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#21 |
There are alot of people who join a branch for the right reasons, some are willing to serve and accept the risks just to have a chance to prosper from financial aid. Which isn't a terrible thing.
Just recently I heard a popular talk host down in DC claiming that ALL service members are basically by default, Hero's. This was at the center of an on going discussion and the host wast getting indignant... This seems to be a common theme among Republicans... So if you are flying a drone 3,000 miles away while using a monitor and joystick to kill enemy combatants as you're sitting in a air conditioned nerve center... Or you are working in a supply depot stateside and every morning you can go off base to grap a hot D&D latte. Well, you're a hero then... I think the word hero as it pertains to military personel and even civilian EMS responders shouldn't be so broadly applied in our society. |
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#22 |
And, yeah Holston.. I think 9/11 stinks too. What's equally as important, I was more familiar with the ideas of Muslims and how fanatical some of them could be so I never doubted that they were behind 9/11 and responsible for it. It was not until much later that I begin to hear things that caused me to investigate these matters myself. Now I am convinced that we were deceived. I do not blame the boys who responded to the call anymore than I blame myself. This is why a spend so much time in trying to relate at least some of what I have learned on the net in the hopes that others will begin to question what they hear and see on the mainstream media and then look into these matters themselves. I have said time and again, although some people choose to ignore it, that when I speak of the "Jews" it is not out of some sort of personal animosity. No matter how many times I try to emphasize this point, my detractors here still try to make me appear to be motivated by "anti-semitism". They can not prove this by the material that I post. Nor have they offered any credible refutations for the assertions that have been made. So all they can do is try to give the impression that is all nonsense by simply calling me names and hoping that the uninformed reader will not take the time to see for himself. The fact is, that the "Jewish" community in this country have quite a set up going for them. The majority of them are aware of it because they enjoy the privileges and benefits that they derive from it. Therefore they do not want the system that provides them these advantages to become widely known for fear that people will put an end to it. I have emphasized that when I am speaking of "Jews", I am referring to the ethnocentric union that exists on behalf of the "Jews" nationally and internationally which forms a huge interlocking political entity. This does not mean that I am encouraging people to single out any particular individual(s) for mistreatment or discrimination. It does not mean that I am attempting to incite hatred against people of certain racial characteristics or religious professions. It does not even mean that I think that someone like Kleinbox, bless his pea pickin' heart should be sent to a concentration camp or a goat farm. What it DOES mean is that I believe that the US public NEEDS to be made aware of a huge criminal enterprise that hides itself behind the shield of what is called "Judaism", whether these people "practice" this religion or not. These mob bosses and money changers are profiting immensely at the expense of the US. And they are being shielded by people like Kleinbox who perhaps innocently enough sees any criticism lodged against Zionists or their affiliates as some sort of personal assault which lacks any basis other than some possible physical characteristics or perhaps a "liberal" leaning attitude about social attitudes. People need to develop a realistic picture of what is happening around us. This is not easy to do under the best of circumstances. It is especially hard to do when the truth is either being withheld or distorted by a media who is also living in the lap of the luxury afforded to the 'politically correct' crowd. This latter type of ideologue may really believe that his point of view is the only 'right' way to see things based on humanitarian principles. There is no doubt some element of truth to such ideation. What they may be neglecting, is the possibility for despotic or criminally minded people to use such beliefs in order to manipulate people in masses in ways which profit themselves. We see what socialists in power have done in Europe. We see how the money lenders have usurped power away from elected officials to themselves. Yet people like Kleinbox or doctorno do not want to see any of this or admit to any of it for fear of the "anti-semitic" boogey man that they have had drilled into their heads. That's if they are honest in their intentions to preserve the status quo. I personally believe that if this country is going to pride itself for standing on principle, then we are going to have to abide by those principles. This means looking squarely at the truth and trying to see what is actually there rather than simply what we want to see or only what we believe will profit ourselves, even at the cost of losing whatever freedoms we have or destroying the entire nation in the effort to obtain personal wealth. |
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#23 |
Holston, generalizations lead to stereotyping, leads to ..... you know what.
You're full of shit and a nut to boot! Going into Iraq? Damn, my youngest, even though they were teenagers at the time knew it was bullshit and that it was for control of the oil in the Mideast. Are you saying that two Jewish BOYS were smarter than you? |
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#24 |
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#26 |
I was talking with a friend the other day and just about lost my fucking mind over something he said.. I didn't say anything about it, but boy.. It was just about all I could do not to. |
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#27 |
It could be argued that when there was a draft this nation had stronger morals. However, Vietnam occurred during the mandatory draft and that era gave this nation the extreme left aka the looney left. |
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#28 |
Holston, generalizations lead to stereotyping, leads to ..... you know what. During the Vietnam war protesting was the hep thang to do. We had Woodstock which was promoted by a bunch of Jews advocating "free love". We had Jews setting Nixon up for a fall. We had Jews, like your boys, who didn't want their careers in medicine, law, or finance interfered with by any stupid idea like Patriotic duty or service to country. This habit among Jews gets passed along so it appears. Not least of all we had a Jewish media that was in the process of it's long march to a Socialist US. They and their pals in Hollywood were busy promoting drug use and promiscuity. Jewish authors were busy trying to convince women to come out of the kitchen, stop having babies, burn their bras, and blame everything on their husbands. We had all sorts of social engineers in academia and else where trying to persuade the youth to "Tune in, turn on, and drop out" and to spit in "the man's" eye. We had people like Dr Spock telling people how to raise their kids while others encouraged rebellion against every authority. We had Jewish "Civil Rights" activists doing everything in their power to fan the flames of black indignation and incite a riot. A couple of these meddlers got murdered in the South and believe me we've never heard the end of it. Meanwhile they were doing all they could to change immigration policies and promote interracial marriage and producing movies like To Kill a Mocking Bird in an attempt to give it a moral seal of approval. We had people like Jane Fonda posing on North Vietnamese guns and denouncing US imperialism, with the full support of Hollywood. We had stupid young people throwing sacks of "sh!t" at returning Vets and calling them "Baby Killers". (There's that word you like so much.) And there were lots of TV and movie shows on night and day loaded with subtle political messages which bore an uncanny resemblance to the themes that all of these Jewish activists were promoting. Of course ALL of this junk was done in the name of some kind of higher moral authority. It wasn't until later that art themes like "Cross in Piss" became permissible in the mainstream venue. Nothing offensive there. That's "freedom of expression", just like the Jew porno publishers stood behind "freedom of speech". But god forbid that any KIKE would have to look at a manger scene once a year and not even be able to collect royalties on Jesus, which after all was THEIR ne'r do well. So what kind of "moral authority" are we supposed to stand on today to justify blasting every Arab nation within distance of Israel? Is it the same one that justifies breaking the Geneva convention by torturing prisoners and dropping phosphorus bombs on kids? What ever happened to the term "baby killers". Somehow it has disappeared from the media. Now rather than being publicly ostracized for being a Vet, there's scarcely a day that passes where the media isn't focusing on some "hero" or movies or TV isn't trying to glamorize killing people. Hell, the Jewy social workers didn't even want kids to be allowed cap pistols 30 years ago. And whatever happened to the ol' "Question Authority" that you see on college kids bumper stickers right next to the Grateful Dead? Is it that the word "authority" in this sense is only supposed to apply to gentile parents ? Or is it not supposed to apply to the REAL authority the ZIONIST ORGANIZED GOVERNMENT? |
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#29 |
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#30 |
Normal Finkelstein; anti-semite or self hating Jew? |
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#32 |
Don't misunderstand. I was one of those who believed what we were being told. The idea that anyone officially representing the US government would lie to me never entered my head. I believed the testimony that Colin Powell gave about the WMDs and "yellow cake". I believed the possibility of a dirty bomb was a real possibility. I know what you're saying on the Jews too.. Some people just, for whatever reason, just don't wish to acknowledge what they Jews themselves will tell you plainly. I don't want to round everybody up into camps either, but the duality and the hypocrisy really isn't helping anybody... We should just be honest about the situation and stop coddling them. All of these groups, really.. Especially the blacks. OMG, if there were ever a group that needs a swift kick in the pants, it's them. Playing into their bullshit is getting expensive, and their toll on society is too much to be ignored. |
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#34 |
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#36 |
The memory of Vietnam might have been summoned more readily. I dunno, either, though. I think the draft is really what put people off about it. They may not have known much about the motivations behind the war.. But they sure as hell knew that Rush Limbaugh, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, etc, etc.. Weren't there fighting it alongside them. That WAS TOTAL BULLSHIT.. and I don't blame them in the least bit for being pissed about it. |
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#37 |
Vietnam put us off of crusading for a while.. Then, we went right back to it like Vietnam never happened. |
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#39 |
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