movlabk |
07-08-2012 11:51 AM |
Lately I have been hearing more and more about Scandinavia, specifically Sweden, from the Left, and how their "socialism" is the way to go. How do you respond ? (Other than being almost completely homogenous in race).
Norway: the richest country in the world (as in number 4, excluding all the city-states and Lux it is number 1) per capita. Index of Economic freedom is pretty bad (34th).
•Norway is the largest oil producer and exporter in western Europe
I think Romania would be the only other European nation west of Russia to do so.
Finland: 21st richest. Index of Economic freedom is comparable with Japan (16th).
Not worth delving into for the purpose of this thread.
Different people, not actually related to the Swedes
Sweden: 13th richest (without all the city-states and Lux it would be 10th). Index of Economic freedom is just slightly less than that of Taiwan (27th) .
Well, they know how to balance their budget.
% of government spending Sweden (%GDP): 55.2%
% of government spending US (%GDP): 42.2%
Another interesting tidbit:
Interestingly, Australia has more economic freedom than even the US and they weather the Great Recession virtually unscathed and are 4th in economic freedom (more free than the US).
But that was only because of the 10 years of budget surpluses that were put into consolidated revenue by Howard and Costello.
The only way the fuckwit criminal govt. we have now makes money is by selling off our prime agricultural land to China and allowing them to mine it and search for coal seam gas.
We also borrow $100 million a day and most of it goes to Africa in foreign aid
I have been there, its not what you think it is. Huge taxes, no freedom, land of ice and drunks.
Yes I've heard that many times
Also, they throw in Ireland (for economic freedom) and my defense is Australia.
We'll go down the toilet with you
This is the little known fact of the war against skaanelanders (scanians).
Scania is the southern tip opposite Denmark and the people there are ethnic Danes NOT Swedes, they want their independence from Sweden and the actual Swede tribe originally came from Russia - they were never original to the land.
Same as every other cracka turncoat govt. - flood the area with foreigners, the main racial crime is in Malmo which is the capital of scania.
Sweden is just as bad as North Korea, it would be seen as such if it wasnt for their porn PR