Slovakia, I think she was Russian.

In Slovakia common women names are:

Men's names:
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:05 AM   #20

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Dammit my name is as common in the ol' Mother Country as it is here?

I've never had the patience to learn Slovak properly...but I should.

By the way, in all seriousness, the parts of Europe both in the eurozone and the Schengen area function, for all practical reasons, like one country AFAIK.
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