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Old 01-03-2007, 09:56 AM   #1

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nothing as long as the necessities of our country are met Necessities are being met. Haven't you heard, income tax revenue is at a all time high.

They 'choose' not to because they cannot afford it. What wrong choice did they make? Some people who are financially sound still cannot afford healthcare if a huge medical crisis occurs. The health of our citizens is more important than any CEO buying a new yacht. They choose not to take advantage of getting a education and becoming competitive and being able to afford good healthcare. Since when is the the responsibility of the CEO to pay for someones else's healthcare. Sounds to me that your a regular robin hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor. However nice that may seem, it is still stealing.
regfortruegoo is offline

Old 01-03-2007, 10:38 AM   #2

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Is there anything out there that you won't blame Bush for?
The FDA's food inspections dropped 47% after Bush administration budget cuts, resulting in an increase of food born illness 300%. Bush's approach to cost cutting is like General Motors deciding that they're only going to put a seat belt in the driver's seat.

It's called cause and effect! Bush is the cause, and more people getting sick and dyeing is the effect!

How is this not Bush's fault?

This is another case for the unfitness of Republicans to lead this nation!

Damn, the world would have been so much better off if the Bush's were never born!
RilmAlime67 is offline

Old 01-03-2007, 10:58 AM   #3

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Okay, is there anything - ANYTHING - that we are getting right?!

Remember, Bush got more lax on work safety, hence the incident at the mine.

Now we've had some recent food safety situations and experts are telling us to expect that to rise. Well, whoop-dee-doo!!! Is there anything this administration can perform effectively for the American people?!
He was behind that too then, eh?
sarasaraseda is offline

Old 01-03-2007, 01:09 PM   #4

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Where do you people come from? I too am happy that I get to keep more of what I make.
I am just tired of the people who bitch and moan about taxes constantly. Taxes are a necessity for running our country. They don't seem to realize that if the didn't pay any taxes, our country would collapse and then they wouldn't be making that money any more.

So under President Bush, we now have a lower percentage of the population without healthcare than under Clinton. Hmmmm.
By a very small margin. Some of those people probably died from lack of care is why the numbers went down, lol.

They choose not to take advantage of getting a education and becoming competitive and being able to afford good healthcare.
If everyone 'moved up the ladder' as i think you are implying, there would be nobody at the bottom to support the upper tiers. Its simply idealism on your part. Many can't afford a good education to make the transition you state. Even if someone is successful and even runs their own company, a severe illness can rise and cause them to go into bankruptcy on health care costs. I know someone in real life that has gone thru this with health care costs going over 1 million dollars.

Sounds to me that your a regular robin hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor. However nice that may seem, it is still stealing.
If you look at it that way....or you could say that because the lower workers aren't being paid their share of the company profits the CEO's are stealing from them. The average CEO makes over 500 times more per year than their lower workers. Thats just insane.
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Old 01-03-2007, 04:11 PM   #5

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Originally Posted by doctor who
Where do you people come from? I too am happy that I get to keep more of what I make.

I am just tired of the people who bitch and moan about taxes constantly. Taxes are a necessity for running our country. They don't seem to realize that if the didn't pay any taxes, our country would collapse and then they wouldn't be making that money any more. Some of us "moan constantly" because taxes are getting to ridiculous levels. Almost 5 months of the average persons wages go to paying taxes. You may not consider that excessive, I do. The government needs taxes to provide for defense and public safety and promote personal income growth, not punish it.

Originally Posted by doctor who
So under President Bush, we now have a lower percentage of the population without healthcare than under Clinton. Hmmmm.

By a very small margin. Some of those people probably died from lack of care is why the numbers went down, lol. Small margin or not, less people, not more, are unisured. We are hearing the complete opposite of the facts from big media and the hundreds of Democrats running for President. They are making this into a crisis that does not exist to the extent they obviously have you believing.

Originally Posted by usmc7011
They choose not to take advantage of getting a education and becoming competitive and being able to afford good healthcare.

If everyone 'moved up the ladder' as i think you are implying, there would be nobody at the bottom to support the upper tiers. Its simply idealism on your part. Many can't afford a good education to make the transition you state. Even if someone is successful and even runs their own company, a severe illness can rise and cause them to go into bankruptcy on health care costs. I know someone in real life that has gone thru this with health care costs going over 1 million dollars. I see where you might be confused on a couple of your points. The "bottom of the ladder" as you call them, is constantly being replenished. It's called young people entering the work force. If they desire (not all do) they move up as they age and are replaced by the next generation. Everyone has access to higher education. You just might have to take out a student loan to make it happen. That's called investing in your own future. I did and my spouse did. Still paying them too. It is not my job or the government's to pay for anyones higher eductaion. If your young and your parents can't afford it, the loans are there for you. As far as the occasional person going into bankruptcy because of healthcare costs, we can't save everyone and you thinking somehow that we can is idealism.

Originally Posted by usmc7011
Sounds to me that your a regular robin hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor. However nice that may seem, it is still stealing.

If you look at it that way....or you could say that because the lower workers aren't being paid their share of the company profits the CEO's are stealing from them. The average CEO makes over 500 times more per year than their lower workers. Thats just insane. Here in lies the fundemental difference between our philosphies. (Mine and USMC7011 and yours) You are under the assumption that the worker is somehow deserving of the profits a company makes. If I go with that line of thinking then the employees of Ford need to return some of the income they made last year because the company lost money. Here's the thing. The stockholders/partners/individual who put their money at risk by starting/investing in a company are the only ones that deserve any of the profits. Just as they are the only ones who bear the burden of a loss. The job that is offered to any worker, belongs to the company. If it belonged to the worker then it could never be taken away, no? The company, based on the market, determines what that job is worth, offers it to the employee and pays the them as agreed. The expectation is that the worker will perform his job fully and the company will make money. The worker is being compensated for the tasks they perform and the investors get compensated through profits for the risk they take. It is really that simple. I do agree that CEO compensation is out of line and promotes short sightedness but that is only my business if I am a shareholder in the company. The only ones losing because of high CEO compensation are the shareholders. The job offered to an employee is still worth what it is regardless of how much the CEO makes.
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Old 01-03-2007, 04:31 PM   #6

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Yes. Yes it does.

I go out daily to pick my fresh, ripe jars of peanut butter.

OK! Crappy farming practices AND production. Both. They're both to blame for some of the horrible food problems we're seeing lately. Not just bad farming practices. Though peanuts grow, I understand. I believe this, though I have never in my life seen an actual peanut bush. Tree. Shrub. Plant. Thing.

But I still want a peanut butter jar bush. Damned, damned convenient.
In case you really didn't know, Peanuts is a plant which grows peanut tubers under ground much like potatoes.
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Old 01-03-2007, 04:57 PM   #7

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Sorry. Posted this in the wrong thread.
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Old 01-03-2007, 05:00 PM   #8

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In case you really didn't know, Peanuts is a plant which grows peanut tubers under ground much like potatoes.
Actually I really had no idea, and thought what you said sounded kind of amazing, so went to read all about peanuts on Wiki Have to love the learning!
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Old 02-27-2007, 06:19 AM   #9

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Default “We have a food safety crisis on the horizon”
“We have a food safety crisis on the horizon,” said Michael Doyle, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia. After the Sept. 11 attacks, the FDA, at the urging of Congress, increased the number of food inspectors and inspections amid fears that the nation’s food system was vulnerable to terrorists. Inspectors and inspections spiked in 2003, but now both have fallen enough to erase the gains. http://rawstory.com/showarticle.php?...%2F17349427%2F

Okay, is there anything - ANYTHING - that we are getting right?!

Remember, Bush got more lax on work safety, hence the incident at the mine.

Now we've had some recent food safety situations and experts are telling us to expect that to rise. Well, whoop-dee-doo!!! Is there anything this administration can perform effectively for the American people?!
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Old 02-27-2007, 06:21 AM   #10

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Is there anything this administration can perform effectively for the American people?!

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Old 02-27-2007, 07:06 AM   #11

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Well, I do take this man seriously, but I really do not think at all that an open society can secure it's food system properly. Nevertheless, once can increase the propability of detecting illegal activity inside it. But in the case of a 300 million industrial nation, I think this is going to cost a lot and will archieve little.
uMG6uOSo is offline

Old 02-27-2007, 12:53 PM   #12

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watch out for the chemtrials also
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Old 02-27-2007, 04:00 PM   #13

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There are certainly a lot of domestic security issues that need to be addressed.

Many security holes in the U.S. that are currently open could likely be closed using the billions of dollars we spend each month in Iraq.

Our priorities and our focus in this "War on Terror" are misplaced.

Maintaining security in Bagdad does nothing to prevent a terrorist from putting poison in our food or our water supply or (insert 10,000 other types of plausible terrorist attack tactic here).

It's not something we need to be paralyzed in fear about, but it is something we need to plan for and take action to prevent.
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Old 02-27-2007, 04:04 PM   #14

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Okay, is there anything - ANYTHING - that we are getting right?!

Remember, Bush got more lax on work safety, hence the incident at the mine.

Now we've had some recent food safety situations and experts are telling us to expect that to rise. Well, whoop-dee-doo!!! Is there anything this administration can perform effectively for the American people?!
Is there anything out there that you won't blame Bush for?
regfortruegoo is offline

Old 02-27-2007, 04:05 PM   #15

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watch out for the chemtrials also
You're pretty obsessed with chem trails, I hope you have your tin foil hat ready!
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Old 02-27-2007, 04:06 PM   #16

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Is there anything out there that you won't blame Bush for?
Name one good thing he's done for our country.
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Old 02-27-2007, 04:34 PM   #17

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Name one good thing he's done for our country.
Kept Kerry out of the WH.

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Old 02-27-2007, 04:41 PM   #18

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Is it bad that I'm afraid of lettuce?

Sorry.. seriously though, I'm starting to believe the food supply isn't safe. Not due to terrorism, either, but just bad farming practices. Peanut butter, broccoli, most chickens contaminated (86% I think, will go look up - nope, it's 83%, MUCH better), it's all kind of frightening.

The only solution must be to deep-fat fry the hell out of everything, that way you've killed every possible germ. I'll start with twinkies, just to be safe.
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Old 02-27-2007, 04:43 PM   #19

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Name one good thing he's done for our country.
I can keep more of my money do to his tax cuts. Thats your ONE GOOD thing.
Which is beside my point. Not everything is "Bush's fault"
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Old 02-27-2007, 05:48 PM   #20

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Well, usmc7011, this one DOES happen to be the fault of cheap-labor conservatives and, by extension, their erstwhile leader usually known in these parts as President Loser. You see, they've allowed the Food & Drug Administration--that's YOUR tax dollars at work, citizen,--to cut inspections of food IN HALF. This happens to be the inevitable Real World result of voting for unclean Republicans who claim to believe that "shrinking government until you can drown it in a bathtub" is just a jim-dandy idea.

You think that's worth giving Bill Gates another tax cut, eh?
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