DiscussWorldIssues - Socio-Economic Religion and Political Uncensored Debate

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KeestRast 03-14-2011 06:14 AM

nome sayin' cuz.... Tell us what stocks to buy, when to sell, how to sell short and we be cool like dat, nome sayin' cuz........ Give us insider infomatia--on.... Don't let a BlackMan down.....

mazabotman 03-14-2011 06:18 AM

Yeah, sure, lets all be "Conservative!" http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...milies/lol.gif

somawaima 03-14-2011 06:37 AM

Why do you assume money is the motivation?

Maybe Conservatives are conservative because they want to be left alone?

gunhijala 03-14-2011 06:41 AM

I am a conservative, registered Republican for about 30 years and I support the Tea Party. What I want to know is where all this money is that you libretards think I have.

Cuccuccaltefe 03-14-2011 06:48 AM


I am a conservative, registered Republican for about 30 years and I support the Tea Party. What I want to know is where all this money is that you libretards think I have.
Same here! We have health insurance, but as it stands right now we can hardly afford to pay the premiums.
HOWEVER, I want to be able to CHOOSE MY OWN DOCTOR!!
And like Jhoffa said: I want to be LEFT ALONE!!!
I don't want Big Bro to take care of me from cradle to grave.

Munccoughe 03-14-2011 09:10 AM

The Republican Party is the party of Big Business. You vote Republican, you vote for 90days same as cash and payday loans and stuff like that. You vote Democrat, you vote for blow jobs in the oval office, homosexual nannies, crotchless panties and stuff like that.

Eujacwta 03-14-2011 09:12 AM

I don't know where the big government stuff comes into it; I mean, I here Republicans accusing Democrats of being "Big Government," and I suppose there is some truth to it, but when I compare Reagan and Bush to Clinton and Carter, I'm a little under impressed by Republican rhetoric on the topic.

gdjfhdf 03-14-2011 09:15 AM

O.k., fine Obama wants Obamacare, but didn't Bush pass the Medicare Drug bill? And how about No Child Left Behind. And didn't The Department of Education turn into Godzilla under Reagan? Haven't Republicans actually borrowed money like drunken sailors, in effect, using that money to grow government by leaps and bounds? I mean, I hear all this neato stuff from Republicans and I've got to admit, it sounds good, heck I really wish they were half as anti-revolutionary/Reactionary as their enemies make them out to be, but the reality seems to be, that Republicans are pretty much, full of it.

Trissinas 03-14-2011 09:17 AM

That isn't to say that I think Democrats are good for anything but government supplied needles for drug users, another dape rate law and a female condom that actually cuts the penis off.

beckercpa 03-14-2011 09:18 AM

Vote Republican: kill some foreigners!

Vote Democrat: kill some babies!

Doomsday must have a really hard time at the polls!

pokerbonuscod 03-14-2011 04:54 PM



angeldimmon 03-15-2011 12:01 AM


Vote Republican: kill some foreigners!

Vote Democrat: kill some babies!

Doomsday must have a really hard time at the polls!
And that's why we are seeing groups like the TEA Party. They won't be the last I'm sure. But they are a result of people disgusted with what has become two parties acting as one.

Eromaveabeara 03-15-2011 12:18 AM


And that's why we are seeing groups like the TEA Party. They won't be the last I'm sure. But they are a result of people disgusted with what has become two parties acting as one.
Yeah, but after The Reagan Revolution, I'm fed up.

GitaraMoya 03-15-2011 12:22 AM


That isn't to say that I think Democrats are good for anything but government supplied needles for drug users, another dape rate law and a female condom that actually cuts the penis off.
Aw COME ON!! I think that condom you were talking about was some kind of anti-rape device. And although it was unpleasant, it didn't cut off the penis.
You are contradicting yourself anyway.

Ambrakam 03-15-2011 12:33 AM


Aw COME ON!! I think that condom you were talking about was some kind of anti-rape device. And although it was unpleasant, it didn't cut off the penis.
You are contradicting yourself anyway.
Sometimes, I like to use hyperbole.

I don't see any significant contradiction in my post. Where do you see one?

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