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mazabotman 07-04-2012 01:30 AM

The Scandinavian Defense.
Lately I have been hearing more and more about Scandinavia, specifically Sweden, from the Left, and how their "socialism" is the way to go. How do you respond ? (Other than being almost completely homogenous in race).

Norway: the richest country in the world (as in number 4, excluding all the city-states and Lux it is number 1) per capita. Index of Economic freedom is pretty bad (34th).
Source: http://www.prosperity.com/; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_of_Economic_Freedom

•Norway is the largest oil producer and exporter in western Europe

•Norway is the second largest exporter of natural gas after Russia, and ranks fifth in world natural gas production.

•Norway provided 12 percent of OECD Europe's crude oil imports and 18 percent of its natural gas imports in 2010.

Source: http://www.prosperity.com/country.aspx?id=NO

That takes care of Norway, which I already knew. Let's throw that out.

Findland: 21st richest. Index of Economic freedom is comparable with Japan (16th).

Not worth delving into for the purpose of this thread.

Sweden: 13th richest (without all the city-states and Lux it would be 10th). Index of Economic freedom is just slightly less than that of Taiwan (27th) .

From the early 1990s until 2008, Sweden enjoyed a sustained economic upswing fueled by strong exports and rising domestic demand.
One of Sweden’s tools in maintaining solid public figure finances is a budget process that calls for Parliamentary-designated spending ceilings. The ceilings are set for SEK 1.024 trillion (U.S. $144.7 billion) in 2010, SEK 1.063 trillion (U.S. $150.3 billion) in 2011, SEK 1.083 trillion (U.S. $153.1 billion) in 2012, and SEK 1.093 trillion (U.S. $154.5 billion) in 2013. While spending ceilings can technically be surpassed, they represent a promise the government makes to the people and they are adhered to...... The budget showed only a slight deficit for 2010, and the budget will go back into surplus again for the full year 2011 Well, they know how to balance their budget.

% of government spending Sweden (%GDP): 55.2%
% of government spending US (%GDP): 42.2%

Source: http://www.heritage.org/index/countr...ted-government

Another interesting tidbit:

There is no national minimum wage. Instead, wages are set by collective bargaining.
Source: http://globaledge.msu.edu/countries/Sweden/economy/

Intestingly, Austrailia has more economic freedom than even the US and they weather the Great Recession virtually unscathed and are 4th in economic freedom (more free than the US).

I would put more into this thread, but I ran out of time.

In short, how would you respond to the Scandinavian Defense ?

janeemljr 07-04-2012 01:39 AM

Off the top of my head, the US is culturally and historically nothing like Scandinavia. A communal social fabric has always existed in Scandinavia. It's really part of the Scandinavian peoples' character(a very modest one).Probably having alot to do with the climate and harsh environment. Not that the US hasn't experienced harshness, but at those times a communal safety net came naturally to pioneers and others, and didn't need to be expanded and run by the federal govnt.

Lvnufcdc 07-04-2012 02:12 AM




Konidurase 07-04-2012 02:13 AM



chuecalovers 07-04-2012 03:23 AM

if those are true socialist nations, ( sweden, norway, finland ), the id be interested in knowing how much each Saami is given on a quarterly basis, especialy the twelve or so they missed in Finland from the executions.

chadnezzrr 07-04-2012 03:25 AM

I have been there, its not what you think it is. Huge taxes, no freedom, land of ice and drunks.

xpllmr 07-06-2012 06:13 PM


I have been there, its not what you think it is. Huge taxes, no freedom, land of ice and drunks.
Actually that is exactly what I think.

Kthzltje 07-06-2012 06:16 PM


karkinadze 07-06-2012 06:18 PM


Those are pretty good.. Should give you some ammo in your fight against the Swedophiles..

Rx-Ultram 07-06-2012 06:23 PM


Those are pretty good.. Should give you some ammo in your fight against the Swedophiles..
Honestly, that is what I needed. I knew Norway was oil, Finland, no one cares, and Sweden has strong exports, minimal immigration, but I like to be well prepared.

Adamdjeffe 07-06-2012 06:27 PM

Also, they throw in Ireland (for economic freedom) and my defense is Australia.

ionitiesk 07-07-2012 05:21 PM




wowwieholmes 07-07-2012 06:00 PM

I think the lesson here is that any "global ranking system" is flawed from the start since the countries involved are not using the same measurements. That's the same reason I instantly dismiss that stupid infant mortality ranking that made its way out of the WHO a few years back.

Lebybynctisee 07-07-2012 06:04 PM


I think the lesson here is that any "global ranking system" is flawed from the start since the countries involved are not using the same measurements. That's the same reason I instantly dismiss that stupid infant mortality ranking that made its way out of the WHO a few years back.
Yeah, the metrics are all stupid.. Additionally, you might have a socialist country that's doing GREAT buying everything their population can dream of.... FOR NOW..

Tomorrow, when the bills come due? Well, look at europe.

HunterM 07-07-2012 06:07 PM


Yeah, the metrics are all stupid.. Additionally, you might have a socialist country that's doing GREAT buying everything their population can dream of.... FOR NOW..

Tomorrow, when the bills come due? Well, look at europe.
Exactly. That makes two giant problems with any ranking system. The first is that the metrics are whatever each government says the metrics are, the second is that it only measures right now with no control for the destructive long-term impacts of the policies of that government. That alone should be enough of a reason to shut anybody down on that line of argument.

tigoCeree 07-07-2012 06:09 PM


I think the lesson here is that any "global ranking system" is flawed from the start since the countries involved are not using the same measurements. That's the same reason I instantly dismiss that stupid infant mortality ranking that made its way out of the WHO a few years back.
for reasons known only to them, all of these left wing groups are determined to bring the US down to the level of the rest of the world. Liberals hate the US for its success and wealth.

Liberalism is a mental disease---there is no other explanation for the way they think

w3QHxwNb 07-07-2012 06:13 PM


Exactly. That makes two giant problems with any ranking system. The first is that the metrics are whatever each government says the metrics are, the second is that it only measures right now with no control for the destructive long-term impacts of the policies of that government. That alone should be enough of a reason to shut anybody down on that line of argument.
Like most things, it's just L-tards being silly..

"OMG! People magazine says our ideas are working great in the Maldives!!! Let's base the world on that!"


qilmuz6v 07-07-2012 06:22 PM


Like most things, it's just L-tards being silly..

"OMG! People magazine says our ideas are working great in the Maldives!!! Let's base the world on that!"

Yes, silliness in full display. The problem is that actual people in power, congressmen and senators and such, spout the results of these "studies" as gospel. They use that as their justification for saddling us with programs, policies, regulations, and taxes that we do not want and are counterproductive. They need to be corrected, and they need to have it done in the most embarrassing of manners.

Fiesialenp 07-07-2012 06:24 PM




Cwvnyfsj 07-07-2012 06:32 PM


Yes, silliness in full display. The problem is that actual people in power, congressmen and senators and such, spout the results of these "studies" as gospel. They use that as their justification for saddling us with programs, policies, regulations, and taxes that we do not want and are counterproductive. They need to be corrected, and they need to have it done in the most embarrassing of manners.
The only way to "correct" them is to remove them from power, starting with obama. we can bitch and gripe as much as we want, but as long as these fools remain in power nothing will change.

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