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Old 01-15-2010, 06:24 AM   #1

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Default Do you really care about Haiti? at all?
Haiti reportedly is and has been hell on earth 24/7 and no one in the west takes the slightest notice, including the western media. Now all of a sudden there is an earthquake and Diane, katy, Brian and Anderson find themselves on the streets of Port Au Prince weeping and wining about the terrible tragedy of it all. Such hypocrisy is truly disgusting. It's just the latest "baby in the well", a ratings bonanza, or so they think. Me, I couldn't care less about Haiti, not a week ago and not today.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:30 AM   #2

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They do this with every big story. Nothing new. Remember if it bleeds it leads.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:30 AM   #3

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Haiti reportedly is and has been hell on earth 24/7 and no one in the west takes the slightest notice, including the western media. Now all of a sudden there is an earthquake and Diane, katy, Brian and Anderson find themselves on the streets of Port Au Prince weeping and wining about the terrible tragedy of it all. Such hypocrisy is truly disgusting. It's just the latest "baby in the well", a ratings bonanza, or so they think. Me, I couldn't care less about Haiti, not a week ago and not today.
Hayti has always been an absolute hell-hole, ever since they murdered all the French who colonized the country in the late 1700s-early 1800s. Before that it was known, alternately, as the jewel of the Caribbean and the breadbasket of the Caribbean.

Unfortunately, like Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Hayti's people have been the victims of oppressive, sadistic, materialistic rulers who care only for themselves.

Look at the palace their president lived in, while all the people were starving and poor. The same exact thing can be said about Robert Mugabe and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe.)

This seems to be a pattern that repeats itself, over and over in certain countries once they forcibly remove the Europeans who originally ran them (Hayti was the first; then it was the Belgian Congo, then Rhodesia, then South Africa.) There may be others that slip my mind at the moment.

As for Hayti: these people will always be starving. They will always be desperately poor. Throwing tons of aid at them will do nothing but insure that there will be thousands, if not millions more of them next year, who will also be starving. Those who rush to send aid fail to understand this.

I learned this lesson while feeding stray dogs and cats. If you keep feeding them and don't get them spayed and neutered, all you are doing is insuring that they will be well-fed and healthy enough to reproduce, thereby exacerbating the problem.

What Hayti and other impoverished countries need more than food is contraceptive supplies. Maybe Planned Parenthood can help out? As long as they continue to be impoverished and continue to reproduce out of control, the problem will never end.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:35 AM   #4

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you know, if you ignore TV news, which has been close to useless since the early 80s, and read the press both here and abroad, you'd see that there has been some very good coverage of Haiti over the last 20 years, since the collapse of the Duvalier regime, through the coups, through Artistide's rise and sorrowful fall (multiple falls really). Haiti's miserable hell-on-earth situation is fairly well documented if you rely on news sources that matter
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:51 AM   #5

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Yes those bad Haitians killing off the people that were keeping them as slaves.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:55 AM   #6

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Yes those bad Haitians killing off the people that were keeping them as slaves.
Ignore him, Adam. He doesn't have the sense enough to shut up when when something really important happens - it's all about his righteous crusade against white liberals trying to assuage their guilt. He feels sanctified. But then again, it's not the corpse of his grandmother or his kids that's rotting in some rat-infested courtyard in Port-au-Prince, so what the hell does he care?
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:07 AM   #7

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Yes those bad Haitians killing off the people that were keeping them as slaves.
During the Haytian revolt, they raped many French women and sold them and their children into slavery (they killed all the men). Those were the lucky women and children....others were tortured and brutally murdered.

Tell me: what did women and children do to deserve that? Did 6 month old babies enslave anyone? Yet those who did such things have been admired as "heroes" by Haytians.

I am intimately familiar with the history of Hayti, and I have been there. I have never seen a memorial to the women and children brutally slaughtered for the "crime" of being French. When I do, then I may shed a tear or two over the Haytians. Until then...
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:11 AM   #8

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During the Haytian revolt, they raped many French women and sold them and their children into slavery (they killed all the men). Those were the lucky women and children....others were tortured and brutally murdered.

Tell me: what did women and children do to deserve that? Did 6 month old babies enslave anyone? Yet those who did such things have been admired as "heroes" by Haytians.
Listen, Marie: You suck. You are the absolute, scumsucking bottom feeder of trolls. I hope when your family members lie dead in a major natural disaster that other people walk by and piss on their faces like you are doing today. I am glad you feel good about yourself, but really nobody is impressed but you.

Tacky. Just tacky.
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:14 AM   #9

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Listen, Marie: You suck. You are the absolute, scumsucking bottom feeder of trolls. I hope when your family members lie dead in a major natural disaster that other people walk by and piss on their faces like you are doing today. I am glad you feel good about yourself, but really nobody is impressed but you.

Tacky. Just tacky.
Why do you take this so personally? Who sounds like the hateful person now? Do you think those Haytians would give two pisses about you if you have white skin? Especially if you are of French ancestry? Are you that naive? If you think they would, you have much to learn.

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO HAYTI? Do you know that the celebrated leader of the slaves at the time ripped the white section out of the French flag (to create the current Hayti flag), saying, "As we have ripped apart the whites in Hayti, so I rip out the white of their flag"?

Why does your heart bleed for these descendants of terrorists, murderers, babykillers and Voudon worshippers, but not for the innocents their founding fathers raped and murdered?
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:24 AM   #10

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Why do you take this so personally? Who sounds like the hateful person now? Do you think those Haytians would give two pisses about you if you have white skin? Especially if you are of French ancestry? Are you that naive? If you think they would, you have much to learn.

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO HAYTI? Do you know that the celebrated leader of the slaves at the time ripped the white section out of the French flag (to create the current Hayti flag), saying, "As we have ripped apart the whites in Hayti, so I rip out the white of their flag"?

Why does your heart bleed for these descendants of terrorists, murderers, babykillers and Voudon worshippers, but not for the innocents their founding fathers raped and murdered?
Excellent, Marie. Excellent.
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:34 AM   #11

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(few Americans are well-versed in the history of Hayti and how the current nation came to be. This two-part article should give a detailed background. It is a bit dated--from the early 1990's--but gives a good background nonetheless):

Bringing Democracy to Haiti

When Christopher Columbus touched shore, on December 6, 1492, on the West Indies island which he named La Isla Española (Hispaniola) and claimed for the Spanish crown, it was inhabited by Arawak Indians, whose own name for their island was Haiti.

The Spanish failed to develop their hold on the island in a systematic way, focusing their efforts primarily on the mining of precious metals in its eastern end and leaving the west unsettled, after annihilating most of the Arawaks there. During the 17th century French and English adventurers established their own presence on Hispaniola, especially in the western end of the island. By the latter part of the 17th century the French had de facto control of much of the west, and in 1697 this control was given de jure status by a formal agreement between the French and Spanish governments. The French renamed their western third of the island Saint-Domingue, while the Spanish called their colony on the eastern part Santo Domingo. The mountains and jungle of the interior provided a natural border between the French and Spanish parts of Hispaniola.

Unlike the Spanish, the French developed their new colony efficiently, establishing plantations and importing Black slaves from Africa as laborers. By 1750 sugar, coffee, cocoa, indigo, and cotton were being produced in such quantity that 700 ships were kept busy carrying these goods back to France. During the 18th century Saint- Domingue was the most prosperous of all the European colonies in the New World. Its fertile northern plain was dotted with the white manors of the French landowners, each surrounded by green fields and the dwellings of slaves; and its bustling cities, most notably Le Cap Français on the northern coast, were filled with fine, stone buildings.

In 1789, on the eve of the French Revolution, the population of Saint-Domingue was about 35,000 Whites and nearly 500,000 Black slaves. In addition there were approximately 25,000 free non-Whites, most of them mulatto offspring of the earliest White male colonists and Black female slaves. By the latter part of the century, however, enough women had arrived from France to balance the French population sexually, a color line was firmly established, and intimate relations across this line were taboo.

Saint-Domingue, alas, was not spared the intrigues and agitation which, in Europe, led to the disaster of the French Revolution. The Republicans and the Royalists both had their partisans among the colonists. In addition there were crazed zealots who deliberately sowed the seeds of rebellion among the Black slaves and the mulattoes. Some of these zealots were unhinged by the same egalitarian madness which led to the Reign of Terror in France; others, including a number of priests, seem to have been under the influence of radical Christian notions: together they were loosely organized in a semi-secret society known as Friends of the Blacks (Amis des Noirs).

The Whites could have saved themselves and the colony if they had united on the basis of race and hunted down and exterminated the Amis des Noirs. Unfortunately, class hatreds divided the Whites more strongly than their common racial interests united them. The middle-class Whites envied the wealthy landowners and the aristocrats, and the White rabble which had accumulated in the port cities envied all their betters.

The mulattoes and the Blacks also hated each other. The former were more intelligent and industrious than the latter, and many had taken advantage of their freedom to better themselves; more than anything else they dreaded being reduced to the status of the Blacks. The Blacks realized this and hated the mulattoes for it. This division between the mulattoes and the Blacks complicated the situation, but in the end it did not really matter. What mattered was that the Whites were outnumbered 15 to one; they refused to put their political and class differences aside until it was too late; and France, first torn by a self-destructive revolution and then preoccupied by a series of European wars, was unable to provide assistance when it was needed.

The first Black insurrection in Saint-Domingue occured in August 1791. Inspired by the Amis des Noirs and by their own Voodoo leaders, the latter of whom persuaded them that they were immune to the Whites' weapons, the slaves in the northern part of the colony began attacking their masters as they slept on the night of August 22. White men were hacked to death immediately, if they were fortunate; otherwise, they were butchered by the Voodoo-inflamed Blacks in ways too horrible to describe here. The fate of the White women was even worse. The Blacks who marched on Le Cap Français carried as their standard a White baby impaled on a spear.

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Old 01-15-2010, 07:34 AM   #12

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The Whites--or at least most of them--rallied to their own defense, and Le Cap Français was made into an armed stronghold, while similar measures were taken in other parts of the colony. Nevertheless, more than 2,000 Whites were murdered during the first two months of the 1791 insurrection.

The following 13 years were chaotic. The race war between the Whites and the Blacks was intermittent. The mulattoes sometimes took the side of the Whites and sometimes the side of the Blacks. The White rabble, often swayed by Republican propaganda and by their own greed and envy, were nearly as undependable as the mulattoes. A substantial portion of the colony's upper-class Whites, despairing of any possibility for the restoration of order and sanity, left for France or America.

The French government vacillated, sometimes aiding the colonists against the rebellious slaves and sometimes attempting to make Saint-Domingue conform to crackpot Republican theories of universal égalité et fraternité by appointing mulattoes and even Blacks to positions of authority in the colony. Where the latter held sway, they ruled like African potentates, using a combination of capricious terror and the dispensing of government largess to their favorites to maintain their positions. The two most prominent of these Black Republicans were Pierre Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture and Jean Jacques Dessalines, both monsters of iniquity.

In 1794 the French government, still in the thrall of Republican madness, proclaimed the emancipation of Saint-Domingue's Blacks. Toussaint L'Ouverture, despite his bloodthirsty cruelty and extraordinary bent for deceit and treachery, proved himself the ablest leader of the Blacks. After a successful incursion into the Spanish end of the island in 1801, he became the Black warlord of Hispaniola, with the blessing of the Republicans.

Although he was happy to parrot back to the various Commissioners sent over by France the Politically Correct slogans about "equality" and "liberty" which they wanted to hear, Toussaint L'Ouverture understood that in order to retain the favor of the French government he had to restore the colony to production, and the only way to do that was to force his fellow Blacks, who had been happily idle since 1794, to begin working again. Without calling it slavery, he used an iron hand to bend them to his will. His Black generals, most notably Dessalines, knew how to deal with their own kind. They toured the plantations trailed by retinues of executioners. Idlers and shirkers were seized and buried alive or tied to boards and sawed in half. These demonstrations were remarkably effective in inspiring the other Blacks to work harder than they ever had under their White masters.

More than brutality was required to repair the damage which Republican folly and Black rebellion had done to Saint-Domingue, however. Toussaint L'Ouverture could compel his Blacks to work, but he could not replace the genius for organization and administration with which the Whites had built a stable, peaceful, and productive colony. Disorder, punctuated by atrocities and massacres, continued to make the island a hellish proof of the incorrectness of the egalitarian theories which had brought on the disaster in the first place.

Back in France, the star of Napoleon Bonaparte was rising. By 1801 Napoleon had become virtual dictator and was well on the way to winding up, at least temporarily, the various wars in which post-revolutionary France had been involved, so that he was free to concern himself with the affairs of Saint-Domingue and France's other colonial possessions. And Napoleon, unlike his Republican predecessors, was blessed with a clear head, untroubled by fantasies of "equality.
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:51 AM   #13

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Listen, Marie: You suck. You are the absolute, scumsucking bottom feeder of trolls. I hope when your family members lie dead in a major natural disaster that other people walk by and piss on their faces like you are doing today. I am glad you feel good about yourself, but really nobody is impressed but you.

Tacky. Just tacky.
Wow, dude, you're en epic f--king scumbag. Are you the pretentious version of blindingsun? I don't care if you hate Username or whoever, but wishing death and suffering on innocent people is over the top.

Had you more than two brain cells to rub together you would realize the critical flaw in Username's thinking...
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:28 AM   #14

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The problem in your entire line of though, Username, is you seem to want to punish people for the sins of their forebears.

In that case, I hope you believe in slavery reparations. Or, even taken to an extreme, slavery for non-blacks in America. If you truly believe a people should be punished for the actions of their forebears, then you've entirely justified the aforementioned.

And, since you're okay with spreading the hate, why help the Italians? After all, they were an Axis power. They killed Americans. Let 'em - and you - suffer!

And let's not help the Brits (probably America's closest ally), the Japs (probably second). Hell, the Brits are socialists anyway.

And let the A-rabs kill some Americans because we killed some of them way far back.

Sh!t, since everybody should be punished for the sins of their forebears, let's just get a good ole circle of hate going on. And, in the case of Americans, you better plan on putting half of what's left of your paycheck after taxes for those reparations.

Do you really want to go down that road?

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Old 01-15-2010, 08:50 AM   #15

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Haiti reportedly is and has been hell on earth 24/7 and no one in the west takes the slightest notice, including the western media. Now all of a sudden there is an earthquake and Diane, katy, Brian and Anderson find themselves on the streets of Port Au Prince weeping and wining about the terrible tragedy of it all. Such hypocrisy is truly disgusting. It's just the latest "baby in the well", a ratings bonanza, or so they think. Me, I couldn't care less about Haiti, not a week ago and not today.
Maybe this media coverage might do some good for the place, although it's sort of late in the game at this point.

but wishing death and suffering on innocent people is over the top. While I think him flipping out is over the top, read closely, he's not wishin death on anyone.
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Old 01-15-2010, 12:23 PM   #16

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Haiti reportedly is and has been hell on earth 24/7 and no one in the west takes the slightest notice, including the western media. Now all of a sudden there is an earthquake and Diane, katy, Brian and Anderson find themselves on the streets of Port Au Prince weeping and wining about the terrible tragedy of it all. Such hypocrisy is truly disgusting. It's just the latest "baby in the well", a ratings bonanza, or so they think. Me, I couldn't care less about Haiti, not a week ago and not today.
I've had no idea since I stopped watching TV and most TV news.

I've kept up with it by Youtube videos posted from there, and the coverage on ITN and Reuters.
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Old 01-15-2010, 12:29 PM   #17

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FWIW, the stupid history-ranting crap about Haiti has nothing to do with the present situation going on in the country.

The only history that is affecting the Haitian people right now is caused by geologic history, not by some crap that happened around the time Pennsylvania was a colony.
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Old 01-15-2010, 12:44 PM   #18
Forex Autopilot

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Haiti reportedly is and has been hell on earth 24/7 and no one in the west takes the slightest notice, including the western media. Now all of a sudden there is an earthquake and Diane, katy, Brian and Anderson find themselves on the streets of Port Au Prince weeping and wining about the terrible tragedy of it all. Such hypocrisy is truly disgusting. It's just the latest "baby in the well", a ratings bonanza, or so they think. Me, I couldn't care less about Haiti, not a week ago and not today.
Complaining about hypocrisy is hypocrisy.
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Old 01-15-2010, 01:01 PM   #19

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There was an earthquake?

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Old 01-15-2010, 01:13 PM   #20

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The problem in your entire line of though, Username, is you seem to want to punish people for the sins of their forebears.

In that case, I hope you believe in slavery reparations. Or, even taken to an extreme, slavery for non-blacks in America. If you truly believe a people should be punished for the actions of their forebears, then you've entirely justified the aforementioned.

And, since you're okay with spreading the hate, why help the Italians? After all, they were an Axis power. They killed Americans. Let 'em - and you - suffer!

And let's not help the Brits (probably America's closest ally), the Japs (probably second). Hell, the Brits are socialists anyway.

And let the A-rabs kill some Americans because we killed some of them way far back.

Sh!t, since everybody should be punished for the sins of their forebears, let's just get a good ole circle of hate going on. And, in the case of Americans, you better plan on putting half of what's left of your paycheck after taxes for those reparations.

Do you really want to go down that road?

Very good.
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