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Old 02-16-2011, 04:46 PM   #1

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Default Gang Raping their way to Freedom
Gee, sure have to admire the peaceful people's movement that deposed a dictator that promises a new era of liberty and democracy...

"Egyptians Yelled 'Jew! Jew!' While Sexually Assaulting CBS Reporter Lara Logan"

While reporting for "60 Minutes," Logan was surrounded by a 200-strong "frenzied" crowd

PostPartisan - CBS shouldn't have withheld Lara Logan's story

Odd this story took as long as it did to reach the attention of the Media at large.
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Old 02-16-2011, 04:53 PM   #2

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Gee, sure have to admire the peaceful people's movement that deposed a dictator that promises a new era of liberty and democracy...
Out of the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Egyptians who took part in these protests over a number of weeks you're seriously pointing to the actions of a couple hundred people and calling that an indication of something beyond the actions of a couple hundred people?

That's ridiculous.

No, that's beyond ridiculous, it's absolutely asinine.

Odd this story took as long as it did to reach the attention of the Media at large. I agree with you there.

It is odd but not in any way surprising.
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Old 02-16-2011, 04:54 PM   #3

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Unfortunately, the tensions of regime change often bring out the worst in people.

Much like other internal struggles, the easiest targets during a protest or revolt are outsiders. It's very easy to blame immigrants or even foreign journalists for your problems, as some of these protesters have shown.

It's also easy for certain men to take out their sexual frustrations on attractive women.

I'd like to think the people responsible for these attacks will be prosecuted, but with all of the chaos going on over there, I doubt it....
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:10 PM   #4

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Gee, sure have to admire the peaceful people's movement that deposed a dictator that promises a new era of liberty and democracy...

"Egyptians Yelled 'Jew! Jew!' While Sexually Assaulting CBS Reporter Lara Logan"

While reporting for "60 Minutes," Logan was surrounded by a 200-strong "frenzied" crowd

PostPartisan - CBS shouldn't have withheld Lara Logan's story

Odd this story took as long as it did to reach the attention of the Media at large.
Maybe you missed the logic behind the event.

The vast vast vast majority of protesters had absolutely no reason to badger/heckle/kidnap any western journalist. Mubarack and his regime on the other hand, had very strong reasons to do so in order to quell the uprising.

Its possible there were some extremist hate-the-west protesters that did the kidnapping, but its far more likely that they were goons paid/ordered by Mubarack to do it. If that in fact was the case, the uprising would seem to be well-placed, wouldn't it?

The report I read said she was "sexually assaulted" but not "raped", for whatever that's worth.

p.s. I have a serious crush on Lara, ever since she appeared on the Daily Show. I hope she's alright and continues to do the great work she has done in the past.
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:11 PM   #5

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I just read the NY Post article that the FOX report abbstracts and pulled the following comment out:

Another source insisted that Logan was "involved in the process" of deciding whether to make her attack public, and ultimately understood why the statement had to be released. CBS reporter's Cairo nightmare - NYPOST.com

I think it makes a certain amount of sense that if Logan really was involved in the decision to sit on the story that she would do so at least until she could inform her friends and family (assuming she has any) of the incident prior to releasing the story globally.

You also alluded to it in the title of the thread although there's no real indication of it in any of the stories I've read, but if she was actually raped (as opposed to sexually assaulted in less egregious ways) she might have struggled for a while with actually releasing such information or how much and how to make it public.
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:30 PM   #6

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I am surprised more of this sort of deal isn't reported on. Way back in college I had an Anthro. Prof who was around 60 years old, who hated Arabs, which was odd coming from this chap. He regaled us with tales of his travels in Egypt and surrounding countries. He was an interesting character indeed.

He hated Arabs because of the way they would treat Western tourists of the female gender. Some Arab men would go up and grab the women between their legs, molesting them to an extent in the streets. I doubt much has changed since his travels there back in the early 60's.

So, this comes as no surprise to me as that is what I would expect from some Arabs. I don't imagine the situation in Egypt a week or so ago helped in civility. So, this doesn't surprise me in the least. I understand it to be common in some places, with some people. And I doubt you will ever hear a news story in regards to this behavior. Might offend Islam or those cultures. But I take it to be the truth of the matter.
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:49 PM   #7

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Some Arab men would go up and grab the women between their legs, molesting them to an extent in the streets. I doubt much has changed since his travels there back in the early 60's.
Only when they're not grabbing little boys between the legs.

They really are a disgusting race of sub-humans.
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Old 02-16-2011, 05:51 PM   #8

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Yes, the pervs define the whole race.

I find the people who categorize whole races by the actions of a subset of the race to be racially inferior.
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Old 02-16-2011, 06:31 PM   #9

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I find the species to be racially inferior.
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Old 02-16-2011, 07:17 PM   #10

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The vast vast vast majority of protesters had absolutely no reason to badger/heckle/kidnap any western journalist. Mubarack and his regime on the other hand, had very strong reasons to do so in order to quell the uprising.
The uprising had achieved it's victory.

I have a serious crush on Lara, ever since she appeared on the Daily Show. I hope she's alright and continues to do the great work she has done in the past. I hope she and all other women exposed to such brutality can keep on doing the work they have set themselves to.
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Old 02-16-2011, 08:32 PM   #11

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Yes, the pervs define the whole race.

I find the people who categorize whole races by the actions of a subset of the race to be racially inferior.
...The more I see of Arabs the less I think of them. By having studied them a good deal I have found out the trouble. They are the mixture of all the bad races on earth, and they get worse from west to east, because the eastern ones have had more crosses.

~ Gen. George S. Patton - from a letter to Frederick Ayers, May 5, 1943 Depends on the People...
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:12 PM   #12

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Gee, sure have to admire the peaceful people's movement that deposed a dictator that promises a new era of liberty and democracy...

"Egyptians Yelled 'Jew! Jew!' While Sexually Assaulting CBS Reporter Lara Logan"

While reporting for "60 Minutes," Logan was surrounded by a 200-strong "frenzied" crowd

PostPartisan - CBS shouldn't have withheld Lara Logan's story

Odd this story took as long as it did to reach the attention of the Media at large.
This wouldn't have surprised me even if it had not been in the midst of a 'protest.' Doesn't matter how old you are there, if you aren't wearing a scarf you are considered to be inviting rape.

Even as old and fat as I am , they look at you lasciviously. I got off elevators more than once because of the looks and the type of conversation you could tell they were having. The told the group I was with to not wear sandals because this as well was considered to risque. If you wear the hijab/niqab you are 'nice girl/woman.' If not you are on the make and you get what you ask for.

At least someone did step in to help. Sadly, not soon enough.

Also sadly, this article says that islamic dress is not enough to stop sexual harassment in Egypt:

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Old 02-16-2011, 11:26 PM   #13

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Only when they're not grabbing little boys between the legs.

They really are a disgusting race of sub-humans.
sub human ? I believe that was the word the Nazis used to describe a certain group of people as well.
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:37 PM   #14

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This wouldn't have surprised me even if it had not been in the midst of a 'protest.' Doesn't matter how old you are there, if you aren't wearing a scarf you are considered to be inviting rape.

Even as old and fat as I am , they look at you lasciviously. I got off elevators more than once because of the looks and the type of conversation you could tell they were having. The told the group I was with to not wear sandals because this as well was considered to risque. If you wear the hijab/niqab you are 'nice girl/woman.' If not you are on the make and you get what you ask for.

At least someone did step in to help. Sadly, not soon enough.

Also sadly, this article says that islamic dress is not enough to stop sexual harassment in Egypt:

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Egypt's sexual harassment 'cancer'
I'm so glad that in the United States, there is never a sexual assault of any kind. And if there is the occasional rape, it must have been in the name of Islam. That's essentially what you're saying, right? In the US there are about 95,000 rapes every year (according to nationmaster.com). This is not to say you are not correct about the sexual assault and sexual harassment that may routinely occur in Egypt but the sad truth is that this has neither a cultural , nor religious stigmatization but can be found on a global scale .
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:39 PM   #15

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I'm so glad that in the United States, there is never a sexual assault of any kind. And if there is the occasional rape, it must have been in the name of Islam. That's essentially what you're saying, right? In the US there are about 95,000 rapes every year (according to nationmaster.com). This is not to say you are not correct about the sexual assault and sexual harassment that may routinely occur in Egypt but the sad truth is that this has neither a cultural , nor religious stigmatization but can be found on a global scale .
You have posted NO Link to back up your..................
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Old 02-16-2011, 11:54 PM   #16

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You have posted NO Link to back up your ....
my apologies , I will certainly amend that :www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap-crime-rapes
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Old 02-17-2011, 12:14 AM   #17

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All of the articles use the word sexual assault. I suspect if there had been rape, it would have said rape. I also suspect that raping a woman in a rowdy crowd of 200 is probably never going to happen.

That isn't to take away from the event, but if 200 guys trying to cop cheap feels is the assault, then that is quite different than a gang rape.

What pleased me the most was that apparently it was Egyptian women who stopped it.

It also appears, from reports, that these 200 people were not part of the crowd, They were in someway different. Perhaps, even, Mubarak secret police.
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Old 02-17-2011, 12:23 AM   #18

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All of the articles use the word sexual assault. I suspect if there had been rape, it would have said rape. I also suspect that raping a woman in a rowdy crowd of 200 is probably never going to happen.

That isn't to take away from the event, but if 200 guys trying to cop cheap feels is the assault, then that is quite different than a gang rape.

What pleased me the most was that apparently it was Egyptian women who stopped it.

It also appears, from reports, that these 200 people were not part of the crowd, They were in someway different. Perhaps, even, Mubarak secret police.
So rape is not sexual assualt?

What exactly was the nature of this 'sexual assault?'

Do tell.
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Old 02-17-2011, 12:24 AM   #19

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You've got it reversed...

Sexual assault is not always rape.
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Old 02-17-2011, 12:26 AM   #20

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Good Grief!

Is this crap really what we have been reduced to on this forum?

Here's what we "know" about the situation:
1. Female (along with several other male, several other female, and, based on nothing more than statistical probabilities, a few gay) reporter heads off to Egypt to cover a popular uprising.
2. Said reporter goes out into a crowded protest and gets attacked.
3. Attack involved "sexual assault".

We don't know if the assault was rape. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Either way that isn't the important thing as an assault is unpleasant enough regardless of the specifics.

We don't know which faction did the assaulting. Things being what they are, assaults are not the sole domain of any particular faction.

The reporter KNEW that she was in a dangerous situation as other reporters had been assaulted (although, apparently, none of the previous assaults had been sexual in nature).

It's not unreasonable to infer that at least some of the motivation for the assault was based on gender. We would not be wrong in doing this as there are ample examples of gender bias in the culture under consideration.

That's really about as far as we can go with the information that we have.

It's a bummer that Logan got assaulted. It's also a bummer that Greg Palkot and Anderson Cooper got assaulted. The assaults prove nothing more than that not everyone in the "protests" was looking strictly for political improvements. Somehow or other I'm not the least bit surprised by that.
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