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Old 02-14-2007, 08:51 AM   #21

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I agree with the Democrats looking better (so far) when compared to the work habits of the Republican-controlled Congress. I admit I'm disappointed in the amount of time the 110th Congress has spent on the job, but on the other hand, they have actually done a lot of work in the hours in which they have been in session. Some people may not like the work they've done, but by and large I'm pleased.

That the Democrats have not yet achieved the lofty (for Congress, anyway) goal of consistently working a 5-day workweek is undeniable. But it's better to see the leadership in Congress aim high and fail, and still get a lot of work done, than to never try at all.
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Old 02-14-2007, 08:58 AM   #22

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All of the off-topic material and insults have been removed. Could we please discuss the thread topic and not one another?

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Old 02-14-2007, 09:30 AM   #23

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I think that depends on how you count t6he time, in total time? or five or seven days in a row, I think percentage wise they have been in session far more that the Rep controled house.
Of course the worthless duo of Pussloosi & Waters being from Your La La land state doesn't influence your DEFENCE at all, right?

When will they re-named The Treasoners---Cut & Run Party or Progressive Pricks??
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Old 02-14-2007, 12:56 PM   #24

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What's interesting is that besides the PROGRAMS proposed after the first 100 hours the Dems have got nothing. Are they going to spend the next 1 2/3 YEARS trying to bring up ways to discuss non-binding resolutions? Do the Dems realize that non-binding=pointless?
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Old 02-14-2007, 01:05 PM   #25

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What's interesting is that besides the PROGRAMS proposed after the first 100 hours the Dems have got nothing. Are they going to spend the next 1 2/3 YEARS trying to bring up ways to discuss non-binding resolutions? Do the Dems realize that non-binding=pointless?
The Democrat Party is populated with cowards. They thump their sunken leftist chests about the war in Iraq being "bad", hoping to win the favor of the Left Fringe kooks (the Democrat Party voter base) but then introduce (and can't even pass!) meaningless non-binding "resolutions".

Meanwhile, the Democrat Party continues to refuse to pass resolutions supporting our troops or resolutions calling for victory in the war on Muslim Terrorism.

If the cowardly Democrat Party meant what it says when it chest-thumps in front of the Left Fringe kooks, it would introduce (and go on record voting for) cutting off funding to the war in Iraq. But it won't, because the Democrat Party is populated with cowards and frauds.
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Old 02-14-2007, 01:13 PM   #26

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I'm with Matt. I'm livid. Not so much about Pelosi's promise, (I see some progress), but about HOW they spend their time. This f'ing resolution is so far up my nose I can hardly see straight!

What a waste of time!

The democrats have sold us out. If they didn't like the idea of a surge, they would not approve the funding in the first place. This is asinine! "...paves the way for future action" (Pelosi I think). What a shitty idea. Lets wait till the troops are over there and THEN cut funding? What? What happened to support our troops?

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Old 02-14-2007, 01:16 PM   #27

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I dunno, I wouldn't lift the carpet out from under Pelosi just yet... I mean... they DID accomplish more in 100 hours as promised, than the Reps every did in 6 years... I think people are just trying to nitpick, although, if she says "5 day work weeks", I think it should be just that. Then again, as I've said before...

"welcome to the world of politics"
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Old 02-14-2007, 01:25 PM   #28

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I dunno, I wouldn't lift the carpet out from under Pelosi just yet... I mean... they DID accomplish more in 100 hours as promised, than the Reps every did in 6 years... I think people are just trying to nitpick, although, if she says "5 day work weeks", I think it should be just that. Then again, as I've said before...

"welcome to the world of politics"
What exactly have the Dems accomplished?

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Old 02-14-2007, 01:26 PM   #29

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What a shitty idea. Lets wait till the troops are over there and THEN cut funding? What? What happened to support our troops?

You actually bought the line that the Dems support the troops but not the war?

at least you're asking yourself those questions now.

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Old 02-14-2007, 01:30 PM   #30

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, they have actually done a lot of work in the hours in which they have been in session. Some people may not like the work they've done, but by and large I'm pleased.
So now it's the hours that the Dems do actually work are more productive than the Reps so it's ok to LIE about their intentions to work a 5 day week?

You liberals just keep apologizing for these scoundrels.

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Old 02-14-2007, 01:36 PM   #31

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Would this be considered throwing cold water on the pity party?

From The Hill, a non-partisan report of Congress, read by Congress ..TODAY

Speaker Pelosi's popularity has surged since the election
Speaker Pelosi's popularity has surged since the election

Pelosi's favorable rating has jumped 10 points since October. Her unfavorable rating has held steady at 25 percent and her name recognition has jumped by 18 points, according to an NBC-Wall Street Journal poll taken in January. I hate spoiling pity parties.
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Old 02-14-2007, 02:26 PM   #32

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I love how criticism about the democrats always turns into an argument about which party was worse. Cant you Dems ever accept that wrong is wrong, not just less wrong? The democrats promised a 5 day work week, and they have yet to have one. One day it was so they could watch football. I dont remember getting that day off at my job.

Furthermore, look at some of the the work they actually are getting done.

HRES 15, - mouring the passing of Ford
HRES 61 - observing MLK
HRES 39 - congratulating the Gators on their victory
HRES 43 - congratulating Boise State on their victory
HRES 31 - Honoring efforts to remedy racial discrimination at a naval shipyard
HRES 58 - honoring Muhamed Ali
HRES 62 - Congratulating the Grand Valley State University Lakers for winning the 2006 NCAA Division II Football National Championship
HRES 52 - Paying tribute to Reverend Waitstill Sharp and Martha Sharp for their recognition by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority as Righteous Among the Nations for their heroic efforts to save Jews during the Holocaust
HRES 29 - Supporting the goals and ideals of National Mentoring Month 2007

and so on, there are about 50 more. This goes for Dems and Republicans. The congress spends a lot of time passing opinion legislation, much like the waste of time that is the current Iraq resolution.
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Old 02-14-2007, 03:45 PM   #33

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Meanwhile, the Democrat Party continues to refuse to pass resolutions supporting our troops or resolutions calling for victory in the war on Muslim Terrorism.
Ironically - and as you would know if you read the resolution the House is currently debating - one of the two items is an expression of support for our troops. The Democrats are for it; most Republicans are against it.

Which begs the question - why do Republicans in Congress fight to defeat an expression of support for our troops?
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Old 02-14-2007, 03:51 PM   #34

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Which begs the question - why do Republicans in Congress fight to defeat an expression of support for our troops? Because it's not support of the troops, it's support of their mission to take over Iraq. Money talks.
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Old 02-14-2007, 06:05 PM   #35

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Ironically - and as you would know if you read the resolution the House is currently debating - one of the two items is an expression of support for our troops. The Democrats are for it; most Republicans are against it.
Laughably, while you claim one of the two items the Democrats are for is "an expression of support for our troops", the other item the Democrats are for is the Democrats' assertion that the mission those troops are on is worthless.

Your Democrat Party is sick, sir. It's nothing but a bunch of cowardly Cut N' Run losers who hate the very guts of our men and women in the military, and who despise the mission our men and women are striving to accomplish. The Democrats refuse to introduce, or vote for, a resolution calling for our men and women to win the battle they are engaged in.
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Old 02-14-2007, 06:45 PM   #36

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The Republican controlled 109th Congress tried to deny our troops a pay increase. The Republican controlled Congress tried to cut spending for mental trauma that our troops have recieved from Iraq.

Republican politicians have such a passionate and violent hatred of our troops.
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Old 02-14-2007, 07:24 PM   #37

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The Republican controlled 109th Congress tried to deny our troops a pay increase. The Republican controlled Congress tried to cut spending for mental trauma that our troops have recieved from Iraq.

Republican politicians have such a passionate and violent hatred of our troops.
We are not talking about the Republican. How about addressing the topic?
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Old 02-14-2007, 07:37 PM   #38

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Heres what you do provided you have the balls and naturity to be Real Americans!! You collectively FIRE the assholes next time they are up for Vote!

You do the same with the Senate, and you DO NOT elect any Commie-Leaning Socialist assholes like Rottemcrotch!

We need Americans in there not CARREER politicians who think the fucking offices carry a "Right of Passage" with pay, perks & graft!

Vote 1776 Patriot Party or lets form it and maybe save the Nation!
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Old 02-15-2007, 12:43 AM   #39

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If they are at congress 24/7 like they are expected to be how will they do a decent job of representing their constituents. They have to be able to be in and work in their ridings. Otherwise you will all be screaming they are never there and don't represent their constituents. It's a catch 22 for them.
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Old 02-15-2007, 11:12 AM   #40

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Heres what you do provided you have the balls and naturity to be Real Americans!! You collectively FIRE the assholes next time they are up for Vote!

You do the same with the Senate, and you DO NOT elect any Commie-Leaning Socialist assholes like Rottemcrotch!

We need Americans in there not CARREER politicians who think the fucking offices carry a "Right of Passage" with pay, perks & graft!

Vote 1776 Patriot Party or lets form it and maybe save the Nation!
I agree. Last election I voted against all incumbents as a rule.
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