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Old 12-28-2009, 09:52 PM   #1

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Default 三国老贼曹操已经被挖出坟墓!Bastard CaoCao dug out from his grave!

曹操陵墓在河南安阳县被发现 六点认定依据 28日 10:47    近日,河南省文物考古研究所在安阳县安丰乡西高穴村抢救性发掘的一座东汉大墓获重大考古发现,经权威考古学 家和历史学家根据考古资料现场考证研究,确定这座东汉大墓为文献中记载的魏武王曹操高陵。 全文>>
· 魏武帝曹操的一生 28日 14:19 · 魏武帝曹操的历史功绩 28日 14:29 · 魏武帝曹操的家庭情况 28日 14:33 · 曹操败走华容道:华容道游戏 28日 15:35 · 魏武帝曹操作品一览 28日 15:13 · 曹操墓地引出三大话题 28日 09:45 · 曹操高陵被发现的重要意义 28日 09:10 · 曹操《度关山》 28日 14:55 · 曹操《蒿里行》 28日 14:53 · 曹操《苦寒行》 28日 14:51 · 曹操《龟虽寿》 28日 14:49 · 曹操《观沧海》 28日 14:46 · 曹操《短歌行》(二首) 28日 14:41

· 有学者认为“曹操墓在安阳”证据不足 28日 17:26 · 72疑冢是历史穿凿附会 曹操墓较“寒酸”? 28日 09:30 · 曹操墓发掘大揭秘:“已经抓了38个盗墓贼” 28日 09:22 · 曹操为什么埋在这儿?墓地示意图 28日 09:52 · 鲁潜墓志确定曹操墓方位 “七十二疑冢”流传千年 28日 09:41 · 河南安阳发现曹操高陵 被盗文物揭神秘面纱 28日 08:45 · 曹操陵墓在河南安阳县被发现 六点认定依据 28日 08:36 · 河南安阳考古确认曹操高陵 可能藏其遗骨 27日 13:38
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:56 PM   #2

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曹操陵墓在河南安阳县被发现 六点认定依据
2009年12月28日 08:36:54  来源:新华网 【字号  留言 打印 关闭 【Email推荐:
曹操高陵墓道。 高陵出土刻铭“魏武王”石牌。 新华网北京12月27日电(记者廖翊)近日,河南省文物考古研究所在安阳县安丰乡西高穴村抢救性发掘的一座 东汉大墓获重大考古发现,经权威考古学家和历史学家根据考古资料现场考证研究,确定这座东汉大墓为文献中记 载的魏武王曹操高陵。
27日上午,河南省文物局、河南安阳市及国家文物局有关方面负责人与部分专家学者一起在京举行新闻发布会, 公布了这一重要发现。
据新闻发布会介绍,大墓位于河南省安阳县安丰乡西高穴村南,2004年底后曾多次被盗。为有效予以保护,2 008年12月,经报请国家文物局批准,河南省文物局组织河南省文物考古研究所开始对墓葬进行抢救性考古发 掘。
发掘后发现,该墓平面为甲字形,坐西向东。这座带斜坡墓道的双室砖券墓,规模宏 大,结构复杂,主要由墓道、前后室和四个侧室构成。斜坡墓道长39.5米,宽9.8米,最深处距地表约15 米;墓圹平面略呈梯形,东边宽22米,西边宽 19.5米,东西长18米;大墓占地面积约740平方米。
该墓虽被多次盗掘,但仍幸存一些重要随葬品。共出土器物250余件,有金、 银、铜、铁、玉、石、骨、漆、陶、云母等多种质地。器类主要有铜带钩、铁甲、铁剑、铁镞、玉珠、水晶珠、玛 瑙珠、石圭、石璧、石枕、刻铭石牌、陶俑等,其 中以刻铭石牌和遗骨最为重要。此次共出土刻铭石牌59件,有长方形、圭形等,铭文记录了随葬物品的名称和数 量。其中8件圭形石牌极为珍贵,分别刻有“魏武 王常所用格虎大戟”“魏武王常所用格虎大刀”等铭文。在追缴该墓被盗出土的一件石枕上,刻有“魏武王常所用 慰项石”铭文。这些出土文字材料为研究确定墓主 身份提供了重要的、最直接的历史学依据。
在墓室清理中,发现有人头骨、肢骨等部分遗骨。专家初步鉴定为一男两女3个个体,其中,墓主人为男性,年龄 在60岁左右。
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:57 PM   #3

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曹操陵墓在河南安阳县被发现 六点认定依据
2009年12月28日 08:36:54  来源:新华网 【字号  留言 打印 关闭 【Email推荐:
曹操高陵航拍照片。 曹操高陵出土玉、玛瑙装饰品。 曹操高陵出土画像石。 据介绍,有关专家对这些考古发现进行了多次论证,根据墓葬形制、结构及随葬品时代特征,认为这 座大墓年代 为东汉晚期;结合文献记载,判定该墓的墓主人为我国历史上著名的政治家、军事家、文学家魏武王曹操,大墓即 文献中记载的高陵。发布会上,社科院学部委员、 社科院考古研究所学术委员会主任刘庆柱,国家文物鉴定委员会委员、河南省文物考古研究所原所长郝本性,考古 学家梁满仓,人骨鉴定专家王明辉等向记者陈述了 对大墓的考古认定依据。
第一,这座墓葬规模巨大,总长度近60米,砖券墓室的形制和结构与已知的汉魏王侯级墓葬类似,与曹操魏王的 身份相称;该墓未发现封土,也与文献记载曹操寿陵“因高为基,不封不树”的情况相符合。
第三,墓葬位置与文献记载、出土鲁潜墓志等材料记载完全一致。据《三国志·魏书· 武帝纪》等文献记载,曹操于建安二十五年(公元220年)正月病逝于洛阳,二月,灵柩运回邺城,葬在了高陵 ,高陵在“西门豹祠西原上”。调查资料显示,当 时的西门豹祠在今天的漳河大桥南行一公里处,地属安阳县安丰乡丰乐镇。这座大墓就在西门豹祠以西。1998 年,西高穴村西出土的后赵建武十一年(公元 345年)大仆卿驸马都尉鲁潜墓志,也明确记载了魏武帝陵的具体位置就在这里。
第四,文献还明确记载,曹操主张薄葬。他临终前留下《遗令》:“殓以时服”“无藏金玉珍宝”,也在这座墓葬 中得到了印证:墓葬虽规模不小,但墓内装饰简单,未见壁画,尽显朴实。兵器、石枕等有文字可证皆为曹操平时 “常所用”之器。
第五,最为确切的证据就是刻有“魏武王”铭文的石牌和石枕,证明墓主就是魏武王曹 操。据文献记载,曹操生前先封为“魏公”,后进爵为“魏王”,死后谥号为“武王”,其子曹丕称帝后追尊为“ 武皇帝”,史称“魏武帝”。出土石牌、石枕刻铭 称“魏武王”,正是曹操下葬时的称谓。
第六,墓室中发现的男性遗骨,专家鉴定年龄在60岁左右,与曹操终年66岁吻合,应为曹操遗骨 。
国家文物局文物保护与考古司司长关强在发布会上表示,西高穴墓发掘工作有待进一步展开。目前根据专家们的确 定,可以认为,西高穴墓为曹操高陵。
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:59 PM   #4

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Old 12-28-2009, 10:18 PM   #5

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Updated December 28, 2009
Chinese Archaeologists Discover Legendary Tomb of Cao Cao


Chinese archeologists have unearthed a large third-century tomb, which they say could be that of Cao Cao, the legendary politician and general famous throughout East Asia for his Machiavellian tactics.

REUTERS/Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
Chinese archaeologists say this tomb could be that of Cao Cao, the legendary politician and general famous throughout East Asia for his Machiavellian tactics.

BEIJING — Chinese archeologists have unearthed a large third-century tomb, which they say could be that of Cao Cao, the legendary politician and general famous throughout East Asia for his Machiavellian tactics.
The tomb, discovered in Xigaoxue village near the ancient Chinese city of Anyang, Henan Province, has an epitaph and inscription that appear to refer to Cao Cao, Central China Television said on Sunday.

A Chinese proverb, "speak of Cao Cao and he appears," is the equivalent of "speak of the devil" in English.

Cao Cao was the final chancellor of the Eastern Han dynasty, who went on to form his own state during the political turmoil of the Three Kingdoms period. He died in 220 AD in Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Han dynasty, and was posthumously named Emperor of the Wei state that he founded.

In Chinese lore, a number of anecdotes tell of Cao Cao's ruthlessness, cunning, and military and political acumen.

The tomb contains the body of a man in his 60s, corresponding to Cao Cao's age at his death, and two women.
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Old 12-28-2009, 10:36 PM   #6

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A dead man of over 1000+ years you also can curse "Bastard"?!???!??

You got a trace of your family tree and proof Cao Cao offended your ancestors issit?

What are you going to do next, write a petition to the CCCP, hold a hunger strike at the China Embassy and declare you "cannot" support the digging up of an archeological relic???

Your mish-mashed sense of political alignment is really getting sadder by the day.
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Old 12-28-2009, 10:39 PM   #7

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解千古謎團 一代梟雄曹操墓曝光

歷來最具爭議但又最富色彩的三國人物魏武王曹操,其葬身之處一直是千古之謎。但中國考古專家宣布,河南省安 陽縣安豐鄉西高穴村的一座東漢古墓,就是文獻記載中的曹操高陵,今次發現除有助揭開研究曹操新一頁,亦有望 復原這「一代梟雄」的容貌...

超世之傑 奸臣形象
(明報) 12月28日 星期一 05:05
【明報專訊】在中國傳統小說和戲曲裏,曹操的奸角形象活靈活現;但在陳壽的《三國誌》裏,曹操是「非常之人 ,超世之傑」。...

主張喪葬從簡 墓穴發掘不易
(明報) 12月28日 星期一 05:05
【明報專訊】《三國演義》稱,曹操臨終前下令設72疑塚,以令後人不知其葬身之處,但這並非史實。從現存史 料和考古發現來看,曹操並未秘葬,更未設疑塚,只不過是主張喪葬從簡,但這一做法反而給後人增添了找尋其陵 ...

三國三雄 僅曹操墓成謎
(明報) 12月28日 星期一 05:05
【明報專訊】曹操生前雖未稱帝,但歷來被視為三國時曹魏真正開國君主。其兩名「死對頭」孫權、劉備的陵墓早 已確認,只有曹操墓成謎。...

(明報) 12月28日 星期一 05:05
【明報專訊】曹操墓最令人關注的考古發現之一,是墓中男性頭骨,若它確為曹操的頭骨,人們便可借助新的鑑證 技術,一睹一代裊雄的真貌。內地專家近年便曾根據醫學原理,利用電腦復原一些古人的樣貌,包括馬王堆漢墓的 ...


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Old 12-28-2009, 10:41 PM   #8

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I hate to be the one spoiling your fun but caocao like most other characters from that era was neither the 100% bad nor 100% good guy.

The narrative Romance of 3 Kingdoms, which some say is 30% fiction or 70% fiction depending, paints Caocao as the villian with ultra paranoid tendencies and self ingratiation almost to the point of mental instability. One must however remember it is a narrative. Real history is probably very different.

In fact, literary scholars don't even interpret Luo Guan Zhong's work as painting caocao as the uber villian. There is a general agreement in these circles that caocao was actually given the most human face in the entire narrative, with an entire personality spectrum ranging from the very humane/righteous/noble to the very cowardly.

The primary character of the narrative, Zhuge Liang, was portrayed as having superhuman intellect who failed in his quest because of blind loyalty and lack of flexibility in his thinking towards the end. A very monotone character development compared to caocao actually.


曹操陵墓在河南安阳县被发现 六点认定依据 28日 10:47    近日,河南省文物考古研究所在安阳县安丰乡西高穴村抢救性发掘的一座东汉大墓获重大考古发现,经权威考古学 家和历史学家根据考古资料现场考证研究,确定这座东汉大墓为文献中记载的魏武王曹操高陵。 全文>>

考古确认曹操高陵 可能藏其遗骨 27日 13:38
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Old 12-28-2009, 10:42 PM   #9

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曹操墓現安陽 千古謎解開 「魏武王」石牌成有力證據

(明報)2009年12月28日 星期一 05:05

【明報專訊】「挾天子以令諸侯」的魏武王曹操葬身何處?中國考古專家昨天揭開了這個千年之謎,認定河南省安 陽縣安豐鄉西高穴村的一座東漢古墓,就是文獻記載中的曹操高陵。專家指出,墓中出土的刻銘石牌是證明墓主身 分的有力證據,而墓裏一具男性骸骨,可能就是曹操。
河南省文物局與國家文物局的專家學者,昨晨在北京 開記者會公布了曹操墓的發現詳情。這座佔地約740平方米的磚墓,位於安陽縣安豐鄉西高穴村南。墓的平面為 甲字形,坐西向東,拱頂墓道貫連前後室和四個側室。前後室頂部為四角攢頂,東西兩側各有一個耳室。兩個土坑 磚石墓室最深離地16米。
考古學家在墓室發現部分人頭骨、肢骨等,經初步鑑定為一男兩女;其中墓主人為60歲左右男性,與曹操終年6 6歲脗合,故專家推測那應該是曹操的遺骨。
專家指出,陵墓雖曾多次被盜掘,但值得慶幸的是,它仍保存了一些重要的陪葬品。河南省文物考古研究所自去年 12月獲批准進行考古發掘和追繳被盜品以來,共起出了200多件器物。其中出土刻銘石牌59件,有長方形、 圭形等,銘文記錄了隨葬物品的名稱和數量。
這些物品中尤以8件圭形石牌最為珍貴,分別刻有「魏武王常所用格虎大刀」、「魏武王常用格虎大戟」等銘文。 在追繳該墓被盜出土的一件石枕上,刻有 「魏武王常用慰項石」銘文。文獻記載,曹操生前先封為「魏公」,後進爵為「魏王」,死後謚號為「武王」,這 些銘文器物成為證明墓主就是曹操的最有力證據。 此外,文獻明確記載曹操主張薄葬,也可從這座墓葬取得印證。
其他出土器物,主要有銅帶鉤、鐵甲、鐵劍、玉珠、水晶珠、瑪瑙珠、石龜、石壁,以及大量畫像石殘塊。那批畫 像石畫工精細嫺熟,雕刻精美,內容豐富, 有「神獸」、「七女復仇」等圖案,並刻有「咸陽令」、「紀梁」、「侍郎」、「宋王車」、「文王十子」、「飲 酒人」等文字,屬漢畫像石精品。
考古專家認為,曹操高陵的發現具有極其重要的意義,既印證文獻中對曹操高陵的位置、曹操的謚號及所倡導的薄 葬制度等有關記載均屬確鑿可靠的信史外,還提供許多新歷史信息,為研究曹操及漢魏歷史開啟新的 篇章。
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Old 12-28-2009, 10:48 PM   #10

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A dead man of over 1000+ years you also can curse "Bastard"?!???!??

You got a trace of your family tree and proof Cao Cao offended your ancestors issit?

What are you going to do next, write a petition to the CCCP, hold a hunger strike at the China Embassy and declare you "cannot" support the digging up of an archeological relic???

Your mish-mashed sense of political alignment is really getting sadder by the day.
This is the one of the biggest bastard defined by Chinese culture.

Even the west know this. Fox News I posted spelled it.

曹贼 is his name called by the Chinese operas.

曹贼的狗头已经找到了。呵!呵!呵!Ho! Ho! Ho!

Thousand years does not mean it had been long enough for BASTARD to be forgiven. The rather we MUST clearly define and reinstate his historic position as a BASTARD CHARACTER, to be remembered by history till eternity.

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Old 12-28-2009, 10:52 PM   #11

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I hate to be the one spoiling your fun but caocao like most other characters from that era was neither the 100% bad nor 100% good guy.

The narrative Romance of 3 Kingdoms, which some say is 30% fiction or 70% fiction depending, paints Caocao as the villian with ultra paranoid tendencies and self ingratiation almost to the point of mental instability. One must however remember it is a narrative. Real history is probably very different.

In fact, literary scholars don't even interpret Luo Guan Zhong's work as painting caocao as the uber villian. There is a general agreement in these circles that caocao was actually given the most human face in the entire narrative, with an entire personality spectrum ranging from the very humane/righteous/noble to the very cowardly.

The primary character of the narrative, Zhuge Liang, was portrayed as having superhuman intellect who failed in his quest because of blind loyalty and lack of flexibility in his thinking towards the end. A very monotone character development compared to caocao actually.
There is nothing so pure until 100% in historic characters.

曹操老贼 is 曹操老贼 however.

The historic character of bastard Cao Cao is something that we will use to teach future people - our grand children to differentiate between GOOD RIGHTEOUS POLITICIANS and BASTARD POLITICIANS.

The status of Cao Cao is a NEGATIVE ROLE MODEL. That is his value in history. He is a poet, writer, Prime Minister, ruler, warrior, cunning ruthless, selfish bastard.

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Old 12-28-2009, 10:56 PM   #12

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Your grasp of politics is truly infantile!!!!!

There is nothing so pure until 100% in historic characters.

曹操老贼 is 曹操老贼 however.

The historic character of bastard Cao Cao is something that we will use to teach future people - our grand children to differentiate between GOOD RIGHTEOUS POLITICIANS and BASTARD POLITICIANS.

The status of Cao Cao is a NEGATIVE ROLE MODEL. That is his value in history. He is a poet, writer, Prime Minister, ruler, warrior, cunning ruthless, selfish bastard.

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Old 12-28-2009, 11:04 PM   #13

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Your grasp of politics is truly infantile!!!!!
The simple thing here is Cao Cao is the bastard character used for teaching every generation of people to distinguish between good guys and bad guys. In Chinese 分辨忠奸。

You are entitled to your own opinions, you are not going to convince most people that this bastard is one character that had won respect or trust or be any positive role model for most people.

You can go and try.... I am not going to stop you.

In the same era as CaoCao there were very respectable characters set as positive role models for children to learn from e.g. 关云长。

Together with the vicious CaoCao the righteous characters produced contrast and set positive vs negative role models serving the purpose of education.
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Old 12-28-2009, 11:50 PM   #14

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关云长 as a positive role model?!?!!?

You are just perpetrating chinese mythology that has little to do with the actual historical narrative!

关云长 for your info was the least intelligent of the 3 sworn brothers. His only virtue was superhuman bravery and a ferocious plus extremely righteous personality. But in terms of guile/strategy he fell far short. I am not too sure I would promote his brand of heroism to our younger generation. Brawn without brains? No way, man.

关云长 was appointed to guard Jing Zhou as a result of a tactical error by both Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. He was the least suited for the job. In fact Luo Guan Zhong's narrative suggests that even Zhuge Liang had reservations, but still went along.

As a result of his appointment, he was eventually slain by the eastern kingdom.

The simple thing here is Cao Cao is the bastard character used for teaching every generation of people to distinguish between good guys and bad guys. In Chinese 分辨忠奸。

You are entitled to your own opinions, you are not going to convince most people that this bastard is one character that had won respect or trust or be any positive role model for most people.

You can go and try.... I am not going to stop you.

In the same era as CaoCao there were very respectable characters set as positive role models for children to learn from e.g. 关云长。

Together with the vicious CaoCao the righteous characters produced contrast and set positive vs negative role models serving the purpose of education.
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Old 12-29-2009, 12:02 AM   #15

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关云长 as a positive role model?!?!!?

You are just perpetrating chinese mythology that has little to do with the actual historical narrative!

关云长 for your info was the least intelligent of the 3 sworn brothers. His only virtue was superhuman bravery and a ferocious plus extremely righteous personality. But in terms of guile/strategy he fell far short. I am not too sure I would promote his brand of heroism to our younger generation. Brawn without brains? No way, man.

关云长 was appointed to guard Jing Zhou as a result of a tactical error by both Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. He was the least suited for the job. In fact Luo Guan Zhong's narrative suggests that even Zhuge Liang had reservations, but still went along.

As a result of his appointment, he was eventually slain by the eastern kingdom.
Don't pretend to be ignorant Baba like LKy.

关公 is the holly righteous and courageous character enshrined in millions of Chinese temples for people to offer respect since centuries ago. Billions of Chinese acknowledged his positive role model.

In HK police stations the mata 阿Sir worship 关公。 In the triads world and secret societies the underworld also worship 关公。

May be old dog thief LKy and PAp worship 曹贼。Simple because they are the same kind. Therefore they should be fed to the animals.

Now the tomb of your idol is found you should go and pay him respect. If I went there I am going to take a pee on his tomb.
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Old 12-29-2009, 08:59 AM   #16

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The tomb proved the known records that bastard CaoCao dare not bury anything too precious inside, because he was a tomb-raider bandit in his own career's earlier stages. In order to fight his wars and gain resources the bastard CaoCao had plundered graves of the past rulers to graft treasures in order to finance his own wars.

As a result, he deeply fear for his own grave to be raided by others bandits after himself. He ordered not only that no valuables to be buried with him and also that there will be stone engraved records of what were buried in his tomb, such that when his tomb got raided and plundered, there would be a record at least that remains to reflect what was originally buried. This method and idea started with bastard CaoCao.

It was also a hoax spread to protect his tomb that there were 72 decoys or faked tombs, which discourages raiders to try and open his tomb.

But today the tomb had already been found and opened.

Bastard CaoCao had been dug out of his grave.
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Old 12-29-2009, 09:19 AM   #17

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关云长 for your info was the least intelligent of the 3 sworn brothers.
It is terrible mistake in Singapore to use intelligence as a measurement respect deserved by people. This is NEVER RIGHT.

As you also know 诸葛亮,who was the ingenious strategist of war and witty intellect of his time, who defeated CaoCao in brilliance. 诸葛亮 never reached the level of 关云长 in gaining respect of Chinese people from their time until now. There may be some shrines for 诸葛亮 but in numbers probably 1:1000 ratio to that number of temples and shrines honoring 关云长。

诸葛亮 is surely at least 10X more intelligent than 关云长。

But the people respect 关云长 instead.

诸葛亮 is a genius that can only be born as one.

关云长 is a courageous fearless and faithful brother in Chinese 忠义刚烈之士 one can be cultured disciplined and strictly uphold himself to be respected as a character like this.

Therefore people educated their children using 关云长 as role model, that children learn how to behave themselves and conduct themselves to gain respect.

Singaporeans wrongly and childishly believe that children can be educated to become genius and neglected to learn on how to conduct and behave themselves. It is sad that many Singaporean parents who could not give birth to genius children still dream to have their children EDUCATED & REMODELED into genius, while neglecting the important upbringing of the characters and conducts of their children to become respectable persons.

The worst part is they have silly and sad assumption that they would be respected if they became rich.

In 5000 years of Chinese culture, no one had gain respect for being rich, not much respect had been given to the very intelligent either. The well respected characters are the brave, righteous and faithful persons.

And bastrads like 曹操 is meant to be spat on.

You know?
Phui! Phui! Phui!
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Old 12-29-2009, 09:35 AM   #18

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Comparing bastard CaoCao and lame bastard LKy:

CaoCao is a potent and competent bastard, LKy is a lame greedy coward bastard.

CaoCao is a successful expansionist he defeated competitors and gain territorial control, LKy failed from the beginning to get his ass into the seat of Malaysian PM, he got ousted by Tunku, and became a separatist instead of expansionist. LKy could only expand within tiny red dot to 84 seats and then later decreased to 82 seats and is still set to decease much further in coming GE.

CaoCao is a real warrior who combats in the front line, victory or defeat both he could take it like a man. LKy is a coward big mouth who can not even slay a chicken, he asked Bush to persist on wars in Iraq, but he dare not walk the talk himself. Bush at least went to Iraq. LKy dare not. Dare not even send his BG sons and 2LT grandson. LKy can not face his own defeats and never admitted his own defeats honestly like a man. His childish Ah Beng ego will always brag any tiny success to the skys. CaoCao the competent bastard never display this sort of PCK Ah Beng Ego and be so damn Vain.

CaoCao holds weapons (found in his tomb) and have blood of hundreds of thousands in his hands, he executed his own doctor including infamous surgeon 华佗, in the suspicion that surgeon plotted to assassinate himself during a surgery. LKy old dog thief plunders human organs via HOTA. and executes tiny little drug paddlers, treating few grams of drugs as enormous crimes, as his LEEgime protects big time drug syndicates and launders $$billions of drug money.
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:46 AM   #19

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The real asshole in chinese history is Ah Wu who open Shanhaiguan to the Manchus sentencing Han Chinese to 250+ years of humiliations.

Cao Cao is Han Chinese. I got no problems with him.

The real traitors are those who open door for foreigners thus harming their own peoples like LKY and PAP.
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Old 12-29-2009, 11:59 AM   #20

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I somehow knew you couldn't resist the temptation to bring LKY. Was waiting to see how many posts it'll take. Sure didn't have to wait loong (long).

As for pretending to be ignorant, go buy yourself a clue, or better still, go buy yourself a copy of the narrative and actually read it first. It'll help our discussion when the other party knows the facts too.

EVERYONE knows the chinese, the hong kees, etc worship Guan Gong and the reason they do. What I asking you to separate is history from cultural belief and tradition as the two are not necessarily consistent with each other. Please try to follow me here. It's hard to get very far in an argument when the other party does not read the entire post. In any case I did say Guan Yu was brave and righteous to the maximum degree, and that was his good point.

Don't pretend to be ignorant Baba like LKy.

关公 is the holly righteous and courageous character enshrined in millions of Chinese temples for people to offer respect since centuries ago. Billions of Chinese acknowledged his positive role model.

In HK police stations the mata 阿Sir worship 关公。 In the triads world and secret societies the underworld also worship 关公。

May be old dog thief LKy and PAp worship 曹贼。Simple because they are the same kind. Therefore they should be fed to the animals.

Now the tomb of your idol is found you should go and pay him respect. If I went there I am going to take a pee on his tomb.
opelayday is offline

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