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Old 04-03-2007, 08:34 PM   #21

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He got excited at a rally after he won a primary. During his speech he talked about going to different states, and got increasingly excited. After he finished his list, he yelled "yeah" into the microphone. Not particularly dignified, no, but particularly bad when taken out of context.
Ok I just wanted to be sure I was correct in my recollections. And the reason I bring it up is because only in this day and age of politcal correctness and sterility could getting fired up and displaying enthusiasm be seen as something we don't want in a Presidential candidate. If I remember correctly he was actually on fire politically until that happened.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:35 PM   #22

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You're right.

It was a damn shame. I think I'd rather see someone who actually has some passion about something in his/her life as a leader.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:38 PM   #23

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As for Senator Kerry I was impressed by his speaking skills. Furthermore I didn't really have anything against him until he started going overseas (especially the mideast) to badmouth the United States. Fight against the President or not. Hate the man or not. Express your opinion to the nation all you want. But don't ever go to an unfriendly country/region and badmouth your country. Jackass.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:39 PM   #24

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Kinda like what Cheney did not that long ago?
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:41 PM   #25

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Kinda like what Cheney did not that long ago?
I am unaware of Vice President Cheney going to a hostile nation to deride his country.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:44 PM   #26

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Ok but could you be more specific. I honestly do not rembember. I thought it had something to do with him yelling or some nonsense.
You really need to see the vidio with it, but here's a short audio.

His own party hated it and booted him, for awhile anyway.

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Old 04-03-2007, 08:45 PM   #27

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Yeah, he was badmouthing Congress during his last Mideast trip.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:48 PM   #28

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No, I'm saying that the people who believed the BS about Kerry, and still repeat it after it's all been shown to be lies are stupid and Republican.
I'm saying that Iraq is an unmitigated disaster, and anyone who can't see that now is stupid and Republican.
I'm saying that George W. Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the country, and people who think he's doing a good job are stupid and Republican.

It's these stupid people who are the backbone of the Republican Party.

You vote Republican, don't you?
AFAIC You are just another 'blame america first' liberal. John Kerry is a traitor to this nation. He has been proven to be a liar, not by the swift boat people, but by his own words and actions. He compared american soldiers to murderers "reminiscent of Ghengis Khan", and provided aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. He is a disgrace to our nation and he acted like a coward when confronted with the truth. Why didn't he fight back against the swift boat people booger? Because he knew in his heart that they were right. He knew he was a coward. Thankfully, history will judge our deeds in Iraq, not spineless liberal sissies like John Kerry.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:52 PM   #29

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Yeah, he was badmouthing Congress during his last Mideast trip.
Was he like "Congress is a bunch of slack jawed sissies without the courage to fight their way out of a paper bag."

Or was he more like "America is big fat *&^@ing joke?"

Because I have no problem with someone saying that they disagree with the President. But what I do have a problem with is someone sniggering while calling America an international pariah and insinuating that we ought to give two flying flips what terrorist loving governments oughta think.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:54 PM   #30

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Hmm. I must have missed it when Kerry said that stuff.

Honestly, he bothered me enough that I really couldn't stand listening to him for any length of time.
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Old 04-03-2007, 09:55 PM   #31

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Lunatic Right? The Real Americans, the ones with Brass Balls and strong Women as opposed to punky little horn-rimmed nerdy fucking girlie boy Libs and their DYKE women, is that what you mean?

There I fixed it for you!!
Better be careful Jack. I live in Missouri too. Wouldn't be too hard for me to drive my DYKE wife over to your side of the state & let her kick you right square in your brass balls before she kicks your "strong woman" right square in the set of testicles she surely has hanging 'tween her twigs too.

Of course, I'd have nothing to do with such a fight. I'm much too effeminate & would be afraid of having my horn-rimmed nerdy glasses broken in such a tussle.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:00 PM   #32

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That's the real strength of the Republican Party, the fact that some people are so stupid they will believe anything, no matter how many facts contradict their erroneous beliefs.
Who was it that said not all conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives? Mill?
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:22 PM   #33

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Who cares about the Swift Boaters. They're losers, and I think everyone knows it.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:25 PM   #34

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Originally Posted by Hank Originally Posted by hairballxavier Still can't get over the fact that Kerry lost can you?

Get ovwer it already.

Kerry lost because he's a fucking commie/pinko.
Did you know he actually went to France on there arrangement against U.S. knowledge and policy during the war and meet with the enemy he was supposed to kill on site.
Clinton did the same thing and meet with Russian officials during Nam at a time where even diplomats would have been arrested on Russian soil.
It boggles the mind that these traitors weren’t arrested more or less holding office in a government they resent and hate.
But hey, there for abortion and queer rights so what diffrence does it make to there base. Who else would be for such a thing… Did you know that Reagan conspired with the Islamic Republic of Iran to delay the release of US hostages until after his election in exchange for weapons and the unfreezing of Iranian assets being held by the US government .. both of which occured imediatly after his election? Ah ha ha ha ha ha, give me a break. I mean, when and how did he schedule the negotiations without anyone knowing about it? He was a civilian during his cadency.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:32 PM   #35

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Ah ha ha ha ha ha, give me a break. I mean, when and how did he schedule the negotiations without anyone knowing about it? He was a civilian during his cadency.
Actually, I remember seeing an interview with Jimmy Carter years and years ago. He was talking about that time period, and had gotten word that the hostages would be released. It was just a short time before Reagan's inauguration (hours? Maybe a day? My memory isn't perfectly clear on that). Rather than make the announcement, Carter held the information so that it wouldn't distract from Reagan's day.

I gained a lot of respect for Carter.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:43 PM   #36

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Actually, I remember seeing an interview with Jimmy Carter years and years ago. He was talking about that time period, and had gotten word that the hostages would be released. It was just a short time before Reagan's inauguration (hours? Maybe a day? My memory isn't perfectly clear on that). Rather than make the announcement, Carter held the information so that it wouldn't distract from Reagan's day.

I gained a lot of respect for Carter.
From Wiki:

After the hostages were taken, President Carter issued, on November 14, 1979, Executive Order 12170 - Blocking Iranian Government property, which was used to freeze the bank accounts of the Iranian government in US banks, totaling about $8 billion US at the time. This was to be used as a bargaining chip for the release of the hostages.

The Iranians then changed their demand to return of the Shah and the release of the Iranian money. Through informal channels the Iranian government started negotiations with the banks holding the money. The banks took over negotiations for the release of the hostages, not the U.S. State Department. When the Shah died of cancer in the summer of 1980, the Iranians wanted no more to do with the hostages and changed their demands to just the release of the hostages in exchange for the return of their money. Why the deal was not struck at that point is never explained, since it was the same deal that the Iranians received in January 1981. The hostages were finally released with the signing of Executive Orders 12277 through 12285, releasing all assets belonging to the Iranian government and all assets belonging to the Shah found within the United States and the guarantee that the hostages would have no legal claim against the Iranian government that would be heard in U.S. courts. Iran, however, also agreed to place $1 billion dollars of the frozen assets in an escrow account and both Iran and the United States agreed to the creation of a tribunal to adjudicate claims by U.S. Nationals against Iran for compensation for property lost by them or contracts breached by Iran. The tribunal, known as the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, has awarded over $2 billion dollars to U.S. claimaints and has been described as one of the most important arbitration bodies in the history of International Law.

Accusations of an "October Surprise" were leveled against the Reagan Administration. No witnesses were ever found who had anything to report, but a Democrat controlled Congress investigated the matter anyway (in approximately 1990) and found the evidence inconclusive, being that the story depended on William Casey being in Madrid on a day that he was in London. So the entire set of allegations eventually fell apart.

In short, the hostages were released just hours after Reagan took office. Investigations never found any conclusive wrong-doing. Kinda ancient history at this point, IMO.
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:53 PM   #37

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What were LIES about Kerry proved to be wrong?

His false claims towards Medals reserved for the truly wounded?

The fact he took the side on the NVA upon coming Home?

The FACT he went to France to meet with the ENEMY?

Or is it just the fact he is a no good Mass, cocksucker and Girly-Boy married to an Alpha-Female who deals witth La Raza and other radicals?

Tell us Goober boy what are the so-called proven truths about this cocksucker!
thanks for so eloquently proving my point.....
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:55 PM   #38

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AFAIC You are just another 'blame america first' liberal. John Kerry is a traitor to this nation. He has been proven to be a liar, not by the swift boat people, but by his own words and actions. He compared american soldiers to murderers "reminiscent of Ghengis Khan", and provided aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. He is a disgrace to our nation and he acted like a coward when confronted with the truth. Why didn't he fight back against the swift boat people booger? Because he knew in his heart that they were right. He knew he was a coward. Thankfully, history will judge our deeds in Iraq, not spineless liberal sissies like John Kerry.
And another load of proof to back my theory......
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:58 PM   #39

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I knew REAL River runners, and John fucking Kerry couldn't carry their jockstraps, he has that Liberal quality called Yellow!!
Yeah, 'cause Dubya's and Cheney's service/war record is sooooooooo much more impressive than Kerry's. Oh wait, that's right, neither of them served abroad, and one of them didn't serve at all! I find it amazing that the Right somehow see two men who have never spent a day defending their country are somehow better at national security.
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:29 AM   #40

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Who cares about the Swift Boaters. They're losers, and I think everyone knows it.
Not calling you a fool here, Politiko, but it is a fool that ignores his enemy. When they say that you should respect you enemy that's what they mean. Don't ever underestimate your enemy- and learn to know him well. And never, never turn your back on him! "Eternal vigilance", remember?

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