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Old 10-05-2011, 04:54 AM   #1

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Default GOP Challenge to Americans: Do More with Less
Today on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace questioned House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) on Paul Ryan's budget plan. Wallace mentioned that Medicaid funds would be cut by $750 billion:
WALLACE: But you are giving them less money to do it.

CANTOR: In terms of the baseline, that is correct…What we’re saying is there is so much imposition of a mandate that doesn’t relate to the actual quality of care. We believe if you put in place the mechanism that allow for personal choice as far as Medicare is concerned, as well as the programs in Medicaid, that we can actually get to a better resolve and do what most Americans are learning how to do, which is to do more with less. Do more with less. Do more with less.
This is the GOP's challenge to Americans.

Well, not ALL Americans. Mostly just poor Americans, and some middle class Americans too.
But rich Americans won't have to tackle that challenge. The GOP is making sure they'll be able to have more, not less. Much more. No "making do" for the rich. No sir.

In addition to savage cuts for poor folks, the Ryan plan calls for a massive tax cut on the richest Americans. The plan would sharply cut taxes on corporations and to bring the tax rate on high earners down to its lowest level since 1931.

Why? Because taxes are so high on the only interest group the Republicans really care about? Hardly.

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Old 11-04-2011, 12:18 PM   #2

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The GINI coefficients between us and our peers tells a lot of the story. We have some of the worst wealth disparity in the developed world.

Granted, our status as "developed" may change over the next century.
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Old 11-04-2011, 12:24 PM   #3

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The GINI coefficients between us and our peers tells a lot of the story. We have some of the worst wealth disparity in the developed world.

Granted, our status as "developed" may change over the next century.
We'll get to be "previously developed".
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Old 11-04-2011, 12:46 PM   #4

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Well, it really isn't fair for one group of people to be paying higher taxes than another group. The fair thing to do would be to have one flat rate for all citizens of America.

People do have a right to their earnings you know.

However, it's not fair for any one single group of people to have more tax breaks than another, too.

But that's just too radical. We've got to punish the rich because they have more stuff and take their stuff away. How dare the rich have more stuff than anybody else.
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Old 11-04-2011, 12:48 PM   #5

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Well, it really isn't fair for one group of people to be paying higher taxes than another group. The fair thing to do would be to have one flat rate for all citizens of America.

People do have a right to their earnings you know.

However, it's not fair for any one single group of people to have more tax breaks than another, too.

But that's just too radical. We've got to punish the rich because they have more stuff and take their stuff away. How dare the rich have more stuff than anybody else.
I guess the only "fair" countries tend to be developing rather than developed.
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:23 PM   #6

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Everyone who pays taxes got a refund check.

Thats how the "progressive" tax system works.
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:47 PM   #7

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Well, clearly they are just re-ordering things to the way the founding fathers would have wanted to see them.
Over half of medicaid goes to the disabled and those seniors who are so poor that Medicare isn't sufficient to cover their health needs, and the majority of those remaining are minor children, clearly these groups are being encouraged to be less productive by being allowed to free ride the government gravy train. How can you justify taking the money that decent folk inherited, which creates a disincentive to inherit, and we could see inheritance fall, as people say "Why bother to inherit a fortune if the government is just going to take 3% of it"
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:47 PM   #8

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Well, it really isn't fair for one group of people to be paying higher taxes than another group. The fair thing to do would be to have one flat rate for all citizens of America.

People do have a right to their earnings you know.

However, it's not fair for any one single group of people to have more tax breaks than another, too.

But that's just too radical. We've got to punish the rich because they have more stuff and take their stuff away. How dare the rich have more stuff than anybody else.
The nerve of my ancestors here in Ms. having such great wealth, built on the backs of people they had total control over! History cycles, don't it. I see the same thing starting up today, we just substitute 'the new poor" helped along by corporate globalization, instead of calling em slaves, as that ain't cool to use that word today in Repub circles.A "slave" can mean other things than the traditional definition. But anyone the rich USE to build personal wealth by any other name stinks of elitism. And the Repub Party is the party of the elites. Want proof? Hell, just look. You can tell the type of tree by the fruit it produces.

Tell, you what. When the rich lose their power to effect policy, THEN we can discuss fairness.
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:47 PM   #9

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Do more with less. Do more with less.
This is the GOP's challenge to Americans.

Well, not ALL Americans. Mostly just poor Americans, and some middle class Americans too.
But rich Americans won't have to tackle that challenge. The GOP is making sure they'll be able to have more, not less. Much more. No "making do" for the rich. No sir.

In addition to savage cuts for poor folks, the Ryan plan calls for a massive tax cut on the richest Americans. The plan would sharply cut taxes on corporations and to bring the tax rate on high earners down to its lowest level since 1931.

Why? Because taxes are so high on the only interest group the Republicans really care about? Hardly.

You liberals always tell half truths to scare the public. The truth is Ryan's plan revamps the tax code eliminating tax loop holes thus allowing a lower tax tax rate. Remember Obama's close friend GE made billions yet only paid a pitons in tax, all because of loop holes. This revamping of the existing tax code to eliminate these loop holes everyone should be in favor of. Are you not?
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:55 PM   #10

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Well, clearly they are just re-ordering things to the way the founding fathers would have wanted to see them.
Over half of medicaid goes to the disabled and those seniors who are so poor that Medicare isn't sufficient to cover their health needs, and the majority of those remaining are minor children, clearly these groups are being encouraged to be less productive by being allowed to free ride the government gravy train. How can you justify taking the money that decent folk inherited, which creates a disincentive to inherit, and we could see inheritance fall, as people say "Why bother to inherit a fortune if the government is just going to take 3% of it"
Wealth that is not worked for, a gift, should be taxed at 90 percent. This teaches the rich to WORK and to create their own wealth. Like the Cons expect and demand the rest of america to do. We all start from scratch, and the creme rises to the top. NOW, that is fair, since so many worry bout fairness. But none of this is actually about fairness is it?
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:56 PM   #11

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Well, it really isn't fair for one group of people to be paying higher taxes than another group. The fair thing to do would be to have one flat rate for all citizens of America.

People do have a right to their earnings you know.

However, it's not fair for any one single group of people to have more tax breaks than another, too.

But that's just too radical. We've got to punish the rich because they have more stuff and take their stuff away. How dare the rich have more stuff than anybody else.
OK, so I'll buy that, one set of tax rates for all income.
(capital gains, inheritance, salary, pension, interest, rent)

But, then you go off the rails of reality, and pretend that it's the rich that are being penalized.
Really, how do you arrive at the notion that the people in the nicest houses, with the nicest things are the people who are being punished, and the people living at the edge of poverty are the people being favored?
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:01 PM   #12

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Wealth that is not worked for, a gift, should be taxed at 90 percent. This teaches the rich to WORK and to create their own wealth. Like the Cons expect and demand the rest of america to do. We all start from scratch, and the creme rises to the top. NOW, that is fair, since so many worry bout fairness. But none of this is actually about fairness is it?
Ok, so, if they work to earn it, they can do whatever they want with it, right?
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:12 PM   #13

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Everyone who pays taxes got a refund check.

Thats how the "progressive" tax system works.
Or in some cases the corporations make gazillions, pay no taxes, and get middle class tax dollars given to them. The power of wealth. And it is FAIR, going by the Repub rule book. Reckon they all say so, so it must indeed be true!

The Cons better join the far left on taking away all of the guns, and they better do it fast. Because if the repubs get their way, those common people will try to take our gov't by and for the people BACK, wrestled from the hands of that group of folks that never tire of creating revolutions by the masses who always tend to suffer from the greed of the rich. History loves to repeat, as human greed will not disallow it.

Communism is becoming more attractive, as the rich embrace Red China, and average Americans no longer fear it given this nation is seemingly losing its fear, since most of what we buy comes from a communist nation, and even our biz is still relocating there. Hell, if we woulld have done this with the old soviet union, we could have saved all of the money spent on the cold war.

We need to be consistent and start loving Cuba, and build up that nation economically too. Unlike china, cuba will never pose a military threat. And they sure make great cigars and rum. Might not work for 18 cents an hour though, they might want 5 bucks a day. And that would be too much to pay em.
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:17 PM   #14

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fun stuff,

The GRAPH shows people who earn poor pay a higher percentage, yet you try to claim they pay less.

The best part is you try to compare 1955 to 2010, I wonder if you can even understand the differances..
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:37 PM   #15

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You liberals always tell half truths to scare the public. The truth is Ryan's plan revamps the tax code eliminating tax loop holes thus allowing a lower tax tax rate. Remember Obama's close friend GE made billions yet only paid a pitons in tax, all because of loop holes. This revamping of the existing tax code to eliminate these loop holes everyone should be in favor of. Are you not?
Half truth?
You mean like saying GE is Obama's friend and only pays a "pitons" in tax.

Well that half is true, but the majority of GE tax breaks came from a GOP congress and a GOP president.

Ryans plan allows the wealthy to pay a lower tax rate by removing "loopholes", like the home mortgage deduction, and making people pay taxes on the value of their employer provided health coverage.

now maybe after the GOP plan is fully realized, only the top 1% of American earners will have health insurance or a home mortgage, but right now it looks like Ryan is getting the middle class to pony up, so the wealthy can get a fat refund check.
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:40 PM   #16

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Or in some cases the corporations make gazillions, pay no taxes, and get middle class tax dollars given to them.
I believe your talking about all the money Obama gave to these companies and the unions.

The Cons better join the far left on taking away all of the guns, and they better do it fast. Because if the repubs get their way, those common people will try to take our gov't by and for the people BACK, wrestled from the hands of that group of folks that never tire of creating revolutions by the masses who always tend to suffer from the greed of the rich. History loves to repeat, as human greed will not disallow it. Here I take it you want to continue to borrow and spend to keep all your beloved entitlements in place. Yes borrow and spend liberal, with no idea on how to pay for anything.

Communism is becoming more attractive, as the rich embrace Red China, and average Americans no longer fear it given this nation is seemingly losing its fear, since most of what we buy comes from a communist nation, and even our biz is still relocating there. Hell, if we woulld have done this with the old soviet union, we could have saved all of the money spent on the cold war. To you liberals, communism is your goal. We know that, you want big daddy government telling you how to live, you can then sit back and go into a vegetable state of mind.

We need to be consistent and start loving Cuba, and build up that nation economically too. Unlike china, cuba will never pose a military threat. And they sure make great cigars and rum. Might not work for 18 cents an hour though, they might want 5 bucks a day. And that would be too much to pay em. I agree with the Cuban cigars and the Rum, but the pay thing, hell we pay all the illegals here at home way more than 5 bucks an hour, not a day. Yes those illegal aliens that you liberals let into this country taking good American jobs.
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:43 PM   #17

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What about those who've worked hard to become rich, remain rich through smart investing, and decide not to work anymore? Should they be taxed more than when they were rich and working?
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:48 PM   #18

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What about those who've worked hard to become rich, remain rich through smart investing, and decide not to work anymore? Should they be taxed more than when they were rich and working?
That would totally remove the logic behind lowering taxes on the wealthy.
Aren't we lowering their taxes so they will work harder and be more productive?

So you're saying that people will try to make money even if taxes were higher, and that people who feel they have enough money will take it easy, WHOA, you are blowin' my mind here....
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:58 PM   #19

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That would totally remove the logic behind lowering taxes on the wealthy.
Aren't we lowering their taxes so they will work harder and be more productive?

So you're saying that people will try to make money even if taxes were higher, and that people who feel they have enough money will take it easy, WHOA, you are blowin' my mind here....
I bet I am, considering the fact that I'm not "saying" anything.

I asked to profoundly ridiculous questions, and the stumped you. You were a complete failure at answering either of them.

But, hey, you're consistent, I'll give you that much...
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:02 PM   #20

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To you liberals, communism is your goal. We know that, you want big daddy government telling you how to live, you can then sit back and go into a vegetable state of mind.
To you conservatives, fascist theocracy is your goal. We know that you want big Father government to control what you think, read, hear, and say, so that you can work for the Company, producing what the wealthy tell you to produce, at the hours they tell you, at the pay that they tell you, because God ordains it to be so.
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