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Old 10-20-2010, 02:44 AM   #21

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I've kind of lost track of this conversation, with the bantar between you two, I'm not following.

I think this conversation should end lol.
Was your "rent" analogy that to the United States military?
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Old 10-20-2010, 02:56 AM   #22

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AHHH I see!

You are making an argument against Libertarianism, well then my friend you have a debate!

I would start by saying that we are much stronger defending our own Country, here, than spreading ourselves thin, across the oceans. I think that these wars make us weaker, while at the same time raising the enemy forces, based on evidence of a perceived threat. Before we showed up they thought Americans, and Western Society as a whole, were terrible people who would kill their innocent children, so what did we do? We showed up, and proved them right. Now everyone wants to be a terrorist, because what the terrorists were saying all along came true. They warned Arabs that the Americans would come, and rape their Country, and that's just exactly what happened to a good number of them. Say what you will about "Giving" them democracy, that doesn't mean much to someone who's innocent child had his face burned off in a bombing. Do we try not to kill Civies, yes, but do we succeed all, or even most of the time? No. They never assumed that risk, we assumed it for them. Why shouldn't they be mad at us at this point?

If you want there to be less terrorists, and for this world to be a much better place, you need to get rid of the reasons people have to become terrorist! What other reason is there to be a terrorist, aside from Hatred? It's not glorifying, it's doesn't pay well, it won't extend your life!

We have to realize that rather here or there, people are animals, and operate on a semi logical basis. It would be naive to say that United States or the rest of the western world have not done their fair share to earn some of that hate. After Israel, there was no way to avoid Muslim Hatred, but what we did was take a pile of shit and just smear it all over the place, and add more shit to it. We didn't clean it up, we can't, we never will. We need to work on trying to lower the heat in this situation, a few years of peace could go a long way.
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Old 10-20-2010, 02:57 AM   #23

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And Before you say that they attacked us first, we could have taken out Bin Laden, and Saddam many times in the past. A full on Military strike was the wrong way to go with this one. We have special forces and black ops for a reason.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:07 AM   #24

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AHHH I see!

You are making an argument against Libertarianism, well then my friend you have a debate!

I would start by saying that we are much stronger defending our own Country, here, than spreading ourselves thin, across the oceans. I think that these wars make us weaker, while at the same time raising the enemy forces, based on evidence of a perceived threat. Before we showed up they thought Americans, and Western Society as a whole, were terrible people who would kill their innocent children, so what did we do? We showed up, and proved them right. Now everyone wants to be a terrorist, because what the terrorists were saying all along came true. They warned Arabs that the Americans would come, and rape their Country, and that's just exactly what happened to a good number of them. Say what you will about "Giving" them democracy, that doesn't mean much to someone who's innocent child had his face burned off in a bombing. Do we try not to kill Civies, yes, but do we succeed all, or even most of the time? No. They never assumed that risk, we assumed it for them. Why shouldn't they be mad at us at this point?

If you want there to be less terrorists, and for this world to be a much better place, you need to get rid of the reasons people have to become terrorist! What other reason is there to be a terrorist, aside from Hatred? It's not glorifying, it's doesn't pay well, it won't extend your life!

We have to realize that rather here or there, people are animals, and operate on a semi logical basis. It would be naive to say that United States or the rest of the western world have not done their fair share to earn some of that hate. After Israel, there was no way to avoid Muslim Hatred, but what we did was take a pile of shit and just smear it all over the place, and add more shit to it. We didn't clean it up, we can't, we never will. We need to work on trying to lower the heat in this situation, a few years of peace could go a long way.
"it seems these wars make us weaker"

I bet your father or grandfather would say something different.

You and your pussy attitude makes us weaker and your pussy opinions make us weaker...

Its easy to blame and YOU are indoctrinated...

The communists are demoralizing you, right now you're a product - you think what I'm telling you is all wrong when its not...
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:16 AM   #25

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I bet your father or grandfather would say something different. My Father believes that these wars were unjust in the first place, somehow my Father tends to be to the left of me. My Grandfather is a Conservative, self made from nothing to become a wealthy man, and even though he voted for Bush twice, he now says that "Iraq was a mistake, what is happening to those kids over there is unforgivable."

You and your pussy attitude makes us weaker and your pussy opinions make us weaker...

Its easy to blame and YOU are indoctrinated. It's not that I am somehow afraid of these people, I know I live in a country with superior everything to them, partially due to the help of me and my family for helping to build this Country. I simply don't see why we need to be over there. We can't get Bin Laden, because we won't venture into the hills of Pakistan, if we aren't going to get him, why don't we just go home? These wars register, to me, as the biggest form of wasteful Government spending. We are shelling cash out the ying yang in order to rebuild these Cities that we blew up! Frankly, with our Debt soaring, I think we are due to save that money!

I am not against war as a necessary reaction, and I agree we did need to go into Afghanistan in order to kill Bin Laden. At this point though, we are digging ourselves a hole we are never going to get out of. If anything, lets spend that money that we are spending to build terrorists new cottages, on our own national defenses here at home, so that if there is another terrorist attack we will be ready.

It is not a situation of fight them over there, or over here, whether or not we are over there, they are going to try to attack us here, all that us being in their Country does for them is fuels their hatred, and recruiting.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:25 AM   #26

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My Father believes that these wars were unjust in the first place, somehow my Father tends to be to the left of me. My Grandfather is a Conservative, self made from nothing to become a wealthy man, and even though he voted for Bush twice, he now says that "Iraq was a mistake, what is happening to those kids over there is unforgivable."

It's not that I am somehow afraid of these people, I know I live in a country with superior everything to them, partially due to the help of me and my family for helping to build this Country. I simply don't see why we need to be over there. We can't get Bin Laden, because we won't venture into the hills of Pakistan, if we aren't going to get him, why don't we just go home? These wars register, to me, as the biggest form of wasteful Government spending. We are shelling cash out the ying yang in order to rebuild these Cities that we blew up! Frankly, with our Debt soaring, I think we are due to save that money!

I am not against war as a necessary reaction, and I agree we did need to go into Afghanistan in order to kill Bin Laden. At this point though, we are digging ourselves a hole we are never going to get out of. If anything, lets spend that money that we are spending to build terrorists new cottages, on our own national defenses here at home, so that if there is another terrorist attack we will be ready.

It is not a situation of fight them over there, or over here, whether or not we are over there, they are going to try to attack us here, all that us being in their Country does for them is fuels their hatred, and recruiting.
You think these fucks see our morals as a shield? I got news for you, they see it as a weakness!!!!

They will exploit anything and everything you throw at them - even a fucking NUKE...

They have media just like we do and they will spin it in whichever direction the state TELLS THEM TO.

You ever hear of the GREAT Northern Alliance???
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:28 AM   #27

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They will exploit anything and everything you throw at them - even a fucking NUKE...
This is really my whole point right here. If they are going to do that, why not just not throw anything at them?
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:29 AM   #28

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And I honestly don't care how they perceive me, because I don't give a shit what they think. All I know is that if one of them (or anyone else for that matter) tries to kill me, I'm going to kill them first.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:33 AM   #29

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This is really my whole point right here. If they are going to do that, why not just not throw anything at them?
So if you pitch the ball then whats the fucking problem? just as long as the person doing it throws it at 109??????

Their Islam is a threat to me, you need to understand that.

They're not interested in compromise. They're invading my people and I know enough about islam to that of thats how they do it...

No I'm not ignorant to Islam - I'm very well educated on it - as a matter of fact I would say I know more about islam than my own religion.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:42 AM   #30

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Their Islam is a threat to me, you need to understand that. Ahh, now we are getting somewhere. I better understand your point of view. I understand that they are a threat to you, just as they are a threat to me. My question is, what have the wars done to reduce that threat to you?

I think our differences lie in our view of 9/11. You clearly see it as an all out act of war that could easily be repeated 100 times over, if not for our military going over there, and physically stopping the people who plan the attacks. I on the other hand I believe that we haven't actually stopped Al-Qaeda, even after all the countless lives lost, and money spend. I see 9/11 as something that happened because of a combination of our lack of alertness, and the good planning of a small group of religious extremists.

So if you pitch the ball then whats the fucking problem? just as long as the person doing it throws it at 109?????? This here on the other hand, completely flew over my head. I am starting to lose the analogy.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:46 AM   #31

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Ahh, now we are getting somewhere. I better understand your point of view. I understand that they are a threat to you, just as they are a threat to me. My question is, what have the wars done to reduce that threat to you?

I think our differences lie in our view of 9/11. You clearly see it as an all out act of war that could easily be repeated 100 times over, if not for our military going over there, and physically stopping the people who plan the attacks. I on the other hand I believe that we haven't actually stopped Al-Qaeda, even after all the countless lives lost, and money spend. I see 9/11 as something that happened because of a combination of our lack of alertness, and the good planning of a small group of religious extremists.

This here on the other hand, completely flew over my head. I am starting to lose the analogy.
What you DONT understand is the history of terrorism, radical islamic idealism and WHY they do what they do....

The timeline is VERY important.
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Old 10-20-2010, 03:57 AM   #32

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What you DONT understand is the history of terrorism, radical islamic idealism and WHY they do what they do....

The timeline is VERY important.
You don't know how well I understand it. I think you let hate consume you, you have to remember that we should speak softly, and carry a big stick. We should defend ourselves when needed, but how does being the aggressor help make us more safe?
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Old 10-20-2010, 04:13 AM   #33

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You don't know how well I understand it. I think you let hate consume you, you have to remember that we should speak softly, and carry a big stick. We should defend ourselves when needed, but how does being the aggressor help make us more safe?
You sound like my dad lol - he shares a lot in common with the Nazi's.

because you dont understand it........

I - via reading - know the Marxist strategy. They kinda are not shy about their anti-freedom in their books.

I would recommend "Prairie Fire" by the Weather Underground.
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Old 10-20-2010, 04:16 AM   #34

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Imagine if Kennedy did nothing during the "Cuban Missile Crisis?"

Well, thats exactly what you have today.
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Old 10-20-2010, 04:22 AM   #35

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You sound like my dad lol - he shares a lot in common with the Nazi's.

because you dont understand it........

I - via reading - know the Marxist strategy. They kinda are not shy about their anti-freedom in their books.

I would recommend "Prairie Fire" by the Weather Underground.
I've seen enough Glenn Beck Episodes to teach a rodent what Marxism is. That's not where I part with you. I understand, it is a terrible, terrible thing that is encroaching on us slowly and yet very quickly. I also understand that there's not a whole lot we can do about it, because of the same thing that makes capitalism so great in the first place, Greed. Greed trumps all, and under a Socialistic society they will benefit more, so the same thing that makes Capitalism work, also destroys it. After all, why should Obama have to share it with the rest of us?

I don't think waging wars with Islam is helping us to prevent socialism, I think just the opposite. SINCE the wars have begun we have descended further into socialism than we have ever gone before, as we bailed out companies, and wiretapped our citizens all that time we were supposedly fighting the war over there. Yet, Countless attacks have been attempted. Clearly they are over here, even though we are over there.
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