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Old 02-24-2007, 04:23 PM   #1

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Default More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war.
Jim Brown
One News Now
February 22, 2007

-2,158 murders are committed every year by illegal aliens in the U.S.

The military actually called for the Border Patrol, to be detailed to Iraq to help to secure the Iraqi border," Cutler notes. "Now, if our military can understand that Iraq's security depends in measure on the ability to protect its border against insurgents and terrorists, then why isn't our country similarly protecting our own borders?" he asks.
"We are not five and a half years, nearly, after 9/11, and yet our borders remain open," the Center for Immigration Studies fellow observes. "We have National Guardsmen assigned on the border, but it turns out they are unarmed," he points out. "Their rules of engagement are very simple: if armed intruders head your way, run in the other direction."

Source: More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war, study says (OneNewsNow.com)

Commentary: I normally haven’t corresponded on illegal immigration because I live in Florida and our Cuban and Jamaican aliens are cool and I don’t want to rock the boat (No pun intended.).
The reason there approached by fully armed vessels which ram them if they do not turn around seems to be political.
I simply saw this as an opportunity to inform members that Florida illegal aliens “which apply and qualify for citizenship” are usually killed when they have to turn around and face Cuban patrol boats, lack of supplies for return voyage or drown due to leaky vessels. The ones that do make it back are imprisoned and striped of citizenship which in itself qualifies them for political asylum.

I’d like to discus the government endorsement of applied anarchy applications on Mexican boarders while using Chinese/Russian style deadly force on those who learn our language or become patriots and responsible republicans citizens.

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Old 02-25-2007, 12:09 AM   #2

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Jim Brown
One News Now
February 22, 2007

-2,158 murders are committed every year by illegal aliens in the U.S.

The military actually called for the Border Patrol, to be detailed to Iraq to help to secure the Iraqi border," Cutler notes. "Now, if our military can understand that Iraq's security depends in measure on the ability to protect its border against insurgents and terrorists, then why isn't our country similarly protecting our own borders?" he asks.
"We are not five and a half years, nearly, after 9/11, and yet our borders remain open," the Center for Immigration Studies fellow observes. "We have National Guardsmen assigned on the border, but it turns out they are unarmed," he points out. "Their rules of engagement are very simple: if armed intruders head your way, run in the other direction."

Source: More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war, study says (OneNewsNow.com)

Commentary: I normally haven’t corresponded on illegal immigration because I live in Florida and our Cuban and Jamaican aliens are cool and I don’t want to rock the boat (No pun intended.).
The reason there approached by fully armed vessels which ram them if they do not turn around seems to be political.
I simply saw this as an opportunity to inform members that Florida illegal aliens “which apply and qualify for citizenship” are usually killed when they have to turn around and face Cuban patrol boats, lack of supplies for return voyage or drown due to leaky vessels. The ones that do make it back are imprisoned and striped of citizenship which in itself qualifies them for political asylum.

I’d like to discus the government endorsement of applied anarchy applications on Mexican boarders while using Chinese/Russian style deadly force on those who learn our language or become patriots and responsible republicans citizens.

OK, how is this possible with the statistic since the DOJ does not keep records on illegal aliens committing crimes. DHS does keep some records on illegal alien that have violated the criminal statues of the immigration code, but tthat is all.
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Old 02-25-2007, 01:25 PM   #3

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OK, how is this possible with the statistic since the DOJ does not keep records on illegal aliens committing crimes. DHS does keep some records on illegal alien that have violated the criminal statues of the immigration code, but tthat is all.
I really don’t feel like playing with the plants today. Even rebuttal of your reply would simply result in numerous pages of discrediting the message and messenger anyway.
You know what’s sad. This was the last remaining site.
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:02 PM   #4

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I really don’t feel like playing with the plants today. Even rebuttal of your reply would simply result in numerous pages of discrediting the message and messenger anyway.
You know what’s sad. This was the last remaining site.
I already know where you are going to pull those "statistics."
The fact is, and it cannot be disputed, that the DOJ does not keep statistics on illegals in committing crimes. It does keep statistics on prison population which is where they are extrapolating the numbers. DHS does keep statistics on aliens who violate Title 8, particularly "aggravated felony" but there are a few others; and again, they are extrapolating the numbers from. And if you are going to debunk, post the content from the "independent research institute" instead of an online news organization.

Now, I have no doubt that some illegal aliens have committed murder and other crimes, besides violating Title 8, but also consider there were over 16000 murders in 2005 and 2006 in the US alone. That should give you pause to consider the "other people" who committed the same crime.
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Old 02-25-2007, 02:26 PM   #5

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One News Now, eh?

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At OneNewsNow.com, you will get your news from reporters you can trust to give the latest news without the liberal bias that characterizes so much of the "mainstream" media.

For a refreshing and informative change in where you get your news, log on to OneNewsNow.com. If you have an objective, authoritative source for the claims made in this article, then there would be someting to talk about.
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:39 PM   #6

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One News Now, eh?

If you have an objective, authoritative source for the claims made in this article, then there would be someting to talk about.
Mm hm.
Do you wish to debate the topic? If not, please leave or provide something that would justify smoke and mirroring my thread to what you guys want it to be about??? It's a good thread.
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:40 PM   #7

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How is posting an opinion piece and calling fact a "good thread?"
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:56 PM   #8

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I'm still trying to figure out the logic of including the photo...
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Old 02-26-2007, 02:05 PM   #9

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I'm still trying to figure out the logic of including the photo...
Yea okay, my bad…
I was hoping to discuss the inequality and injustice of immigration enforcement “and possible motives.”
By pointing out the differences of which immigrants are allowed in and which meet deadly force I hope to shine some light on a question that’s bothered me for a long time.

Little Emilio Gonzales mother faced death to get him here and he was sent back by a federally armed military magnitude invasion into An American state, city and neighborhood community with locked and loaded automatic weapons trained on U.S. residents in the neighborhood who showed no resistance or aggression. (God democrats scare me, I mean fuck, they just got through killing all those people on Waco…).

I wish I could find the cartoon I saw in an Islamic news paper that was showing our National Guardsmen with dog tails tucked between there legs running away scared from Mexican immigrants. I wanted to post it with a shot of a fully armed Bob tail battle cruiser firing off the buo of an un-seaworthy “Gilligan Island size boat” with 40 to 50 men, children and women holding babies with looks of terror in there face.
Something is going on. Would you dare,care to engage in a debate about the topic???
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Old 02-26-2007, 02:34 PM   #10

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Mm hm.
Do you wish to debate the topic? If not, please leave or provide something that would justify smoke and mirroring my thread to what you guys want it to be about??? It's a good thread.
Haha the first person who wrote something that questioned the findings you said you weren't talking to them. Do you wish to debate the topic?

When the source of the article is questionable then people will question their findings. To not do so is mindless. No one said illegal immigration was a wonderful thing that leads to fairy tales, but numbers like this can easily be fabricated for a cause. Thats what special interest groups do. There is a problem no doubt, but there has to be two sides and there has to be healthy debate, and when people try to do that, you can't shoot them down because they disagree, that's part of being free.
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Old 02-26-2007, 03:30 PM   #11

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More Americans killed by illegal immigrants than in Iraq.

So what? What's the connection?

In any case given there are about 300 million Americans in the US I'd consider that a far more "target-rich environment" than Iraq. If illegal immigrants want to kill Americans then they're well advised to focus their efforts in the US rathern than Iraq. Aside from the logistical difficulties of getting to Iraq the fact is that most Americans are, well, in America and not Iraq.
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Old 02-26-2007, 03:33 PM   #12

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More Americans killed by illegal immigrants than in Iraq.

So what? What's the connection?
Perhaps he thinks we should go to war with Mexico?
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Old 02-26-2007, 03:48 PM   #13

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we should draft all illegals into thea army.. anounce we are doing so.. if you get caught without green card or citzenship.. you go to war.. i bett this would stop illegal imigration heh heh.
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Old 02-26-2007, 05:43 PM   #14

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Perhaps he thinks we should go to war with Mexico?
Now we're talking. How long are we going to allow Mexico and Central america to suck the life out of the american economy? We should annex mexico. As it is Mexicans are all into reconquista (for those of you who don't know look it up) Either we deal with this issue now or the entire country is overun by mexicans. The reproduction rate for mexicans greatly outpaces that of northern americans.

So either we deal with the mexican immigration issue now or I can continue to hire illegals for jobs then call immigration after the jobs done.

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Old 02-26-2007, 06:05 PM   #15

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Perhaps he thinks we should go to war with Mexico?
Hasn't that been done before?
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Old 02-26-2007, 06:07 PM   #16

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Now we're talking. How long are we going to allow Mexico and Central america to suck the life out of the american economy? We should annex mexico. As it is Mexicans are all into reconquista (for those of you who don't know look it up) Either we deal with this issue now or the entire country is overun by mexicans. The reproduction rate for mexicans greatly outpaces that of northern americans.

So either we deal with the mexican immigration issue now or I can continue to hire illegals for jobs then call immigration after the jobs done.

The Mexicans are coming! The Mexicans are coming! Going to reclaim Tejas and California eh? And Nuevo Mexico and Arizona as well?

Pah, watch out for China - the big creditor.
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Old 02-26-2007, 06:47 PM   #17

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we should draft all illegals into thea army.. anounce we are doing so.. if you get caught without green card or citzenship.. you go to war.. i bett this would stop illegal imigration heh heh.
Talk of a draft is proposterous, but we already do have over 20,000 illegal Mexicans serving in our armed forces.

They are not citizens of the U.S. but by joining the army, their citizenship process is sped up dramatically. So in a way, many illegals are willing to die for a country that isn't even theirs.

We are completely exploiting illegals... it's not the other way around. But we need to come up with an immigration policy that doesn't contradict itself. We can't bash illegals, while at the same time employ them in underpaid jobs or use them to fight our wars.

Our main concern needs to be about homeland security, not about racism. There's no question that we have to at least keep track of who is coming into our country and allow only a certain amount of people in.
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Old 02-26-2007, 06:59 PM   #18

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Talk of a draft is proposterous, but we already do have over 20,000 illegal Mexicans serving in our armed forces.

They are not citizens of the U.S. but by joining the army, their citizenship process is sped up dramatically. So in a way, many illegals are willing to die for a country that isn't even theirs.

We are completely exploiting illegals... it's not the other way around. But we need to come up with an immigration policy that doesn't contradict itself. We can't bash illegals, while at the same time employ them in underpaid jobs or use them to fight our wars.

Our main concern needs to be about homeland security, not about racism. There's no question that we have to at least keep track of who is coming into our country and allow only a certain amount of people in.
I agree. I don't think people understand the issue, they just mouth off about it. I don't have the answers, but I know it is not an easy fix. I find it funny all those who bash the mexicans though, I mean, if you were in prison and there was an open gate to beautiful green fields and forests, or you could stay in prison, which would you choose?
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Old 02-26-2007, 08:21 PM   #19

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I agree. I don't think people understand the issue, they just mouth off about it. I don't have the answers, but I know it is not an easy fix. I find it funny all those who bash the mexicans though, I mean, if you were in prison and there was an open gate to beautiful green fields and forests, or you could stay in prison, which would you choose?
Unless you have lived in Cali, Texas, Az, or any of those other states bordering mexico you simply can't understand. This isn't about race it's about a certain people that are fleeing their native country as quickly as possible with the hope of a better life. So if we're not going to actually deport illegals the only solution can be to annex Mexico and force them to pay taxes. I was raised in Corpus Christi and when 80% of the population is mexican and most of them are illegals or related to illegals that are living in the US there's something wrong.

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Old 02-26-2007, 08:28 PM   #20

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Unless you have lived in Cali, Texas, Az, or any of those other states bordering mexico you simply can't understand. This isn't about race it's about a certain people that are fleeing their native country as quickly as possible with the hope of a better life. So if we're not going to actually deport illegals the only solution can be to annex Mexico and force them to pay taxes. I was raised in Corpus Christi and when 80% of the population is mexican and most of them are illegals or related to illegals that are living in the US there's something wrong.

To an extent I would agree - living here definitley gives you an entirely new face of the situation. However, annex mexico? How about just take away the reason they come here illegally - the illegal work. With no incentie, why would they bother coming? It beats 'annexing' them.

Why would anyone think we could handle an annexation of a country the size of Mexico? Besides - you think they're just going to come quietly under US rule?
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