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WFSdZuP3 12-23-2010 05:35 PM

Anti-Israeli and Anti-Palestinian ads on Seattle Metro buses
SEATTLE -- In response to a proposed anti-Israeli ad campaign, a group has proposed anti-Palestinian ads to also run on the side of Metro buses.

A conservative Los Angeles writer submitted the anti-Palestinian ad to Metro Transit. The anti-Israeli ad campaign is scheduled to appear on 12 buses starting Monday, proposed by the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign. The group pushing the anti-Palestinian campaign has asked to put their message on 25 buses.

Metro has not yet decided whether to run the opposing ad campaign. However on Wednesday, Metro officials met with Seattle's Jewish leaders.

Since last Friday, Metro has received around 2,000 emails about the anti-Israeli ad campaign. Most of the messages object to the ad. Source


JMLot 12-23-2010 07:01 PM

Well, isn't that peachy? *sigh* I'm all for peaceful demonstration and political activism and all, but all these posters are going to do is inflame vitriol on both sides. When everyone is so caught up in blaming the other side for war crimes there is never going to be reasonable discussion and there's never going to be a peaceful resolution.

Also, wtf is with Seattle? I had the impression that it was a bastion of liberal Obama-worshippers. Or, so I was told by Keli Carender when she came to my campus a couple weeks ago, and talked about how she felt "threatened" for being a conservative in Seattle. Has it changed that much?

Diandaplaipsy 12-24-2010 12:11 AM


Well, isn't that peachy? *sigh* I'm all for peaceful demonstration and political activism and all, but all these posters are going to do is inflame vitriol on both sides. When everyone is so caught up in blaming the other side for war crimes there is never going to be reasonable discussion and there's never going to be a peaceful resolution.

Also, wtf is with Seattle? I had the impression that it was a bastion of liberal Obama-worshippers. Or, so I was told by Keli Carender when she came to my campus a couple weeks ago, and talked about how she felt "threatened" for being a conservative in Seattle. Has it changed that much?
Eh, I think it's pretty well mixed. It depends on where you're at, but King County and Pierce County tend to be more liberal than other counties (which tend to be more conservative). But it's definitely mixed.

And I've been a liberal living in a very conservative area (the 13 months I lived in Utah), and I'm a moderate now (instead of liberal), living in a predominately liberal area. I have never felt "threatened" anywhere I've went. I have a very strong feeling about not talking politics or religion with people, because it's so polarizing.

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