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Old 04-13-2012, 05:55 AM   #21

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I don't care. You're still fucking voting for him. This is not the time for childish tantrums.
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Old 04-13-2012, 06:57 AM   #22

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You're voting for . Stop this silliness now.

mang, no shit! i'm trying to be all mysterious, like i might vote for King Kong or something!
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Old 04-13-2012, 06:57 AM   #23

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What about when and/or if
it makes No Difference in the way our gov/society is moving/falling/doing?

From my point of view,
it didn't make any dif with Bush II,
nor would it have made any dif with McCain,

and, imho, it won't, with .
Not trying to put you on the spot but how did you arrive at the conclusion that it would have made no difference with McCain?
forotis is offline

Old 04-13-2012, 07:00 AM   #24

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I'm gonna write in Paul just because you assholes keep trying to bully people into voting . Fuck you.
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Old 04-13-2012, 07:01 AM   #25

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From looking at his track record SINCE then, mainly.

It kills me, 'cuz it's like the dems/libs are trying to move us, QUICKLY, toward socialism,
and the repugs/cons are doing it slowly, by inches,
but moving that way, nonetheless.
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Old 04-13-2012, 07:10 AM   #26

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I'm gonna write in Paul just because you assholes keep trying to bully people into voting . Fuck you.
Not trying to bully anyone. Just trying to point out a little common sense reasoning. Since its obvious this country is teetering on the edge under Obama and that he is a PROVEN failure then we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by changing leadership. Thats just common sense JA. One doesnt have to be a political mental giant to understand that. As for voting independant? What does that accomplish? NOTHING....Hell, why burn the damn gas? Why waste the time? The main thing I want to point out is that the printing of currency (units) under the Obama admin. is responsible for a lot of the run up prices of food etc. that we have seen and thanks to the increased debt load we are seeing and will certainly see more of its only going to get worse. The definition of inflation is when you have more units (currency) pursuing a like or lesser amount of goods it inflates the price of the good. This is not the time to sit back like one of the OWS fleabaggers or a tree hugger and say "hey man, I'm gonna vote my conscience"....if you have bucket loads of money you dont need dont worry about it. Write in Casper the Ghost. If not at least understand what it is you are doing. At least with we a chance. Under Obama, we have a zero chance.
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Old 04-13-2012, 07:14 AM   #27

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From looking at his track record SINCE then, mainly.

It kills me, 'cuz it's like the dems/libs are trying to move us, QUICKLY, toward socialism,
and the repugs/cons are doing it slowly, by inches,
but moving that way, nonetheless.
The conservatives have not done one thing that even remotely looks like socialism. Obama is all about socialism. Obama uses and understands law #11 of the 48 laws of power very well. #11 states "make others dependant on you"....
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Old 04-13-2012, 07:52 AM   #28

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I'm gonna write in Paul just because you assholes keep trying to bully people into voting . Fuck you.
No, you're voting for . All of you are. Cut the shit.
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Old 04-13-2012, 11:09 AM   #29

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What do you care? You are going to vote your independant "conscience" vote anyway which is basically a vote for Obama even though it will wreck whats left of this country.

You really don't know how the American political system works... do you? Why do you think I'm attempting to run as a state representative. I'll give you a cliff notes version.

Step one: You, the gentile... vote for senators and state representatives.

Step two: Senators and state representatives sometimes vote in each other when a seat is up for grabs. The senate and representative floor also vote for the president.

Step three: In theory... the gentile "votes" for the president to suggest where the people stand. And in theory... to vote against the people's wishes looks bad for state representatives who only have a two year terms, up to four times. and senators last six years, but have no term limits.

Step four: Judges are voted in. You know... the guys who actually talk back to you, put you in jail, and strut their dick around like they're better then you. These anointed ones are hand picked by the president.

Step five: Sometimes states let you make someone a judge for your personal state. That's why you see judge elections to either decline their continuation or honoring.

Step six: The president hand picks the supreme court... but only with the consent and mediating of the senate. (House of representatives sit this one out.)

Step seven: The federal law itself is proposed by the state representative floor. They argue, bitch, and vote. If it passes... it goes to the senate. They argue, bitch, and vote. If it passes... it goes to the president. The president can veto. But trolls have a tendency not to get re-elected seeing as the president is ACTUALLY PICKED BY REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS, NOT YOU SILLY GOYIM!!!

Step eight: The supreme court can over ride some laws. Interpreting the constitution as vaguely as possible to bend, squeeze, and twist the laws to their liking. But can only do so so much... they only have so much time, so many laws to think about, and there are limitations to their abuses. As well they are a council. Which means they have to reach a majority conclusion.

Nope... the only real voting power you have little goy, is to vote for your own backwoods, state laws. Which can easily be overridden by federal law, or the governor can just toss it through a paper shredder.

You don't have a democracy... you don't even have a republic. What you have is a cluster fuck of rank and file imperical order... it's not even monarchy/oligarchy. An elite group of crowns controlling huge amounts of land and resources and coming together to discuss specific issues at specific times. No... what you have is a strange system of pure imperialism, not even economic or social fascism.

You gentile cattle are the very bottom. You have the illusion of choice so you don't get pouty. They're not afraid of you revolting, they're afraid of you rolling over, getting depressed, and not going to work making this whole thing keep functioning!

Your governor is your sheep dog. Keeps you in line, nips at your heel a little... but his authority is limited. A prefabricated position, only subject to the rule of that one particular state. Go ahead... try and secede... see where that gets you!

Your house of representatives are nothing more then ideas men. Who come up with shitty laws, and bang their heads up against the wall. This gives a gesture of purity within the system... that it requires these guy's cooperation first and foremost for a law to pass. And is the only real leader you get any choice in voting for... but what they do is fairly limited.

Senators are just like upgraded representatives. Oh... what? You're 50 and still a representative? That's so cute! Considering the legal age to qualify is thirty... go home granpa, you're not cut out for big boy politics!

The president is not so much the head honcho, as he is a star attraction. He's gotta' be someone charismatic enough to keep the people occupied solely on him, blame him for everything, even though they know he really doesn't do dick... while simultaneously pleasing the likes of the branches below, above, and around him. Basically has to be a really, REALLY good whore...

You got judges. Who basically do whatever the fuck they want when you're in their court room, but otherwise can't decide shit.

You got the supreme court, who end up sitting around, hand picking a few pet issues to force upon the rest of us forever and ever and ever... think about that. No alteration of the constitution is negated, it is merely "changed". That means if X is illegal, and then made legal. It didn't stop X from being illegal before, just now it's legal... and that all stays there. On the constitution... like scars in the back of their collective psyche.

A moogle mind like your's is probably going to ignore what I said... which is why your vote does not matter. You don't want to know, you don't want it to matter. You just want to bitch, and blame someone for not playing along in your games of superstitions.

It's all basically like one big chess board. And you guys aren't even pawns... you're more like the board itself that the rest of us pieces walk on. I'm not trying to be coy, or shocking... I'm completely fucking serious. You're an expendable resource just like coal or food. An expendable, but valuable resource. Cause you are what makes food grow, and coal burn.

It's their job to get you to grow food, and burn coal most efficiently... whilst asking for none yourself. It's your duty to your country, to your church, to your "moral upbringing" to burn coal and grow food whilst not reaping the benefits... It would be selfish, SOCIALIST of you to do otherwise!!!

The elite know one day it's going to end. Some new guy's going to come along and take it all away. Other politicians are going to conspire behind their back, throw them out on the fucking street. Backstabbing, assassinations, alienation... most politicians don't go out with a bang, just a whimper. Becoming less and less relevant, and having to revert back to being goyim... That must be very painful.

And then one day the nukes are going to drop, a super volcano is going to erupt. And then we're all going to die... Now tell me... are you going to burn coal and grow food because "it's the right thing to do"?

Or because coal and food are the means to an ends to doing the right thing? Coal and food are your weapon, people are your weapon, you are the weapon. Everything's a fucking weapon simpleton!!

Short version: You vote for president to scare your state representatives and senators into voting for the guy you want them too... but it won't work. It's completely futile and misses the point entirely. As well, you are an uneducated serf... you have no idea who you're picking out of the senate/representative options, do you?!
Badyalectlawl is offline

Old 04-13-2012, 01:12 PM   #30

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You really don't know how the American political system works... do you? Why do you think I'm attempting to run as a state representative. I'll give you a cliff notes version.

Step one: You, the gentile... vote for senators and state representatives.

Step two: Senators and state representatives sometimes vote in each other when a seat is up for grabs. The senate and representative floor also vote for the president.

Step three: In theory... the gentile "votes" for the president to suggest where the people stand. And in theory... to vote against the people's wishes looks bad for state representatives who only have a two year terms, up to four times. and senators last six years, but have no term limits.

Step four: Judges are voted in. You know... the guys who actually talk back to you, put you in jail, and strut their dick around like they're better then you. These anointed ones are hand picked by the president.

Step five: Sometimes states let you make someone a judge for your personal state. That's why you see judge elections to either decline their continuation or honoring.

Step six: The president hand picks the supreme court... but only with the consent and mediating of the senate. (House of representatives sit this one out.)

Step seven: The federal law itself is proposed by the state representative floor. They argue, bitch, and vote. If it passes... it goes to the senate. They argue, bitch, and vote. If it passes... it goes to the president. The president can veto. But trolls have a tendency not to get re-elected seeing as the president is ACTUALLY PICKED BY REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS, NOT YOU SILLY GOYIM!!!

Step eight: The supreme court can over ride some laws. Interpreting the constitution as vaguely as possible to bend, squeeze, and twist the laws to their liking. But can only do so so much... they only have so much time, so many laws to think about, and there are limitations to their abuses. As well they are a council. Which means they have to reach a majority conclusion.

Nope... the only real voting power you have little goy, is to vote for your own backwoods, state laws. Which can easily be overridden by federal law, or the governor can just toss it through a paper shredder.

You don't have a democracy... you don't even have a republic. What you have is a cluster fuck of rank and file imperical order... it's not even monarchy/oligarchy. An elite group of crowns controlling huge amounts of land and resources and coming together to discuss specific issues at specific times. No... what you have is a strange system of pure imperialism, not even economic or social fascism.

You gentile cattle are the very bottom. You have the illusion of choice so you don't get pouty. They're not afraid of you revolting, they're afraid of you rolling over, getting depressed, and not going to work making this whole thing keep functioning!

Your governor is your sheep dog. Keeps you in line, nips at your heel a little... but his authority is limited. A prefabricated position, only subject to the rule of that one particular state. Go ahead... try and secede... see where that gets you!

Your house of representatives are nothing more then ideas men. Who come up with shitty laws, and bang their heads up against the wall. This gives a gesture of purity within the system... that it requires these guy's cooperation first and foremost for a law to pass. And is the only real leader you get any choice in voting for... but what they do is fairly limited.

Senators are just like upgraded representatives. Oh... what? You're 50 and still a representative? That's so cute! Considering the legal age to qualify is thirty... go home granpa, you're not cut out for big boy politics!

The president is not so much the head honcho, as he is a star attraction. He's gotta' be someone charismatic enough to keep the people occupied solely on him, blame him for everything, even though they know he really doesn't do dick... while simultaneously pleasing the likes of the branches below, above, and around him. Basically has to be a really, REALLY good whore...

You got judges. Who basically do whatever the fuck they want when you're in their court room, but otherwise can't decide shit.

You got the supreme court, who end up sitting around, hand picking a few pet issues to force upon the rest of us forever and ever and ever... think about that. No alteration of the constitution is negated, it is merely "changed". That means if X is illegal, and then made legal. It didn't stop X from being illegal before, just now it's legal... and that all stays there. On the constitution... like scars in the back of their collective psyche.

A moogle mind like your's is probably going to ignore what I said... which is why your vote does not matter. You don't want to know, you don't want it to matter. You just want to bitch, and blame someone for not playing along in your games of superstitions.

It's all basically like one big chess board. And you guys aren't even pawns... you're more like the board itself that the rest of us pieces walk on. I'm not trying to be coy, or shocking... I'm completely fucking serious. You're an expendable resource just like coal or food. An expendable, but valuable resource. Cause you are what makes food grow, and coal burn.

It's their job to get you to grow food, and burn coal most efficiently... whilst asking for none yourself. It's your duty to your country, to your church, to your "moral upbringing" to burn coal and grow food whilst not reaping the benefits... It would be selfish, SOCIALIST of you to do otherwise!!!

The elite know one day it's going to end. Some new guy's going to come along and take it all away. Other politicians are going to conspire behind their back, throw them out on the fucking street. Backstabbing, assassinations, alienation... most politicians don't go out with a bang, just a whimper. Becoming less and less relevant, and having to revert back to being goyim... That must be very painful.

And then one day the nukes are going to drop, a super volcano is going to erupt. And then we're all going to die... Now tell me... are you going to burn coal and grow food because "it's the right thing to do"?

Or because coal and food are the means to an ends to doing the right thing? Coal and food are your weapon, people are your weapon, you are the weapon. Everything's a fucking weapon simpleton!!

Short version: You vote for president to scare your state representatives and senators into voting for the guy you want them too... but it won't work. It's completely futile and misses the point entirely. As well, you are an uneducated serf... you have no idea who you're picking out of the senate/representative options, do you?!
The important thing for democracy and socialism and fascism is to find a beached whale. The media will tell you that beached whales don't exist, or they're all aided by deaf kids, and "hearing impaired" is imperialist code for"not up to par". Then, the Overlords come down and inhabit internet socks that gestate inside the beached whale. Once they hatch, they spy many schoolgirls. Some of these schoolgirls they will sexually assault...violently...like to death...like to the point of exploding in a supernova of demon semen(has a nice ring to it. doesn't it? demon....semen....*ahem*there's a... Mr. Demon Semen to see you, Madame.), but some of them find a handsome young man that is actually the anti-Cthulu demon seed. His DNA has passed through the Mongol invasions to the Samurai unemployment line to the black rain to the old fuckers sucking the life out of everything to do economically game show. Then, that noble boy will rape the schoolgirls before the Overlords do. He must take their essence in the form of a pink bow, but their hymen must taint it for legitimacy.
After raping them, they become angels. No, just kidding. They explode with equal force, because you can't get shit done unless you're a little demonic. Inevitably, the Overlords rival the special boy for the high school tail, and ninjas assassinate unicorns for the sacred umami, but they find that unicorns aren't into umami, but there is one special high school girl who...got it. Then, the Principal tentacle rapes her. Maybe for the umami. Maybe for the hawt. (I'll say it again: DEMON SEMEN). Then, Special Boy's eyes light up(literally), and in his anger he rapes Special Girl for getting tentacle raped. Then, Tokyo is leveled by fire breathing Overlords. Then, everything blows up, and we are in Demon Heaven. Special Girl has become a glowing nymph with a dog collar(it looks like a dog collar, but it's totally something else). She sits at the hand of The Great One. The Special Boy argues that he should have been given more time to find the Special Girl before the world[Tokyo] was decimated. Then, the Special Girl is gang raped by demons, exploding successively and recomposed to explode again over and over and over...
The Special Boy cries,"I didn't vote for !!!"
The Overlord replies,"You hatched from a dead mammal that stank like fish, boy."

The Special Girl likes Heaven, though...over and over and over
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Old 04-13-2012, 01:20 PM   #31

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Short Version: Seriously, "Jim", you're a fucking cunt, and I'd like to watch you die.
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Old 04-13-2012, 01:22 PM   #32

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No, you're voting for . All of you are. Cut the shit.
I'm voting Obama, because it matters not, and it pisses you off, fucker.
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Old 04-13-2012, 01:30 PM   #33

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Nah, I won't vote, but Obama 2012. It's locked down. Done. Don't cry. It's pretty much the same thing, anyway.
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Old 04-13-2012, 03:09 PM   #34

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Old 04-13-2012, 05:10 PM   #35

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Nah, I won't vote, but Obama 2012. It's locked down. Done. Don't cry. It's pretty much the same thing, anyway.
It DOES matter, you are a fool for thinking it doesn't. Its NOT the same thing. is NOT obama, regardless of what goat boy says.
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Old 04-13-2012, 05:17 PM   #36

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Old 04-13-2012, 05:18 PM   #37

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Old 04-13-2012, 06:42 PM   #38

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please see this thread :


If the libs are able to turn the Christians AGAINST ,
and they could very well do it, imho,

THEN what???
Many don't trust him to begin with, especially those who know about his faith, and by summer, the Mormon card will be out for all to see. You think Reverend Wright said some crazy things? Wiat till we get some footage and audio from inside the Mormon temples
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Old 04-13-2012, 08:09 PM   #39

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Many don't trust him to begin with, especially those who know about his faith, and by summer, the Mormon card will be out for all to see. You think Reverend Wright said some crazy things? Wiat till we get some footage and audio from inside the Mormon temples
I am sure that the dem/libs and the state controlled media will work the mormon thing until we are all tired of it.

By the way-----------still waiting for obama's college records. Got em yet?
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Old 04-13-2012, 09:39 PM   #40

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Like Christians even voted for any of these sorry bastards ever.
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